Showing posts with label Deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deer. Show all posts

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Deer Whisperer Brother Nature"s Old Tweets Resurface, Reveal Rampant Racism

Viral sensation and self-proclaimed deer whisperer, “Brother Nature,” started trending this weekend for all the wrong reasons — old and incredibly vile tweets … which invoked names like Jay-Z and Chris Brown.  20-year-old…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Kendall Jenner & Bella Hadid Accused of Stealing Deer Pic

Dear Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid, if you’re gonna straight-up jack photos of a cute, fuzzy deer … at least tag the rightful owner who’s trying to rescue Bambi. The owner of Fuzzy Fawn Wildlife Rescue tells TMZ … she has no problem…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Hero Dog Leaps Into Water, Saves Deer from Drowining

Dogs are generally considered Man"s Best Friend.

For good reason: they are as loyal as it gets when it comes to their human owners.

But the following photos, video and explanation describes a situation in which one canine in particular is loyal to a deer it had never met before… so much so that it jumps into a lake and rescues its fellow animal from drowning.


Scroll down to learn more…

1. This is Storm

This is storm

He’s an English golden retriever who lives in Long Island.

2. There’s Trouble Out There!

Theres trouble out there

He was out for a walk with his owner and his fellow dog, Sara, when he noticed something in the water and just jumped in. It was a baby deer.

3. Got It!

Got it

“Storm plunged into the water and started swimming out to the fawn, grabbed it by the neck, and started swimming to shore,” said owner Mark Freeley, who grabbed his phone and started filming.

4. Is He Okay?!?

Is he okay

As you’ll see in the amazing video below, Storm didn’t merely rescue the fawn. He was clearly agitated over its state, crying until it showed signs of life.

5. Yikes!


Storm’s show of concern actually scared the young animal, which shot up and ran back out into the water. Thankfully, by now, others had arrived on scene and one man swam out to make a second rescue.

6. Got Him! Again!

Got him again

Frank Floridia of Strong Island Rescue said it took about eight minutes and a rope to get a hold of the deer. He understood what Storm went through, first during the rescue and then afterward, making sure the fawn was unharmed.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Denny"s Deer Smashes Through Window

Denny’s customers got an off-the-menu breakfast special — a crazed deer that crashed through a window … and scrambled around the restaurant. Broken glass went flying as the deer leaped into the restaurant … clearing rows of booths and tables…


Denny"s Deer Smashes Through Window

Denny’s customers got an off-the-menu breakfast special — a crazed deer that crashed through a window … and scrambled around the restaurant. Broken glass went flying as the deer leaped into the restaurant … clearing rows of booths and tables…


Friday, August 26, 2016

Dad Lets Daughter Eat Raw Deer Heart, Internet Explodes in Anger/Shock/Confusion/Horror/Pure Disgust

The Internet has finally hit its breaking point.

And it’s all due to the following photo:

Yes, this really is a photo of an eight-year old girl eating a raw deer heart.

The image has gone viral and stirred up a crazy amount of controversy after a New Zealand man submitted these images to the Facebook group NZ Woman Hunters.

They depict his daughter’s first kill.

And her subsequent action in response to it.

“Hey you hunter chicks, I’m a proud Dad… check out my little pink ninja princess (8) with her first deer a young stag,” wrote the father as a caption.

He added:

“Shot in a bush block on a friends farm last weekend. She made tricky downhill shot using my shoulder as a leaning rest and shot with dads 7 mm-08 at about 40m.

Then she took a bite from its warm quivering heart.”

We added the bold above for emphasis.

Because… do we really need to explain why?


As you would imagine, most World Wide Web users’ reactions are summed up by the GIF featured here.

They have included:


And also:


And then there was this:


There have been the scattered hunting enthusiasts who have defended this man and his eight-year old, however.

To wit:

defending tweet

The Facebook page NZ Woman Hunters has since been shut down due to this swirling controversy, although it’s not the first time a debate has broken out over young people celebrating the murder of an animal.

Earlier this month, a 12-year old named Aryanna Gourdin received national attention for the many photos online of her and her prey.

She has traveled all over the world to kill wildlife, saying the takedown of a zebra recently felt like a “dream” come true.

“It’s something I cherish and enjoy and I want other people to see what I experienced,” she said in an interview with Good Morning America.

But critics took issue with pictures such as the ones here.

They referred to the little girl, and her father, who accompanies here on these hunting expeditions, as “sick,” among other insults.

Then there was Walter Palmer, the Minnesota dentist who reached an impressive level of Internet infamy when he killed a lion named Cecil.

That story made national news in October of last year.

In July of 2014, Facebook deleted photos of a college student named Kendall Jones after she filled up her account with snapshots of her and animals she killed in the wild.

Model Joanna Krupa even threatened to shoot the 19-year old Texas Tech student at the time in response to these images:

So, yeah.

Controversy over hunting will never go away. Especially when the hunter is a child.

But killing an animal and then immediately eating its heart? Sorry, it’s “warm quivering heart?” That’s a new one.

Ready to join the debate? Leave a comment below and weigh in on this whole little-girl-eats-a-raw-deer-heart scandal.

Are you for? Against? Or too grossed out right now to even formulate a coherent thought?

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Deer Photobombs Sleeping Baby, Rings in AWW-tumn

Who knew that deer loved to hog the spotlight in such a manner?!?

About a year after a herd of these animals stepped into the background of a memorable wedding photo, one gentle deer decided to check in on the status of a sleeping baby.

While Megan Rion of Imagine That Photography was doing a photo shoot with the child (named Conner) in Sam Houston Jones State Park in Moss Bluff, Louisiana, that is.

The picture – which includes a bale of hay, some colorful leaves and pumpkin – is a true sign that autumn awww-tumn has arrived.

“We had the set up for baby Conner all fixed and we were trying to console him and get him into position while Maggie just strolled up behind us,” Rion told

Wait… Maggie? 

Yes, Megan is actually familiar with this photobombing deer.

She’s a rescue deer who lives in the park and who Rion has seen in about “five different photo shoots.”

She’s known for having a gentle nature and Rion told Fox 8 that her assistant used an ear of corn to get Maggie’s attention after she wandered into the frame.

“Not only did she look my way, she came up calmly walking towards baby Conner and our set-up,” Rion explained. “I got a couple shots then we were done.”

A couple of AMAZING shots, we would say.

Check out the cool image above and then compare it below with other examples of animals cramming their way into human photographs: