Showing posts with label Preference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preference. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Taylor Swift Reveals Presidential Preference with Sweater

Taylor Swift is the queen of passive aggressive fashion.

Late last month, the singer wore a choker during a performance in Austin, stirring talk that she’s coming out with a new album because fans said Swift always debuts a new look when fresh music is on the way.

And she had never worn a choker on stage before.

Flimsy evidence? Perhaps.

But the Internet is now convinced it knows who Swift is voting for based on the top she wore to go vote today.

The artist shared the above photo on Instagram this morning, simply writing as a caption “Today is the day. Go out and VOTE.”

Pretty simple and harmless, right? Inspiring even.

Not all that different from the many other pictures posted by celebrities today of themselves at their local polling locale.

Except that astute Swift fans took note of the sweater Swift is wearing.

They say this garment isn’t something Taylor just tossed on after waking up from a night of partying with Lorde.

Someone named Kaitlyn Tiffany was the first to point out on Twitter that Swift’s shoulder-less top is a nod to an Instagram photo shared a few days ago by occasional squad member Lena Dunham. 

Swift explanation

What the heck is she talking about?!?

Over the weekend, Dunham shared a composite of herself and Hillary Clinton wearing the same style of sweater as Swift is rocking above, even referencing the piece of attire in her caption.

“Headed to Denver to meet some of my favorite Nasty Women in support of @hillaryclinton!” wrote Dunham, adding:

“Let’s do all we can in the days that remain. RN I’m paying tribute in my @lpathelabel cold shoulder sweater.”

A-ha! SEE!!!!!!

By wearing her own version of this sweater on Election Day, some might argue that Swift is totally being Taylor Swift.

She’s expressing an opinion, but she’s doing it in a subtle manner in order to not anger any fans of hers who may support Donald Trump.

Swift has gotten in trouble for this sort of thing in the past, getting called out by Demi Lovato, for instance, because she talks about being a feminist… yet doesn’t really act like one.

Some might argue that Swift never really takes a stand; that she cares too much about her image.

She also has an unusual connection to Trump, in that close friend Karlie Kloss is dating Joshua Kushner, brother of Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner.

So could it be possible that Swift is sending a message here about voting for Hillary Clinton, while doing it in such a manner as to not upset Kloss and other Trump fans?

It’s possible.

Or it’s possible we’re reading too much into her sweater.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Blac Chyna: PISSED at Tyga After Son Expresses Preference For Kylie Jenner Mansion!

Woe is Blac Chyna.

Life at Kylie Jenner‘s mansion is so good, even Tyga’s son King is hooked on it at the tender age of three. King’s mother is NOT happy, however.

Not just because she shares custody with a dude she hates and he’s dating a teenager, although that’s been more than enough to set her off.

King is starting to act out, and she blames his new environment. Case in point? The majorly epic tantrum he threw the other night at Blac’s place.

Let’s just say that despite being an all-star stripper and social media phenom in her own right, Blac’s digs cannot match the opulence of Kylie’s.

The kid knows it, too.

“Blac tried putting King to bed at her house,” says an insider, “and he threw the biggest tantrum [ever]. He was crying and didn’t want to sleep.”

“He said ‘I don’t like my room here, I want my room at Kylie’s!’” Allegedly. Following this obviously jarring quote from her son, “Blac was stuck. “

“She was completely still for at least three minutes and started crying. She let King play because she needed to grasp what he just said.”

After that, the source adds, “She calmed down, texted Tyga and told him that she never ever wants King inside Kylie’s house again!”

Oooh, the plot thickens.

Clearly, if this is even half true, the transition has to be confusing for a toddler, given that “King lives in the lap of luxury at Kylie’s mansion.”

“His room there is a child’s paradise.”

“It’s filled with toys, coloring books, his remote control cars, the works. You could leave King in there for hours and he’d be just as happy as can be.”

So wait … Kylie and Tyga would leave him in there unsupervised for hours and go do their pervy thing? How is that not the main story here?

In any case, this marks the latest twist in the Blac vs. Kyga circus, and comes on the heels of wild rumors that Tyga is trying to win Chyna back.

Kylie, for her part, is believed by some in her inner circle to have only gotten back with Tyga to stick it to Blac because she’s jealous of her rival.

When the controversial couple recently broke up, Blac had a shade-throwing field day online (not her first, but perhaps her boldest) in response.

Now that she’s effectively holding their son hostage, it’ll be interesting to see how T-Raww responds, and what selfies Kylie posts.
