Thursday, July 19, 2018

Jill Duggar and Lauren Swanson: Unexpected Feud Alert!

It’s only been a few weeks since Lauren Swanson married Josiah Duggar, but it seems the newest member of reality TV’s favorite fundamentalist family is already clashing with her in-laws.

Yes, it seems the latest Duggar wedding didn’t quite go according to plan — and Lauren may feel that one of Josiah’s many siblings is partially to blame.

Jill Duggar-Lauren Swanson

The speculation that Jill Duggar and Lauren Swanson are not exactly getting along began when Jill posted a link on her Instagram page promising “New pics and videos up! link in bio!!”

Jill promptly deleted the link without explanation, leading fans to theorize that she was instructed to do so by Lauren.

Of course, pics and videos from the wedding are everywhere on the internet.

So why would Lauren lay the smackdown on Jill in such public fashion?

Well, that’s where this story gets interesting.

As we said earlier, Josiah and Lauren were not able to get hitched without a hitch.

In fact, it sounds like the wedding was more or less a disaster.

Guests described the event as a “chaotic,” disorderly affair that seemed to have been thrown together at the last minute.

Now given how many times Josiah and Lauren’s wedding date changed, it’s possible that it was thrown together at the last minute, but that’s a conversation for another time.

At this point, you might be thinking:

So the wedding was a mess. What does that have to do with Jill?

Well, possibly nothing. But possibly everything.

Jill is the oldest married Duggar woman of her generation.

As such, she assumes certain responsibilities, among them — you guessed it — assisting with wedding planning.

In the past, Jill has proven up to the task, but this time it seems she may have dropped the ball.

Another theory holds that Jill rushed to post the pics so that she could cash in on the ensuing traffic.

You see, Jill quit Counting On after her husband, Derick Dillard, was fired from the show last year.

Since then, money has been tight around the Dillard household (as will happen when you have two kids and no income) , and some fans think Jill tried to score a little extra cash by being the first to link to her brother’s wedding pics.

It’s also possible that TLC put the kibosh on Jill’s efforts, as they no longer have a working relationship with Jill.

Whatever the case, it’s an interesting situation.

Duggar feuds are nothing new, but a newcomer like Lauren coming after an OG like Jill?

Now, that could make for some entertaining television.
