Showing posts with label Worsens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Worsens. Show all posts

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Ben Affleck Accused of Groping Makeup Artist as Harassment Scandal Worsens

In the wake of reports that Harvey Weinstein sexually abused countless women during his decades at the top of the Hollywood hierarchy, countless high-profile victims have come forward to reveal that they were harassed and forced to keep quiet for fear of being blackballed.

If there’s a silver lining to be found in this massive black cloud of a scandal, it’s the fact that Hollywood’s culture of demeaning and victimizing young women is finally being brought to the public’s attention–and Weinstein isn’t the only abuser who’s now being taken to task.

As you may have heard, Ben Affleck condemned Weinstein and appalling misconduct in a statement issued earlier this week.

Many applauded the actor, who rose to mainstream fame with 1997’s Good Will Hunting, the Weinstein-produced sleeper hit that earned Affleck and co-star Matt Damon a pair of Best Original Screenplay Oscars.

But standing out in the chorus of praise were several voices calling out Affleck for blatant hypocrisy and some ugly misdeeds of his own.

The allegations started with actress and former MTV VJ Hilarie Burton who Affleck groped on the set of TRL back in 2004.

Burton even supplied video of the incident for those who called her account into question.

Shortly thereafter, a second incriminating clip resurfaced, this one apparently showing Affleck harassing a Canadian television host during a 2006 interview.

(The alleged victim in that case, Anne-Marie Losique, has stated that she was “not at all a victim” and that the incident was part of a “game” she and Affleck were playing “for the camera.”)

The allegations against Affleck are not nearly as severe as those against Weinstein, who now stands accused of raping Asia Argento when the actress was just 21 years old.

But the fact remains that new or forgotten evidence of appalling behavior on Affleck’s part keeps making the rounds on social media, and the actor is currently making the situation worse by keeping quiet.

The latest allegation comes from makeup artist Annamarie Tindler, who tweeted yesterday that Affleck sexually assaulted her in 2014.

“I would also love to get an apology from Ben Affleck who grabbed my ass at a Golden Globes party in 2014,” Tindler wrote.

“He walked by me, cupped my butt and pressed his finger into my crack … I guess he tried to play it like he was politely moving me out of the way and oops touched my butt instead of my lower back?” she continued.

Tindler added that while all of Affleck’s alleged victims experienced different forms of harassment, they all have one thing in common:

“Like most women in these situations I didn’t say anything but I have thought a lot about what I’d say if I ever saw him again,” she concluded.

Affleck has apologized for groping Burton, but has yet to address the other accusations that followed.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Charlie Sheen Stops Taking HIV Meds; Actor"s Condition Worsens

As you’ve probably heard, Charlie Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive in an interview with NBC’s Matt Lauer back in November.

In the weeks that followed, Sheen claimed to have sworn off booze and drugs, and insisted that he was following every order given to him by his doctor.

Unfortunately, it seems that Sheen’s doctor is a controversial quack who claims to be able to cure any disease, and who instructed Sheen to stop taking the life-saving medications that had previously been prescribed to him.

Sheen recently sat for an interview with Dr. Oz, during which he revealed – much to the Oz’s dismay – that he had recently traveled to Mexico in order to seek medical advice from a doctor named Sam Chachoua.

“I’m been off my meds for about a week now,” he said in a pre-taped segment for The Dr. Oz Show Tuesday. “Am I risking my life? Sure. So what? I was born dead. That part of it doesn’t phase me at all.” 

Oz spoke to Chachoua who described Sheen as “the first adult in history to go HIV negative.”

“I drew some blood from him and I injected myself with it,” Chachoua continued. “I said, ‘Charlie, if I don’t know what I’m doing, then we’re both in trouble now aren’t we?"” 

Unfortunately, it seems that if Chachoua is telling the truth about injecting himself with Sheen’s blood, he’s in a good deal of trouble, indeed.

“I’m a little off my game because right before I walked out here, I got some results I was disappointed about,” Sheen told Oz during their interview.

“I had been non-detectable, non-detectable and checking the blood every week and then found out the numbers are back up.”

When Oz informed Sheen that the reason the HIV in his blood had returned to detectable levels for the first time in several years was because he’d stopped taking his meds, the actor became defensive.

“I didn’t see it as Russian roulette,” Sheen said. “I didn’t see it as a complete dismissal of the conventional course we’ve been on. I’m not recommending that anyone – I’m presenting myself as a type of guinea pig.” 

Sadly, it seems that Sheen is sticking with the reckless lifestyle that helped to make him one of Hollywood’s most notorious stars.

Unfortunately, this time, he may be putting himself in more immediate danger than ever before.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lamar Odom: Condition Worsens; Doctors Ban All Visitors Except for Khloe Kardashian

In the days after Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his room at a Nevada brothel, it looked as though the former NBA star would not be long for this world.

Doctors reported that Odom had overdosed on a near-lethal cocktail of drugs and suffered several strokes before he arrived at a nearby hospital. 

Hospital sources reported that Odom’s friends and family were bracing themselves for the worst and that it didn’t look as though the 35-year-old would pull through.

Just as it seemed that there was no cause for hope, however, a series of miracles took place.

Odom emerged from his coma and began to show major signs of improvement. Insiders say he’s been breathing on his own and even engaging in simple conversations. 

Sadly, Radar Online reports today that Odom has contracted pneumonia, and his health has been in decline ever since he was transferred from Las Vegas to a hospital in Los Angeles earlier this week.

“He has gotten weaker since arriving at Cedars Sinai in L.A,” says one insider.

Odom’s condition has reportedly gotten so bad that his estranged wife Khloe Kardashian is the only one permitted to visit him until further notice.

“Lamar’s doctors told Khloe Lamar was at a risk of getting infections from visitors, and told her he couldn’t have any more until his health improved,” says the source.

Khloe and Lamar recently called off their divorce in hopes of building a new life together once his health improves.

We’ll keep you updated on Lamar’s condition as more information becomes available.