Showing posts with label O'Reilly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label O'Reilly. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Bill O"Reilly Sued for Defamation by Former FOX News Anchor Laurie Dhue

One of Bill O’Reilly’s former co-workers isn’t standing for what she considers his trash talk about FOX paying sexual harassment settlements — she’s filed a defamation suit against him. Former FOX News anchor Laurie Dhue is suing Bill for comments…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Bill O"Reilly Sued By Allegedly Abused Fox Employee for Defamation

Bill O’Reilly is being sued by a woman he settled up with in a harassment case, claiming he violated a clause in their agreement that prohibited him from talking trash about her. Rachel Bernstein, who was a junior producer at Fox News, claims she…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Eric Bolling Fires Back at Bill O"Reilly About NYT Statement Over Son"s Death

Ex-Fox News Channel anchor Eric Bolling is firing a warning shot to his old co-worker Bill O’Reilly for bringing up his son’s death to the New York Times — the message … back off. Bolling released a statement Monday in response to an interview…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Bill O"Reilly: The Truth WILL Come Out!

Can someone please break out a violin or two?

Bill O’Reilly is singing a very sad tune at the moment.

A few days after being fired by Fox News due to his alleged role in a number of sexual misconduct scandals, the ex-O’Reilly Factor host surfaced on Monday in podcast form.

He’s now the anchor of “No Spin News” and he addressed his supposedly scandalous past early on in the program.

“I am sad that I’m not on television anymore,” said O’Reilly, expounding as follows:

“I was very surprised how it all turned out. I can’t say a lot, because there’s so much stuff going on right now. But I can tell you that I’m very confident the truth will come out.

“And when it does – I don’t know if you’re going to be surprised, but I think you’re going to be shaken, as I am.”

What an odd phrasing.

Considering O’Reilly has received no public support from anyone aside from the President of the United States, and considering over 70 advertisers pulled their spots on The O’Reilly Factor…

… it certainly seems as if most people believe he’s guilty of inappropriate behavior.

So O’Reilly thinks we won’t be surprised by the “truth,” he’s either wildly misreading the public perception of him. Or he’s admitting to being a misogynistic monster.

Earlier this month, The New York Times published an article that stated O’Reilly has paid $ 13 million over the years to a total of five women.

Each of these women has either worked for Fox News or been a guest on the host’s program.

And each was paid hush money in order to not pursue legal action against O’Reilly after they accused him of making obnoxious remarks; promising them better positions at Fox News in exchange for sexual favors; and making phone calls while apparently jerking off.

A sixth woman went public just this spring with similar charges against O’Reilly, saying she wasn’t even looking for any money.

She just wanted the world to know what kind of man O’Reilly is.

After feeling extreme heat from companies who did not want to be associated with The O’Reilly Factor, 21st Century Fox finally parted ways with its most-watched host last week.

“After a thorough and careful review of the allegations, the Company and Bill O’Reilly have agreed that Bill O’Reilly will not be returning to the Fox News Channel,” read the pink slip announcement.

It continued:

“This decision follows an extensive review done in collaboration with outside counsel.

“By ratings standards, Bill O’Reilly is one of the most accomplished TV personalities in the history of cable news. In fact, his success by any measure is indisputable.

“Fox News has demonstrated again and again the strength of its talent bench. We have full confidence that the network will continue to be a powerhouse in cable news.

“Lastly, and most importantly, we want to underscore our consistent commitment to fostering a work environment built on the values of trust and respect.”

On that last point, Fox News still has a long way to go.

Last July, CEO Roger Ailes was forced to resign after he, too, was faced with a number of sexual harassment charges, while Fox and Friends anchor Steve Doocy has been hit with similar allegations.

Gretchen Carlson and Megyn Kelly both left the network in the past year or so, each alleging a sexist, awkward, generally awful working environment at Fox for anyone who shares their gender.

On his podcast today, O’Reilly added that viewers will soon have a clearer picture of what transpired between him and his accusers.

“Now, I can’t say anymore because I just don’t want to influence the flow of information,” he explained.

“I don’t want the media to take what I say and misconstrue it. You, as a loyal O’Reilly listener, have a right to know, I think, down the lane what exactly happened. And we are working in that direction, okay?”

Sure? Yes? Okay?

Whatever you say, Bill. Sounds like a man who is totally innocent of all charges, doesn’t it?

After getting the axe from Fox News initially, O’Reilly was equally vague and defiant.

Here is what he said shortly after his firing was made public:

“Over the past 20 years at Fox News, I have been extremely proud to launch and lead one of the most successful news programs in history.

It is tremendously disheartening that we part ways due to completely unfounded claims. But that is the unfortunate reality many of us in the public eye must live with today.”


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Bill O"Reilly Issues Statement on Fox News Departure, Remains Defiant

Bill O’Reilly may be gone from Fox News.

But the controversial host isn’t leaving quietly.

On Wednesday afternoon, 21st Century Fox announced that it had parted ways with O’Reilly in the wake of allegations that he sexually harassed at least five women who either worked for the network or appeared on The O’Reilly Factor over the years.

These women were paid a total of $ 13 million in hush money, while a sixth women spoke to the media last week about the inappropriate ways in which O’Reilly had treated her.

Following The New York Times report that exposed these incidents, O’Reilly pleaded innocent via a statement on his website, while ignoring the topic on air.

But over 70 companies pulled their ads from The O’Reilly factor, an impressive display of protest that basically gave Fox News no choice.

“After a thorough and careful review of the allegations, the Company and Bill O’Reilly have agreed that Bill O’Reilly will not be returning to the Fox News Channel,” read the dismissal confirmation yesterday.

“This decision follows an extensive review done in collaboration with outside counsel.

“By ratings standards, Bill O’Reilly is one of the most accomplished TV personalities in the history of cable news. In fact, his success by any measure is indisputable.

“Fox News has demonstrated again and again the strength of its talent bench. We have full confidence that the network will continue to be a powerhouse in cable news.

“Lastly, and most importantly, we want to underscore our consistent commitment to fostering a work environment built on the values of trust and respect.”

A few hours after this statement went public, O’Reilly released a parting shot of his own.

The staunch conservative, who had worked at the network since 1996, said the following in response to his firing:

“Over the past 20 years at Fox News, I have been extremely proud to launch and lead one of the most successful news programs in history, which has consistently informed and entertained millions of Americans and significantly contributed to building Fox into the dominant news network in television.

“It is tremendously disheartening that we part ways due to completely unfounded claims.

“But that is the unfortunate reality many of us in the public eye must live with today. I will always look back on my time at Fox with great pride in the unprecedented success we achieved and with my deepest gratitude to all my dedicated viewers.

“I wish only the best for Fox News Channel.”

Last summer, 21st Century Fox CEO Roger Ailes resigned in the wake of his own sexual misconduct scandal.

Such major network stars as Gretchen Carlson and Megyn Kelly accused Ailes of treating them as nothing but objects with breasts, while Kelly turned down a $ 20 million-per-year contract from Fox to move to NBC this year.

Most believe she did so largely due to the work environment fostered by Fox News executives.

Beginning on April 24, Tucker Carlson will take over the 8 p.m. time slot previously held by O’Reilly.

On Wednesday night, though, Dana Perino sat behind the desk of simply The Factor and said the following to close the program:

It is the end of an era here at the Fox News Channel. As we mentioned earlier, Bill O’Reilly is leaving this chair and this network after more than 20 years.

Bill has been the undisputed King of Cable News – and for good reason.

He is an incredibly talented broadcaster who raised the bar for interviewers everywhere. He has also held his staff to exacting standards in his quest to put the best possible program on the air, and they are great.

Perino did not mention the $ 13 million in settlements or anything about the circumstances surrounding O’Reilly losing his job.

Here is how she concluded her tribute:

You, his audience, responded in record numbers, making The Factor the No. 1 cable news show for more than 16 years. You have also been loyal, and we can’t tell you how much that means to everyone on The Factor.

By ratings standards, Bill is one of the most accomplished TV personalities in the history of cable news. In fact, his success, by any measure, is indisputable.

We wish him the very best.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bill O"Reilly: Fired by Fox News!

The most significant rumor within the television world has become a reality no one would have predicted just a couple weeks ago:

Bill O’Reilly is out at Fox News.

A day after a Wall Street Journal report hinted strongly that O’Reilly would be let go by the network that made him a household name, Fox News has officially cut ties with its highest-rated host.

The decision was made several days after The New York Times confirmed that O’Reilly has paid five different woman a total of $ 13 million over the past decade or so in order to settle claims of sexual harassment.

“After a thorough and careful review of the allegations, the Company and Bill O’Reilly have agreed that Bill O’Reilly will not be returning to the Fox News Channel,” reads a statement today from 21st Century Fox.

It continues:

“This decision follows an extensive review done in collaboration with outside counsel.

“By ratings standards, Bill O’Reilly is one of the most accomplished TV personalities in the history of cable news. In fact, his success by any measure is indisputable.

“Fox News has demonstrated again and again the strength of its talent bench. We have full confidence that the network will continue to be a powerhouse in cable news.

“Lastly, and most importantly, we want to underscore our consistent commitment to fostering a work environment built on the values of trust and respect.”

O’Reilly’s departure comes a few months after star Megyn Kelly left Fox News for NBC.

Multiple sources have said that Kelly turned down a contract worth $ 20 million per year from Fox because she was angry over the way it enabled alleged sexual predators such as O’Reilly and Roger Ailes.

Ailes, the former CEO of Fox News’ parent company, resigned last summer amidst his own sexual misconduct scandal.

Addressing the allegations that he harassed a minimum of five women over the years, O’Reilly posted a statement to his website on April 1, emphasizing that his position has made him “vulnerable to lawsuits,” despite the fact that “no one has ever filed a complaint,” about him with the network Human Resources Department.

“The worst part of my job is being a target for those who would harm me and my employer, the Fox News Channel,” he wrote at the time.

“Those of us in the arena are constantly at risk, as are our families and children.

“My primary efforts will continue to be to put forth an honest TV program and to protect those close to me.”

Shortly after the Times published its bombshell report, over 70 advertisers pulled their spots on The O’Reilly Factor.

The program has averaged over four million viewers per night and has consistently been the network’s best-performing series for years.

But money talks; and these companies leaving the show eventually gave O’Reilly’s bosses no choice but to cut him loose.

O’Reilly had been with the network since 1996, originally hosting a program titled The O’Reilly Report.

On April 11, O’Reilly announced that he would be taking a vacation, adding that he scheduled the trip “last fall.”

Shortly afterward, rumors started flying that he would never actually return to the air on Fox News. And now we’ve arrived at that point.

As far as Fox programming goes:

Tucker Carlson, who has garnered strong ratings at 9 p.m., will move to O’Reilly’s 8 p.m. slot starting Monday, April 24.

Fox News will fill Carlson’s former berth with its panel show, “The Five,” while keeping Sean Hannity at 10 p.m.


Bill O"Reilly is Officially Out at Fox News Channel

Bill O’Reilly is officially out at Fox News Channel. FNC’s parent company — 21st Century FOX — released a statement saying, “After a thorough and careful review of the allegations, the Company and Bill O’Reilly have agreed that Bill O’Reilly…


Bill O"Reilly: As Good as Gone from Fox News!

We may have seen Bill O’Reilly for the final time as a host on Fox News.

The embattled anchor is currently on vacation from his gig as The O’Reilly Factor host, telling viewers last week that he’ll return to the post later this month.

But a new report strongly hints that O’Reilly’s bosses do not want him back in the seat that made him rich and famous.

Not later this month. Not ever again.

And it’s the source of this report that has folks truly believing in its accuracy.

The Wall Street Journal (which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same man who owns Fox News) wrote on Tuesday that a decision on O’Reilly’s future at the network will be made at some point in the next few days.

It appears, however, as if that decision has essentially already been made, with the article’s headline reading as follows:

Fox Is Preparing to Cut Ties With Bill O’Reilly.

There we appear to have it.

The Wall Street Journal’s prediction comes about a week after The New York Times broke the story behind this story:

Over the past decade or so, O’Reilly has paid five different women a total of $ 13 million in hush money.

Each of these women claimed at various times that O’Reilly sexually harassed them in some way, shape or form; either via inappropriate remarks, promises to elevate them at Fox News if they slept with him…

… or even phone calls in which it sounded as if he was pleasuring himself.

A sixth woman, Dr. Wendy Walsh, told The Times that she turned down O’Reilly’s sexual advances and he responded by reneging on his promise to make her a network contributor.

Walsh says she isn’t seeking any money at all from O’Reilly.

She just wants the world to know what kind of person he is.

It is also believed that Megyn Kelly left Fox News for NBC due to the way the network swept all of these allegations under the rug.

“Just like other prominent and controversial people, I’m vulnerable to lawsuits from individuals who want me to pay them to avoid negative publicity,” O’Reilly said in a statement on his website in response to these claims.

He added at the time:

“In my more than 20 years at Fox News Channel, no one has ever filed a complaint about me with the Human Resources Department, even on the anonymous hotline.”

(Editor’s Note: This is one of the more pathetic self-defense statements in recent memory; the anonymous hotline was run by Fox News, the exact organization which is under fire for ignoring O’Reilly history.)

In the wake of these explosive assertions from all these woman, an endless array of advertisers have pulled their spots on The O’Reilly Factor.

The decision to keep or O’Reilly or part ways with the host ultimately boils down to Fox News CEO Murdoch and his sons James and Lachlan, according to New York Magazine.

Insiders tell the publication that that James and Lachlan want O’Reilly out, while Rupert remains in his corner.

“The three are fighting,” a source confirms.

O’Reilly is still Fox News’ top-rated host. His show brings in over four million viewers each night.

The controversial star’s attorney on Tuesday defended his client by saying O’Reilly has been “subjected to a brutal campaign of character assassination that is unprecedented in post-McCarthyist America.”

In a statement, Marc Kasowitz also went on to say that “this law firm has uncovered evidence that the smear campaign is being orchestrated by far-left organizations bent on destroying O’Reilly for political and financial reasons.

“That evidence will be put forth shortly and it is irrefutable.”

We’ll be curious to see it.

It’s worth noting, however, that an organization may aim to smear someone and/or to assassinate his character… but it still needs actual material with which to take these actions.

In other words: nowhere in this lawyer’s statement does he deny the sexual misconduct claims against O’Reilly.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Bill O"Reilly: Did He Just Air His Final Show?

Bill O’Reilly may be out at Fox News.

The embattled anchor of The O’Reilly Factor announced this week that he’s taking a vacation and will not appear on the air again until April 24.

But a new report indicates that this may become a permanent vacation for the serial sexual harasser.

Last week, a bombshell New York Times article revealed that O’Reilly has paid out around $ 13 million over the years to five women who have accused him of sexual misconduct.

All of these women either worked for Fox News or were a guest on O’Reilly’s primetime program.

And they all have alleged that O’Reilly used his position of power to make inappropriate comments and suggestions; or to act in an inappropriate manner around them.

For example, the victims claim O’Reilly verbally abused them… made unwanted sexual advances toward them… and even called them when it sounded like he was pleasuring himself.

(Editor’s Note: We hope we never need to discover what this sounds like.)

According to various legal documents, either O’Reilly, Fox News or a combination of the two settled with each of the women for significant sums of money.

Dr. Wendy Walsh – who was NOT among the five women to have received a financial settlement – told The New York Times that she turned down the so-called reporter’s advances – and he therefore took back an offer to make her a Fox News contributor.

She says she is not seeking any monetary amount for going public with this accusation.

She just wants the world to know what kind of person Bill O’Reilly is.

In response to this scandal, a growing number of advertisers have pulled their sponsorship of The O’Reilly Factor.

A few days ago, Fox News aired a truncated episode of the program, with a mere seven companies paying for ad time.

On Tuesday night, O’Reilly signed off for a few weeks, with network insiders stating he always takes a vacation around this time of year because it corresponds with his kids’ spring break from school.

But New York Magazine writes that O’Reilly may never return to his desk.

Attorneys for the law firm Paul, Weiss (hired last summer by 21st Century Fox to investigate Roger Ailes, the CEO who resigned amidst his own sexual misconduct affair), are currently doing a “deep dive” investigation into O’Reilly’s behavior.

These lawyers are reportedly focused on harassment claims against O’Reilly by Walsh after she reported her allegations via the company’s anonymous hotline.

Fox News co-president Bill Shine supposedly wants to keep his network’s most-watched face around.

But a pair of reliable Fox News sources say 21st Century Fox CEO James Murdoch would prefer O’Reilly to be taken off the air for good, while his dad Rupert and older brother Lachlan are more inclined to keep him.

No one in the Murdoch family has spoken out about O’Reilly to date.

But President Donald Trump has!

He’s been pretty much the only person to offer public support for O’Reilly because… of course he has, right?

”I think he shouldn’t have settled,” Trump told New York Times reporters in a wide-ranging interview last week.

Why not?

“Because you should have taken it all the way; I don’t think Bill did anything wrong,” the President said, mere days after announcing April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

He concluded of O’Reilly:

“I think he’s a person I know well. He is a good person.”

Still, despite this ringing endorsement from a man who can’t help but grab the pussy of nearly every woman he meets, a senior Fox News staffer told New York Magazine the following:

“The assumption is that [O’Reilly will] exit in a non-embarrassing way.”


Sunday, April 9, 2017

"SNL" Spoof of Bill O"Reilly and Alec Baldwin Both Played by Alec Baldwin (VIDEO)

Alec Baldwin did double duty on “Saturday Night Live,” playing Bill O’Reilly and supporter in chief Donald Trump. Baldwin spoofed the FNC talk show host, who’s embroiled in controversy over disclosures of sexual assault cases against him that were…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Bill O"Reilly Scandal: Advertisers Pull Out of The Factor

If money truly does talk, then the future of Bill O’Reilly on Fox News may be in question.

In the wake of a New York Times report that confirmed O’Reilly has paid a total of $ 13 million to five different women to settle their claims of sexual harassment against him, a quartet of advertisers has yanked its business from The O’Reilly Factor.

The companies who have chosen to stop airing commercials on this Fox News program are:

Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai, BMW and GSK.

“We had advertising running on The O’Reilly Factor (we run on most major cable news shows) but it has been reassigned in the midst of this controversy,” a Mercedes-Benz spokesperson told BuzzFeed News.

“The allegations are disturbing and, given the importance of women in every aspect of our business, we don’t feel this is a good environment in which to advertise our products right now.”

All five of the women who were paid off by either O’Reilly or Fox News itself worked for the star anchor or appeared on his program.

According to The New York Times, they accused O’Reilly of verbal abuse… making lewd comments… making unwanted sexual advances against them… and even calling them on the phone while it sounded like he was jerking off.

One of the five settled lawsuits involved ex-producer Andrea Mackris and made headlines back in 2004.

Another lawsuit centered on Fox News employee Juliet Huddy and was first reported in January.

The other three were never reported on.

Dr. Wendy Walsh, a psychologist and former Fox News guest, has now also gone public with sexual harassment allegations against O’Reilly, claiming that at one point he became “hostile” towards her for refusing his advances.

“I’ve been doing sexual harassment cases for 30 years,” says Walsh’s attorney, Lisa Bloom. “What’s going on at Fox News is the worst of any company that I’ve ever been made aware of.”

Along with O’Reilly, she’s citing the resignation last summer of Fox Corp. CEO Roger Ailes, who was accused over the years of sexual misconduct against several employees.

Including such veterans as Gretchen Carlson and Megyn Kelly.

Via its own statement to BuzzFeed, Hyundai said that it “currently has no advertising running on The O’Reilly Factor,” adding:

“We had upcoming advertising spots on the show but are reallocating them due to the recent and disturbing allegations. As a company we seek to partner with companies and programming that share our values of inclusion and diversity.

“We will continue to monitor and evaluate the situation as we plan future advertising decisions.”

GSK, a pharmaceutical company, says it has temporarily put a hold on spots running on The O’Reilly Factor while it “assesses this situation.”

It wants to be sure that its advertising is :conducted in a responsible manner aligned with our values.”

“How many women have to come forward?” Bloom asked previously on CNN’s Reliable Sources. “How many millions of dollars have to get paid before Fox News takes sexual harassment seriously?”

She then compared O’Reilly to comedian Bill Cosby, saying both celebrities have gotten away with their behavior for far too long, simply based on their status.

The O’Reilly Factor the most-watched show on cable news. It has brought in more than $ 446 million in advertising revenue from 2014 to 2016, according to The New York Times.

In response to these allegations, the host has released the following statement:

“Just like other prominent and controversial people, I’m vulnerable to lawsuits from individuals who want me to pay them to avoid negative publicity.

“In my more than 20 years at Fox News Channel, no one has ever filed a complaint about me with the Human Resources Department, even on the anonymous hotline.”


Monday, April 3, 2017

Bill O"Reilly Paid HOW MUCH to Settle Sexual Harassment Claims?!?

Bill O’Reilly is in trouble with a handful of women.

And, for a change, not one of them is Beyonce.

On Saturday, The New York Times reported that O’Reilly has settled five different claims from women over the years, each allegation rooted in some form of sexual harassment. 

According to the newspaper, the women received payouts that totaled $ 13 million in exchange for NOT pursuing litigation or speaking out in public against O’Reilly.

The payouts either came from O’Reilly, Fox News or a combination of the anchor and the network.

Two of these settlements took place after the former chairman of Fox News, Roger Ailes, was forced to resign last July in the wake of his own sexual harassment scandal.

After numerous complaints were lodged in public against Ailes, the company said it did not tolerate behavior that “disrespects women or contributes to an uncomfortable work environment.”

Based on the Times article, all five women who made allegations against O’Reilly either worked for the long-time reporter or appeared on his primetime program.

They complained about a such behavior as:

  • Verbal abuse.

  • Lewd comments.

  • Unwanted sexual advances.

  • Phone calls in which it sounded as if O’Reilly was masturbating, according to documents and interviews.

For real. We’re not making that last bullet point up.

One of the five lawsuits centered on ex-producer Andrea Mackris; made headlines in 2004.

Another lawsuit involved Fox News employee Juliet Huddy and was first reported in January.

The other three claims had not been known until this time.

A sixth woman, Dr. Wendy Walsh, told The New York Times that she turned down O’Reilly’s advances and he later didn’t follow through on an offer to make her a network contributor.

In a release, attorney Lisa Bloom said Walsh will speak out at a press conference Monday in Los Angeles and they “will reveal their new demands to the network.”

Bloom also compared O’Reilly to another famous figure while talking to CNN on Sunday.

She said the many allegations against him and the way in which they were swept under the rug reminded her of Bill Cosby.

“How many women have to come forward?” Bloom asked on CNN’s “Reliable Sources.” “How many millions of dollars have to get paid before Fox News takes sexual harassment seriously?”

Referencing Cosby, the formerly beloved comedian who has been accused of drugging and raping dozens of women, Bloom added:

“In my opinion, this network is the Bill Cosby of corporate America. Women over and over again are driven out.”

The issues surrounding O’Reilly are similar to the sexual harassment charges against Ailes.

Overall, ugly rumors regarding the treatment of women at Fox News have been permeating for years.

Former network host Andrea Tantaros, for example, is suing Ailes and top executives at Fox News, which she compared to a “Playboy Mansion-Like Cult.” 

Both Gretchen Carlson and Megyn Kelly have left the network in recent years, both having claimed they were mistreated by executives there.

The O’Reilly Factor garners nearly four million viewers each night.

It is the most-watched show on cable news and has brought in more than $ 446 million in advertising revenue from 2014 to 2016, according to The New York Times.

“Just like other prominent and controversial people, I’m vulnerable to lawsuits from individuals who want me to pay them to avoid negative publicity,” O’Reilly said in a statement on his website in response to these allegations.

He concluded as follows:

“In my more than 20 years at Fox News Channel, no one has ever filed a complaint about me with the Human Resources Department, even on the anonymous hotline.”


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Bill O"Reilly Refuses to Apologize to Vladimir Putin, For Now (VIDEO)

Vladimir Putin a murderer, and insists he won’t be saying sorry … at least not any time soon. Bill just addressed Mr. Putin on his TV show after Putin’s spokesman demanded an apology from FOX when its host called Putin a “killer” while…


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Bill O"Reilly to Donald Trump: Just Stop Tweeting!

In case it weren"t incredible enough that Donald Trump is leading the Republican field for President, consider this:

He"s leading the Republican field for President while somehow managing to NOT get along well with Fox News anchors.

We already know how Trump feels about Megyn Kelly. And now he"s gotten into it with the face of the network himself, Bill O"Reilly.

Trump appeared on The O’Reilly Factor on Monday to defend his retweet of fabricated crime statistics that blamed African-Americans for most of the country"s homicides.

The Donald made the news on November 22 when he quoted a chart that somehow claimed African-Americans are responsible for 81 percent of murders in which white people are the victims.

The actual number, according to the FBI, is pretty much the exact opposite: 82 percent of murders involving white victims in 2014 were committed by other white people.

O’Reilly confronted Trump with this ill-informed message, saying “it’s totally wrong” and he’s “bothered” by Trump publicizing it, to which the politician actually replied:

"Hey Bill. Bill. Am I gonna check every statistic? I"ve got millions and millions of people, @realDonaldTrump by the way."

"You"ve got to, you"re a presidential contender," O"Reilly replied to Trump"s wild notion that he "check every statistic," or at least the ones that claim one race goes around killing another race.

O"Reilly didn"t exactly convince Trump of his side (shocking, right?), despite trying to explain that such a message is perfect for Democrats it allows them to paint Trump as "racist."

In the end, after Trump refused to give an inch, O"Reilly offered up a suggestion: just stop Tweeting.

"Give it up for Lent," O"Reilly said. "Lent is coming soon."  

Bill oreilly to donald trump just stop tweeting

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Donald Trump Flip Flops As He Schedules Interview With Bill O"Reilly Days After Boycotting Fox News — Details HERE!

Apparently he doesn’t even know how to feud right!

Remember that time Donald Trump got so fed up with Fox News that he said he wouldn’t “be doing any more Fox shows for the foreseeable future”?

Yeah we know, it might be tough for you to remember that because it was a WHOLE five days ago!

Related: Trump Tried To Upstage Pope In NYC — Got Booed And Called ‘Ugly!’

Well apparently he’s gone back on his word as Fox News just announced that the GOP candidate will be appearing on The O’Reilly Factor on Tuesday night!

That’s right, even though Trump said he would be boycotting the network, after getting into it several times with Megyn Kelly AND Bill O’Reilly, the 69-year-old has come crawling back!

When Trump made the announcement about the boycott, Fox was quick to respond saying they were the ones that dumped Trump — what is this, a bad breakup?!

One spokesperson for the network even said:

“When coverage doesn’t go his way, he engages in personal attacks on our anchors and hosts, which has grown stale and tiresome. He doesn’t seem to grasp that candidates telling journalists what to ask is not how the media works in this country.”

Whoever said that pretty much hit the nail on the head!

Video: Trump Stumbles Through Awkward Interview As He Compares Himself To A Supermodel

Of course the network’s chairman Roger Ailes just HAD to step in to try and smooth things over with the presidential hopeful and unfortunately obviously it worked.

The good news is, we’re sure to get a slew of new tweets from Trump and we’re betting he’ll boycott the network AT LEAST one more time in the next few months! LOLz!

What do you think? Are you tired of Donald’s behavior and boycotting media for simply doing their job? Or do you think all candidates who are looking to lead our nation should have the press go easy on them?

[Image via TNYF/WENN.]