Monday, August 8, 2016

McKayla Maroney: Forget the Olympics; Check Out These Gold Medal Curves!

Back in 2012, American gymnast McKayla Maroney became an overnight sensation.

Sure, she was part of the Olympic team that won gold at the London games, and she took home an individual silver medal in the vault, but it wasn’t her performance so much as her reaction to coming in second that made her a household name.

Four years later, “McKayla Maroney is not impressed” memes still pop up on occasion.

More importantly, however, McKayla is now 20, and her active Instagram presence has led fans to an important realization:

McKayla Maroney is super hot.

McKayla chose to sit out the Rio games, and these days she’s shifted her focus from gymnastics to something even closer to her heart.

No, not risque selfies (though she’s clearly fond of those as well).

We’re talking about music – which is apparently Ms. Maroney’s true passion these days.

She recently celebrated reaching one million followers with the above pantsless and the following caption: 

“Sending love to all one million of you Also, I haven’t talked about it much, (mainly cuz people wouldn’t take me seriously) but for the last year I’ve dedicated all my time to writing/making music, and I can finally officially say that I’ve got some cool stuff on the way for u guys!!”

She added: “Hope u like dancing!”

McKayla, at this point, we’re liking pretty much anything that involves you.