Thursday, August 4, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner: This is Why I"m a Republican

To many people out there, Caitlyn Jenner is a dichotomy.

She is an outspoken transgender individual… and she"s a Republican.

How can this be?

The reality star and former Gold Medalist explained her political stance in an interview on Wednesday night with HBO"s Bill Simmons.

“I believe in our Constitution," Jenner told the host, explaining that this document gives the government certain, enumerated powers and that the government has gone to exceed them.

"They’re in control of everything," she added.

Caitlyn, who met Hillary Clinton this spring and who thinks Hillary Clinton is a liar, did not tell Simmons that she"s endorsing Donald Trump.

She said she wants to help the entire Republican party, especially when it comes to LGBT issues.

Suicide rates for transgender people are nine times higher than the norm, she said. Kids struggling with their identity are more prone to bullying.

There are hates crimes, the murder rate is abnormally high.

There are clearly many ways in which members of this minority community aren"t just having problems, but are actually dying.

"Maybe I can help the Republican part do a better job when it comes to these types of issues," Caitlyn said.

That"s an admirable goal, to be sure.

But one must ask in light of it: Does Jenner really believe Donald Trump is the person to help her achieve it?

Caitlyn"s stance also raises interesting broader questions. To wit:

At what point should one place a community"s best interests over one"s personal beliefs?

Of course Jenner is entitled to share the same opinions as those espoused by the Republican Party. But it would be a pretty tough argument for anyone to make that Conservatives are more in touch with the LGBT world than Liberals.

Does Caitlyn therefore have a responsibility to vote Democratic? Because she considers herself a transgender role model?

Or is that simply one side to a layered person who still relates more to one party than another, despite the issue with which this person is most closely associated?

Ponder these questions as you watch Caitlyn Jenner talk about her political leanings below?

Caitlyn jenner here is why im a republican