Showing posts with label CancerStricken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CancerStricken. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

13-Year Old Dedicates AGT Audition to Cancer-Stricken Father

Evie Clair made us cry on Tuesday night.

The 13-year old America’s Got Talent contestant got up on stage and told Simon Cowell that she was trying out for the show because “it’s just always been my dream ever since I was little.”

That"s perfectly fair and pretty normal.

An endless array of children dream about striking it big as a singer.

But it didn"t tell the full story, either.

Shortly after introducing hersselt to viewers, Clair got choked up. For a very understandable reason.

"My family, about a year ago, my dad was diagnosed… sorry, with stage four lung cancer.

"They gave him a five percent chance to live, and he’s still working and supporting our family. So tonight I’m here to sing for him."

This admission created a hush over the audience. What is there to possibly say in response, right?

As for why she selected Christina Perri’s "Arms" as her audition song?

“When my dad is having rough days, I go up to his room and sing this song to help him feel better and just give him comfort and strength to continue fighting," she said, to which Cowell replied:

“You’ve been really unbelievably brave with what you’ve told us tonight. Now I want you to just settle yourself for a little while.”

After Tyra Banks brought out some water for the young teenager, Cowell encouraged Evie to give her performance all she had:

“Okay, now this is the time I want to hear the best vocal you’ve ever, ever done. Got it?”

Clair did so, earning a standing ovation in the process, along with this praise from Howie Mandel:

"There was so much meaning. A broken heart and tears and the cries of a little girl who loves her father and wants to be there, and I feel like everyone wants to wrap their arms around you and tell you, you are home."


Watch the inspiring performance below:

Evie clair dedicates americas got talent audition to cancer stri

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Paris Jackson Pays Sweet Tribute to Cancer-Stricken Mom

It sadly took a deadly disease, but Paris Jackson reconciled with her mother this summer.

Back in early July, Debbie Rowe shared that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, a potentially fatal and tragic development, but one that ended up with a silver lining:

It brought her 18-year old daughter back into her life.

Soon after losing her famous father, Paris spiraled downward for a number of years, turning to drugs and alcohol and even attempting suicide.

Her relationship with her mother fell apart as a result.

On Mother’s Day 2016, Paris unfollowed Rowe on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, prompting Debbie to wrote an open letter to her child on Facebook.

“One of the saddest things in this world is to see a child grow up hating one of their parents because they only got one side of the story,” Rowe wrote at the time.

The mother to Paris and Prince Jackson, Rowe married Michael Jackson in 1996.

According to TMZ, however, Jackson reached out to her mom after reading an article about Rowe’s battle against breast cancer.

Sources say Debbie was overjoyed at the time in July when she received a text message that simply read: “I love you.”

Fast forward a few months and it’s clear the bond between daughter and mother is once again very strong.

Consider the picture Paris shared over the weekend on Instagram.

“I’m a fighter because she’s a fighter. Love you mom,” Paris captioned the sweet image of her proudly kissing Rowe’s bald held.

Rowe is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

Paris is echoing Rowe’s words with this statement, as Debbie confirmed her cancer diagnosis to Entertainment Tonight in July and said via statement:

“I’m a fighter and always have been.”

Paris, meanwhile, could use all the inspiration she can find these days.

It’s been a very tough journey for the teenager, ever since her dad passed away.

In mid-September, Paris released a heartbreaking video on YouTube, crying over cyberbullying attacks and talking about her suicide attempts.

“I don’t understand how there can be so much hatred in the world right now,” the 18-year said in the footage, which we’ve shared below.

She continued:

“I’ve tried sticking up for myself. I’ve tried the whole blocking the haters thing, not reading the comments, I’ve tried a lot of things. Ignoring it. But it’s hard.”

Jackson attempted suicide in 2013 and confessed this summer that she has tattoos on her arms to cover up scars from past instances of self-harm.

Addressing bullies online and in real life, Jackson added:

“We got hearts and brains and feelings, and when you say damaging things like that to people, it f–ks ‘em up.”

Watch the moving video below:

We send our thoughts and prayers to both Paris and Rowe.

Perhaps through this dark times for both of them, they can at least continue to come together and find some light.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

4-Year Sings to Cancer-Stricken Mother, Brings Internet to Tears

We apologize in advance.

We really do not want our readers to break down in a heap of tears.

But you likely won"t be able to help it after this video, which features a four-year old girl singing Martina McBride"s "I"m Gonna Love You Through It."

She"s addressing the single to her mother, who was recently diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

After Ellen DeGeneres shared the video on her show’s Facebook page, word spread to McBride herself, who Tweeted in response to the footage:

"I love this too! So touching. And she can SING!"

She sure can. For the most important, most emotional of reasons.

Watch now and don"t be ashamed if the tears come streaming down your face. They certainly did for us.

4 year sings to cancer stricken mother brings entire internet to