Thursday, October 15, 2015

4-Year Sings to Cancer-Stricken Mother, Brings Internet to Tears

We apologize in advance.

We really do not want our readers to break down in a heap of tears.

But you likely won"t be able to help it after this video, which features a four-year old girl singing Martina McBride"s "I"m Gonna Love You Through It."

She"s addressing the single to her mother, who was recently diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

After Ellen DeGeneres shared the video on her show’s Facebook page, word spread to McBride herself, who Tweeted in response to the footage:

"I love this too! So touching. And she can SING!"

She sure can. For the most important, most emotional of reasons.

Watch now and don"t be ashamed if the tears come streaming down your face. They certainly did for us.

4 year sings to cancer stricken mother brings entire internet to