Monday, April 25, 2016

I Am Cait Season 2 Finale Recap: Houston, We Have a Problem

On I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 8, the second season of the E! hit came to an end in dramatic fashion as Cait made some big decisions.

Those who watch I Am Cait online know that the entire second season has been revolving around politics and Cait’s role in the community.

This week, the sophomore campaign culminated in Jenner arriving to Houston to “do something” about the city’s “anti-trans message.”

First, though, Kris Jenner visited Caitlyn  house to celebrate Christmas … and face a key vote on being let into the girls’ night squad.

“We have a tradition at girls’ night,” Caitlyn told Kris.

“To get in you have to be voted on by the board.”

“I’m screwed,” Caitlyn Jenner’s ex-wife lamented.

Not the case, though! In a gesture of good will and growing warmth between the former spouses, she was voted in – unanimously at that.

She even got “an official girls’ night bracelet.” Aww.

Also, Cait and Candis Cayne were dared to kiss.

That was interesting, to put it mildly!

Meanwhile, those who know Caitlyn Jenner supports Ted Cruz could have predicted that her squad confronted her about this viewpoint.

Clearly, the election and the Republican presidential contender are polarizing topics, but that’s what makes them so interesting to debate.

There were bigger issues at stake this week, though. For example, Ella Giselle confronted her father about not accepting her initially.

This was deep, powerful stuff.

While I Am Cait cameras weren’t allowed to film inside the Houston church services they attended, the squad made its presence felt.

Jenny Boylan told Caitlyn:

“I thought that was interesting that in spite of the church’s very anti-trans message, many, many people wanted pictures of you.”

“Particularly people under the age of 13.”

“We went to two church services and the most lively, loving, cheering, happy response was when the parishioner saw that Caitlyn.”

Kate explained that their trip to Texas “was all worth it for the four-minute conversation that Caitlyn had with the reverend.”

“Caitlyn said to him, ‘I need you to know that your comments on that video are highly offensive to me and all trans people."”

“And no one has said that to his face before that.”

It was an emotional experience for all involved.

During the last meal with her squad (of the season, not in life – these girls are tight!) Caitlyn broke down crying, reflecting upon everything.

“We spent a lot of time together,” Caitlyn told her friends. “We poured our hearts out, we spoke with passion, hopefully some respect.”

“Have I made mistakes? Yeah but that’s OK, you learn from it and you move on. And I so appreciate your love and support, it’s been overwhelming.”

“You know we did good. I love you all.”