Showing posts with label Swanson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swanson. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson: ALL Over Each Other on Instagram!


We repeat:


By Duggar standards at least, that is.

In a new Instagram photo of Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson (not the one above), these two crazy and in-love kids are getting hot, heavy and very steamy in front of their many social media followers.

The couple, who stunned fans by getting married in late June, may not have swapped any spit until becoming husband and wife…

… but they’re clearly making up for lost tonsil hockey time these days.

More into public displays of affection that most members of their famous family, Lauren and Josiah are seemingly always touching and kissing, perhaps never more so than in the red hot new photo below.

Check it out now!

The stars shared the photo on their joint Instagram account, including with it a very simple caption of a heart emoji.

And nothing else.

Because what ekse even needs to be said, right?

“What a joy it is to be husband and wife!” Josiah and Lauren told People Magzine shorly after they exchanged vows in Arkansas this summer, adding at the time:

“Our wedding day was absolutely perfect!”

The pair had reportedly been planning a December wedding and hadn’t even announced the major change of date prior to shocking fans with these June nuptials.

As a result, a natural question has since been asked of Lauren and Josiah:


Was this what many people refer to as a “shotgun wedding?”

Thus far, neigher Swanson nor Duggar has said one way or the other — but the former is not showing any baby bump just yet, for whatever that is worth.

“From walking down the aisle, to looking in his eyes and saying the vows was probably one of my favorite moments,” Lauren later said in a TLC-produced video.

In this same video, Josiah said the following:

“What we’re looking forward to…is really spending time with each other as a couple, and really slowing down.

“For me, I made a priority years ago, for my first year of marriage especially, to just slow down on as much work stuff as I can and really focus on our relationship with each other.”

Slow down, huh?

It doesn’t sound like someone ready to be a father just yet, does it?

“It’s been especially fun to simply work on setting up our house together and just settle into life,” the couple expressed a short time after their marriage, speaking to Us Weekly, concluding in July:

“We’re enjoying dreaming and thinking of the future together.”

Take a look through photos from their wedding below:


Monday, August 27, 2018

Lauren Swanson Wears Nude Heels (!!!), Pays Tribute to Josiah Duggar

Lauren Swanson has gotten naked, folks.

Kind of. Sort of.

Okay, not really at all.

But the newlywed wife of Josiah Duggar has made headlines both for what she just wrote about her husband on Instagram and for what she wore while doing so.

Yes, to be more clear, of course Swanson wore clothing.

She isn’t that much of a rule-breaker.

She hasn’t gone full Cardi B on her conservative in-laws or anything.

But Swanson did get all dolled up in a flowing green skirt, striped top and nude heels to pose alongside Josiah and write the following over the weekend:

“Can’t believe it’s almost been 2 months since I married my best friend!!!’

She concluded with the hashtags “#2monthiversary #marriageisthebest #amazonoutfit.”

Swason and Duggar got married on June 30, shocking fans and supporters because they had not confirmed their wedding date ahead of time.

The ceremony took place at John Brown University Cathedral of the Ozarks in Siloam Springs, Arkansas.

It was officiated by Lauren’s father and the couple gushed afterward to People Magazine:

“What a joy it is to be husband and wife! Our wedding day was absolutely perfect!” 

And then Duggar on his own stated:

“What was even more perfect was to see my beautiful bride walking down the aisle.

“We are so thankful the Lord has brought us to this place and we can’t wait to begin our journey as husband and wife!”

Ever since their big day, there’s been speculation that Swanson is pregnant, which would explain why the stars moved so quickly to exchange their vows.

This speculation has not been verified, however.

But while having sex and getting pregnant before marriage would be the ultimate in Duggar family rule-breaking, Swanson’s ensemble in the photo far above isn’t that far off.

(Okay, fine. It’s pretty far off from premarital sex. But it’s still very very frowned upon by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.)

According to

“You won’t catch any of the Duggar girls in trendy crop tops or mini skirts. Instead, they practice modest dress, which means keeping shoulders, thighs, and cleavage covered.

“Not only does it prevent distractions while dating, but it also ‘keeps the relationship pure’ according to Michelle.”

sweet romance

Is Swanson exposing any cleavage in the photo in question? No.

But she’s coming close to a dress that goes above the knee and some might label those “f-ck me heels” and she also shared the image directly above on Instagram.

It features her and Josiah making out in the dark — and while some may interpret it as sweet and artistic, the elder Duggars may interpret it as akin to pornography.

We’re not kidding.

And neither was Josiah when he said THIS about marriage, keeping it as real as one can about this blessed union.

Check out pictures from Duggar and Swanson’s wedding below, including the very first look at their very first kiss:


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Pregnant ALREADY?!

It’s been over a month since Lauren Swanson and Josiah Duggar got married.

And that can only mean one thing — the girl is already knocked up!

Or at least that’s what fans think.

These days, the Duggar message boards are loaded with sleuths who claim to have it on good authority that Josiah and Lauren are already expecting.

But as far as we can tell, their “proof” consists of little more than the fact that Lauren is a Duggar now, and thus, must constantly be knocked up.

In less psychotic corners of the internet, fans are still obsessed with the state of Lauren’s uterus, but their comments on the matter are inquisitive, rather than declarative:

“Sooo when’s the baby due???” one fan asked on Facebook.

“The baby is due in eight months,” another responded, offering nothing in the way of evidence.

“Woohoo baby announcement here in about another four to six weeks,” remarked a third

To be clear, we’re not saying that Lauren is definitively not pregnant.

Hey, with the way Josiah and Lauren broke the courtship rules, she might have been knocked up before they even walked down the aisle!

But we are saying there’s nothing in the way of conclusive evidence at the moment, just a lot of persuasive people with very strong hunches.

Last we checked, Josiah and Lauren were on their honeymoon in Austria, a location they chose due to their shared love of a family-friendly flick.

“We chose Austria for our honeymoon because of The Sound of Music,” Lauren told People Magazine.

“I’ve always wanted to come here, and I’m loving all the scenery and traditional Austrian clothing.

“I am also loving the people and the culture. Travel like this reminds me that people everywhere are really the same, even if the culture and some experiences are different.”

We take back everything we said; Lauren is 100 percent expecting.

It’s impossible to take such a sexy trip and not come home pregnant with octuplets.

We looked it up.


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson: Look at Us On Our Honeymoon!

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are currently in their honeymoon phase of marriage.

And we mean this literally:

The newlyweds are actively in Vienna, Austria, having the time of their lives after making the romantic committment of their lives.

Duggar and Swanson shared the snapshot above of themselves on this special vacation, with Josiah adding in an extended comment to Us Weekly:

“We’re so excited to be in Vienna on our honeymoon and spending this time together!

“It’s a beautiful place, with a beautiful wife. What more could a guy ask for than that?

“We are loving every minute of it. It’s still mind-blowing to think that we have the rest of our lives together. God’s goodness is overwhelming!”

Swanson also chimed in with a glowing remark about her husband and their trip.

She even included a note about why the couple selected Austria for their destination.

“We chose Austria for our honeymoon because The Sound of Music,” Swanson told the aforementioned tabloid, adding in more detail:

“I’ve always wanted to come here and I’m loving all the scenery and traditional Austrian clothing. I am also loving the people and the culture.

“Travel like this reminds me that people everywhere are really the same, even if the culture and some experiences are different. People everywhere want joy, happiness and good things for their children and so much more.

“This trip makes me love people and desire to deliver God’s love and care to people more than ever before.”

The Counting On cast member and his life partner exchanged vows on June 30 at John Brown University Cathedral in Siloam Springs, Arkansas.

The nuptials came as a surprise to even the most ardent of TLC viewers, considering Josiah and Lauren had not revealed their wedding date ahead of time.

There was even chatter that the ceremony would take place closer to the end of the year, causing some to speculate over why the wedding was moved up.

Specifically, did the pair get married in a pinch because Swanson is pregnant?

Josiah, often considered the most rebellious of Jim Bob and Michelle’s children, had previously dated Marjorie Jackson in 2015.

It then took him over two years to find someone else to court.

Eventually, though, he settled on Swanson, who has been known to wear shorts that stop above the knee, which is equivalent to starring in an adult film when it comes to the Duggars.

These crazy kids are clearly meant for each other.

“What a joy it is to be husband and wife! Our wedding day was absolutely perfect!” Duggar and Swanson said about becoming husband and wife.

“What was even more perfect was to see my beautiful bride walking down the aisle.

“We are so thankful the Lord has brought us to this place and we can’t wait to begin our journey as husband and wife.”

As for those curious for a look at the couple’s wedding and their first kiss?

Wait no further! Just click down below!


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson Relive Their Whirlwind Courtship on Counting On!

A new season of Counting On debuted on TLC Monday night, and we think it"s safe to say the premiere delivered everything that fans have come to expect from the Duggar clan.

The episode centered around the wedding of Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson.

Not only did fans get their first look at the couple"s massively-attended ceremony, we also got to circle back and relive Lauren and Josiah"s courtship.

As we"ve known for months, Lauren and Josiah are not your typical Duggar couple.

And last night"s two-hour-plus mega-episode was not your typical season premiere.

Check out some highlights from Josiah and Lauren"s big day in the gallery below:

1. The Happy Couple

Josiah duggar and lauren swanson wedding pic

Josiah and Lauren have been head-over-heels for one another from the moment their courtship began. On this week’s episode of Counting On they relived their whirlwind romance.

2. Starting at the End

Josiah duggar and lauren swanson pic

The episode kicked off at the conclusion of Josiah and Lauren’s courtship, as the excited couple put the finishing touches on their wedding preparations. It then circled back to fill fans in on their brief bur passionate romance.

3. They DO Have a Sense of Humor!

Lauren swanson josiah duggar pic

“I can’t wait to meet you at the altar and marry you,” Josiah tells Lauren early in the episode. The comment prompts a Counting On producer to joking suggest that the couple “get a room.”

4. Meet Josiah

Josiah duggar throwback

At one point, the episode throws it waaaay back to Josiah’s childhood, as his siblings lovingly recount their memories of the family’s resident prankster.

5. Meet Lauren

Josiah duggar lauren swanson picture

From there, Lauren was introduced to viewers, and the Duggars spoke just as lovingly about their new sister-in-law. “Lauren is already one of the sisters,” Jessa Duggar remarked.

6. A Courtship Begins

Lauren swanson rocks short skirt

Both Lauren and Josiah can barely contain their joy while discussing the early days of their relationship and the manner in which he proposed.

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Friday, July 20, 2018

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson: See Their First Kiss... EVER!

As of late June 2018, Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are husband and wife.

The young couple got married in Arkansas in front of over 1,000 guests, exchanging vows in front of friends, family members and and an officient who knew the twosome well:

Swanson"s father!

For the first time, TLC has released images from the couple"s wedding, which was especially notable because it featured Josiah and Lauren"s first kiss.

As husband and wife? Yes.

But also just their first kiss… period!

Check out the romantic snapshots below…

1. There is the Bride!

There is the bride

Here comes the bride? There is the bride! What a lovely image of Josiah and Lauren holding hands at the altar.

2. Lost in Each Other’s Eyes

Lost in each others eyes

Cue the Debbie Gibson, folks! Lauren and Josiah are clearly lost in each other’s eyes while getting married in this photo.

3. The Parental Walk

The parental walk

Lauren’s father walked his daughter down the aisle and then officiated the ceremony. That’s pretty darn special, wouldn’t you say?

4. Here Come the Tears

Here come the tears

The waterworks are underway! Josiah simply could not hold them back while the ceremony got underway.

5. The Vow Recital

The vow recital

Josiah breaks out a piece of paper and recites his vows to his soon-to-be-wife here. How very romantic, right?

6. Lauren on the Mic

Lauren on the mic

When you have over 1,000 people at your wedding, you need a microphone to be heard. She’s reciting her romantic vows in this picture.

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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Jill Duggar and Lauren Swanson: Unexpected Feud Alert!

It’s only been a few weeks since Lauren Swanson married Josiah Duggar, but it seems the newest member of reality TV’s favorite fundamentalist family is already clashing with her in-laws.

Yes, it seems the latest Duggar wedding didn’t quite go according to plan — and Lauren may feel that one of Josiah’s many siblings is partially to blame.

Jill Duggar-Lauren Swanson

The speculation that Jill Duggar and Lauren Swanson are not exactly getting along began when Jill posted a link on her Instagram page promising “New pics and videos up! link in bio!!”

Jill promptly deleted the link without explanation, leading fans to theorize that she was instructed to do so by Lauren.

Of course, pics and videos from the wedding are everywhere on the internet.

So why would Lauren lay the smackdown on Jill in such public fashion?

Well, that’s where this story gets interesting.

As we said earlier, Josiah and Lauren were not able to get hitched without a hitch.

In fact, it sounds like the wedding was more or less a disaster.

Guests described the event as a “chaotic,” disorderly affair that seemed to have been thrown together at the last minute.

Now given how many times Josiah and Lauren’s wedding date changed, it’s possible that it was thrown together at the last minute, but that’s a conversation for another time.

At this point, you might be thinking:

So the wedding was a mess. What does that have to do with Jill?

Well, possibly nothing. But possibly everything.

Jill is the oldest married Duggar woman of her generation.

As such, she assumes certain responsibilities, among them — you guessed it — assisting with wedding planning.

In the past, Jill has proven up to the task, but this time it seems she may have dropped the ball.

Another theory holds that Jill rushed to post the pics so that she could cash in on the ensuing traffic.

You see, Jill quit Counting On after her husband, Derick Dillard, was fired from the show last year.

Since then, money has been tight around the Dillard household (as will happen when you have two kids and no income) , and some fans think Jill tried to score a little extra cash by being the first to link to her brother’s wedding pics.

It’s also possible that TLC put the kibosh on Jill’s efforts, as they no longer have a working relationship with Jill.

Whatever the case, it’s an interesting situation.

Duggar feuds are nothing new, but a newcomer like Lauren coming after an OG like Jill?

Now, that could make for some entertaining television.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Disturbing Video Prompts Concerns For Josiah Duggar"s Bride

Last week, Josiah Duggar married Lauren Swanson in one of those massive Duggar ceremonies that"s attended by pretty much the entire population of Arkansas.

Duggar courtships are always of intense interest to the family"s legion of fans, but Josiah and Lauren attracted even more attention than usual for a number of reasons.

The most obvious of which is that this was not Josiah"s first courtship.

In an unprecedented turn of events, Josiah broke up with Marjorie Jackson for reasons that remain mysterious.

Adding to the enigmatic nature of Josiah"s love life is the fact that very little is known about Marjorie compared to others who have married into the Duggar clan.

It"s not that she"s been hiding from the public — quite the opposite, in fact.

The Duggars have posted videos in which Lauren introduces herself to fans.

Swanson has been a fixture on Josiah"s Instagram page, and we know she"ll be appearing on the upcoming season of Counting On.

But many fans think there"s something a bit … off about Lauren.

Maybe it"s just nerves, or perhaps it"s the fact that she seems to be reading her lines from a cue card, but whatever the case, it seems Lauren doesn"t give off the "giddy new bride" impression that viewers were expecting.

"Wow! Lauren was super nervous and obviously reading lines…But looked so beautiful!" wrote one YouTube commenter.

"Lauren sounded like she was about to burst into tears," remarked another.

"I guess that"s to be expected when you"re a teenager and have just been forced into a marriage to a guy you barely know."

"Super awkward; Lauren looks so uncomfortable & I want whatever drugs she is on because she looks stoned," a third fan wrote.

"She pulled away from that kiss quick."

Others suggested that Josiah might be to blame for Lauren"s bad case of the nerves.

"He seems like he"d rather be with someone else…. Like Lawson Bates perhaps?" one commenter joked.

Obviously, Lauren"s not totallhy comfortable here, but it"s really not all that surprising. 

After all, not only did she just become a wife — she also just became a reality star.

Check out the clip below to diagnose the newest Mrs. Duggar for yourself:

Lauren swanson disturbing video prompts concerns for josiah dugg

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson Spill ALL Their Wedding Details

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson shocked the world to close out June.

After getting engaged in January, and then announcing a summer wedding date, and then pushing back that wedding date by six months…

… the reality stars went ahead and got married on Saturday at John Brown University Cathedral of the Ozarks in Siloam Springs, Arkansas.

The vows-exchange came as a surprise to even the most ardent Duggar Family, considering Duggar and Swanson had not said very much in public of late about their plans to wed.

Could that be because Swanson is pregnant and this was a shotgun marriage?!?

Perhaps, but that"s obviously not a topic the newlyweds touched on in their first joint interview since becoming husband and wife.

“What a joy it is to be husband and wife,” the 18-year old and 21-year old told People Magazine very soon after getting married, adding:

“Our wedding day was absolutely perfect!”

Now, in the video above, Lauren and Josiah talk in even more detail about their big and blessed day.

“From walking down the aisle, to looking in his eyes and saying the vows was probably one of my favorite moments,” Lauren says in the above.

This video was filmed so shortly after the wedding that Lauren was still in her gown and Josiah was still in his tuxedo.

“What we’re looking forward to…is really spending time with each other as a couple, and really slowing down,” Josiah says in this same footage, adding:

“For me, I made a priority years ago, for my first year of marriage especially, to just slow down on as much work stuff as I can and really focus on our relationship with each other.”

Sounds like a life lesson everyone could and should heed.

Lauren wore a white cap sleeved bridal gown for the ceremony, which was actually officiated by her father.

Heart-shaped strawberry shortcake was served to the guests; while, the night before the wedding, the couple’s families had a "summer-style indoor cookout rehearsal dinner with burgers, hot dogs and sides on the menu," accoriding to People.

In the TLC-sponsored video featured here, Josiah teases that the “journey" to his and Lauren’s wedding day will be a major focus of the upcoming new season of Counting On.

This new season premieres on July 30.

Check out the romantic interview above now!

Josiah duggar and lauren swanson spill all their wedding details

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson: Married!!!!!!

Yup, celebrity gossip fans, they sure do!

Counting On star Josiah Duggar exchanged vows with Lauren Swanson on Saturday afternoon at John Brown University Cathedral of the Ozarks in Siloam Springs, Arkansas.

The ceremony came as a surprise to even the most loyal followers of this couple, seeing as they kept their wedding date a secret ever since getting engaged.

“What a joy it is to be husband and wife!” Josiah and Lauren told People Magzine shorly after they became husband and wife, adding in an interview with the publication:

“Our wedding day was absolutely perfect!”

Added the TLC personality himself:

“What was even more perfect was to see my beautiful bride walking down the aisle.

“We are so thankful the Lord has brought us to this place and we can’t wait to begin our journey as husband and wife!”

Per this same publication, you can scroll down for more details from the big, romantic day…

– The ceremony was officiated by Lauren’s father Dwain Swanson.

– The decorations included flowers, wood and iron.

– For their wedding colors, Duggar and Swanson selection a combination of grey and blue, pink and olive; plus green and white.

– Lauren looked resplendent in a gown from The White Dress Boutique, while her eight bridesmaids donned blush-colored dresses handmade by Jana Duggar and Josh Duggar’s wife Anna. 

The couple started courting in January and starting talking marriage almost immediately afterward.

Even for members of this… ummm… interesting family, they seemed to move very quickly.

Josiah, typically considered the most rebellious of Jim Bob and Michelle’s kids, had previously dated Marjorie Jackson in 2015.

This pair split after just a few months, however, and it took Josiah two-plus years to find another worthy dating mate in Lauren.

Similarly rebellious, Lauren has often been spotted in shorts that stop above the knee, which is usually a major no-no within the rules of Duggar courtship.

Duggar and Swanson were originally scheduled to get hitched this summer… only to postpone the date and reportedly considering walking down the aisle on New Year’s Eve instead.

But then the twosome switched their wedding back to June 30 instead, prompting an obvious rumor:

Was this a shotgun wedding? Is Lauren Swanson pregnant?!?

We’ll find out soon enough, but even if this is the case, we’re sure the family will allege that Lauren and Josiah simply did the unprotected deed on their honeymoon; hence their procreation.

You can track the dating and engagement timeline of the couple below:

Upon confirming his engagement about six months ago, Josiah said the following to People:

“We are overjoyed to begin this new phase of our lives together.

“Through the years our families’ friendship has allowed us to get to know one another as friends.

“I can definitely say I have found a great friend … even better than I could have hoped for or imagined.”

Josiah added of Lauren, who has known the Duggars for years and who has seven siblings of her own:

I so appreciate Lauren’s Christlike character and tender heart toward others.

She bring sunshine into the room and encourages everyone around her.

It’s always stood out to me that in every situation, she looks for the one who appears to be sad or lonely and quickly can brighten their day by sharing words of hope, an encouraging scripture, a prayer or even a simple smile with them.

TLC’s Counting On, meanwhile, returns with new episodes on Monday, July 30 at 9/8c.

Congrats to the newlyweds on their wedding!

And on their baby, whether they are expecting one now; or for when they will be expecting one, which we’re sure should be any day now.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson: Inside Their Scandalous Love Story

Sometime in the near future, Josiah Duggar will marry Lauren Swanson.

As for exactly when the couple will say "I do" … well, the Duggars are keeping that information under their hats.

Why? Well, they would have us believe it"s because they don"t want obsessive fans crashing the party.

But fans think there"s something much more sinister going on here.

So join us as we take a deep dive into the most scandalous Duggar courtship to date and try to sort out the mystery that is Josiah and Lauren"s romance:

1. Young Love

Lauren swanson josiah duggar pic

Josiah and Lauren reportedly hit it off immediately and began talking marriage just days after their courtship began back in January.

2. International Intrigue

Josiah duggar and lauren swanson image

Rumors of Josiah and Lauren’s courtship began when Swanson was spotted traveling with the Duggar clan during their trip to Australia. The couple announced their courtship shortly after returning to the States.

3. Making It Official

Josiah duggar and lauren swanson talk to his parents

Of course, fans couldn’t really be sure this thing was for real until the family released one of their traditional welcoming videos in which Jim Bob and Michelle do all the talking, and it’s mostly about Jesus.

4. Keeping Up Appearances

Josiah duggar and lauren swanson picture

At this point, Josiah and Lauren’s courtship appeared to be very similar to the Duggar romances that preceded it. Of course, there were already some key differences.

5. A Different Breed


Josiah has always been regarded as the most rebellious of his siblings. So perhaps it’s fitting that he’s taken the loosest interpretation of his family’s strict courtship rules.

6. Round Two

Marjorie jackson pic

The most obvious way that Josiah is unique among his siblings is that his first courtship didn’t result in marriage.

View Slideshow

Lauren Swanson: Is She PREGNANT With Josiah Duggar"s Baby?!

Well, folks, it looks like we’re in for another round of Duggar shotgun wedding rumors.

Except this time, there’s no danger of Jim Bob and Michelle disowning anyone, as it’s one of their sons who engaged in some premarital impregnatin’.

And what makes fans think there’s an illicit bun in the oven?

Well, once again, their suspicions have been raised by a seriously sketchy wedding timeline.

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson have only been engaged since March — and yet they’ve allegedly changed their wedding date at least twice.

At first, Josiah and Lauren were supposed to get married in May, which would be consistent with the Duggar tradition of short courtships and even shorter engagements.

But just weeks before the big day, they decided to postpone the wedding until New Year’s Eve.

Now, the couple has reportedly had yet another change of heart.

Radar Online is reporting that Josiah and Lauren will tie the knot this summer — possibly as early as next month.

“It’s coming up,” a source tells the outlet.

As OK! magazine reports, it didn’t take long for fans to start formulating theories.

The Duggars generally prefer to keep fans in the dark regarding wedding dates, so as to cut down on the possibility of uninvited guests crashing the festivities.

But this is some next-level subterfuge, and the consensus is that there’s something more going on here.

At this point, the Duggars are probably having flashbacks to the many “shotgun wedding” rumors that surrounded Joy-Anna’s nuptials.

As you probably know, the family forbids not only premarital sex, but virtually all forms of physical contact between unmarried couples.

So news that one of a premarital pregnancy would result in a fair bit of damage to the wholesome reputation that the Duggars have worked so hard to cultivate.

Obviously, the family has survived worse, but it’s not hard to see why they would be tempted to reschedule a wedding in order to avoid the sight of a bridal baby bump.

As many fans have pointed out, Josiah is the rebel of the Duggar family these days, and thus would be most likely to disregard his parents’ decrees regarding sex before marriage.

There’s little in the way of concrete evidence here, but the ever-shifting wedding date is highly suspicious.

Of course, if Josiah really wants rebel points, he should just stay the course and marry Lauren in December when she’s six months along.

On second thought, that might be pushing it.

He probably doesn’t want his parents having simultaneous coronary events during the exchange of vows.

Smart kid.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Lauren Swanson Sports Short Skirt, Stuns Duggar Fans

It’s been three months since Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson got engaged, but thus far, the couple has managed to keep a tight lid on their wedding plans.

The upside of all that secrecy is that the young lovebirds won’t have to worry about party crashers whenever they tie the knot.

The downside is that it’s got fans obsessing over the couple’s every move even more than usual.

And it seems the situation is particularly burdensome or Lauren, who’s not accustomed to the sort of scrutiny that’s been a part of Josiah’s life since childhood.

Josiah posted the above photo to his Instagram page, and it quickly attracted a surprising amount of attention.

“I didn’t know badminton could make me break a sweat… until I played Lauren!” he captioned the pic.

So the soon-to-be newlyweds got in a round of badminton on his family’s compound.

Sounds innocent enough right?

(Well, except for the “compound” part. That’s just a sinister-sounding word.)

But as many fans were quick to point out, this pic is downright pornographic by Duggar standards.

If you’re familiar with the infamous Duggar dress code, then we probably don’t need to tell you what the issue here is.

Lauren’s skirt might not be short by the rest of the world’s standards, but in Duggarland, it doesn’t pass muster.

Until they’re married (at which point, their husbands decide what sort of attire is permissible), Duggar women are required to wear long skirts at all times, even when playing sports or engaging in other outdoor activities.

Fans quickly zeroed in on the violation, with many pointing out that Lauren gets by on a technicality — she’s not a Duggar …. yet.

But she has been approved by Jim Bob and Michelle, and she probably wouldn’t have passed that test if she didn’t share the majority of their fundamentalist values.

Of course, there have been reports about Josiah rebelling against his parents, so perhaps they had little say in his choice of life partner.

Whatever the case, it seems Josiah and Lauren’s wedding might be coming up much sooner than expected.

Despite rumors that the nuptials had been delayed until December, one commenter in a Duggar-related Reddit forum claims to have firsthand knowledge that the couple will be exchanging vows in the very near future:

“I met Jim Bob and Michelle yesterday, and Michelle mentioned a few times that Josiah’s wedding is in two weeks!” the user wrote.

We’d say Lauren better rock those short skirts while she can, but something tells us this couple won’t be eager to fall in line with Jim Bob’s rules.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, May 25, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson Postpone Wedding: What"s Going On Here?!

Duggar weddings are always secretive affairs, and it’s not hard to see why the family keeps certain details concealed from their hordes of rabid fans.

After all, there are often more than 1,000 invited guests in attendance, which means a Duggar reception would be an easy party to crash.

But many fans believe the clandestine planning process sometimes has a more insidious motivation.

If you’re a follower of the family, then by now, you’ve likely heard the news that Josiah Duggar is engaged to Lauren Swanson.

Josiah and Lauren courted for just a few weeks before taking the next step, but that’s not uncommon in the Duggars’ world.

From a young age, Jim Bob and Michelle’s children are taught that they’ve been put on earth for two reasons: to praise God, and to procreate.

So it should come as no surprise that Josiah and Lauren decided to rush past the usual relationship milestones at breakneck speed.

What is surprising, however, is the fact that they’ve now chosen to push their wedding date by six months without providing any warning or reason.

Last week, insiders claimed that Josiah and Lauren would marry on June 30.

Now, several media outlets are claiming that the nuptials have been postponed, and will now take place on New Year’s Eve.

Needless to say, fans were floored by the revelation, as this is the exact opposite of the shady pre-wedding shenanigans that we’ve come to expect from the Duggars.

It’s not uncommon for the family to reschedule a wedding, but usually, the date is shifted in the opposite direction, and for a readily apparent reason.

For example, when Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth changed their wedding date, they moved it up several months.

Depending on whom you ask, this was either a pre-emptive move motivated by the couple’s inability to adhere to the rules of courtship, or Joy was already pregnant with Austin’s baby.

In either instance, there was an obvious incentive behind Jim Bob and Michelle’s executive decision.

The Josiah case, however, is much more mysterious — but that doesn’t mean there’s any shortage of fan theories circulating on social media.

The most common belief is that Josiah simply came down with a chronic case of cold feet, which isn’t entirely out of the question.

After all, Josiah is the first Duggar of his generation to enter a courtship that didn’t result in marriage, so maybe he’s just more choosy than his siblings.

Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson in 2015, and the couple broke it off for reasons that still haven’t been explained.

Combine that with Josiah’s rebellious reputation and it’s not hard to see why fans are convinced he’s chosen to buck tradition and date his future wife like a normal person.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Josiah Duggar Gushes About Lauren Swanson On Her 21st Birthday!

It’s been two months since Josiah Duggar got engaged to Lauren Swanson, and while there’s been no public talk of wedding specifics, Josiah and Lauren would like the world to know that they’re still very much in love.

Lauren turned 21 over the weekend, and Josiah made it clear that he’s more in love with her than ever in a heartfelt Instagram post.

“There are not enough words to express what you mean to me and how much I love you!” Josiah wrote alongside the photo above.

“You are the best gift God has given to me. Happy Birthday, Lauren!” he added.

“I will love and cherish you all the days of your life.  -Your man, Si.”

Needless to say, fans loved Josiah’s kind words.

Josiah and Lauren are currently keeping a tight lid on their wedding plans, but fans expect them to tie the knot sooner rather than later.

After all, these two have been moving very quickly since day one of their relationship.

Just six weeks after the world learned that Josiah and Lauren were courting, the young couple revealed that they had gotten engaged.

The Duggars were just as effusive in their praise for Swanson when they announced the engagement on Facebook:

“We are so excited to announce that Josiah and Lauren are officially engaged!” they wrote.

“We have known Lauren and her family for a very long time and have seen how she has grown in her knowledge and understanding of the Lord,” the statement continued.

“She is a wonderful, caring, compassionate young lady, full of zeal for Christ. We are very thankful for her.”

The Duggars went on to state that Josiah and Lauren are eager to tie the knot:

‘We are looking forward to another Duggar wedding soon!”

Josiah’s in an unprecedented position, as he’s the first Duggar of his generation to engage in multiple courtships.

The vast majority of romantic relationships result in marriage in the Duggars’ community, so Josiah no doubt found it difficult to find someone to confide in after his breakup.

Fans were stunned when the 21-year-old abruptly ended his courtship with Marjorie Jackson back in 2015.

The couple never made a formal announcement.

Instead, Duggar watchers arrived at the conclusion that they had broken up based on the fact that Josiah removed every photo of Marjorie from his Instagram page.

It was an unexpected move, but those who know Josiah best say he’ll likely continue to toss out his family’s traditions in favor of doing things his own way.

Like his sister Jinger, Josiah is a bit of a rebel, and a source close to the family tells us that he’ll likely “be the next one to bust out.”

Sources close to the family say there are concerns that Josiah will reject his family’s belief system once he’s married and out of the house.

We guess that’s just one more reason to look forward to the next Duggar wedding!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most 


Friday, May 4, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson: Wedding Date Revealed!

Well, it looks like we’re just a few weeks away from yet another Duggar wedding!

Yes, fans were overjoyed when Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson announced their engagement back in March, but in the months since, the couple has been surprisingly tight-lipped.

It’s not unusual for Duggar couples to keep the details of their nuptials under wraps, so as to avoid unwanted attention from obsessive fans.

But many Duggar devotees thought this time would be different because, well … Josiah is different.

This is Josiah’s second courtship.

He’s the first Duggar of his generation to have participated in a courtship that did not result in marriage.

As a result, the 21-year-old follows slightly rules than his siblings.

Generally, unwed Duggars aren’t permitted to use social media.

But Josiah started an Instagram page while he was still courting Marjorie Jackson, and he’s kept it operational ever since.

It’s not completely clear why Josiah gets away with more than his brothers and sisters, but the fact is – he does.

And one of the perks he enjoys is maintaining more open communication with his fans.

So it’s not hard to see why Duggar obsessives assumed Josiah wouldn’t be as clandestine about his wedding preparations as his predecessors.

But in the end, fans had to go digging to find out exactly when Josiah and Lauren plan to exchange vows.

And word on the street is – the big day will be June 30!

The information comes courtesy of the ever-reliable Duggar-related Facebook page titled Duggar Family News: Life Is Not All Pickles and Hairspray.

An unwieldy moniker yes, but one of the most reliable Duggar sources on social media.

Pickles didn’t provide much info about its source, but you can be certain that unless there’s an abrupt date change, that’s the day the wedding will take place.

It’s a little late in the season for an outdoor wedding in Arkansas, but hey – they call Josiah a rebel for a reason!

A source close to the family tells us Josiah will be “the next to bust out” by following in his sister Jinger’s footsteps and casting off some of the more arcane family rules.

There’s already been talk about Josiah and Lauren breaking courtship rules, and sources say once they’re wed, Josiah will permit his wife to eschew the dress code observed by both their families if she so chooses.

Sounds like Josiah might wind up giving Jinger a run for her money in the rebel department!

We’re sure Jim Bob is thrilled.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
