Showing posts with label Adorably. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adorably. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Katie Holmes & Suri Cruise Cuddle Adorably

Katie Holmes was once a high-profile actress whose fame seemed inescapable. A lot has changed over the years.

But what matters most is that she has her daughter, Suri, who is super adorable and the greatest treasure in Katie’s life.

And in these new photos, Katie shows off her precious daughter as they watch the Oscars and as they cuddle on the couch.

It is widely believed that Suri Cruise hasn’t seen Tom Cruise in about five years.

That’s a long time for anyone, but half a lifetime for a child Suri’s age.

(Suri is currently 11 years old, and will turn 12 this April)

Though Suri isn’t as public of a celebrity child as some, her mother doesn’t hide her from the world. Through Katie’s instagram, fans have gotten to watch Suri grow up.

And these new photos are such a treat.

Katie Holmes shared this new pic, captioning it:

“Congratulations to all of the nominees and winners!!!!!!!”

That’s Suri Cruise, clapping in celebration as she watches the Academy Awards.


But it’s this next photo that will really melt the hearts of fans.

In it, Katie and Suri can be seen snuggling on the couch.

Mommy-daughter cuddle time sometimes becomes a rarity as children age and naturally become more independent.

Take a look:

If you think that this photo is adorable, know that Instagram commenters agree. They wrote:

“Nothing better than a mother’s unconditional love for her children,” followed by a string of red heart emojis.

Another commended Katie for capturing the photo.

“Sweet memories captured; mommy cuddles are the best.”

The photo’s caption, for the record, was nothing but heart emojis. So sweet.

“Nothing like it mama — great job keeping it real with your daughter.”

This comment likely came from a British fan:

“What a wonderful mummy you are to your baby girl.”

Actually it was Tom Cruise who appeared in 2017’s disastrous The Mummy … never mind.

We should note that some of the comments, though positive, took a different tone.

“So glad you guys got away from that weirdo!”

In case anyone is scratching their heads, that commenter is almost certainly referring to Tom Cruise, known for his eccentricity in interviews and for being Scientology’s golden boy. Even though he’s old now.

Another commenter was thinking similarly:

“Thank goodness, you got your baby away from that cult Scientology.”

Many share that sentiment.

Though Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx are reportedly dating, it’s said that Foxx doesn’t even discuss the relationship with his friends.

Some believe that Katie may have just decided that, since her last relationship was arguably the most high-profile romance on the planet at the time, she wants to keep things low-key.

Maybe so.

Others, however, have long believed that Katie was able to escape from the Church of Scientology with Suri by making some sort of deal — that Tom would waive custody if Katie, presumably, doesn’t embarrass him or the Church.

And maybe part of that involves no high-profile romances. That’s just speculation.

Reports have backed up parts of those rumors, claiming that Tom won’t see Suri because of his religious and career dedication.

And perhaps because Suri and Katie may qualify as Suppressive People and therefore be the sorts he may feel a need to, as a Scientologist, avoid.

The fact of the matter is that we just don’t know. What we do know is that Suri seems happy and healthy with her mommy.


Friday, February 23, 2018

Josiah Duggar: Adorably Obsessed with Lauren Swanson

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are clearly enamored with each other.

As they push the boundaries of what’s allowed for their courtship, Josiah can’t stop gushing about how much he adores Lauren.

Fans can’t get enough of these two.

For the longest time, fans worried that Josiah Duggar would never court the right girl.

He’s 21-years-old and while, in real life, that’s a normal age to focus on being a person, in the Duggar fertility cult, he’s practically an old maid — he’s expected to settle down and get married.

Now Josiah is in a courtship with Lauren Swanson, with whom he’s been friends for years. Their easy comfort with each other is winning over fans.

It’s also creating “problems,” only by Duggar standards, because Duggar courtship rules, but we’ll get into that in a moment.

Just look at Josiah’s latest post on Instagram. He really can’t stop gushing about Lauren.

Lauren Swanson Josiah Duggar Facetime

Josiah Duggar captioned this photo, a still of his FaceTime with Lauren:

“Anyone who knows me knows that I’ve always been a talker. But now I love being a listener, too. [red heart emoji] #facetimewiththebest”

One has to imagine that courtship rules require a chaperone even for Facetime.

Those of us who live in the real world instead of in the Handmaid’s Tale LARP into which the Duggar children are born know that live video chats can be used for conversations of a very adult nature.

Still, they can have sweet conversations with each other and grow even closer. … With supervision.

We mentioned that there were “problems” with this relationship, from a certain point of view.

As much as fans and viewers enjoy seeing Josiah so happily besotted with Lauren Swanson, it appears that Josiah and Lauren may have broken some courtship rules.

The couple has been spotted appearing to push the limits of what the Duggars allow.

Brace yourselves for this rollercoaster of illicit carnal transgressions, folks:

-Hand-holding (gasp!)

-Faces close enough that they could almost be kissing but are not kissing (no!)

-Front-hugging, also known as the devil’s embrace

While it seems like none of these scandalous violations are enough to get Josiah sent to the same “counselors” that Josh Duggar has seen, it looks like the easy affection between these two is testing the limits.

Of course, there may be a reason that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar might be less horrified than usual by Josiah and Lauren’s closeness, and it’s not just because the two have been friends for ages.

See, news of this courtship caused old gay rumors about Josiah to resurface.

The rumors largely had to do with his courtship with Marjorie Jackson and the unexplained ending of the courtship, weeks later. Most Duggars marry the first person they court.

So, was Josiah’s issue that he doesn’t like women?

Truth be told, the Duggars have a lot of children. Statistics and common sense can tell anyone that not all of them are straight.

Growing up among the Duggars, they’d be forced to hide and suppress their identities, and countless LGBT folks have done in countless homophobic societies for millennia.

But none of that means that Josiah is gay, or even bisexual. And given the environment in which the Duggar children live, trying to “out” one of them would be especially dangerous — whether it’s true or not.

So some wonder if Jim Bob looks the other way when Josiah and Lauren swoon over each other because he hopes that it quashes any gay rumors.

That doesn’t mean that he’ll let them break all of the courtship rules.

They’ll have to save things like actually-having-private-conversations and other things that people use to get to know one another until they’re actually married.

Most couples find that not knowing each other before the wedding is disastrous and it leaves to marriages that end sooner rather than later.

But the Duggars have a little secret trick that keeps their marriages going:

They don’t believe in divorce.


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Jackson Roloff Adorably Advertises Matt Roloff"s Children"s Book!

Recently, the FTC has been cracking down on Instagram ads and the reality stars who post them without including the #ad tag. 

But surely they’ll make an exception when the Instagram post is a baby holding his own grandfather’s children’s book.

Especially when that baby is as adorable as Jackson Roloff.

Don’t worry — we’re kidding about the FTC involvement.

We’re pretty sure that their policy on ads is for paid sponsorships. They want people to disclose that they’re being paid, so that you don’t think that, like, Brielle Biermann is just obsessed with her UV tooth-whitening light that almost certainly isn’t responsible for her white teeth.

(I mean, I don’t know what kind she uses and I’m no orthodontist, but apparently experts tend to doubt the effectiveness of that kind of device)

Anyway, Tori Roloff shared an image of her adorable, precious baby — the first Roloff grandbaby — posing with Matt Roloff’s book.

Little Lucy, Big Race is a children’s book that is ostensibly about dogs but clearly about little people navigating hurdles in life due to their size but nonetheless accomplishing the same things as everybody else.

A lot of disabilities have children’s books, but there aren’t all that many. Every new one is welcome.

Books like this can be an empowering and relatable educational tool for preschool-aged children who are little people.

Books like this can also be incredibly useful for other children to read in order to empathize with and understand little people.

Most importantly of all, though, look at how adorable Jackson is in this photo:

He’s so cute! And it’s not even the first photo of Jackson Roloff showing off something.

Tori Roloff shared the photo of her precious baby and included this caption:

“Baby J just has no idea how lucky he is… grandpa Roloff dedicated his first book to Jackson!”

That is such a touching gesture!

(Though we hope that baby Ember Jean will get a book dedicated to her, too)

“We love Little lucy big race so much! And BONUS our beloved Sully makes an appearance or two! Now you guys can order your own copy!!!”


Like we said, this is an advertisement — it’s just not a paid one.

Totally within the rules of Instagram, we think.

“It’s available online (link in my bio) and at our family pumpkin patch! Get your copy before they run out!”

(Here’s the link if you’re interested in Little Lucy, Big Race, by the way. Also not an add; we just thought that we’d save you some trouble)

She also included the tags: “#babyjroloff” and “#littlelucybigrace.”

We don’t know what to think of calling him “baby J” instead of by his actual name … but whatever. Lots of babies have nicknames.

Tori Roloff also shared this photo of herself with Zach while Matt poses with the book itself.

A lot of people tend to think of writing a book as just a matter of writing it and then sending it off, wading through rejections, and then … profit?

There’s a lot more involved, especially in a deeply personal children’s book, and especially when you’re a reality star who is marketing the book yourself.

Matt Roloff wants to show the world the kind of dignity and accomplishments that are possible for little people.

This is especially important in a world where, even in 2017, too many little people on television are relegated to comic relief or to playing non-humans.

(Yes, we know about Peter Dinklage, but he’s just one guy smashing barriers and that’s on Game of Thrones, which is scripted television)

Let’s not even get into the antics and portrayals of little people on reality television, but we think that you can imagine.

Anyway, it’s a good idea for a book.

And baby Jackson is a great way to sell said book.

There’s just one thing that might have made that photo even better:

What if they’d had Jackson and Ember Jean on a bed or blanket with the book between them?

Now, we get it — the book is dedicated to Jackson who, like his father and both of his father’s parents, is a little person.

Jackson is also the first Roloff grandbaby.

But if their goal is to get attention … a photo of both babies in the same frame would work wonders.

Just saying.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Ronda Rousey Tag Teams With 6-Year-Old Fan to Adorably Beat Up Security Guard

Ronda Rousey has a brand new tag team partner — a 6-year-old girl — and together they get some adorably violent revenge on a wrestling event security guard!!!   Here’s the deal … Rousey was in the crowd at the WWE SmackDown Live in Vegas…


Ronda Rousey Tag Teams With 6-Year-Old Fan to Adorably Beat Up Security Guard

Ronda Rousey has a brand new tag team partner — a 6-year-old girl — and together they get some adorably violent revenge on a wrestling event security guard!!!   Here’s the deal … Rousey was in the crowd at the WWE SmackDown Live in Vegas…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Louise Linton Apologizes For Being Awful, Remains Adorably Out of Touch

If you’re like most Americans, you never heard the name Louise Linton before yesterday.

Just 48 hours ago the Scottish actress’ claims to fame were appearing in the 2012 remake of the horror film Cabin Fever and marrying US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin both revolting undertakings that no doubt tested the limits of Ms. Linton’s gag reflex.

Now, however, Louise has finally found the fame she’s spent her adult life in search of.

Unfortunately, it’s left her frantically switching her social media accounts to “private” like Marie Antoinette boarding up the windows at Versailles.

In case you missed Louise’s “let them eat cake” moment, here’s what happened:

Linton and her husband … recently traveled to Kentucky in a private jet in order to discuss tax reform with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

What former former Charlie Sheen co-starrer Louise brought to the table is anyone’s guess, but hey, this is the administration in which former handbag designers are shaping foreign policy, so anything goes.

Anyway, Woman of the People Louise posted a photo of herself arriving in Kentucky (a state in which 1 in 5 people live below the poverty line) that rubbed some folks the the wrong way.

The pic showed Linton stepping off a government plane looking like she’d been outfitted for a different kind of runway.

To ensure none of the poors got the wrong impression that she’s flying around in Target pajama pants and a neck pillow from Hudson News, Linton tagged the many high-end designers responsible for her outfit.

The hashtag “#HermesScarf” went viral shortly thereafter, but not because Twitter was so impressed by Louise’s fashion sense.

To drive home the point that she’s some sort of cartoon bad guy rich person, a la Monty Burns or Cruella De Ville, Linton attacked an Oregon mother of three who dared to suggest that her post was in poor taste.

“Have you given more to the economy than me and my husband? Either as an individual earner in taxes OR in self sacrifice to your country?” Linton wrote, in an emoji-laden screed.

“I’m pretty sure we paid more taxes toward our day ‘trip’ than you did. Pretty sure the amount we sacrifice per year is a lot more than you’d be willing to sacrifice if the choice was yours.”

She went on to slam Miller for being “adorably out of touch,” before sarcastically quipping, “Your kids look very cute. Your life looks cute.”

After what we imagine was a hilariously WTF?! reaction from her husband (who, as the producer of the Entourage movie, is a man who knows good taste), Louise issues a half-assed apology … through her publicist:

“I apologize for my post on social media yesterday as well as my response. It was inappropriate and highly insensitive,” read a statement issued by Linton’s handlers.

As you can see, the apology is boring, boilerplate, and almost certainly not penned by Louise hereself.

Really, the only reason we’re reporting on it at all is so that we can bring you the exciting news that Louise literally played Marie Antoinette in an episode of CSI: NY!

But that wasn’t her only gloriously apt film role.

Louise also had a few lines on the now-defunct of Cold Case.

She played a woman named Louise in an episode titled WASP!

You can’t make this stuff up, folks.

Well, you can … but who would want to?

Oh, do yourself a favor and google Louise’s memoir – a harrowing account of her post-boarding school gap year living amongst black people.

It’s the “feel awful about the world we live” in book of the year!


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Paulina Gretzky"s Son Is Adorably Terrified Of Santa Claus (Cute Video)

Here’s Paulina Gretzky’s son,Tatum, proving that not every kid is looking forward to a visit from ol’ St. Nick … hilariously and adorably panicking at the sight of Santa Claus. Paulina posted the videos of Tatum onto her Instagram stories ……


Friday, February 12, 2016

Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom: Adorably Close at Kanye"s Show!

It’s very hard not to jump to conclusions when you see these two getting along.

There were giggles and whispers between them inside Madison Square garden as they waited for Kanye West to start his fashion show, and fans took notice.

Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom’s chemistry has been obvious since day 1, so much so that  it took them a minute to realize they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.

Alas, things didn’t go smoothly, and love wasn’t enough to cancel out Odom’s affairs and drug use.  So, in December 2013, Khloe filed for divorce after four years of marriage, citing “irreconcilable differences.”

Khloe kept her husband’s indiscretions a secret until the past year, when she admitted to Howard Stern that she found out Odom was cheating on her with several different women.

“It is humiliating on any level, but I found out he was cheating on me the majority of our marriage,” Khloe admitted.

Still, hers and Lamar’s was a love story few are lucky enough to find.

“It was just the most intense relationship I’ve ever had in a great way, but looking back in hindsight, would I say ‘oh, yeah probably should you have waited a little bit?’ Sure. But also, I don’t regret doing it’

Is reconciling an option?

“Never say never but … he has so much that he has to prove himself, first,” Khloe said.

The Kocktails with Khloe host could tell that fans and media outlets were jumping to conclusions after seeing her and Lamar at the show.

“God forbid exes are cordial right?!?! Wtf is wrong with people?!?!” Khloe tweeted last night.

“People should praise kindness. Not question it.”

We love it, Khlo.  But you can’t blame some fans for hoping you and Odom will get back together.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Ian Somerhalder And Nikki Reed Step Out Friday Night Looking As Adorably In Love As Ever!

These two are so cute together, it’s a shame we don’t see them so much more!!

Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed spent Friday night in Beverly Hills at Heifer International‘s 4th Annual Beyond Hunger Gala, doing good work on behalf of those less fortunate.

Related: Ian’s Hacked Twitter Sent Some Inneresting Messages!

And, before they went into the event — where Ian spoke! — they stopped by on the red (er, green) carpet for some adorable pictures (above)!!!

What do U think of this couple?! Are they hot or what??

[Image via Getty Images.]