Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Hero Dog Leaps Into Water, Saves Deer from Drowining

Dogs are generally considered Man"s Best Friend.

For good reason: they are as loyal as it gets when it comes to their human owners.

But the following photos, video and explanation describes a situation in which one canine in particular is loyal to a deer it had never met before… so much so that it jumps into a lake and rescues its fellow animal from drowning.


Scroll down to learn more…

1. This is Storm

This is storm

He’s an English golden retriever who lives in Long Island.

2. There’s Trouble Out There!

Theres trouble out there

He was out for a walk with his owner and his fellow dog, Sara, when he noticed something in the water and just jumped in. It was a baby deer.

3. Got It!

Got it

“Storm plunged into the water and started swimming out to the fawn, grabbed it by the neck, and started swimming to shore,” said owner Mark Freeley, who grabbed his phone and started filming.

4. Is He Okay?!?

Is he okay

As you’ll see in the amazing video below, Storm didn’t merely rescue the fawn. He was clearly agitated over its state, crying until it showed signs of life.

5. Yikes!


Storm’s show of concern actually scared the young animal, which shot up and ran back out into the water. Thankfully, by now, others had arrived on scene and one man swam out to make a second rescue.

6. Got Him! Again!

Got him again

Frank Floridia of Strong Island Rescue said it took about eight minutes and a rope to get a hold of the deer. He understood what Storm went through, first during the rescue and then afterward, making sure the fawn was unharmed.

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