Showing posts with label Argentine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Argentine. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Justin Bieber Hurls Argentine Flag Out Window, Loses a Fan

Justin Bieber is doing his best to lose as many fans as possible these days.

First, Bieber canceled all meet and greets, denying concert goers the chance shake his hand and pose for a photo prior to shows.

The singer apologized at the time for doing so, claiming that these events made him very tired.

Next, Bieber announced that he will no longer pose for selfies with fans, citing security concerns and a desire for privacy.

And now footage from earlier this month in New York City has surfaced… and it doesn’t paint Bieber in a very positive light.

According to The Daily Mail, it was filmed by one of the fans who had been waiting for Bieber to emerge from his hotel and it focuses on an unnamed Argentinian teenager who was desperate to meet her idol.

As you can see in two different ways below, the girl tosses an Argentine flag Bieber’s way. And he coldly hurls it out the window.

Soon after the incident took place, this is what the fan wrote on Facebook:

“Yesterday I was at the hotel at 10am and I stayed for hours outside waiting. When he was going out, guards told us to back off, so I grabbed the flag and threw it at him.

“Of course it was not my intention for it to fall close to his face, so I apologised a thousand times.

“He looked at me… grabbed the flag, threw it on the pavement and shut the window.”

Ouch. Harsh by The Biebs, isn’t it?

Especially when you see the event unfold in full via the following video and you see just how irritated he seems to be by the mere presence of his supporters:

“I’m 15 and he could have treated me better since I apologised and he could hear it,” the girl added on Facebook.

Amazingly, this is not Bieber’s first scandal involving the flag of Argentina.

Back in 2013, Bieber was banned from performing in the country after he kicked away flags that attendees hurled onstage during a performance.

He did eventually apologize for the incident, at least.

Should he also do so for the latest flag controversy featured above? You tell us!