Showing posts with label Maroney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maroney. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

McKayla Maroney Facing Huge Fine For Testifying Against Dr. Larry Nassar, Chrissy Teigen Offers to Pay

Even though Dr. Larry Nassar has been convicted of child porn and is accused of molesting over 140 girls, the fact remains that Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney is not exactly free to testify about his alleged crimes against her.

If she does, the non-disclosure agreement that she signed years ago would reportedly subject her to a $ 100,000 fine.

But one famous and beloved celebrity, Chrissy Teigen, is offering to foot the bill.

Back in October, McKayla Maroney courageously revealed that her team doctor had molested her when she was a minor.

All of those famous moments of her in the Olympics? Those were when she was under the power of Dr. Larry Nassar.

Nassar would allegedly give his young female patients “treatments,” using the pretense of medical care to molest them.

The abuse went on for years.

Since McKayla spoke up, numerous teammates including Gabby Douglas and Aly Raisman, have accused Dr. Nassar of similar, heinous abuse.

All told, the number of women who accuse Larry Nassar of sexual abuse number over 140.

Early Tuesday morning, The Daily Mail published that McKayla Maroney is effectively barred from testifying at Dr. Larry Nassar’s sentencing.

To be clear, though he has confessed to a “small” number of sex abuse charges …

(Small only in contrast to the volume of his accusers)

… Dr. Nassar’s sentence of 60 years in prison came from his possession of a truly alarming volume of child pornography.

Dozens of women are scheduled to speak at Nassar’s sentencing, but McKayla Maroney may be barred from giving her own victim impact statement.

We know that this is strange, since McKayla shared her story in a very public manner, months ago.

McKayla is currently suing USA Gymnastics, accusing them of knowing about Dr. Nassar and covering up his crimes (presumably to protect themselves from sharing in the blame).

Oh boy, has that not gone well.

What led to McKayla signing the NDA in the first place was desperation. She was suffering psychological problems as a result of years of trauma from sexual abuse. Unfortunately, receiving her much-needed treatment costs money.

But there are multiple legal challenges to NDAs, particularly when such an agreement appears to exist in order to cover up a crime. We’ll see how that goes.

In the mean time, McKayla is a successful Olympian, but probably not in a position where she could just pay $ 100,000 like it’s a parking ticket.

In the mean time, however, there’s a much more direct and simple solution to McKayla Maroney’s dilemma.

Chrissy Teigen shared the article about how she might be fined, and tweeted:

“The entire principle of this should be fought – an NDA to stay quiet about this serial monster with over 140 accusers, but I would be absolutely honored to pay this fine for you, McKayla.”

That’s such a good move and a very generous offer.

$ 100,000 is a lot of money, but Chrissy Teigen can definitely make good on it, even if you don’t factor in that her husband is John Legend.

But hopefully she won’t have to.

There’s bad press, and then there’s millionaire celebrities had to step in because of our NDA that protects a serial sexual predator bad press.

USA Gymnastics would be smart to wave the NDA. It would make them look better. (Remember how celebrities spoke out, with some like Taylor Swift writing checks, in defense of Kesha? Even Sony was feeling the pressure. That can happen for USA Gymnastics, too)

As of yet, we haven’t seen a public response from McKayla, who seems to no longer be on Twitter and Instagram. (Which we absolutely understand)


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

McKayla Maroney Sues USA Gymnastics: They Forced Me to Stay Silent!

In October, McKayla Maroney revealed that she’d been molested by her team doctor, Larry Nassar. That makes her one of more than 140 survivors who accuse him of the same thing.

From the outset, it’s been strongly hinted that there were people who knew about Nassar’s sexual predation and kept quiet.

Now, McKayla’s taking action against the people whom she accuses of covering up a monster in their midst.

McKayla is only one of many young women who have accused Dr. Nassar of molesting them when they were girls, preying upon them under the guise of “treatment.”

Dr. Nassar has been sentenced for child porn charges, and has pleaded guilty to molesting 10 girls.

Obviously, that’s just a drop in the awful bucket beside the number of women who accuse him.

Wednesday, McKayla Maroney filed a lawsuit against USA Gymnastics.for the role that she says that they played in covering up Dr. Nassar’s monstrous deeds.

As part of a financial settlement (of a reported sum of $ 1.25 million) so that McKayla could get needed psychological treatments, USA Gymnastics allegedly included a non-disclosure agreement.

Maroney’s lawyer says that USA Gymnastics forced this provision so that “it could further conceal and shield from public scrutiny, outside investigation, and law enforcement, the true nature of Nassar’s horrific sexual abuse of minors.”

Dr. Nassar’s misdeeds are not really in question. Again, this is a man who has already confessed to multiple counts of molestation.

“Plaintiff alleges that Defendant USAG had a plan to keep the sexual abuse of Nassar quiet, and allow Nassar to quietly leave USAG, further silencing his victims.”

To be fair, apparently USA Gymnastics contacted the FBI with at least some information on Larry Nassar, but allegedly failed to raise any kind of public alarm.

Which may have allowed him to find new victims.

The NDA would then appear to be a measure intended to conceal any wrongdoing by USA Gymnastics — hiding their mistake in hiring Nassar and also hoping to bury his misdeeds forever.

If you’re thinking gee, how can McKayla speak up on this if she signed a non-disclosure agreement? … well, funny thing about that.

(Funny probably isn’t the right word, here)

McKayla Maroney lives in California, where survivors of child sexual abuse — like McKayla — cannot be forced to sign NDAs as part of a settlement.

Which is probably why McKayla’s attorney, John Manly, had zero kind words to say about the agreement:

He referred to it as “hypocritical, immoral, and in this case illegal.”

We’re no legal scholars, but it sounds like he’s right.

Manly had further choice words for USA Gymnastics, and specifically for whoever among them new about Dr. Nassar but allegedly prioritized avoiding public embarrassment, allowing him to go on and find new prey at the University of Michigan.

“Those responsible for this should be removed from the Olympic movement and USA Gymnastics.”

That sounds fair. As punishment and as a deterrent, so that this will hopefully never happen again.

“If they would treat one of the most famous athletes in world like this, how poorly would they treat a recreational gymnast abused by her coach.”

That’s a really good point. McKayla Maroney is a household name. She’s met the President. (Well, the good one, from last year)

Look at how hard McKayla is having to fight for justice, and she’s a celebrity.

Someone with no celebrity status would surely be much more intimidated — by Dr. Nassar and by any attempts to shush them by USA Gymnastics.

With more and more sex monsters being exposed every day, we hope that the world will become a safer place for women and girls.

But that’s going to take time.

It’s also going to take these predatory men, and the people who helped keep their secrets, facing real consequences.

That, we think, is what McKayla aims to do.


McKayla Maroney Sues Dr. Larry Nassar, USA Gymnastics

McKayla Maroney wants convicted molester Dr. Larry Nassar and USA Gymnastics to pay for the hell they put her through … according to a new lawsuit. The Olympic gymnast blames Michigan State University for hiring Nassar when they knew he was a…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Gabby Douglas Hasn"t Spoken with McKayla Maroney, Giving Her Space

Gabby Douglas wants to give McKayla Maroney some more time and space before she calls her ex-Team USA teammate about her sexual assault allegations … but applauds McKayla for speaking out.  It’s been nearly a month since Maroney went…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Nastia Liukin Sends "Hearts and Prayers" to McKayla Maroney

Team USA gymnastics stars Nastia Liukin and Laurie Hernandez say they did NOT experience abuse at the hands of former team doctor Larry Nassar — but they feel horrible for those who did.  “We feel for them,” Liukin said on the way to a…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

McKayla Maroney: My Team Doctor Molested Me

As the “#MeToo” campaign continues, stars like Game of Thrones actress Lena Headey have come forward with near-miss horror stories of sexual harassment by Harvey Weinstein. We’ve heard other stars like Reese Witherspoon reveal their own tragic histories of sexual assault in the entertainment industry.

Countless women — and men — have taken to social media to share their stories as non-celebrities.

Early this morning, decorated Olympic gymnast and meme star McKayla Maroney took to social media to share her own

McKayla Maroney is a household name, as much for her Olympic accomplishments as a gymnast as for her adorable looks.

Her expression of disappointment upon winning  a silver medal is so iconic that it became a meme.

When she met President Barack Obama, the two posed together doing her meme body language and facial expression.

(The second place belt at my own trivia night is just called “The Maroney,” and has a large photo of a very disappointed McKayla Maroney on it)

Of course, McKayla Maroney is a gold medal gymnast and pretty much universally beloved.

And while no one questions that’s she’s gorgeous — McKayla isn’t shy about taking sexy gold medal selfies, and why should she be? — McKayla first rose to Olympic stardom when she was a minor.

She’s now come forward with her “#MeToo” story, and unfortunately it begins before she was an international icon.

McKayla shared her story on Twitter and, fair warning, this is tough to read.

“Everyone’s words over the past few days have been so inspiring to me. I know how hard it is to speak publicly about something so horrible, and so personal, because it’s happened to me too.”

We cannot imagine how difficult this was for her to write.

“People should know that this is not just happening in Hollywood. This is happening everywhere. Wherever there is a position of power, there seems to be potential for abuse. I had a dream to go to the Olympics, and the things that I had to endure to get there were unnecessary and disgusting.”

This should never, ever have happened. But it’s not her fault.

“I was molested by Dr. Larry Nassar, the team doctor for the US Women’s National Gymnastics Team and Olympic Team.”

Not everyone is naming names, for a variety of reasons. That’s every individual survivor’s decision to make. McKayla’s choice in naming her abuser was made a little easier.

Dr. Nassar, who was team doctor from 1996 to 2015, has already pleaded guilty to child porn charges and is set to stand trial for the sexual assault of nine different girls.

McKayla is certainly the highest profile Olympian to come forward.

“Dr. Nassar told me that I was receiving ‘medically necessary treatment that he had been performing on patients for over 30 years."”

That line is horrifying in two different ways. One: it’s how he used his authority to gain her confidence. Two: it’s a chilling suggestion that he could have countless other victims.

“It started when I was 13 years old, at one of my first National Team training camps, in Texas, and it didn’t end until I left the sport. It seemed whenever and wherever the man could find a chance, I was ‘treated."”

That is absolutely monstrous.

“It happened in London before my team and I won the Gold Medal, and it happened before I won my Silver.”

There’s some very grim context for you.

“For me, the scariest night of my life happened when I was 15 years old. I had flown all day and night with the team to get to Tokyo. He’d given me a sleeping pill for the flight, and the next thing I know, I was all alone with him in his hotel room getting a ‘treatment.’ I thought I was going to die that night.”

That’s something out of a nightmare, but for McKayla, it’s just part of her life.

“Things have to change … but how do we begin? I’m not expert, but here are my thoughts.”

She presents a formula for repairing our broken world.

“One: speaking out, and bringing awareness to the abuse that is happening.”

This can be the most frightening and dangerous. Just saying that you were a victim can change the way that people see you and bring accusationst hat it was your fault. Accusing someone, especially someone powerful, is much more intimidating.

“Two: people, institutions, organizations, especially those with positions of power, etc, need to be held accountable for their inappropriate actions and behavior.”

That’s absolutely right. If someone’s organization or company is standing by them after they’re accused, what does that say about the culture? Nothing good.

“Three: educate and prevent, no matter the cost.”

Remember, this nightmare began for McKayla when she was just 13. A doctor with a lot of authority told her something, and every ounce of social conditioning told her to take him at his word.

People need to know how to recognize abuse. And adults need to know how to respond when they hear about this.

“Four: have zero tolerance for abusers and those who protect them.”

This is perhaps the most important one. Did you know that Johnny Depp is still getting work? Did you know that, though Weinstein’s been expelled, Bill Cosby and Woody Allen are still part of the Academy?

Abusers should never know peace or love or friendship. That shouldn’t be a radical statement, folks; we’re talking about monsters who ruin lives.

McKayla finishes this gut-wrenching but insightful post with some educated optimism.

“Is it possible to put an end to this type of abuse? Is it possible for survivors to speak out without putting their careers and dreams in jeopardy? I hope so.”

We hope so, too.

“Our silence has given the wrong people power for too long and it’s time to take our power back. And remember, it’s never too late to speak up.”

McKayla Maroney is such a good person. We don’t deserve her.

And she deserves a lot better than what life has handed her.

Thank you, McKayla, for speaking up.


McKayla Maroney: I Was Drugged and Molested By Team USA Doctor

McKayla Maroney says she was sexually assaulted by the team doctor for the U.S. women’s gymnastics team and Olympic team — and the abuse started when she was 13 years old.  The former U.S. Olympic gymnast went public about the alleged…


McKayla Maroney: I Was Drugged and Molested By Team USA Doctor

McKayla Maroney says she was sexually assaulted by the team doctor for the U.S. women’s gymnastics team and Olympic team — and the abuse started when she was 13 years old.  The former U.S. Olympic gymnast went public about the alleged…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

McKayla Maroney Flaunts Gold Medal Cleavage on Instagram

McKayla Maroney won America’s admiration with her spectacular gymnastic skills at the 2012 Olympics, winning an team Gold and an individual Silver medal.

Her adorable reaction to being awarded a Silver medal went viral, and won hearts all over the world.

These days, she’s older and she’s not shy about showing off her amazing body, as these new photos make very clear.

We cannot emphasize enough how much McKayla’s famous and very distinctive reaction of disappointment has overshadowed everything else about her in terms of how the public views her.

It’s hard to imagine someone taking a selfie with her without them both doing the “not impressed” face.

Hell, when President Obama met McKayla Maroney, the two took a photo together where they were both making that facial expression.


The second place belt at the trivia night that I attend is just called the “Maroney.” It also has a large photo of McKayla Maroney, front and center.

She’s a household name in a way that very few Olympic athletes ever are.

She’s also just … all kinds of hot these days, as you can see here:


McKayla shared a series of three photos via her Instagram story.

(Instagram stories, if you’ll recall, are said to be basically just Mark Zuckerberg’s plan to destroy Snapchat since they refused to let him buy them)

You can see her knee emerging from the rips in her jeans (she has those rips on both sides).

In case you’re wondering what that red stuff is around her hair, that’s a filter that’s giving her a crown of hearts.

Understandably, that might not be what people first notice about this image.

Clearly McKayla isn’t feeling shy about baring her cleavage.

And there’s no reason for her to be, because she’s a shockingly gorgeous young woman.

There have been some McKayla Maroney boob job rumors over the years, but … those just look like natural breasts to us, folks.

Some people might be wondering why they didn’t notice how hot McKayla Maroney was back in 2012, when every camera was on her.

The answer is because she was sixteen, you guys.


She turns twenty-two later this year (December 9th, almost one month after Taylor Swift’s new album comes out).

Her youth has come up before, if you’ll recall.

It’s not that 16 is an unusual age to be an Olympic gymnast — it’s basically standard, right?

But some awful person hacked McKayla Maroney’s nudes.

That’s terrible enough on its own.

(No one deserves to have their intimate photos stolen, and no one is “asking for it” by having those photos in their possession or by having taken them in the first place)

It wasn’t until later that we learned that McKayla Maroney was underage in those pics, which makes a bad situation worse.

But we’re glad that McKayla hasn’t been so scarred by the experience of having her nude photos leak that she wants to retreat from being a public figure.

Or even just shy away from taking alluring photos.

Not for our sake (though the world enjoys her pictures), but for hers.

She deserves to get to live her life, unobstructed by unwelcome opinions or fear at being hacked again.

And if she wants to post thirst traps, she’s welcome to do so.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

McKayla Maroney on Instagram: My Ass Is Real, And It"s Spectacular!

You might recognize McKayla Maroney’s name for a number of different reasons.

After all, the 21-year-old has accomplished a great deal in a remarkably short period of time.

Following her success at the 2012 Olympics, McKayla became a meme thanks to her famously “unimpressed’ reaction to taking home the silver.

McKayla wisely decided to that it’s easier to cash in on Internet fame than on pommel horse skills, so she skipped the 2016 games and has been focusing on a career as a pop singer/social media starlet.

She might not be a household name just yet, but Maroney has demonstrated that she has a firm grasp on what makes the Internet go ‘round.

Her knack for self-promotion is downright Kardashian-esque, and that’s not the only way in which McKayla’s rise to stardom can be likened to Kim K’s.

Yes, the Internet has recently developed a fascination with McKayla Maroney’s butt, and she’s not doing much to discourage that sudden interest:

The video above, posted earlier this week, prompted rumors that McKayla had received butt implants, and she’s handling the speculation in true Kard clan fashion:

By posting more photos of her ass!

Demonstrating again that she has a blindingly bright future in the world of social media stardom, McKayla’s approach to the butt rumors is to offer up more butt.

Were it not for the fact that she’s already demonstrated considerable talent, we’d say she’s perfectly reminiscent of a young Kim.

Were not totally sure what McKayla is trying to prove here, but we’re definitely not complaining.

The pics definitely serve as further evidence that she wasn’t hacked, as was rumored in the hours after her hugely popular thong video appeared online.

But they don’t really prove much with regard to the implant rumors.

Unless she’s pointing out that those rumors were ridiculous to begin with, as her ass really isn’t that big.

It may be perfectly sculpted, but we’re guessing that has more to do with McKayla being a 21-year-old gymnast than with any surgical enhancements.

In short, it looks like McKayla’s butt is real, and it also seems that we’ll be seeing much more of it in the years to come.

And for that, we thank her.


Monday, May 15, 2017

McKayla Maroney Butt Video Prompts Implant Rumors, Controversy

McKalyla Maroney won an individual silver medal at the London Olympics, but when it comes to gaining the Internet"s attention, the 21-year-old gymnast deserves all the gold.

Maroney became a meme in 2012 after she memorably made her displeasure with the judges" scores known with the smirk of a lifetime

Perhaps realizing that online fame is worth more than any medal, Maroney skipped the 2016 games to focus on her true talent: making jaws drop all over social media.

These days, she"s trying to launch a career as a pop singer, and while we"ve yet to hear her sing a note, we"re thinking she might have a bright future thanks to her talent for self-promotion.

McKayla"s curves have been the talk of Instagram several times in the past, and far from shying away from such attention, she encourages fans to get their ogle on.

Over the weekend, McKayla posted a video that had many fans wondering if she"d been hacked.

The clip below shows McKayla doing some cavorting in front of her bedroom mirror – and she"s not leaving much to the imagination.

But while it"s the kind of footage that on would normally see released as part of The Fappening, McKayla says she posted it herself:

"I didn"t get hacked. unfollow if u need to. all love."

The video has sparked another round of McKayla Maroney implant rumors, but this time – the suspicious lady lumps are "round back.

Check out the racy video and decide for yourself:

Mckayla maroney butt video promps implant rumors controversy

McKayla Maroney Says Ass Video Wasn"t Hacked, Enjoy It (VIDEO)

McKayla Maroney says the racy video of her dancing around in some thong underwear was NOT hacked — it was meant to be posted and she’s damn proud of it. The video first surfaced on her Instagram page on Saturday — and people went crazy thinking…


Thursday, August 11, 2016

McKayla Maroney: Bikini Pic Prompts Boob Job Rumors

As you watch the US women’s gymnastics team dismantle rivals at the 2016 Olympics, you may find yourself wondering about the absence of one of the 2012 team’s most high-profile competitors.

McKayla Maroney chose not to participate in the Rio games for reasons that are still not entirely clear.

Maroney’s explanation is that she’s focusing on launching her music career.

Seems to us that the burst of front-page exposure that comes with competing at the Olympics would be a great way to help one’s chances of succeeding in a highly-competitive field, but sure, we’ll buy it.

In the end, we guess it doesn’t matter, as McKayla is still receiving plenty of attention these days.

You see, in addition to being one of our nation’s most gifted gymnasts, McKalya is super hot and enjoys posting photos like the one below:

Not surprisingly, this particular photo has received a lot of attention on Instagram.

The first round of comments were mostly along the lines of daaaaaaayum!

Then things took a weird turn as rumors that McKayla got lip injections began to make the rounds on social media. 

Maroney assured fans that her lips are totally natural, but shortly thereafter, a new round of unfounded speculation left the meme star characteristically unimpressed.

Many fans are now under the impression that Maroney has undergone breast augmentation.

It may sound ridiculous (and it probably is) but Radar Online has consulted with a few of those, “I’ve never met this celeb, but I’m gonna diagnose her anyway” doctors who claim that in this case, the fans know what they’re talking about:

Dr. Michael Salzhauer (aka, “Dr. Miami,” and if that doesn’t fill you with confidence, we don’t know what will), was first asked about McKayla’s lips

“I believe she has had filler to her lips a la Kylie Jenner,” he told Radar. “Most likely Juvederm.”

“Is that McKayla Maroney or a Kardashian?” chimed in a weirdly snarky Dr. Anthony Youn. “A touch of Botox under her eyebrows may be the source of her arched, higher brows as well.”

Dr. Zara Harutyunyan  stated that “her breasts look larger, but that can also be because she is not training aggressively and has gained weight. Or she could’ve undergone a breast augmentation.”

The good Doc Miami added: 

“It’s definitely possible she’s had a breast augmentation, taking her from a B to a C. They fit her frame well.”

So there you have.

McKalya had a bunch of work done. Or she didn’t.

“What am I, a doctor?!” – Dr. Miami (probably)

McKayla Maroney: Bikini Pic Prompts Boob Job Rumors

As you watch the US women’s gymnastics team dismantle rivals at the 2016 Olympics, you may find yourself wondering about the absence of one of the 2012 team’s most high-profile competitors.

McKayla Maroney chose not to participate in the Rio games for reasons that are still not entirely clear.

Maroney’s explanation is that she’s focusing on launching her music career.

Seems to us that the burst of front-page exposure that comes with competing at the Olympics would be a great way to help one’s chances of succeeding in a highly-competitive field, but sure, we’ll buy it.

In the end, we guess it doesn’t matter, as McKayla is still receiving plenty of attention these days.

You see, in addition to being one of our nation’s most gifted gymnasts, McKalya is super hot and enjoys posting photos like the one below:

Not surprisingly, this particular photo has received a lot of attention on Instagram.

The first round of comments were mostly along the lines of daaaaaaayum!

Then things took a weird turn as rumors that McKayla got lip injections began to make the rounds on social media. 

Maroney assured fans that her lips are totally natural, but shortly thereafter, a new round of unfounded speculation left the meme star characteristically unimpressed.

Many fans are now under the impression that Maroney has undergone breast augmentation.

It may sound ridiculous (and it probably is) but Radar Online has consulted with a few of those, “I’ve never met this celeb, but I’m gonna diagnose her anyway” doctors who claim that in this case, the fans know what they’re talking about:

Dr. Michael Salzhauer (aka, “Dr. Miami,” and if that doesn’t fill you with confidence, we don’t know what will), was first asked about McKayla’s lips

“I believe she has had filler to her lips a la Kylie Jenner,” he told Radar. “Most likely Juvederm.”

“Is that McKayla Maroney or a Kardashian?” chimed in a weirdly snarky Dr. Anthony Youn. “A touch of Botox under her eyebrows may be the source of her arched, higher brows as well.”

Dr. Zara Harutyunyan  stated that “her breasts look larger, but that can also be because she is not training aggressively and has gained weight. Or she could’ve undergone a breast augmentation.”

The good Doc Miami added: 

“It’s definitely possible she’s had a breast augmentation, taking her from a B to a C. They fit her frame well.”

So there you have.

McKalya had a bunch of work done. Or she didn’t.

“What am I, a doctor?!” – Dr. Miami (probably)

Monday, August 8, 2016

McKayla Maroney: Forget the Olympics; Check Out These Gold Medal Curves!

Back in 2012, American gymnast McKayla Maroney became an overnight sensation.

Sure, she was part of the Olympic team that won gold at the London games, and she took home an individual silver medal in the vault, but it wasn’t her performance so much as her reaction to coming in second that made her a household name.

Four years later, “McKayla Maroney is not impressed” memes still pop up on occasion.

More importantly, however, McKayla is now 20, and her active Instagram presence has led fans to an important realization:

McKayla Maroney is super hot.

McKayla chose to sit out the Rio games, and these days she’s shifted her focus from gymnastics to something even closer to her heart.

No, not risque selfies (though she’s clearly fond of those as well).

We’re talking about music – which is apparently Ms. Maroney’s true passion these days.

She recently celebrated reaching one million followers with the above pantsless and the following caption: 

“Sending love to all one million of you Also, I haven’t talked about it much, (mainly cuz people wouldn’t take me seriously) but for the last year I’ve dedicated all my time to writing/making music, and I can finally officially say that I’ve got some cool stuff on the way for u guys!!”

She added: “Hope u like dancing!”

McKayla, at this point, we’re liking pretty much anything that involves you.

Friday, July 15, 2016

McKayla Maroney: My Lips Are Totally Natural, OK?

Her appearance on NBC4 last week made fans wonder what the hell she did to her lips.

McKayla Maroney did some press during coverage of the Olympic trials last weekend, and viewers couldn’t help but notice that her lips had…let’s say “swelled” a bit.

Not so, Maroney told Seventeen Magazine.

Your face changes, you get older, your face fills out, and you fall into liking makeup and different stuff like that,” she said.

“And for people saying that, for the most part — it would kind of hurt my feelings when you haven’t done anything.  You just kind of have to keep being yourself and move forward with what you love. 

“I just haven’t had anything to give to people, so they’re almost just picking at anything that they can to find something to talk about me for. It’s just one of those things right now and you just have to keep moving forward.”

Maroney posted an old photo of herself at the 2012 London Games next to a caption that read “Me thinking about how to get my face to look like i’ve never done anything to my face when i’ve never done anything to my face.”

McKayla Maroney 2012 Olympics

Maroney admitted that social media hasn’t been easy, especially since transitioning from gymnast to a 24-year-old aspiring singer.

“It’s a very vulnerable position to be in,” Maroney said of being a gymnast in the age of Twitter.

“I was so young and I was not focused on what I looked like. I was focused on the gold medal.”

These days, the LA-based Maroney is making up for lost time.

“I think it freaks people out to see somebody change just a little bit. I don’t mean to freak anybody out. At the end of the day, I have changed. I can’t blame anybody for saying, ‘Oh, she changed!"”

Whatever the case, she’s moved on, everyone else should, too.

“It’s good to keep evolving and growing,” she said.

“I think most people should be accepting with stuff like that, but you know, you can’t force anybody into feeling a certain way.

“So for anybody who’s judging it and not liking it, that’s fine.”

Monday, July 11, 2016

McKayla Maroney: Angry Fans Not Impressed With Her Trout Pout

It"s all fun and games until someone breaks out the Juviderm.

Olympian/sass mouth star McKayla Maroney has made some (let"s call them) "updates" to her look.

Namely, her ample cleavage and very full pout.

The former gymnast (who will not be competing in Rio next month) shocked fans over the weekend during Olympic trials.

NBC4 Los Angeles accompanied Maroney to a Long Beach, CA home where she surprised a group of young girls watching the trials.

She cheered along with the girls when two of her former teammates were announced as part of Team USA.

Maroney, who had undisclosed health issues, currently lives in Los Angeles where she"s pursuing a music career.

She"s also appeared on Heart of Dixie and Bones.

"I"m just ready to put my worth and value into something else," she told NBC4"s Vikki Vargas.

"I"m just ready to be excited about something else. I just got so bored with being unhealthy."

Fans who remember Maroney from the 2012 Summer Games were supremely bummed to see the changes to her face.

"It"s so sad to see what you have turned into since the last Olympics," one female wrote upon seeing her in 2016.

"I am a former competitive gymnast and I looked up to you."

Another doozie:

"Sooo the resting b***h face girl from 2012, McKayla Marone [sic]… she um looks different now."

One female fan in particular was offended by Maroney"s new look:

"We had to do a book report in 4th grade on someone we admired."

"I did mine on you. You were more beautiful then than you are now and I wish you realized that before you messed up your face and only focused on showing your boobs."

Of course, for every shaming comment, there"s a compliment (kind of).

"Dang there you are McKay Lay, where you been hiding those sexy lips?"

Welp, take it or leave it, the 20-year-old Maroney and her lips are probably sticking around for the foreseeable future …

Mckayla maroney unrecognizable nicknamed trout pout by angry fan

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

McKayla Maroney: Still Hot, Still Not Impressed

You might remember McKayla Maroney from her multiple-medal winning performance at the 2012 Olympics, and the tidal wave of "not impressed" memes that followed.

Maroney has chosen not to participate in the 2016 games in Rio, but she"s still going for gold on Instagram in a big way.

Check out some of the 20-year-old"s hottest selfies in the gallery below:

1. McKayla Maroney Works Out

Mckayla maroney works out

We can tell because she’s in workout clothes. Oh, and she’s in freakin’ flawless shape.

2. McKayla Maroney Bodysuit Photo

Mckayla maroney bodysuit photo

McKayla won’t be competing at Rio this summer. But as you can see, she’s still in Olympian shape.

3. Mckayla Maroney Bikini Selfie

Mckayla maroney bikini selfie

Gymnasts sport beach bodies year round. It does a body good.

4. McKayla Maroney Cleavage Selfie

Mckayla maroney cleavage selfie

It’s humanly impossible to have any more cleavage than that. We looked it up.

5. McKayla Maroney From All Angles

Mckayla maroney from all angles

When you’re in flawless shape, full-length, multi-angle mirrors can be your best friend. McKayla seems to know this.

6. McKayla Maroney: Merry Christmas

Mckayla maroney merry christmas

Christmas – not a particularly sexy holiday. McKayla Maroney is here to change that.

View Slideshow

McKayla Maroney: Still Hot, Still Not Impressed

You might remember McKayla Maroney from her multiple-medal winning performance at the 2012 Olympics, and the tidal wave of "not impressed" memes that followed.

Maroney has chosen not to participate in the 2016 games in Rio, but she"s still going for gold on Instagram in a big way.

Check out some of the 20-year-old"s hottest selfies in the gallery below:

1. McKayla Maroney Works Out

Mckayla maroney works out

We can tell because she’s in workout clothes. Oh, and she’s in freakin’ flawless shape.

2. McKayla Maroney Bodysuit Photo

Mckayla maroney bodysuit photo

McKayla won’t be competing at Rio this summer. But as you can see, she’s still in Olympian shape.

3. Mckayla Maroney Bikini Selfie

Mckayla maroney bikini selfie

Gymnasts sport beach bodies year round. It does a body good.

4. McKayla Maroney Cleavage Selfie

Mckayla maroney cleavage selfie

It’s humanly impossible to have any more cleavage than that. We looked it up.

5. McKayla Maroney From All Angles

Mckayla maroney from all angles

When you’re in flawless shape, full-length, multi-angle mirrors can be your best friend. McKayla seems to know this.

6. McKayla Maroney: Merry Christmas

Mckayla maroney merry christmas

Christmas – not a particularly sexy holiday. McKayla Maroney is here to change that.

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