Showing posts with label 4Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4Year. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Ruthie Ann Miles, Tony Award-Winning Actress, Loses 4-Year Old Daughter in Car Crash

Ruthie Ann Miles, who won the Tony Award in 2015 for Best Featured Actress in a Musical, was one of three survivors of a fatal car accident in Brooklyn on Monday.

According to various news outlets, however, Miles lost her four-year old daughter, Abigail, in the tragic crash.

The incident occurred after a driver allegedly struck Miles’ vehicle after running a red light.

Another woman, Lauren Lew, was also struck in the accident and survived – but her one-year-old son, Joshua, was killed.

Both children were pronounced dead at Methodist Hospital shortly after the crash took place.

Lt. John Grimpel of the New York Police Department confirmed to People Magazine in an email that the cars collided around 12:40 p.m. when a 44-year-old female “failed to maintain control of the vehicle and struck the pedestrians.”

The driver then continued down the street until crashing into a handful of parked cars.

The one-year-old’s stroller was dragged halfway down the street with the one-year-old in it, according to authorities.

The driver of the out-of-control car has said she suffered a seizure at the time of the accident.

Insiders say Ruthie Ann Miles, who is pregnant, is listed in stable condition.

She won her Tony Award for her role in The King and I and also had a part on The Americans Season 4.

A GoFundMe page, meanwhile, has been set up to assist Ruthie and her family at this time. It includes the picture below and it reads as follows:

Our dear friend Ruthie Ann Miles encountered tragedy on March 5, 2018, when a reckless driver ran a red light in Brooklyn, striking four people, including Ruthie and her sweet four-year-old daughter, Abigail.

Ruthie, who is pregnant, is injured and in critical condition, and, very sadly, Abigail passed away.

This GoFundMe has been set up as a centralized point to accept donations. These contributions will go to Ruthie and her family.

Ruthie is beloved by her many friends and colleagues in the Broadway and touring communities. She is always kind and always has a smile.

It is our honor to help her in this difficult time.


Broadway actors such as Lin-Manuel Miranda, Audra McDonald, Kristin Chenoweth and Laura Benanti have taken to social media to offer support to Miles and her family and also to urge people to donate to this GoFundMe campaign.

“Heartsick for Ruthie and her family,” wrote Miranda. Unimaginable. Help if you can.”

And this from Chenoweth: “@RuthieAnnMiles sending love to you and your family  there are no words. Except you are loved.”

And Benanti:

“Humans of twitter. Our friend @RuthieAnnMiles has suffered an unimaginable loss and is pregnant and in critical condition. Please give what you can.”

And McDonald:

“This is heart shattering. Please help if you can and if you can’t please send love and hope and prayers their way. Ruthie, I am sending you all the love and light in my heart today sweet lady.”

Our heart breaks for Miles and her family.

May they find peace during this incomprehensible time.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Bride Recites Vows to 4-Year Old Stepson and He"s Not the Only One Moved to Tears

If you’re someone who often cries at weddings, consider yourself warned:

You definitely want to watch the following video. That much is certain.

You just want to watch it with a basket full of tissues. Take note.

This past Saturday, U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Joshua Newville exchanged vows with Senior Airman Emily Leehan.

As beautiful as those vows were, however, they are not the reason this relationship and this story have gone viral.

Instead, this tale has garnered our attention because Emily did not just recite a set of vows to her new husband; she also recited a set of vows to his son, a four-year old named Gage.

“I want you to be safe, and to try your hardest, and to be a good person,” Leehan says as the toddler stands in front of his father at Quincy Cellars in Ripley, New York.

As Leehan keep reading, Gage starts to cry, eventually rushing forward to wrap his arms around his new stepmom’s waist.

Emily, in turns, attempts to keep sticking to her beautiful script, but Gage makes doing so just a tad bit challenging.

“I know that you and I will butt heads, but—” she says before she’s interrupted by Gage’s precious weeping.

“Buddy, it’s okay,” Gage’s dad says, pulling his child in for a hug.

However, Gage can’t help it.

He continues to cry, burying his face into his father’s Marine uniform.

Continues Emily, prior to bending down and giving her stepson a hug and a kiss:

“You have helped make me into the woman that I am today, and I may not have given you the gift of life, but life surely gave me the gift of you.”

After the ceremony concluded, Newville says that people approached Gage to tell him he did a terrific job at the altar.

“We were telling him, ‘You did awesome,’ and our family and friends were saying that and told him he made it even better,” Newville told ABC News.

What a beautiful story and family.

The couple remains on active military duty, and will not go on a honeymoon; not yet at least.

ABC reports that Emily and Joshua will instead return to their home at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey.

We send the bride, groom and their son nothing but the best.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson: Of Course My 4-Year Old Daughter Can Pose in Playboy!

Kendra Wilkinson takes pride in being a hands-off mother.

Which is why the former Playmate says she’d have no problem at all with her daughter one day taking her clothes off for Playboy.

The mother of a seven-year old boy named Hank and a four-year old girl named Alijah, Kendra was asked by Entertainment Tonight whether she’d be okay with the latter posing on the cover of the men’s magazine that made her famous.

And here’s how Wilkinson replied:

“I won’t sit here and say that I would like that, but if she made a healthy decision and a healthy choice with a healthy mind to want to pose for Playboy….

“We are a free home, we are a free spirit.

“If that’s your way of wanting to express yourself and who you are, then go ahead and be exactly who you want to be.”

Wilkinson went on to explain that she’s always going to support her kids at all, no matter what they choose to do with their lives.

“I’m not a person to hold my kids back,” she told the outlet, elaborating as follows:

“If they need to get whatever they need out of it, then go. I’m here to love them and support them and guide them as best as I can, but I’m not going to put any limits to their lives.

“And if that’s the way they’re going to be happy and express who they are, then they can do whatever they want.

“I’m not here to stop their lives or interfere.”

Heck, Kendra doesn’t comprehend why parents EVER tell children what to do or how to act.

“Why are we putting rules on everyone? It doesn’t even make sense,” she says, wondering:

“For who? What are the rules for? For society? What the hell? To impress other people? Where do we live?”

Slow your roll there, K Dubs.

This is one of those quotes that sounds great in theory, but is utter nonsense in practice.

Why do we put rules on kids? Gee, we don’t know… for their health? Their safety? Their well-being?

Because sometimes young people don’t know what’s best for them and it’s up to a more educated and experienced person to arrive at some important life decisions?

We’d be more willing to take family advice from Kendra if she actually had a solid relationship with members of her own family.

But the entire new season of Kendra on Top will focus on Wilkinson’s effed up relationship with her mother.

And Kendra’s husband has admitted to getting a hand job from a transgender model back in the day.

So it’s possible that she may not be the best authority for managing relationships between spouses or parents or children.

This is not to say that someone who strips down for a magazine is automatically a bad person or doomed to fail in life or anything of that nature.

To some extent, we agree with Kendra that it’s helpful to give kids a long rope and to support their choices.

But there’s a middle ground between ensuring your kids are self-confident and self-assured… and just letting them run around all free and crazy and aimless.

We do also agree with Kendra when it comes to trolls and haters.

Many people out there judge her family a lot harsher than we just did above, and here’s what she told ET about those individuals:

“That’s their problem. Honestly, we’re doing just fine. We’re a happy family. We don’t care about that stuff.

“We’re doing what we’re doing. That gets into bullying and I’m not teaching my kids to give into bullying like that. If you stop what you’re doing because someone says something mean, then come on.

“Then you’re the one who loses. You’ve gotta rise up and you’ve gotta stay in the game.”


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Kim Zolciak Brags About 4-Year Old"s "Real Gun" Handling

Kim Zolciak has found a way to distract people from her ridiculous cleavage.

The reality star shared something her four-year old son, Kash, brought home from school this week, bragging to her followers on Snapchat about all the things Kash loves about her dad.

For example, according to the following image of a school questionnaire, Kroy Biermann is 51 years old.

He likes to ride his four-wheeler. His favorite food is steak. His favorite drink is Sprite. His job is to play football.

And Kash loves his dad because “he lets me hold his real gun.”

Wait… WHAT?!?

Biermann lets his four-year old child hold his real gun? Moreover, this is something Zolciak wanted to tell her followers all about?

As you can see below, Kim wrote as a caption to the photo, “I [love] this!”

But social media users didn’t exactly feel the same way.

If Zolciak means that she loves seeing all the ways in which her son loves her husband, then, sure, absolutely. She ought to be proud and excited over this questionnaire.

Last year, you may recall, Kash dressed up in a military outfit and carried a fake gun for Halloween. He posted a picture of himself holding it toward the camera on his Instagram account.

(Yes, the four-year old has his own Instagram account.)

The picture earned Zolciak and her family a lot of backash, but apparently not enough.

Gun advocates here will likely say that it’s important for kids to learn gun safety as early in their lives as possible, and that much is true.

If parents know that their kids will be handling guns as they get older, then it’s definitely a good thing to make sure these children know what they’re doing.

But still. Four years old?!?

Zolciak and Biermann got married in November 2011.

Together, they share six kids – Brielle, 19, Ariana, 15, KJ, 5, Kash, 4, and 3-year-old twins Kane and Kaia.

(Zolciak had Brielle and Ariana from previous relationships; Biermann went on to adopt them.)

As you can see from the photos above, the couple is going very strong.

“This guy!! I love him to the moon and back!” wrote Kim as a caption to the above image, adding:

“When he hurts I hurt, when he’s happy I’m happy! He doesn’t even have to speak and I feel him! Thankful for this last week! Romantic and restful!!

“Now back to Filming a brand new season of Don’t be Tardy. I can’t believe this will be Season 6!”

Zolciak is no stranger to brewing up controversy when it comes to her kids.

Daughter Brielle Biermann has become her own viral sensation over the past several months, often flaunting her bikini body on Instagram and using her body to gain as many followers as possible.

She’s been egged on throughout by her famous mother.

But the real question is this: Is Zolciak really getting plastic surgery for her three-year old child?!?


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

4-Year Old Cheers for Wrong Team, Has Adorable Meltdown

Kendall Kohler is a dedicated Louisville Cardinals fan.

At least when she remembers to actually cheer for the Louisville Cardinals, that is.

See, Kendall is only four years old.

And it can be hard to keep track of team names and colors sometimes, especially when so many players are on the same football field at once.

So it’s understandable that Kendall recently made a pretty major mistake, cheering for the Kentucky Wildcats by mistake when they played the Cardinals.

Understandable to us, that is.

To Kendall? It was a life-altering, tear-inducing faux pas that left her a pool of emotions in her father’s arms.

“I actually cheered on the Cats on accident!” a distraught Kendall told her father, Scotty, whose efforts to console his child go to waste in the above video.

“She accidentally said ‘Go Kentucky’ during whatever game it was that they was playing in her room,” Kohler told Buzzfeed News of the incident, adding that Kendall wasn’t even watching football when this happened.

Scotty told his wife to record the moment because he “wanted to have this video for her when she got older.”

“I was the only one who understood what she said [at first] and I understood how trivial it was and that it definitely was nothing to be that upset about.

“That was the comical aspect of it,” he explained.

sad Louisville fan

The video we’ve shared above didn’t take long to go viral, with many users feeling horrible for the distraught toddler.

support for kendall

cute tweet

So it looks like Kendall has accomplished something extremely rare here:

She has brought the Internet together in a show of compassion.

She may have done it “on accident,” but she still ought to be proud.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

4-Year Old Will Miss Obama SO Much, Wants Cuddles

President Barack Obama currently has a 50% approval rating across most national polls.

This is an impressive figure for a Commander-in-Chief nearly eight years into his administration.

It makes it apparent that many people out there will be sad when Obama leaves office in January.

But no one will be sadder than the little girl featured in the video below.

According to Facebook, her name is Abella.

And, according to yours truly, she recently had the most adorable, most heartbreaking reaction we"ve ever seen to a President nearing the end of his two-term tenure.

The following footage was shared online by Abella;s mother, who wrote as a caption to the hilarious video:

My daughter Abella overheard me listening to the Democratic Convention last night and she is pretty devastated that Barack Obama is leaving the White House…

Who isn"t?!

At least half the country may be, just based on the approval percentage cited above.

But that isn"t the point here, of course.

The point is that Abella"s mommy eventually asks if the child wants to write a letter to Obama in order to express her feelings.

But this only makes Abella even more distraught.

What might help? A movie and being cuddled, she says, causing the Internet to break out into a collective AWWWWW just as she gets these words out.

We don"t typically laugh at the emotional pain of a four-year old, but we think it"s acceptable to make an exception in this case, don"t you?

It"s also unclear whether Abella will truly miss Obama … or whether she just fears who may take his place.

Her mother seems not to be concerned, however.

Watch below to see what we mean… and to laugh/smile/cry!

4 year old cant handle end of the barack obama presidency

4-Year Old Will Miss Obama SO Much, Wants Cuddles

President Barack Obama currently has a 50% approval rating across most national polls.

This is an impressive figure for a Commander-in-Chief nearly eight years into his administration.

It makes it apparent that many people out there will be sad when Obama leaves office in January.

But no one will be sadder than the little girl featured in the video below.

According to Facebook, her name is Abella.

And, according to yours truly, she recently had the most adorable, most heartbreaking reaction we"ve ever seen to a President nearing the end of his two-term tenure.

The following footage was shared online by Abella;s mother, who wrote as a caption to the hilarious video:

My daughter Abella overheard me listening to the Democratic Convention last night and she is pretty devastated that Barack Obama is leaving the White House…

Who isn"t?!

At least half the country may be, just based on the approval percentage cited above.

But that isn"t the point here, of course.

The point is that Abella"s mommy eventually asks if the child wants to write a letter to Obama in order to express her feelings.

But this only makes Abella even more distraught.

What might help? A movie and being cuddled, she says, causing the Internet to break out into a collective AWWWWW just as she gets these words out.

We don"t typically laugh at the emotional pain of a four-year old, but we think it"s acceptable to make an exception in this case, don"t you?

It"s also unclear whether Abella will truly miss Obama … or whether she just fears who may take his place.

Her mother seems not to be concerned, however.

Watch below to see what we mean… and to laugh/smile/cry!

4 year old cant handle end of the barack obama presidency

Thursday, October 15, 2015

4-Year Sings to Cancer-Stricken Mother, Brings Internet to Tears

We apologize in advance.

We really do not want our readers to break down in a heap of tears.

But you likely won"t be able to help it after this video, which features a four-year old girl singing Martina McBride"s "I"m Gonna Love You Through It."

She"s addressing the single to her mother, who was recently diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

After Ellen DeGeneres shared the video on her show’s Facebook page, word spread to McBride herself, who Tweeted in response to the footage:

"I love this too! So touching. And she can SING!"

She sure can. For the most important, most emotional of reasons.

Watch now and don"t be ashamed if the tears come streaming down your face. They certainly did for us.

4 year sings to cancer stricken mother brings entire internet to