Showing posts with label Bride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bride. Show all posts

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Bride Secretly Fattened Up Bridesmaid Sisters Before Her Wedding

Most bridezillas fill their loved ones with terror and dread. This one is very different.

This monster bride sabotaged her own sisters with a smile — and they never even knew.

A woman has come forward to reveal that she secretly fattened up her sisters so that they’d look worse on her wedding day.

wedding photo with yellow bridesmaid dresses from IG 03

“My sisters and I have always been competitive with each other,” the woman calling herself “Penny” confesses online.

She shares that she has two sisters, and “we’re all super close.”

“Except when we drive each other nuts and then we can’t stand each other.”

She says that these fights never last long, and expects that other women with sisters will automatically understand what she means.

“We all live together, along with my fiance,” she shares. “When I announced we were getting married, it was my sisters I told first.”

wedding photo with yellow bridesmaid dresses from IG 01

It will not surprise you to learn that “Penny” is the middle sibling.

Her older sister, she says, is a music teacher and a perfectionist who seems totally on top of things.

Penny is convinced that her elder sister was secretly fuming with jealousy that she wasn’t the first to marry.

The younger sister is apparently “fun and flirty,” complains that men never take her seriously, and works as an artist and illustrator.

Penny then admits that she has always felt a little less beautiful than either of her sisters.

So when it came down to preparing for her wedding day, she decided to make sure that no one would steal her spotlight.

wedding photo with yellow bridesmaid dresses from IG 02

Penny did the usual — going all out on her own appearance.

She also insisted that her bridesmaids wear yellow, easily one of the worst colors, in the hopes that it made them look “slightly ill.”

Her hopes were realized, and her blonde sisters looked “washed out.”

(I say this as an extremely fair-skinned white person: yellow is not a flattering color on 99% of white people)

But her real secret, and the place where this story takes a turn from normal sabotage to being truly heinous, was her smoothies.

smoothie photo from Instagram

“But by far the worst thing I did was to fatten up my sisters in the months leading up to the wedding,” Penny confesses.

“Every morning,” she writes. “I was a picture of sunshine and morning glow as I insisted on making breakfast smoothies for everyone.”

“I told them I wanted us all to look our best on the big day,” she explains. “So I was making them this special slimming smoothie.”

The smoothies were instead designed to help her sisters pack on weight.

“I even went as far as buying a weight loss shake and emptying the contents,” Penny shares.

She kept the weight loss shake container, “filling it instead with a mega-weight gain protein powder I found in a body building shop.”

“At first I went easy,” Penny says. “But by the month before the wedding I was adding triple the prescribed amount.”

wedding photo with yellow bridesmaid dresses from IG 04

Her own smoothies were simple — fruit and coconut water.

Penny shares that her evil plan to sabotage her sisters “worked like a charm,” and that they even had to have their dresses altered to accommodate weight gain.

Her wedding herself, she boasts, went beautifully, and she says that she never doubted for a moment that she was the center of attention.

She says that she sometimes feels guilty about what she did to her sisters, but that she mostly feels happy.

She no longer makes the smoothies for them, and claimed to them that the smoothie company went ouf of business.

This sabotage was similar to part of the plotline in Mean Girls. In real life, it is horrendous.

Though her sisters did lose the weight that they gained, she altered their bodies to address her insecurities.

There are depraved people in this world and sometimes, they seem almost proud of it.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"Runaway Bride" Jennifer Wilbanks "Memba Her?!

Jennifer Wilbanks gained infamy (and the nickname “Runaway Bride”) after she got cold feet and skipped town before her wedding, claiming she was sexually assaulted and kidnapped by a Hispanic man and white woman back in 2005. Guess what she…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Disturbing Video Prompts Concerns For Josiah Duggar"s Bride

Last week, Josiah Duggar married Lauren Swanson in one of those massive Duggar ceremonies that"s attended by pretty much the entire population of Arkansas.

Duggar courtships are always of intense interest to the family"s legion of fans, but Josiah and Lauren attracted even more attention than usual for a number of reasons.

The most obvious of which is that this was not Josiah"s first courtship.

In an unprecedented turn of events, Josiah broke up with Marjorie Jackson for reasons that remain mysterious.

Adding to the enigmatic nature of Josiah"s love life is the fact that very little is known about Marjorie compared to others who have married into the Duggar clan.

It"s not that she"s been hiding from the public — quite the opposite, in fact.

The Duggars have posted videos in which Lauren introduces herself to fans.

Swanson has been a fixture on Josiah"s Instagram page, and we know she"ll be appearing on the upcoming season of Counting On.

But many fans think there"s something a bit … off about Lauren.

Maybe it"s just nerves, or perhaps it"s the fact that she seems to be reading her lines from a cue card, but whatever the case, it seems Lauren doesn"t give off the "giddy new bride" impression that viewers were expecting.

"Wow! Lauren was super nervous and obviously reading lines…But looked so beautiful!" wrote one YouTube commenter.

"Lauren sounded like she was about to burst into tears," remarked another.

"I guess that"s to be expected when you"re a teenager and have just been forced into a marriage to a guy you barely know."

"Super awkward; Lauren looks so uncomfortable & I want whatever drugs she is on because she looks stoned," a third fan wrote.

"She pulled away from that kiss quick."

Others suggested that Josiah might be to blame for Lauren"s bad case of the nerves.

"He seems like he"d rather be with someone else…. Like Lawson Bates perhaps?" one commenter joked.

Obviously, Lauren"s not totallhy comfortable here, but it"s really not all that surprising. 

After all, not only did she just become a wife — she also just became a reality star.

Check out the clip below to diagnose the newest Mrs. Duggar for yourself:

Lauren swanson disturbing video prompts concerns for josiah dugg

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Arizona Bride Arrested for DUI on Her Way to Her Own Wedding

Look out, Florida Woman. Arizona Bride is doing what she can to show you up.

A 32-year-old bride named Amber Young was arrested for a DUI after she became involved in a three-vehicle collision.

Police tweeted out a photo and a warning to everyone.

Arizona Bride Arrested for DUI

Do you think that Alanis Morissette has any lyrics to cover this?

Police spokesman Sgt. Chriswell Scott shared the above photo in a now-deleted tweet, along with the mesage:

“A driver was arrested for DUI this AM while driving to her wedding.”

That’s right, folks — her own wedding.

“@MaranaPD officers arrived at OG/Thornydale at approx 1030 reference a three vehicle collision.”

At least one person was taken to the hospital, but it doesn’t sound too serious — for a car accident, anyway.

“One person was transported with minor injuries.”

Scott finished his tweet with a warning.

“Don’t drive impaired, till death do we part doesn’t need any help.”

That tweet has since been deleted. Perhaps he or someone else with the Marana Police Department decided that it was inappropriate.

Champagne from instagram

Now, we can probably read between the lines a little, here.

Most brides don’t drive to their own weddings — and not because they’re drunk.

Certainly, most brides don’t don a wedding dress and then drive themselves — intoxicated or sober — to the wedding location.

Friends, bridesmaids, and family are supposed to help them get into the dress.

Perhaps this woman may have had more than just pre-wedding jitters as a reason to drink.

But stress or misery is no excuse for drinking and driving. That endangers others — it’s not just about you.

Arizona on a Map

It is worth noting that Arizona has some of the strictest DUI laws in the United States.

Sure, the 0.08 blood alcohol limit is pretty standard, but they also consider it illegal to drive if the driver has any sign of impairment whatsoever, even if their alcohol levels are well below the legal threshold.

That said, clearly the police weren’t too hard on Amber Young, because they allowed her to leave after she signed a criminal citation and agreed to appear in court at a later date.

It looks like the police were trying to be nice since it’s apparently her wedding day.

There’s always the chance that she (or other interested parties) decided to postpone the nuptials to a more auspicious day.

Public comments have ranged from condemnation of Young to sympathy for what must have been an already complicated wedding day.

One commenter jokingly condemned the police for stopping her.

“Accident or not she is a woman who was heading to her wedding so no one have the right to stop her(sarcastic).”

Obviously, this was a joke. Also, this commenter has an interesting theory about how the groom generally prepares for a wedding.

“If news agency where to report on men stopped for DUI on wedding day they would be presenting that 24/7.”

We don’t know that there’s any evidence to support that allegation of a sexist double-standard, but we certainly hope that no one is drinking and driving on their wedding day.


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Amy Schumer Wedding Pics: Here Comes the Funny Bride!

It"s a sentence we never thought we"d write, but here we go:

Amy Schumer is a married woman.

The comedian got hitched on February 13, 2018 to celebrity chef Chris Fischer, surprising fans by exchanging vows in Malibu on a Tuesday evening.

Approximately 80 guests were in attendance, including a few familiar faces featured here.

Indeed, Schumer has uploaded a number of beautiful, romantic and flat-out funny photos from her big day to Instagram.

We"ve collected them all below. Check each one out now and then send Schumer and Fischer your very best wishes!

1. Her Wedding Morning

Her wedding morning

What was so special about this date for Amy Schumer? It was the date on which she got married! And here’s a photo of her in the morning.

2. Making Up Amy

Making up amy

Amy Schumer shared this photo of her styling team from the day on which she became a married woman.

3. About to Be Hitched

About to be hitched

She does, people! She really does! We’d like to thank Amy Schumer for sharing this photo from her big day.

4. Chris Fischer and His Bride

Chris fischer and his bride

How sweet of a photo is this?!? Nick Fischer gives a little kiss on the forehead to his brand new bride.

5. We’re Newlyweds!

Were newlyweds

They look pretty happy, don’t they? We really hope things work out well for Amy Schumer and Chris Fischer.

6. Yup!

Amy schumer wedding pic

They sure are married! Amy summed that up here with one single word.

View Slideshow

Monday, August 7, 2017

Montell Jordan Gets $10k to Surprise Bride with "This Is How We Do It" First Dance

Montell Jordan sprang a huge surprise on an unwitting bride over the weekend, and traveled halfway around the world to do it. Sources close to Ryan Deluca — who founded and runs a VR company, Black Box — tells TMZ he…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Bride Recites Vows to 4-Year Old Stepson and He"s Not the Only One Moved to Tears

If you’re someone who often cries at weddings, consider yourself warned:

You definitely want to watch the following video. That much is certain.

You just want to watch it with a basket full of tissues. Take note.

This past Saturday, U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Joshua Newville exchanged vows with Senior Airman Emily Leehan.

As beautiful as those vows were, however, they are not the reason this relationship and this story have gone viral.

Instead, this tale has garnered our attention because Emily did not just recite a set of vows to her new husband; she also recited a set of vows to his son, a four-year old named Gage.

“I want you to be safe, and to try your hardest, and to be a good person,” Leehan says as the toddler stands in front of his father at Quincy Cellars in Ripley, New York.

As Leehan keep reading, Gage starts to cry, eventually rushing forward to wrap his arms around his new stepmom’s waist.

Emily, in turns, attempts to keep sticking to her beautiful script, but Gage makes doing so just a tad bit challenging.

“I know that you and I will butt heads, but—” she says before she’s interrupted by Gage’s precious weeping.

“Buddy, it’s okay,” Gage’s dad says, pulling his child in for a hug.

However, Gage can’t help it.

He continues to cry, burying his face into his father’s Marine uniform.

Continues Emily, prior to bending down and giving her stepson a hug and a kiss:

“You have helped make me into the woman that I am today, and I may not have given you the gift of life, but life surely gave me the gift of you.”

After the ceremony concluded, Newville says that people approached Gage to tell him he did a terrific job at the altar.

“We were telling him, ‘You did awesome,’ and our family and friends were saying that and told him he made it even better,” Newville told ABC News.

What a beautiful story and family.

The couple remains on active military duty, and will not go on a honeymoon; not yet at least.

ABC reports that Emily and Joshua will instead return to their home at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey.

We send the bride, groom and their son nothing but the best.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Counting On Season Premiere Recap: Here Comes the Bride! Again!

After months of hype, Counting On Season 4 finally premiered on TLC on Monday night, and man alive, are the Duggars busy these days.

With so many life events (and just so many Duggars, in general), it must’ve been hard to pick a place to start for producers. But they did …

Joy-Anna Duggar is a married to Austin Forsyth, and despite having exchanged vows not even three weeks ago, we saw it all unfold.

The teen revealed she did get cold feet beforehand, but on the Counting On season premiere, she certainly showed zero sign of any.

Her favorite part of this special day?

Marrying the love of her life. Oh, and her first kiss of course, because the Duggars do not allow such a thing to take place before marriage.

The Duggars are interesting folks!

That’s why we love them, though, and Joy-Anna, 19, began the episode by gushing to the audience about her wedding and her husband.

“This is definitely the day that I’ve been waiting for for a very long time. I can’t believe that it’s already here,” she told the TLC cameras.

Austin, 23, echoed that sentiment: “Today is the day that I have dreamed about and prayed about for pretty much as long as I can remember.”

“I’m just looking forward to getting to share my life, its good time and its challenges, with my best friend,” the groom-to-be added.

Suffice it to say, these two are 100% MFEO.

“Saying our vows and saying ‘I do’ and committing our lives to each other is so incredible,” Joy said. “I am so blessed to be married to him.”

We would tell these two to get a room, but …

Anyway, before walking down the aisle that day, Joy and Austin saw each other quite a few times, which is uncommon in some circles.

But hey, so is limiting your physical contact to side hugs until you’re engaged, so this is pretty much all unconventional. In a good way.

“Joy and I do things different,” Austin said. “We needed to talk about some things and pray together, so we threw tradition out the window.”

The Duggar-style first kiss tradition was upheld, though.

In other words, they saved it for their wedding day, and having known each other for a decade and a half, well, it was QUITE the buildup.

“I think the first kiss was amazing,” Austin later gushed.

“It was better than I ever thought it would be.”

Easy. Let’s not get too carried away man!

Meanwhile, Joseph Duggar, 22, ensured that this event would be a day to remember in the family for another reason as well.

Having received his sister’s blessing, Joseph orchestrated a marriage proposal to Kendra Caldwell during Joy-Anna’s wedding reception!

Wait until you hear how he did it, too.

Instead of throwing her bouquet to all the single ladies at the party – and think of how many there are – Joy hand a surprise up her sleeve.

She turned around and handed the beautiful flowers to Joe’s girlfriend, Kendra, as Joe then dropped to one knee and popped the question.

In front of their loved ones!

Oh yes … looks like as we continue to watch Counting On online this season, there will be yet another Duggar wedding in the works!


Monday, April 17, 2017

United Airlines Removes Bride and Groom-to-Be from Plane (But Why?!?)

We have some good news and some bad news for United Airlines.

First, the good: the company has gone multiple days without beating up any paying customers.

But now the bad: the company made news once again over the weekend for alleged mistreatment of two passengers.

United Airlines planes

In this instance, an engaged couple was on board a United Airlines flight, heading from Houston to Costa Rica for their wedding.

Michael Hohl and Amber Maxwell tell KHOU that they were the last ones to board their plane and that they came across a sleeping man, draped across their assigned seats, upon arrival.

In response, Michael and Amber moved a few rows up in the economy cabin and asked if they could pay on the spot for seats in the Economy Plus section.

They were denied by flight attendants, who told the couple to return to their original seats.

“We thought not a big deal, it’s not like we are trying to jump up into a first-class seat,” Hohl explained to KHOU, adding:

“We were simply in an economy row a few rows above our economy seat.”


This is where details become murky, however.

The engaged twosome allege that a federal marshal escorted them from the plane due to their refusal to seat in the seats to which they were assigned.

But United says this simply isn’t true, releasing a statement that details how Michael and Amber “repeatedly attempted to sit in upgraded seating which they did not purchase and they would not follow crew instructions to return to their assigned seats.

“They were asked to leave the plane by our staff and complied.”

This statement from a United Airlines spokeswoman says the company offered the couple a discounted hotel rate for the night, and rebooked them on a Sunday morning flight.

united tickets

So there seems to be some disagreement here in regard to what transpired.

But the PR disaster is obviously not on the level of what happened between United and a doctor named David Dao.

As has been well documented by now, Dao was one of four passengers on a flight from Chicago to Louisville last week who was chosen at random to give up his seat because United had overbooked his flight.

When Dao refused to do so, he was dragged away against his will and the following video has turned United into an ongoing punchline:

After the incident triggered international outrage, United CEO Oscar Munoz apologized to Dao, his family and its customers, saying the carrier would no longer use law enforcement officers to remove passengers from overbooked flights.

(What a novel concept, huh?)

“I continue to be disturbed by what happened on this flight and I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all the customers aboard,” Munoz said in a public Mea Culpa, days after his initial apologies were considered tone deaf and insensitive.

“No one should ever be mistreated this way.”

munoz statement

Dao is almost assuredly set to file a lawsuit against United Airlines.

We expect the company to settle for a hefty sum and for the carrier to eventually be renamed Dao Airlines.

Just kidding. But only a little bit.

This doctor is about to absolutely own that place.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Bride Helps Maid of Honor Get Engaged in Coolest of Ways

A few weeks ago, we shared a wedding video that we guaranteed would make you cry.

We"re now excited to present a wedding video that we guarantee will leave you standing up and cheering.

In the following piece of footage, a woman is on the beach with her bridesmaids and her bouquet, prepared to toss the latter to the former in order to see who will get married next.

Per tradition, of course.

But the bride then stops right before letting go of her flowers.

She proceeds to walk over and hand them to her very best friend, Marcie.

At that point, the groom’s very best friend, Lauren, walked over and got down on one knee to propose.

How cool is that?!? Talk about a selfless act, right?

How many brides and grooms out there would be willing to cede the spotlight on their big day to their friends?

Playing a major role in ceding said spotlight, no less. We love it.

Watch the full video below and ask yourself:

Could you do such a thing for your best friend on your big day?

Weigh that question and check out the romantic couple of minutes now:

Bride helps maid of honor get engaged in coolest of ways

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Bride and Groom Claim Guest Gave Too Cheap a Gift, Demand More

Some brides get it into their heads that wedding gifts are required/expected, completing negating the very definition of the word.

One British couple went so far as to call a guest out for only gifting them with a 100-pound check.

The guest, who said she was a former co-worker of the bride, was so upset by the request that she sought out advice from total strangers.

According to the Guardian, the woman posted her grievance to Mumsnet Forum, hoping that she wasn’t going insane by thinking the couple’s note was a bit rude.

“We were surprised that your contribution didn’t seem to match the warmth of your good wishes on our big day,” the newlyweds wrote to their guest.

“In view of your own position, if you wanted to send any adjustment it would be thankfully received.”

The guest was, understandably, horrified and opened up to the forum.

“I recently attended an ex-colleague’s wedding where, in response to a request for cash gifts, I sent what I thought was a pretty decent cheque (£100 if it matters, though I can’t help feeling it shouldn’t)

“For someone who’s not easily shocked I confess I’m utterly gobsmacked by this. So as not to drip feed I’ll mention that “your own position” probably refers to a recent inheritance I’ve had, which maybe they expected something from (and this is an ex-colleague, remember, not a close friend or relative)

“Please, anyone, what do I do now? I’ve never come across anything like this before and still can’t quite believe they’ve done it – but since they have, should I reply, ring them, ignore it or what??

One user wrote suggested the guest “email back but BCC any mutual friends in so they are able to see the email for themselves. That is entitled and grabby. It’s a gift not an obligation and many people wouldn’t have given so much to an ex-colleague.” 

Another wrote: “Whatever the circumstance that is very rude. As to whether or not the gift was appropriate: did you bowl up with a partner and six children and proceed to demolish the buffet and free bar? No? Then £100 is a generous gift to an ex-colleague.”

“It’s a gift not an obligation and many people wouldn’t have given so much to an ex colleague,” one other chimed in.

The guest was grateful for the suggestions, and wrote back to the group herself.

“It’s unlikely I’ll bump into the B&G much in future as I’m retired now, which is probably just as well,” she explained.

“However I’ve just replied to her email with one sentence: ‘I assume this was some sort of mistake?"”

Friday, November 6, 2015

Groom Ditches Wedding for Paintball; Bride Goes to McDonald"s!

Forget leaving for the honeymoon.  This bride would rather have a burger.

A bride whose new husband decided to play paintball after their ceremony decided to do exactly what she felt like doing: eat at McDonald’s.

Antoinette Sullivan brought her wedding party to the fast food restaurant to enjoy a burger for the post-wedding celebration while her new husband played paintball.

Her husband, Miles, stayed long enough to get hitched.  But when he left to play paintball, Antoinette wasn’t sure what to do.

So she did what all brides do after they’ve been starving themselves to fit in their wedding dresses: she ate a quarter pounder, fries, and mozzarella sticks.

The 28-year-old bride said, “When Miles went off with his mates I thought to myself, well if he can have his fun then I can I have mine”

“We laughed about it but my friends said I should have gone mad but I don’t care, it was a great day and I’d been craving junk food after months of dieting.”

She continued, ”It was the best burger I’d ever eaten and the best way to mark the day. It was perfect and typical of me and Miles.”

Most brides would have lost their sh*t.  But she wanted her new husband to have fun:  “We’re best friends as well as husband and wife and we never stop each other doing what we want to do.”

“He wanted to go paintballing with his mates and I wanted a burger and chips and that’s what we did,” she added.

After they celebrated independently, the couple—who have four kids together—reunited for an evening celebration. Antoinette explained, “I met up with Miles in the evening and we had a great party with our friends.”

Miles claimed that he played paintball after the ceremony because he didn’t have a pre-wedding bachelor party.

”After the ceremony the boys told me they were kidnapping me to go paintballing. I asked Antoinette first of course but she was great about it. We’re like that as a couple. I love her to bits,” he gushed.

“I must have the best wife in the world to let me leave her in her dress and go off on my stag do.”

After the burgers and paintball, the couple left for a honeymoon in Tenby in Wales.  However, they left only one day later because they were bored. They spent the rest of their time at Alton Towers.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Bride Honors Late Son with Incredible Wedding Photo

Finally, an example of Photoshop being used for good.

Back in May, Atlanta resident Anna Bozman Thompson lost her six-year old son, Lake, to leukemia.

It was a heartbreaking development at the time, of course, and it was made all the more painful because Thompson was set to get married in October.

When her wedding day rolled around, Anna wrote on Facebook that she could feel Lake’s “presence and I was actually happy,” but “it was almost unbearable to take family pictures without him.”

She added:

“I could feel my emotions taking over after the ceremony when it was time to take pictures. I became anxious and almost irritated but I knew these pictures had to be taken.”

So Thompson put on a brave smile and posed with her husband and her two other kids.

After the ceremony and reception, a friend of Anna’s worked with the wedding photographer to come up with something truly amazing, as posted above:

An edited version of the main wedding picture that features the breathtaking addition of Lake off to the side.

“THIS is my family. And we will be together again,” Anna wrote as a caption to the image, adding:

“Thank you to all of you for the support and love that you have showed our family these past 6 months. Your words of encouragement and your prayers have helped keep me going. I thank you for that.

“Please don’t ever stop saying Lake’s name. I love you sweet boy.”

Take as long as you need to stare at this beautiful picture and to get a handle on your emotions. There’s no rush. It took us quite a few awhile, that’s for sure.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Scandal Episode Teaser: Here Comes the Bride?!?

Olivia Pope is no tawdry mistress.

That was the message the White House attempted to send on Scandal Season 5 Episode 5, as Olivia tried to pass herself off as someone truly, madly, deeply in love.

Which isn"t exactly a lie, of course.

It"s the truth and it"s been the truth for a very long time now and the public is only first catching up.

But might this story backfire on Olivia and Fitz? Might the new Chief of Staff (who is really the old Chief of Staff; welcome back, Cyrus!) come up with a new step in the couple"s PR defense that takes everyone by surprise:

A wedding! For real! On the heels of a divorce!

What could possibly go wrong?!?

That"s very much what ABC is teasing in the promo featured here for Scandal Season 5 Episode 6, titled "Get Out of Jail, Free."

Will Olivia and Fitz really go through with it? What will the fallout be from Cyrus even floating this idea to the controversial couple?

Tune in on Thursday, October 29 at 9/8c on ABC for the answer and get your first look at scenes to come right here and now.

Scandal season 5 episode 6 teaser

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bride Presents Dad with "Certificate of Purity" on Wedding Day

When Mike Freeman gave away his daughter, Brelyn, on her wedding day this month, he didn’t expect to get anything back in return.

But the Maryland bride wanted to prove to her pastor of a father that she kept a pledge she made to him at the age of 13, presenting her dad with a “certificate of purity” on her wedding day.

This document was signed by her doctor and it stated that her hymen remained intact.

Yup, she was still a virgin. And might we add: EWWWW! WTF?!?!?!?!?

"I wanted to show him, "Dad, I kept my word and this is what I did to show you." It was my way to honor him," Bowman tells Good Day DC in the following video.

She appears on the program alongside husband Tim Bowman Jr., who also promised to remain a virgin until marriage.

The newlyweds dated for three years prior to tying the knot (and then getting it on!) and say they have received feedback both positive and negative.

"There are people who have different view points and different ways of looking at it, and I"d like them to respect our views as I would their views," says Tim. "We just disagree." 

What do you think of this unusual gesture? Sweet and sentiment? Or just really, very, awfully, sort of weird and gross?

Watch below and then sound off!

Bride present dad with certificate of purity proof of intact hym

Friday, September 18, 2015

Groom"s Prank Scares You-Know-What Out of Bride

Note to most grooms around the world: You may not want to follow this guy"s example.

But somehow, some way, this brand new husband got away with one of the bolder pranks we"ve ever seen.

During his wedding reception, he hired actors to portray waiters and he brought in a stunt cake… so that when two waiters got into a fight and one waiter dropped the cake, everyone else believed the actual wedding cake had fallen to the ground and been ruined forever.

Watch to see the guests" reaction and ask yourself: How are these two married?!?

He must have given her quite the engagement ring.

Groom pranks scare living you know what out of bride