Showing posts with label Abused. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abused. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2018

Jenelle Evans Denies Being Abused in Unsettling New Video

If you"ve been keeping up with all the latest Teen Mom news, then you know that this month hasn"t been an easy one for Jenelle Evans.

In fact, it might be one of the worst months of her life.

There"s been reports that David Eason"s been abusing her, the reports were pretty much confirmed by a recording of a 911 call from Jenelle …

It"s been rough.

But still, she"s been denying everything.

Now, in a video statement that"s over five minutes long, she"s opening up about everything.

And it"s even rougher.

1. Poor Jenelle

Jenelles lips

Let’s be real, it’s hard to root for Jenelle sometimes.

2. The Exception

Jenelle evans dude shirt

But this is absolutely, 100% not one of those times.

3. What a Nightmare

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

For the past couple of weeks, some truly disturbing reports about Jenelle have been released, and there’s been one especially heartbreaking 911 recording.

4. SO Sad

Jenelle and david on a date

It all started when a website reported that someone had called 911 from Jenelle’s home to report that David Eason had assaulted her.

5. … No

Jenelle evans a selfie

A rep for Jenelle denied the report, explaining that Jenelle had simply tripped and fallen by a bonfire, and that’s what the scare was.

6. A Bad Sign

Jenelle e photo

Still, she deleted her Twitter and Facebook accounts after the report was released, which was an odd move if she’d just fallen, you know?

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Johnny Depp: There"s No Way I Could Have Abused Amber Heard!

There was a time — not all that long ago, in fact — when people actually looked forward to the promotional tours that preceded the release of Johnny Depp’s big-budget studio films.

Depp was Hollywood’s most charming oddball, and fans loved the idea of the notoriously press-shy actor being lured away from much cooler pursuits — presumably smoking opium with Keith Richards or something — to provide a sharp contrast to the sunny demeanor of some bubbly morning show host.

But a whole lot has changed since the days when Depp used to mumble his way through pre-taped interviews with Matt Lauer.

And needless to say, it’s all been bad.

Over the past few years, the once-beloved actor’s reputation has taken one hit after another.

Last year, Depp sued his management team, and the bizarre court battle that ensued painted a picture of a drug-addled egomaniac who’s prone to bullying and endangering the less powerful for the sake of his own amusement.

In June, Rolling Stone published an interview with Depp that seemed to confirm suspicions that years of heavy substance abuse and a number of toxic personality traits had caused the 55-year-old to transform into a sort of sad self-parody.

But nothing did more damage to Depp’s public image than his ugly divorce from Amber Heard.

Heard accused Depp of savagely beating her, and secretly recorded video (below) showed a heavily-intoxicated Depp berating his then-wife.

Most actors would have embarked on an apology tour after something like that, but Depp maintained his innocence, and in a shocking new interview with British GQ, he’s doubling down and once again claiming that Heard is the real bully:

Asked point-blank if he ever hit abused Heard, Depp had this to say:

“To harm someone you love? As a kind of bully? No, it didn’t, it couldn’t even sound like me.

“So, initially, I just kept my mouth shut, you know? I knew it was going to stick on me and it would get weirder. Keep going, you know? Go nuts. I ain’t going to get into a pissing contest with someone about it.

“Spit out what you need to spit out and, you know, my attorneys will take care of the rest. I never went out and spoke about the sh-t.”

Yes, it seems that in the classic fashion of Hollywood egomaniacs throughout history, Depp believed his attorneys would make the whole mess go away.

He went on to offer up one of those “well, why didn’t she report it sooner?” arguments that we’ve been hearing entirely too much of lately:

“Why didn’t that person speak to the police? I mean, they spoke to the police, but the police saw nothing and they offered her an emergency medical technician,” Depp said.

“She said no. Police see nothing on her. Police see nothing broken in the place, no marks, and then they offer her an EMT to have a look at her and she says no and I don’t know if it was the next day or a couple of days later, but then there was a bruise,” he added.

“There was a red mark and then there was a brown bruise…. She was at a party the next day. Her eye wasn’t closed. She had her hair over her eye, but you could see the eye wasn’t shut.”

Depp concluded his comments on Heard by stating that it would be “stupid” to hit her, and adding:

“I might look stupid, but I ain’t f–king stupid.”

We’re not sure about that, Johnny … you’re certainly sounding awfully stupid these days.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

UCLA"s Billy Knight Allegedly Sexually Abused 9-Year-Old Girl Before Death

Ex-UCLA basketball star Billy Knight was arrested back in June after officials say he sexually abused a child … and sources say the victim was only 9 years old.  TMZ Sports has learned … in the weeks before Knight apparently killed…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Gennifer Flowers: Bill Clinton Harassed and Abused Me!

With all the talk of the current president’s rampant sexism, it’s easy to forget that 45 is plenty of company when it comes to abusive, misogynistic commanders-in-chief.

We’ve had a handful of sex-scandal-free administrations, but if you’re well-versed in White House history, then you’re well aware that a sizable percentage of US presidents cheated on their wives (including 50 percent of all Roosevelts!) or otherwise behaved boorishly toward women.

Bill Clinton, of course, is one of the most famous examples of this phenomenon.

Clinton famously tried to hook up with anything with a pair of X chromosomes over the course of his political career.

In today’s political environment, it’s tough to imagine Bill would’ve been able to secure the Democratic nomination much less be elected to the White House, but for some reason, whenever he turned out the Slick Willy charm and busted out a smooth sax solo, the public just melted.

One would think that Clinton would keep a relatively low profile in the wake of the #MeToo movement as conduct that was frowned upon that is looked at much more dimly now.

But Bill possesses the hubris of a character in Greek mythology whose fatal flaw is a tragic level of horniness.

Because he apparently feels that the shelves of our nation’s airport bookstores are tragically under-stocked, Clinton recently released a political thriller with the help of James Patterson, king of the raised-lettering paperback cover.

The novel is titled The President Is Missing — a title that no doubt has many Americans wishing it was a work of non-fiction — but based on Clinton’s tone-deaf promotional tour, a more apt title might be The Ex-President Has Lost His Effing Mind.

In one appalling interview, Clinton insisted that he does not owe Monica Lewinsky an apology, and he even attempted to play the sympathy card, whining that he racked up millions in legal defense fees as a result of his sexual escapades.

Not surprisingly, several of the women that Clinton had questionable relations with have taken issue with his claims of innocence.

One such victim is Gennifer Flowers, a former actress and television reporter who came forward during Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign to claim that she had carried on a 12-year affair with the then-Arkansas governor.

Last night, Flowers sat for an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham and revealed that Clinton savagely harassed her prior to the start of their relationship:

“Well, it’s very interesting because back in 1977 when I met Bill, we didn’t have the laws to protect us,” Flowers told Ingraham. 

“When I first met Bill Clinton, it was when I was sent out on my first story by myself after my training with my cameraman. He came out on to me that night. “

Flowers said she initially rebuffed Clinton’s advances, but he refused to let her be:

“I told him to knock it off. He proceeded to continue to come onto me for three months before I decided that I wanted to have a relationship with him, which at that point was consensual,” she stated.

“But in today’s standards, and in hindsight, it was definitely sexual harassment. I was a little bit ashamed to admit that because in a way, I mean, I felt guilty because I was a willing participant, at a point.

“So I felt guilty about saying that I was sexually harassed in the beginning. But it definitely was, absolutely.”

Flowers burst into laughter when told that Clinton considers himself a supporter of the #MeToo movement:

“He would say that of course, what would he say but he’s in support of it? He’s a huge abuser of the Me Too movement,” she said before listing several other women with whom Clinton had extramarital affairs:

“And I would like for the Me Too movement to be so kind and recognize myself and Paula (Jones) and Juanita and Kathleen (Willey) and many, many other women starting many years ago that have come out with claims of sexual harassment from Bill Clinton.

“They haven’t given us any respect as far as I’m concerned. We are the ‘Me Not’ movement is what we are.”

Harsh words. Ones that you can expect the Clintons to never, ever address.


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Kenyon Martin Says Flirting is Dead, Men Abused It

Kenyon Martin says “there’s no such thing as simple flirting” anymore … and it’s all because men have crossed the line too many times when it comes to picking up women.  The ex-NBA star says he’s well aware of the problems many women face in…


Friday, May 25, 2018

Stormy Daniels Bodyguards Abused Abbey Patron"s and Stiffed Club

Stormy Daniels was a “delightful guest” Wednesday night at The Abbey in WeHo … on the other hand, her bodyguards were thugs who were rude, aggressive and cheap … this according to the club. Abbey management reacted to the video we shot, showing…


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Rich the Kid"s Estranged Wife Claims He Abused Her, Forced Abortions

Rich the Kid’s estranged wife claims he attacked her numerous times and forced her to have abortions during their marriage. Antonette Willis just filed new docs in their divorce, and in them she says the rapper got violent with her so many times ……


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Fred Savage Accuser Says Other Women Also Abused on "The Grinder"

The woman accusing Fred Savage of harassment and assault claims he targeted other women and it was widely known. Youngjoo Hwang, a costume designer on the set of the TV show “The Grinder,” appeared at a news conference Wednesday morning flanked by…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Bill O"Reilly Sued By Allegedly Abused Fox Employee for Defamation

Bill O’Reilly is being sued by a woman he settled up with in a harassment case, claiming he violated a clause in their agreement that prohibited him from talking trash about her. Rachel Bernstein, who was a junior producer at Fox News, claims she…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Gabby Douglas Says U.S. Team Doctor Larry Nassar Abused Her, Too

Gabby Douglas just announced that she, too, was abused by her former team doctor, Larry Nassar … this after 2 other U.S. gymnasts claimed the same thing. Gabby issued a statement Tuesday which started out by apologizing for her perceived…


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Does This Photo Prove She"s Being Abused?!

For the past … well, for pretty much the entirety of their relationships, there have been rumors that Jenelle Evans is being abused by David Eason.

These rumors keep popping up for many, many reasons.

So many reasons.

One, David is no stranger to be accused of such atrocities. In court documents, his ex claimed that he pushed her down while she was pregnant, and that after she gave birth, he choked her.

Two, Jenelle has never been in a relationship that didn’t involve abuse in some way, not in the history of Teen Mom 2.

Three, we’ve seen David be extremely controlling on the show, to the point where some viewers feel comfortable referring to his behavior as emotional abuse.

Four, David has officially been accused of abusing Jenelle’s son, Kaiser, in court documents filed by Kaiser’s grandmother. Not only that, but her other son, Jace, has allegedly told his therapist that he’s scared of David.

Five … no, OK, look, we could list reasons and instances all day, we really could, but let’s just get to the point already.

Lots of people are concerned that David could possibly be abusing Jenelle, and some eagle-eyed Teen Mom fans think they now have photographic evidence of this.

Jenelle shared that photo above a couple of days ago to show off one of her lipsticks — she just debuted her new makeup line, JE Cosmetics.

Unfortunately, not too many people focused on the makeup.

Instead, they focused on the way Jenelle seems to have heavily filtered the photo — and those red marks on her chest.

If you look closely, you can see that there’s a lot of discoloration from her neck down to her collarbone, and there’s even what could be the hint of a bruise just below her collarbone.

Her nose seems to be a bit discolored, too.

A few people were so dedicated to the downfall of David that they did some editing magic in an attempt to remove some of the many, many filters from the photo.

In doing this, the marks appeared darker and much more noticeable — though that could be because of different filters, not necessarily because these are definitely bruises.

Even without the filtering tricks though, many of Jenelle’s followers were immediately suspicious of this photo.

“Is it just me or does her neck look bruised?” one person asked — many people told her that no, it wasn’t just her.

“What are those red marks on your neck??” another person questioned. “Did David do that to you hmmmmm…”

Yet another of her followers asked about the red marks, wondering if it was “an allergic reaction to your makeup or to David’s hands.”

“She always bruised somewhere,” someone claimed, and another stated that she “used a filter to cover up the marks seems like.”

But while there were many haters willing to believe the worst, there are some actual Jenelle fans who were willing to explain away the issue.

“You’re kidding right?” one of those fans said. “I get red marks like that on my chest all the time from anxiety. Which she suffers from as well!”

“Omg she probably just itched herself,” another proposed. “I get red like that too when I do that … lort, full on NCIS in these comments.”

So what’s really going on here? It’s hard to say.

Could those marks be from a scratch or anxiety or a million other innocent, non-concerning reasons?

Of course.

But could it also be something more sinister?

Well, that’s the main concern with Jenelle these days, isn’t it?


Friday, November 10, 2017

Aly Raisman: Team USA Doctor Abused Me Too

Another major Team USA gymnastics star claims she was abused by ex-USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar — with Aly Raisman coming forward in the hopes of protecting future athletes.  Raisman — a 2-time national team captain who won 6 gold…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Lindsay Lohan: Where Were These #MeToo Stories When I Was Abused?!

Hey, remember a hot minute ago when Lindsay Lohan rushed to Harvey Weinstein’s defense, shamed his wife for leaving him, and suggested that because Weinstein had never assaulted her, these multiple other actresses must be lying?

That was what you call a “bad take.”

Well, Lindsay isn’t done commenting … unfortunately. 

We remember Lindsay Lohan’s history with domestic violence all too well. As with so many aspects of Lindsay’s life, she deserved so much better.

There was an alarming photo of Lindsay’s injured leg shared early in 2016 along with a somewhat cryptic message.

At the time, the world didn’t even know which person she was vaguely alleging of having done it.

It wasn’t until months later that Lindsay Lohan finally accused Egor Tarabasov of domestic violence.

Alarmingly, she said at the time that no woman should stay with a man who hits her if he refuses to apologize, as if abusers don’t apologize all of the time and as if an apology for something so vile could change anything.

But fans from all around the world read the harrowing tale. Lindsay, who had already been so much — from her awful parents to her child stardom — should never have had to endure domestic abuse.

No one should.

Fans only grew more worried when Lindsay Lohan sported a tremendous bruise on her arm around that same time.

And all of this was after Lindsay cried out for help after Egor allegedly tried to strangle her.

She revealed that she ultimately realized that you can’t stay in a relationship just for love, and she’s absolutely right.

That is why fans were so, so disappointed in Lindsay Lohan’s response to the Harvey Weinstein scandal. At first, you remember, he was accused of being a serial harasser.

That was before women came forward and accused him of being a serial rapist, as well.

But sexual harassment is a big deal all on its own. And it impacts millions of women every single day.

Many fans were crushed by Lindsay’s support of Weinstein.

(When his own wife leaves him, maybe it’s well past time to give him the benefit of the doubt)

Just because Weinstein had never invited Lindsay, personally, to come and shower in front of him isn’t exactly proof that he never did that — or worse — to other women.

Apparently, Lindsay Lohan saw the reactions as accusations that she isn’t pro-woman.

And, yeah, that was at least part of the response.

She posted and deleted a defense of herself … and included a very accusatory tone.

Her initial caption read:

“Whatever anyone says, I am FOR #womenempowerment as if most women in America cared how I was abused by my exfiancé… when not one person stood up for me while he was abusing me…”

She seems to be ignoring countless people who posted concern for her and condemnation of her (now former!) fiance.

(I know that I certainly wrote about it at the time)

“You could only imagine what it feels like to come out as a #strongwoman BUT, acknowledge this, we all make our own choices and wake up in our own beds in the morning.”

That line does not make much sense. At all.

“I prefer to go to my home and wake up alone. #BESTRONG let us not blame anyone as #karma will always takes its toll. #womensrights”

Note that her first hashtag reads “be strong,” not “best rong.”

So … Lindsay spiraled into incoherence in a way that we normally expect from people who are still mastering English and are not native speakers.

But you know what? Anyone can find that their thoughts didn’t quite translate to paper.

In any case, Lindsay Lohan deleted that original caption and replaced it.

The Mean Girls star and tabloid legend has changed her tune … up to a point.

At the very least, she’s much more succinct and no longer seems to be trying to shame the women of America.

“Whatever anyone says, I am FOR #womenempowerment #strongwoman #BESTRONG #karma will always takes its toll. #womensrights”

We guess that, to Lindsay, she saw a fan response but not a massive movement that she now sees in the wake of the Weinstein scandal.

Maybe that rubbed her the wrong way. Maybe she was just being defensive and trying to deflect.

Honestly, we don’t even know if poorly Lindsay herself could tell us why she says some of the things that she does. Let’s cut her some slack.

Remember that, in her own way, Lindsay is sharing a #MeToo story.

“Whatever anyone says, I am FOR #womenempowerment #strongwoman #BESTRONG #karma will always takes its toll. #womensrights”


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Albert Haynesworth: My Baby Mama Physically Abused Me, I Have Bruises and Witnesses

Ex-NFL superstar Albert Haynesworth claims he’s the victim of domestic violence — alleging his baby mama physically and verbally abused him … and TMZ Sports has the police report.   The drama between Haynesworth and his ex went public…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"Zoey 101" Star Chris Massey Claims Shar Jackson Abused His Daughter

Chris Massey claims ex-“Moesha” star, Shar Jackson, hits his 2-year-old daughter and even left her with a gash across her face … which is why he’s demanding court ordered protection. Massey requested and was granted a temporary…


Monday, July 10, 2017

TMZ Live: Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Abused Me Too!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Julianne Hough: Wedding Disaster Bachelor in Paradise: DeMario Returns Migos Accused Delta of Discrimination Wiz Khalifa Approves of Amber Rose’s New Man!


Monday, April 10, 2017

Mama June: Sugar Bear Abused Me!!!

Mama June is just full of surprises, isn’t she?

Sometimes they’re good surprises, like the way she lost well over half her body weight recently, but sometimes they’re bad, like the time she dated a convicted child molester.

Good or bad, interesting or revolting, Mama June has plenty of stories to tell.

And this new one she’s telling sure is a doozy.

In a new interview with Life & Style, June explains that her current relationship with Sugar Bear,  is “non-existent,” which makes sense.

They broke up well over a year ago, and as we’ve seen on Mama June: From Hot to Not, she’s basically sworn enemies with his new woman, Jennifer Lamb.

But when June is asked if she ever saw herself getting friendlier with Sugar Bear, her response was shocking.

“There was just so much emotional and physical abuse,” she said of her time with Sugar Bear. “I just choose not to put my kids through that.”

… Wait, what?

From all we’ve seen of Sugar Bear on various reality television shows, he seems to be a quiet, laid back kind of guy. He was always content to let June be in charge, just like he’s fine with his new wife making the rules.

We’ve never seen a hint of him being abusive, but that’s not to say he wasn’t. TV cameras can’t capture everything, of course.

In the interview, June also announces a brand new special all about Sugar Bear.

“You saw a little bit on Marriage Boot Camp,” she teases, “but this shows the real true side of Sugar Bear and when the special comes out y’all are going to be like ‘what the hell."”

As for his current wife, June simply says “Watch out.”

While it may be a little shocking to hear about this alleged new side of Sugar Bear, it’s worth pointing out that this isn’t the first time we’ve been shocked by him.

In an interview done just a few days ago, Alana Thompson — Honey Boo Boo herself — claimed that he body-shamed her.

Alana, who is just 11 years old, said that she was talking to her father on the phone when he mentioned that he needed to mow his lawn. She offered to do it for him if he had a riding lawnmower.

His response? She should use a push mower, because “it couldn’t hurt.”

And since June mentions Marriage Boot Camp … well, goodness knows we learned a lot about Sugar Bear on that show.

For instance, we learned that he cheated on June. A lot.

And not only did he cheat, but he cheated on her with a close friend of theirs, with his ex-wife, and also with some men.

So in addition to the cheating and the body-shaming of a child, could Sugar Bear be abusive?

Guess we’ll wait till this new special to see.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Stephen Belafonte: I NEVER Abused Mel B!

Have you been keeping up with the nightmare scandal that is the divorce between Mel B and Stephen Belafonte?

If not, let’s sum it up real quick: the entire thing is the biggest, saddest mess you ever saw.

Mel B, also known as Melanie Brown of Spice Girls fame, married film producer Stephen Belafonte nearly ten years ago, but a couple of weeks ago she filed for divorce.

In her legal documents, Mel B requested joint custody of the couple’s five-year-old daughter, and she wants to block Stephen from receiving any spousal support from her.

Just from those papers, we didn’t get a clear understanding of she decided to file for divorce. But when she filed for a restraining order against her estranged husband, things made a little more sense.

In the documents for the restraining order, Mel B made all sorts of horrifying claims — she said that Stephen physically abused her on multiple occasions throughout their marriage.

She also said he tried to blackmail her with secretly recorded sex tapes, and that he even got their nanny pregnant, then took her money to pay for the abortion.

She even made some particularly twisted claims about her 2014 overdose, explaining that she took an entire bottle of aspirin and then Stephen locked her in their bedroom and refused to let her call for help.

Mel B also shared a photo of the alleged abuse:

So that’s all completely and totally terrifying, right?

But wait until you hear the statement Stephen made through his lawyers.

“What matters most to Mr. Belafonte is the safety and well-being of his daughters and step-daughters,” the statement began. “It’s a shame that Ms. brown elected not to proceed in a respectful and amicable fashion in this very private matter.”

“In due course, Mr. Belafonte will be filing his response to the outrageous and unfounded allegations made by Ms. Brown, which allegations he vehemently denies.”

His lawyers go on to say that “When the Court determines the truth, it will become cleat that this entire charade was nothing more than a smear campaign intended to cover up Ms. Brown’s own conduct during the marriage in light of her current involvement with a family television show.”

According to these people, Mel B is also trying to “unfairly gain leverage both financially and with respect to custody of the children,” even though she specifically requested joint custody.

“When the degree to which Ms. Brown has gone to create a false depiction of her marriage to Mr. Belafonte is uncovered, real victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse will be understandably offended, angry and upset.”

“Mr. Belafonte is confident that the truth will come out when he has his day in court at which time he looks forward to being reunited with his children.”

It seems important to note at this point that all the way back in 2014, there were widespread rumors that Stephen was abusive to Mel B.

The rumors began when she showed up to film X Factor with cuts and bruises on her face and arms, and they were bad enough that she felt the need to make a statement about how “my hubby would never lay a hand on me.”

It’s also worth pointing out that Stephen was convicted of domestic violence against a girlfriend in 2003.

Obviously we can’t say who’s telling the truth here — we weren’t there, after all — but let’s hope this thing gets handled quickly, if only for the sake of their little girl.

What a mess.


Friday, March 10, 2017

DeAndre Hopkins Gives Emotional Dom. Violence Talk ... My Mom Was Violently Abused (VIDEO)

NFL star DeAndre Hopkins says his mom was blinded and physically scarred for life in a violent domestic violence incident … and he’s sharing his story with high school kids. Hopkins was the guest speaker at Wisdom High School in Houston, TX –…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Karrueche Tran Claims Chris Brown Abused and Threatened to Kill Her, Gets Restraining Order

Karrueche Tran has requested, and been granted, a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown after he allegedly threatened her.

The model filed bombshell legal documents alleging that the troubled R&B singer vowed to kill her – and that he’s beaten her before. 

If what Tran is saying here is true, it’s terrifying.

In a sworn statement to the judge, Karrueche claims that earlier this month, Chris Brown “told a few people that he was going to kill me.”

She says Chris told friends that if he can’t have her, no one else can, claiming he was going to “take me out” and “threatened to shoot me.”

As for the alleged physical abuse by Chris?

Karrueche says that several years ago, when they were dating, Chris “punched me in my stomach twice,” and “pushed me down the stairs.”

This, of course, was during the couple’s years-long relationship, which followed Chris’ lengthy probation sentence for beating up Rihanna.

The legal documents get even worse still.

Tran claims that Brown has threatened to harm her friends as well as his ex-girlfriend herself, and recently threw a drink at one of them.

As for why she’s taking action now, Karrueche fears that he’s unstable enough to act on his verbal abuse and make good on the threats.

Apparently a judge agreed there’s a risk.

She was granted the restraining order; Chris has not been charged with any crime, to be fair, and there is no proof any of this occurred.

That said, there’s plenty of reason to believe Kae as well, and Team Breezy can’t blame anyone for that but the mercurial star himself.

In the video above, Chris Brown and Soulja Boy trade verbal jabs and threats in a now-infamous feud that dominated headlines in January.

Said feud began when Soulja liked Karrueche pictures on Instagram, after which Chris freaked and started FaceTiming Soulja non-stop.

Doesn’t exactly hurt Tran’s case. Just saying.

Then, in the video below, Chris comes off as pretty much exactly the unstable, potentially violent Internet stalker she portrays him to be.

In the video, directed at the “ladies,” he says that women complain when guys be like, “stalkers and in love with y’all, kinda crazy and sh-t.”

Then, Chris admits he is totally that guy!

He admits in the Instagram confessional, “If I love you, bitch, ain’t nobody gonna have you,” proceeding to warn potential future lovers:

“I’m gonna make you miserable,” he adds. 

Look … if the most mild-mannered man made the same statements in an Instagram video as a joke, even that would raise red flags.

Chris is not joking, or mild-mannered.

Coming from Chris Brown, a convicted felon and domestic abuser who has shown few signs of dialing down his anger issues since?

It’s no wonder that the order requires him to stay 100 yards away from Karrueche, her mom and her brother for the foreseeable future.

No comment yet from Breezy’s team.
