Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner: Blaming Kris Jenner For Low I Am Cait Ratings?

There was a time when it seemed it unlikely that Caitlyn Jenner’s reality show I Am Cait would get renewed for a second season

Ratings were low, and Jenner seemed to have squandered whatever goodwill she may have built up over the past year by expressing her controversial views on the plight of other members of the trans community.

On Sunday night, however, I Am Cait Season 2 premiered on E!, and as many industry insiders predicted, the ratings were disastrous.

The show pulled in just 745,000 viewers, a loss of more than 500,000 from its season one finale.

If the decline continues, Jenner will likely suffer the embarrassment of a mid-season cancelation.

Fortunately, Caitlyn knows just who to blame, and no, it’s not herself for bizarrely defending Ted Cruz as some sort of trans advocate.

Just like she did last season, Caitlyn is blaming Kris Jenner for her low ratings.

According to Radar Online, Caitlyn thinks Kris criticized her interviews in the weeks leading up the show’s premiere as a means of sabotaging the series.

In fairness, Kris did say she was “confused” by Caitlyn in an interview on Ellen last week, but frankly, we don’t think Caitlyn needed any help sabotaging her show.