Showing posts with label Expresses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expresses. Show all posts

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Steve-O Expresses Concern for Bam Margera, Offers Earnest Advice on Getting Sober

Steve-O’s glad his old friend Bam Margera has checked into rehab, but as an expert on the topic … he knows Bam’s got a long way to go in beating his addiction. We got a studious-looking Steve-O out grocery shopping in L.A.’s Franklin Village…


Steve-O Expresses Concern for Bam Margera, Offers Earnest Advice on Getting Sober

Steve-O’s glad his old friend Bam Margera has checked into rehab, but as an expert on the topic … he knows Bam’s got a long way to go in beating his addiction. We got a studious-looking Steve-O out grocery shopping in L.A.’s Franklin Village…


Monday, September 5, 2016

President Obama Expresses Support For Colin Kaepernick

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick chose not to stand for the national anthem before a preseason against the Green Bay Packers last week.

The decision sparked a heated public debate, with some arguing that Kaepernick had disrespected his country and its military veterans.

Others maintained that the former NFL standout (who lost his starting position to Blaine Gabbert last season) was exercising a constitutional right and calling attention to the critical matter of police brutality directed at people of color.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told the press after the game.

“To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way.”

The 28-year-old added:

“There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.

“When there’s significant change and I feel like that flag represents what it’s supposed to represent and this country is representing people the way that it’s supposed to, I’ll stand.”

On Thursday, Kaepernick doubled-down on his protest by kneeling during the National Anthem prior to his team’s matchup against the San Diego Chargers, thus sending the clear message that he has no intention of backing down from stance.

Needless to say, it’s a complex issue, and numerous public figures have expressed their views on Kaepernick’s actions.

Of course, from the start of the controversy most sought-after opinion has been that of President Barack Obama, who has remained silent on the issue of Kaepernick’s protest until today.

Obama is currently in China for a Group of 20 summit, and during a press conference this morning, he was asked about his views on Kaepernick.

The President had this to say:

“I think he cares about some real legitimate issues that have to be talked about,” Obama said, in what a statement of somewhat less-than-full-throated support for Kaepernick’s refusal to stand.

“He’s exercising his constitutional right to make a statement. I think there’s a long history of sports figures doing so.”

Obama then expressed his empathy for veterans who feel that Kaepernick’s actions were indicative of a lack of respect for the sacrifices made by those who have fought in the US armed forces:

“As a general matter, when it comes to the flag, and the National Anthem, and the meaning that that holds for our men and women in uniform and those who fought for us, that is a tough thing for them to get past, to then hear what his deeper concerns are.”

Despite the fact that Obama didn’t take a hard-line stance on either side of the debate, his comments have resulted in harsh rebukes from his most strident critics.

Of course, that should surprise absolutely no one who’s familiar with the climate of American politics in 2016. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Blac Chyna: PISSED at Tyga After Son Expresses Preference For Kylie Jenner Mansion!

Woe is Blac Chyna.

Life at Kylie Jenner‘s mansion is so good, even Tyga’s son King is hooked on it at the tender age of three. King’s mother is NOT happy, however.

Not just because she shares custody with a dude she hates and he’s dating a teenager, although that’s been more than enough to set her off.

King is starting to act out, and she blames his new environment. Case in point? The majorly epic tantrum he threw the other night at Blac’s place.

Let’s just say that despite being an all-star stripper and social media phenom in her own right, Blac’s digs cannot match the opulence of Kylie’s.

The kid knows it, too.

“Blac tried putting King to bed at her house,” says an insider, “and he threw the biggest tantrum [ever]. He was crying and didn’t want to sleep.”

“He said ‘I don’t like my room here, I want my room at Kylie’s!’” Allegedly. Following this obviously jarring quote from her son, “Blac was stuck. “

“She was completely still for at least three minutes and started crying. She let King play because she needed to grasp what he just said.”

After that, the source adds, “She calmed down, texted Tyga and told him that she never ever wants King inside Kylie’s house again!”

Oooh, the plot thickens.

Clearly, if this is even half true, the transition has to be confusing for a toddler, given that “King lives in the lap of luxury at Kylie’s mansion.”

“His room there is a child’s paradise.”

“It’s filled with toys, coloring books, his remote control cars, the works. You could leave King in there for hours and he’d be just as happy as can be.”

So wait … Kylie and Tyga would leave him in there unsupervised for hours and go do their pervy thing? How is that not the main story here?

In any case, this marks the latest twist in the Blac vs. Kyga circus, and comes on the heels of wild rumors that Tyga is trying to win Chyna back.

Kylie, for her part, is believed by some in her inner circle to have only gotten back with Tyga to stick it to Blac because she’s jealous of her rival.

When the controversial couple recently broke up, Blac had a shade-throwing field day online (not her first, but perhaps her boldest) in response.

Now that she’s effectively holding their son hostage, it’ll be interesting to see how T-Raww responds, and what selfies Kylie posts.


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Woman Expresses Eternal, Hilarious Love for Pizza

Nicole Larson, a 19-year old Canadian who resides in Alberta, is in love.

She"s not engaged, yet she feels such passion for her significant other that she hired a photographer to take professional engagement photos.

Because Larson knows this is a love that will last forever and ever and ever.

Did we mention that the photos include Larson and a box of pizza? No? Allow us to explain…

1. Cheesy Affection

Cheesy affection

Nicole titled this album of pizza-themed photos “Couple Pictures 2015” on Facebook. She’s unashamed of her unabashed close relationship with thise delicous delicacy.

2. An Honest Admission

An honest admission

“I just want you. Nothing else, just you,” Nicole says of pizza on her social media page, adding: “I only did this because my love for pizza is eternal.”

3. A Perfect Partner

A perfect partner

What was her motivation for this pictorial? “I wanted to do a spoof of other couples’ pictures because I am single, and in my opinion pizza never lets you down,” writes Nicole.

4. Settling Down with a Slice

Settling down with a slice

Nicole enjoys the view in this romantic photo. She also enjoys some pepperoni, of course.

5. Some Words of Wisdom

Some words of wisdom

“Everyone seems to be caught up in trying to find a partner, but I would just encourage others to find [or] do anything that might brighten their day,” Nicole says. “If that is a boyfriend, great! If it’s eating a full box of pizza to yourself, that is also great!”

6. A Blessed Union

A blessed union

Pizza Hut got word of these photos and sent Nicole a free pizza. We have no doubt that she treated it very well.

View Slideshow

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Demi Lovato Expresses "Confidence" on Good Morning America

Demi Lovato is brimming with confidence these days.

Just consider her recent actions:

  • The artist recently stripped down naked and makeup free for Vanity Fair.

  • She recently danced with strippers and got really close to a few dongs.

  • Oh, and she recently released an album titled "Confident." Let"s not forget about that.

Lovato appeared Thursday on Good Morning America in order to promote for the album (which debuted at number-two on the Billboard chart) and also to sing her latest track.

Before doing so, however, Lovato gave an interview to Good Morning America co-host Amy Robach in which she talked of her desire to "empower" fans and of how self-confidence (or a lackthereof) is an issue that affects nearly everyone around the world.

She received props for her makeup-free Mondays and the ways in which she"s always so open to the public.

Demi also confirmed her upcoming tour with Nick Jonas, not revealing too many details about what the long-time friends have planned, but making it clear she excited to "play for the audience."

Lovato proceeded to say she’s been very happy with the response to her new music so far, which prompted the fans watching in the studio to cheer loudly.

Asked what they’re saying, Lovato replied:

“You’ve grown as an artist, and we’re growing with you.”

It really is true. Demi has grown both as an artist and also as a human being. She"s one of our favorites, in terms of how she"s handled her personal life and her struggles over the years.

Check out the following footage for a look at this complete interview now.

Demi lovato expresses confidence on good morning america