Showing posts with label Confidence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Confidence. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

National Police Org. Blasts Roger Goodell ... "Zero Confidence He"ll Punish Pacman"

The head of one of the largest police groups in the country is calling out Roger Goodell — saying he has “zero confidence” the NFL commish will punish Pacman Jones for wishing death on a Cincinnati cop.


Friday, July 29, 2016

LeAnn Rimes: Brandi Glanville Destroyed My Confidence!

For a while there, it looked like LeAnn Rimes and Brandi Glanville had ended their feud.

Both parties made the truce official on social media, and Brandi even wished LeAnn a happy wedding anniversary, which couldn’t have been easy, what with LeAnn being married to Brandi’s ex-husband and all.

Anyway, it looks like those days are officially done.

Maybe it’s because LeAnn has an album to promote.

Maybe she’s pissed off about reports that Brandi is dating Dean Sheremet, who happens to be LeAnn’s first husband.

Whatever the case, LeAnn is back to throwing subtle shade at Brandi in interviews.

(And, we’re guessing, hoping that Brandi gives it right back to her, so as to drum up some good press.)

In a new interview with a UK newspaper, LeAnn was asked point-blank if she gets along with Brandi.

She responded in the affirmative – before immediately throwing shade:

“Um, yeah, at the moment! It’s been a rough road. I do not recommend it or wish it on anyone. My confidence got knocked down a lot and I had to find my way back.”

Is she really throwing herself a pity party over how tough it was to sleep with a married man while she was also married?!

We’re guessing Brandi is having a good laugh over that one.

And tonight, once the wine starts flowing, we wouldn’t be surprised if she fires off a tweet or two in response.

We’ll be waiting with out fingers crossed.

LeAnn Rimes: Brandi Glanville Destroyed My Confidence!

For a while there, it looked like LeAnn Rimes and Brandi Glanville had ended their feud.

Both parties made the truce official on social media, and Brandi even wished LeAnn a happy wedding anniversary, which couldn’t have been easy, what with LeAnn being married to Brandi’s ex-husband and all.

Anyway, it looks like those days are officially done.

Maybe it’s because LeAnn has an album to promote.

Maybe she’s pissed off about reports that Brandi is dating Dean Sheremet, who happens to be LeAnn’s first husband.

Whatever the case, LeAnn is back to throwing subtle shade at Brandi in interviews.

(And, we’re guessing, hoping that Brandi gives it right back to her, so as to drum up some good press.)

In a new interview with a UK newspaper, LeAnn was asked point-blank if she gets along with Brandi.

She responded in the affirmative – before immediately throwing shade:

“Um, yeah, at the moment! It’s been a rough road. I do not recommend it or wish it on anyone. My confidence got knocked down a lot and I had to find my way back.”

Is she really throwing herself a pity party over how tough it was to sleep with a married man while she was also married?!

We’re guessing Brandi is having a good laugh over that one.

And tonight, once the wine starts flowing, we wouldn’t be surprised if she fires off a tweet or two in response.

We’ll be waiting with out fingers crossed.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Demi Lovato Expresses "Confidence" on Good Morning America

Demi Lovato is brimming with confidence these days.

Just consider her recent actions:

  • The artist recently stripped down naked and makeup free for Vanity Fair.

  • She recently danced with strippers and got really close to a few dongs.

  • Oh, and she recently released an album titled "Confident." Let"s not forget about that.

Lovato appeared Thursday on Good Morning America in order to promote for the album (which debuted at number-two on the Billboard chart) and also to sing her latest track.

Before doing so, however, Lovato gave an interview to Good Morning America co-host Amy Robach in which she talked of her desire to "empower" fans and of how self-confidence (or a lackthereof) is an issue that affects nearly everyone around the world.

She received props for her makeup-free Mondays and the ways in which she"s always so open to the public.

Demi also confirmed her upcoming tour with Nick Jonas, not revealing too many details about what the long-time friends have planned, but making it clear she excited to "play for the audience."

Lovato proceeded to say she’s been very happy with the response to her new music so far, which prompted the fans watching in the studio to cheer loudly.

Asked what they’re saying, Lovato replied:

“You’ve grown as an artist, and we’re growing with you.”

It really is true. Demi has grown both as an artist and also as a human being. She"s one of our favorites, in terms of how she"s handled her personal life and her struggles over the years.

Check out the following footage for a look at this complete interview now.

Demi lovato expresses confidence on good morning america