Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Arizona Bride Arrested for DUI on Her Way to Her Own Wedding

Look out, Florida Woman. Arizona Bride is doing what she can to show you up.

A 32-year-old bride named Amber Young was arrested for a DUI after she became involved in a three-vehicle collision.

Police tweeted out a photo and a warning to everyone.

Arizona Bride Arrested for DUI

Do you think that Alanis Morissette has any lyrics to cover this?

Police spokesman Sgt. Chriswell Scott shared the above photo in a now-deleted tweet, along with the mesage:

“A driver was arrested for DUI this AM while driving to her wedding.”

That’s right, folks — her own wedding.

“@MaranaPD officers arrived at OG/Thornydale at approx 1030 reference a three vehicle collision.”

At least one person was taken to the hospital, but it doesn’t sound too serious — for a car accident, anyway.

“One person was transported with minor injuries.”

Scott finished his tweet with a warning.

“Don’t drive impaired, till death do we part doesn’t need any help.”

That tweet has since been deleted. Perhaps he or someone else with the Marana Police Department decided that it was inappropriate.

Champagne from instagram

Now, we can probably read between the lines a little, here.

Most brides don’t drive to their own weddings — and not because they’re drunk.

Certainly, most brides don’t don a wedding dress and then drive themselves — intoxicated or sober — to the wedding location.

Friends, bridesmaids, and family are supposed to help them get into the dress.

Perhaps this woman may have had more than just pre-wedding jitters as a reason to drink.

But stress or misery is no excuse for drinking and driving. That endangers others — it’s not just about you.

Arizona on a Map

It is worth noting that Arizona has some of the strictest DUI laws in the United States.

Sure, the 0.08 blood alcohol limit is pretty standard, but they also consider it illegal to drive if the driver has any sign of impairment whatsoever, even if their alcohol levels are well below the legal threshold.

That said, clearly the police weren’t too hard on Amber Young, because they allowed her to leave after she signed a criminal citation and agreed to appear in court at a later date.

It looks like the police were trying to be nice since it’s apparently her wedding day.

There’s always the chance that she (or other interested parties) decided to postpone the nuptials to a more auspicious day.

Public comments have ranged from condemnation of Young to sympathy for what must have been an already complicated wedding day.

One commenter jokingly condemned the police for stopping her.

“Accident or not she is a woman who was heading to her wedding so no one have the right to stop her(sarcastic).”

Obviously, this was a joke. Also, this commenter has an interesting theory about how the groom generally prepares for a wedding.

“If news agency where to report on men stopped for DUI on wedding day they would be presenting that 24/7.”

We don’t know that there’s any evidence to support that allegation of a sexist double-standard, but we certainly hope that no one is drinking and driving on their wedding day.
