Wednesday, June 21, 2017

13-Year Old Dedicates AGT Audition to Cancer-Stricken Father

Evie Clair made us cry on Tuesday night.

The 13-year old America’s Got Talent contestant got up on stage and told Simon Cowell that she was trying out for the show because “it’s just always been my dream ever since I was little.”

That"s perfectly fair and pretty normal.

An endless array of children dream about striking it big as a singer.

But it didn"t tell the full story, either.

Shortly after introducing hersselt to viewers, Clair got choked up. For a very understandable reason.

"My family, about a year ago, my dad was diagnosed… sorry, with stage four lung cancer.

"They gave him a five percent chance to live, and he’s still working and supporting our family. So tonight I’m here to sing for him."

This admission created a hush over the audience. What is there to possibly say in response, right?

As for why she selected Christina Perri’s "Arms" as her audition song?

“When my dad is having rough days, I go up to his room and sing this song to help him feel better and just give him comfort and strength to continue fighting," she said, to which Cowell replied:

“You’ve been really unbelievably brave with what you’ve told us tonight. Now I want you to just settle yourself for a little while.”

After Tyra Banks brought out some water for the young teenager, Cowell encouraged Evie to give her performance all she had:

“Okay, now this is the time I want to hear the best vocal you’ve ever, ever done. Got it?”

Clair did so, earning a standing ovation in the process, along with this praise from Howie Mandel:

"There was so much meaning. A broken heart and tears and the cries of a little girl who loves her father and wants to be there, and I feel like everyone wants to wrap their arms around you and tell you, you are home."


Watch the inspiring performance below:

Evie clair dedicates americas got talent audition to cancer stri