Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Pregnant ALREADY?!

It’s been over a month since Lauren Swanson and Josiah Duggar got married.

And that can only mean one thing — the girl is already knocked up!

Or at least that’s what fans think.

These days, the Duggar message boards are loaded with sleuths who claim to have it on good authority that Josiah and Lauren are already expecting.

But as far as we can tell, their “proof” consists of little more than the fact that Lauren is a Duggar now, and thus, must constantly be knocked up.

In less psychotic corners of the internet, fans are still obsessed with the state of Lauren’s uterus, but their comments on the matter are inquisitive, rather than declarative:

“Sooo when’s the baby due???” one fan asked on Facebook.

“The baby is due in eight months,” another responded, offering nothing in the way of evidence.

“Woohoo baby announcement here in about another four to six weeks,” remarked a third

To be clear, we’re not saying that Lauren is definitively not pregnant.

Hey, with the way Josiah and Lauren broke the courtship rules, she might have been knocked up before they even walked down the aisle!

But we are saying there’s nothing in the way of conclusive evidence at the moment, just a lot of persuasive people with very strong hunches.

Last we checked, Josiah and Lauren were on their honeymoon in Austria, a location they chose due to their shared love of a family-friendly flick.

“We chose Austria for our honeymoon because of The Sound of Music,” Lauren told People Magazine.

“I’ve always wanted to come here, and I’m loving all the scenery and traditional Austrian clothing.

“I am also loving the people and the culture. Travel like this reminds me that people everywhere are really the same, even if the culture and some experiences are different.”

We take back everything we said; Lauren is 100 percent expecting.

It’s impossible to take such a sexy trip and not come home pregnant with octuplets.

We looked it up.
