Showing posts with label Torturing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Torturing. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Bethenny Frankel: Jason Hoppy is Still Torturing Me!

The Real Housewives of New York is full of reality personalities who leave an impression, but Bethenny Frankel is a fan-favorite.

Despite some difficulties in her life, she’s had an exciting career and she really seems to reach through the screen and win people over.

Now she’s saying that she’s in hell.

She says that following her feelings and instincts is what got her there.

“My heart and gut and instinct got me in the toilet bowl,” she tells costar LuAnn de Lesseps in last night’s episode of Real Housewives Of New York City.

“The worst situation of my entire life.”

She does not mince words, huh?

“I’m literally in a dungeon and torture chamber, and that is because I just went with my heart and my gut and could never have imagined what happened. That is real.”

It doesn’t take an expert to read between the lines and know that she’s talking about her wildly contentious divorce from ex-husband Jason Hoppy.

It makes sense that she’d still have strong feelings.

After all, this is a relationship where the marriage lasted only a couple of years before separation, but the divorce took four years before it was finalized.

Anyone who’s been divorced, known someone who got divorced, or just has any kind of grasp of what that entails knows that divorce is a nightmare.

When the process lasts twice as long as the marriage itself, you’re talking about someone who’s been through the wringer.

And has some serious regrets.

“You have no idea what I’ve been through, and hopefully you’ll never know.”

But Bethenny doesn’t talk about this as all being in the past, either.

“I didn’t ‘go through’ s—, I’m in s—. I’m not done — I’ll never be done.”

That sounds serious, especially after the divorce was finalized.

“It’s not your gut and your heart and all this s—; you have to be smart. Because I’m in goddamn hell.”

She doesn’t sound optimistic, either.

“And it’ll never end.”

This harrowing description of her life — which contains a little hyperbole, to be sure — came up because of LuAnn drama.

LuAnn married Tom D’Agostino in June 2016, and her friends and costars recounted how many times he’s cheated just during the short time of their relationship.

Basically, they describe a grown man who’s now married who keeps stepping out on LuAnn as if he’s a college student spending a summer abroad.

LuAnn defends herself saying that she’s going to follow her feelings and her gut.

But Bethenny Frankel warns her that she needs to be smart.

It doesn’t sound like LuAnn is willing to listen, but maybe Bethenny sharing her story will lead to some members of the audience making better choices.

After all, divorce isn’t just miserable — it’s expensive.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian: Nude on Instagram! Really Torturing Scott Disick Now!

Kourtney Kardashian is taking her torment of former boyfriend Scott Disick to new heights with her latest, jaw dropping photo on Instagram.

We just saw Kourtney nude on Keeping Up with the Kardashians this week, and she followed that up with an outtake on social media.

A sultry, dripping wet, fully naked outtake.

Seriously, you have got to see this one.

The shot features the 38-year-old sitting on a rock, nude, with wet hair, in an apparent salute to Mother’s Day this past weekend.

She captioned the pic “mother nature.”

Kim Kardashian followed suit, as did Kris Jenner (yes, these girls get naked in front of their mom quite often), but Kourt stole the show.

This was due in part to how smoking hot she is – the photo below should leave zero doubts about that – and in part due to recent events.

After Scott Disick was caught with another girl in Dubai, and another woman in Costa Rica, Kourtney finally told him they were finished.

Yes. Years later than she probably should have, Kourtney told Scott it’s over, it will always be over, get over it, grow up and move on.

Then she posted this. So cold … and hot!

It’s hard not to interpret this photo as a parting shot at Disick by Kardashian, who has apparently moved on to model Younes Bendjima.

Despite his alleged longing for his baby mama, Scott’s endless parade of women in the Kards’ presence was the final straw for everyone.

“I’m doing everything I can to not think about her,” Disick said. “Every night you get to go to sleep with our kids but I go to sleep alone.

“Sad and miserable.”

That attempt to justify banging girls on a Kardashian family vacation fell upon deaf ears, of course, due to his past and present behavior.

The parents of Mason, 7, Penelope, 4, and Reign, 2, would be together if he hadn’t blown it, over and over and over again. This is fact.

It’s borderline comical, then, to see him attempt to play the victim when you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online these days.

“So let me f–k you then, then I wouldn’t have to do this,” he said to Kourtney, a line that miraculously did not yield any sort of f–king.

Then he pivoted to the sympathy card, dramatically.

“I’m a f–ked up horrible sex addict,” he lamented.

Khloe wasn’t buying that one, throwing a drink on him and saying, “if you need to get your d–k wet so badly then get your d–k wet.”

And he will, you can bet on it. Over and over again.

But it won’t be with someone who looks anywhere this good, and who also wanted to be with him forever … and that reality has to sting.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

36 Photos of Kourtney Kardashian Just Torturing Scott Disick

Kourtney Kardashian has been flaunting her gorgeousness – and her independence – ever since she broke up with Scott Disick last fall.

For the most part, the mother of three has not commented directly on the split, or the circumstances that led to it, but she doesn"t have to.

Kourt"s eye-popping Instagram photos do the talking, and not always subtly. Especially not the #TBT or #FBF variety (see page 2).

She"s vulnerable, yes, but strong, capable and having the time of her life.

And did we mention smoking hot? Because she"s that, too.

Scott, you are officially a complete and utter moron.

Here are some of the many photos to prove it.

1. Flaunting Her Abs

Kourtney kardashian abs photo

Kourtney Kardashian recently flaunts her abs on Instagram. Did you know she just had a child in December? Her third? Yup, safe to say she is proud of her post-baby physique.

2. At the Gun Range

Kourtney kardashian with a gun

The timing of this #TBT photo right around when Scott was living it up with Chloe Bartoli in France could not have been a coincidence.

3. Independence Day

Kourtney and a flag

With her man doing who knows what with who knows who, Kourtney celebrates the freedom of this country … and her newfound freedom from someone who doesn’t deserve her!

4. Butt Selfie

Kourtney kardashian butt selfie

We support Kourtney’s campaign to torment Scott, but she’s getting into cruel and unusual territory here.

5. Sisterly Fun

Kourtney kim khloe

If there’s one thing the Kardashian girls know how to do it’s have fun and be silly together. Sometimes there’s no better cure for a bad breakup.

6. Domestic Diva

Kourtney kardashian waters plants

Not that Scott Disick ever did any chores anyway, we’re guessing, but safe to say Kourtney has it under control as a single mom.

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Friday, January 8, 2016

Brandi Glanville Reveals Heartbreaking Email to Eddie Cibrian: Stop Torturing Me!

Earlier this week, Brandi Glanville spoke candidly about the difficulty of not spending Christmas with her kids, who stayed with her ex Edddie Cibrian and his second wife LeAnn Rimes over the holidays.

Yesterday, Cibrian shot back and accused Brandi of lying.

He told People magazine that Brandi gets to spend as much time with the kids as she wants, and he specifically denied her claim that she’s asked Eddie and LeAnn not to post holiday photos with the kids due to the emotional pain that it causes her.

Last night, Brandi claimed that Eddie is the one who’s lying, and moments ago, she proved it by posting a recent email that she sent him:

I have a RHOBH google alert on my phone and to last night see your wifes social media post of her blended family it cut like a knife. It made me realize yet another year has gone by where I have missed half of my children lives.

“Its hard enough not seeing them on the holidays but then for you to pour salt in my wound is just mean and unkind please don’t. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just stop the holiday family posts any other time my children step mom has my blessing to snap their picture I get it I made cute kids they are perfect and they are mine.

“I will forever have trust issues with men thanks to you and I will forever only see my kids grow up half the time thanks again to you but what Im asking is for you to be a better ex-husband.

“If there is a concert and your their first saving your parents front row seats save me one too IM THERE MOTHER and its the nice thing to do.

“If I allow them to spend my Halloweens at your house because their friends all live in your neighborhood possibly invite me to trick or treat with them or Jake.

“Im begging you to be thoughtful and kind to what I go through especially around the holidays that is it- don’t want to fight and I really do hope that one day you and your wife can experience having a baby of your own that you will have full time and never have to share.”

Obviously, Brandi’s sharp-tongued wine-throwing ways have earned her some enemies over the years, but it’s hard not to feel for her after reading an email like that.

Consider us firmly Team Brandi on this one.