Showing posts with label Updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Updates. Show all posts

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Meek Mill Updates Status of Fan"s "Free Meek" Jersey

Meek Mill is well beyond prison walls now, and any merch signaling otherwise oughta be corrected to reflect his current sitch — according to Meek himself, who did just that for a fan. Philly fan Zack Rothenberg spotted Meek sitting in his SUV…


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Lil Yachty Updates Cam"ron"s Spinning World Chain

If Lil Yachty’s insane spinning globe chain looks familiar, that’s because it used to dangle around rapper Cam’ron’s neck before it got a major overhaul by a famous NYC jeweler.  We got Yachty leaving Rafaello & Co. Jewelers in the Big…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Kevin Smith Updates Fans on Heart Attack, Gets VERY Emotional

Kevin Smith is known for making people laugh.

But the man behind such movies as Clerks and Mallrats recently went through an extremely serious situation.

As previously reported on The Hollywood Gossip, Smith suffered a massive heart attack shortly after completing a comedy show in Arizona on Sunday night.

The director/producer/writer shared the following selfie from his hospital bed on social media and explained what happened to his fans as follows:

"I felt kinda nauseous. I threw up a little but it didn’t seem to help. Then I started sweating buckets and my chest felt heavy. Turns out I had a massive heart attack…

"The Doctor who saved my life at the #glendale hospital told me I had 100% blockage of my LAD artery (also known as "the Widow-Maker" because when it goes, you’re a goner)."

YIKES, right?

Two days after this near-death experience, Smith recorded a lengthy video of himself on Facebook in order to update his followers on his condition.

And, as you might expect, things got emotional.

"Hey, it"s me. I"m fine…kinda," Smith opened, attempting to joke around about what he"s been through and what he is still going through.

Smith then took folks through the full chain of events, from the moment he started feeling sick backstage ("I was honestly under the impression that I had gotten some f-cking bad milk") to struggling to catch his breath.

After realizing something was very much wrong, he got into an ambulance and sped away to Glendale Adventist Medical Center, where the ER doctors immediately realized the star had suffered a serious heart attack.

These physicians had to go in through Smith"s groin to address the issue, which prompted Smith to joke again:

"My biggest fear in life: death—number one. Number two: people seeing my dick."

Soon enough, though, the joking came to an end.

"It was kind of like reading your eulogy," he added, saying into the camera:

"I saw what life will be like when I die – kind of what the reaction would be if I died. It was very, very sweet."

Smith eventually got choked up and concluded:

"I just thought about everything and thought about my parents and how they raised me and my brother and my sister and my friends and my wife and my kid and this weird wonderful career that I"ve had for so long and stuff and I was like content."

"What a ride it"s been," he said. "What an incredible f-cking ride."

Watch the full video below:

Kevin smith updates fans on heart attack gets very emotional

Monday, April 17, 2017

Meghan Linsey Updates Fans on Gruesome Spider Bite


The following photos are graphic in nature.

They’re all pretty incredible, to be honest.

Two months after being bitten by a venomous spider, former The Voice standout Meghan Linsey has updated fans about her condition.

She’s shared a number of pictures on Instagram of the bite mark and its fallout, including with these images a few captions that make it clear just how fortunate this singer is to be alive.

“These pics are hard to share, but I think it’s important for me to be open with you guys,” Linsey posted last week on her social media account, detailed how she was bitten by a brown recluse spider, one of the most poisonous spiders in the country.

“I am still dealing with the wound on my face, but I finally found the right meds to control the nerve pain.

“I know I’m not out of the woods on this yet, but I am so incredibly grateful for my health and I will never take it for granted again.”

This message was written along with the following montage.

Pretty insane, huh?

Linsey went on to explain what happened on February 12:

I woke up to a stinging sensation on my face. I looked and in my right hand was a dead spider. Somehow while I was sleeping, a spider had bit me and I had killed it.

This scenario is literally on the top of my nightmare list. The stinging was awful and I knew it had to be poisonous. I put the spider in a bag and headed to urgent care.

Over the course of the last 9 days, I have experienced the most insane symptoms. From excruciating nerve pain in my face, muscle spasms, full body rash, extreme swelling… etc. It has really been rough.

I know I’m not out of the woods on this yet, but I am so incredibly grateful for my health and I will never take it for granted again. Your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated.

The 31-year-old country star continued to keep followers apprised of her status after this initial post, even somehow managing to smile in her next photo.

“I cannot believe the outpouring of love and support I have received from all of you,” the artist captioned this snapshot, adding:

“I’m finally feeling somewhat normal again. It has been 11 days since I was bit by a brown recluse spider. I saw the Toxicologist at Vanderbilt yesterday and she said she thinks my wound is going to heal just fine on it’s own.

“She doesn’t think I will need surgery, which is a huge relief! I am so grateful for all of your prayers, well wishes and positive energy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Linsey says she went through numerous hyperbaric chamber treatments and that the black, dead tissue went away after about a month.

“Thank you everyone for all the love and support you’ve shown me during these difficult months,” Megan wrote to fans on Friday, along with the picture below.

As you can see, the former The Voice favorite really is doing better.

But she still has a long way to go:

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need to go look online for some sort of sleeping mask that we can wear in order to avoid this same, awful fate.

Thank goodness Linsey is going to be okay!


Friday, March 24, 2017

Jill Duggar FINALLY Updates Fans From Central America!

The Dillards have once again gone abroad, but that’s not stopping them from communicating with fans!

Yes, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard are back in Central America after a returning to the states to reconnect with family in their native Arkansas.

of course, these days, Jill and Derick are no longer just a couple, but a rapidly-growing family of three.

Jill is pregnant with her second child, and she’s expected to return to the US to give birth in July.

But until that day comes, it looks like the Duggars are happy to be back in El Salvador working closely with the less fortunate.

Jill posted an update on the Dillard family’s personal website earlier this week:

“Thank y’all so much for supporting and praying for us! We’ve had a busy few weeks, lately!” Jill wrote in a blog post on the Dillard family website on Wednesday.

“We have a short-term team here with us right now and we have been traveling a lot between a few different countries doing ministry traveling throughout Central America with this team.”

Some fans were beginning to grow concerned as the Dillards – who usually maintain regular contact with fans, even when they’re abroad – had not posted anything to their social media pages in over a week.

Some even went so far as to suggest that Derick Dillard’s health had once again become an issue.

Fortunately, Jill says her husband is doing better than ever and making the most of his time in Central America:

 “Derick has been able to go out every week with one of the pastors from a local church and visit homes to share the gospel and is continuing to preach weekly,” she writes.

Perhaps to allay concerns about his recent health issues, she added that Derick recently “participated in a basketball tournament with guys from the local town.”

As for little Israel Dillard, Jill says her son is making the most of his international upbringing:

“Israel loves it and so do we!” Jill writes.

“Last week, we were able to host the children from church in our home for children’s church and snacks.”

She added:

“We also enjoyed meeting new friends at the playground in town while Papi (Derick) played basketball with some of the guys. We ended the evening with a yummy pupusa dinner at home.”

Jill concludes her missive by assuring fans that all is well with her young family:

“We are excited to be back to the work our hearts love so much.

“From the early stages of our lives, the Lord has put a deep love and care in both of our hearts for all peoples of the world that they would come to repentance and put their hope in the Lord, Jesus Christ.”

Watch Counting On online for more on the globe-trotting Dillard clan.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

19 Times Facebook Users Regretted Their Status Updates

Facebook can be a wonderful place to share baby photos, catch up with old friends…

… and make fun of people for their ridiculous status updates.

The latter simply can"t be helped at times, as evidenced by the following hilarious examples.


1. Not in a Will Smith Movie, No

Not in a will smith movie no

But life is not a Will Smith movie.

2. This Was Just Mean

This was just mean

Spoiler Alert: Jenny ended up dumping Max the next day. (We assume.)

3. Like, REALLY Scary

Like really scary

For reasons that this individual may not comprehend.

4. You Might Say He’s FEATURED in Every Song

You might say hes featured in every song

Actually, no. You clearly would not say that.

5. You May Be Waiting Awhile

You may be waiting awhile

But, hey, at least you have Facebook while you wait!


Usa usa usa

US… hey now! What, Darius?!?

View Slideshow

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Chelsea Houska Updates Fans on Boobs, New Baby

It’s not hard to see why Chelsea Houska is so beloved by Teen Mom 2 fans.

While the rest of the girls’ lives often serve as cautionary tales, Chelsea offers a sort of fairytale-caliber wish fulfillment.

After years of grappling with Adam Lind, arguably the douchiest of the show’s many douchey baby daddies, Chelsea has reached a level of happiness that would have seemed impossible just a few short years ago.

Back in October, Chelsea married Cole DeBoer.

Earlier this month, Chelsea and Cole welcomed their first child together, and now she’s updating fans on her blissfully happy new life.

Chelsea posted several pics of little Watson Cole DeBoer.

Naturally, the photos drew an enthusiastic response from fans.

And it’s not hard to see why …

Look at that little guy!

Not only is he adorable, he’s living proof that happy endings are possible for the ladies of the 16 and Pregnant/Teen Mom/Teen Mom: OG universe.

Of course, it’s not just Chelsea’s ability to produce photogenic offspring that endears her to viewers.

The Housk’s sense of humor is one of the things fans love about her, and she definitely hasn’t lost a step since welcoming Watson into the world.

In addition to sharing pics on Instagram, Chelsea has been offering humorous insights into the #MomLife on Twitter:

“Watson fell asleep while I was feeding him & wakes up if I try to move or get up. So I’ve been stuck on the couch with 1 boob out for an hour,” she tweeted earlier this week.

Someone get this woman a sitcom deal!

Seriously though, ever since giving birth to her second child, Chelsea has been demonstrating daily why she’s the anti-Jenelle Evans.

Where Jenelle rants, raves, and brings the drama, Chelsea proves that likable, relatable, stable reality stars can also deliver ratings and rack up the online followers.

It’s a refreshing reminder at a time when it seems more and more like unhinged people are running the world.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Chelsea’s idyllic life.

The girl is definitely doing something right.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Kim Kardashian RETURNS TO FACEBOOK, Updates Profile Pic

Kim Kardashian is back.

And better than ever?

Perhaps. But definitely the same as ever, at the very least.

For the first time in months, the reality star has posted something on her official Facebook page, updating her profile with a photo that makes it as clear as possible:

She isn’t going to let a few armed assailants change who she really is.

The following profile update marks the first move Kim has made on her Facebook account since October 2.

That, of course, was the day before a group of violent thugs broke into her Paris apartment, pulled Kardashian out of bed, tied her hands behind her back and robbed her of millions of dollars worth of jewelry.

While Kim is yet to speak about the incident, multiple sources have claimed she feared she would be raped or killed or both during the harrowing robbery.

As a result, she has understandably gone media silent.

But Kardashian uploaded the following image this morning, causing her usual social media uproar in the process:

The picture is classic Kim Kardashian.

It puts her large boobs front and center and it features her taking a glance down at her tiny waist.

Lots of cleavage and an emphasis on her recent weight loss? It’s nice to see that Kim Kardashian has not changed in her time away, isn’t it?

That time away has also left room for various tabloids to speculate about the state of her marriage.

There has been endless chatter about how Kim and Kanye West are on the verge of divorce.

And while Kardashian does not address this talk in her Facebook picture, she did also release a series of home videos on her official app.

The following footage mostly focuses on Kim’s cute kids. There’s even a snippet of Saint’s first steps. How exciting!

But you can see her and Kanye share a quick kiss at one point as well. You can see them dance. You can see them spending time at home as parents.

You can see Kim and Kanye looking… normal.

Might she be sending a message to her critics in the precious process?

Watch and see for yourself:

It seems pretty clear from these two examples that Kardashian is planning a comeback for 2017.

What this means, we’re not sure.

She isn’t a singer, so it’s not as though there’s a new album in the works.

She isn’t an actress, so there’s no new movie to look forward to.

New episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians will surely air on E!, but that isn’t really news.

Could Kim sit down for an exclusive interview with 60 Minutes or 20/20 or some other program to discuss her robbery and how her life has changed since then?

We could see that happening.

For now, though, it’s obvious that her fans are simply happy to have Kardashian back in whatever form she chooses.

Consider the following responses to her simple Facebook profile change:

kim replies

Maybe a new round of Kim Kardashian nude photos are on the way.

This would prove that her body has bounced back from giving birth for a second time and it would also send a message to her assailants that they haven’t broken her spirit.

Stay clothed and those terrorist win, Kim.

Just something to think about.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Kris Jenner Updates Fans on Kim Kardashian

We now know a lot more about what Kim Kardashian went through at the hands of armed assailants in Paris this month.

According to a new interview with the concierge who was also held at gunpoint by these masked men, Kardashian really did scream and beg for her life.

“[Kim was attacked by the intruder], holding his gun in her face,” the concierge told The Daily Mirror yesterday. “She was crying, she was screaming, saying ‘Don’t kill me, I have babies … I’m a mom!"”

It sounds like a truly horrible experience.

So. That’s what Kim was going through at the time of the crime.

What is she going through now? A couple weeks after this horror took place?

E! News’ Catt Sadler caught up with Kris Jenner on Tuesday evening at Khloe Kardashian’s Good American Presentation Fashion Show.

And the famous matriarch removed her managerial hat long enough to play mother, providing fans with an update on Kim’s condition.

“It’s a process,” Jenner said of Kim’s recovery. “One day at a time. It’s a process.”

Jenner added that she’s “doing what a mother does” by having loved ones gather around Kim at all times, making sure she feels safe and secure.

She also noted Kim’s main focus is her family at the moment; she has been spending as much time as possible with her kids.

Jenner initially broke her silence on the awful matter when she posted a quote on social media that read as follows:

“Every morning is a reminder of how blessed we are.

Today I am grateful for my family, who I love more than words can explain. Count your blessings, be grateful always, and cherish every moment you spend with your loved ones.”

But this is really the first time she has addressed Kim’s situation directly.

Kardashian herself is yet to utter a word, for understandable reasons.

However, a handwritten note on the star’s website was posted this week.

It opened with “hey guys” and went on to say:

“So you may have noticed we haven’t updated the [Kim Kardashian] app in a few weeks. Keeks is taking some much-needed time off.”

“But not to worry…we’ve called upon Kim’s closest friends, fam, and yours truly, to serve up some exclusives. Stay tuned for new posts and app takeovers!

“Thank you so much for your support for my girl.”

The message was written by Kim’s assistant, Stephanie Shepherd.

It’s unclear just when we’ll see or hear from Kim again.

According to every report since the robbery went down, she has been truly traumatized by the experience.

Even when she does return to the spotlight, Kim will likely post less often on social media. She will reveal her location less often. She will talk about and show off her jewelry less often.

Is Kardashian to blame for what happened to her? Because she did flaunt her wealth on many occasions?

Of course not.

But it can’t hurt to be as safe as possible, especially when two little kids are in the picture.

We aren’t huge fans of Kim Kardashian, but we do wish her the best under these circumstances.


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Gabby Douglas Updates Fans On Health (And It Sounds Painful)

Fans wanted to know why Gabby Douglas missed Sunday’s VMAs, where her four teammates presented Beyonce with a Moon Man for Best Female Video.

It turns out that Douglas is battling a mouth infection that landed her back in the hospital Sunday, her rep told People.

“Gabby is back in the hospital tonight being treated for a seriously infected past mouth injury.  She continues to have deep swelling and adverse reactions to medication.”  

Last night, Douglas was feeling well enough to let fans know that she’s on the road to recovery, but it’s been a bit of a painful journey.

“Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I’m doing ok” Douglas wrote on Instagram alongside a picture of herself in a dentist’s chair.

Gabby Douglas Dentist Chair

“I had a complication from a prior injury that caused a cyst to grow on a bone in my mouth.

“Got it removed and feeling much better now!

“Thanks for all your concerns and prayers  and HUGE thank you to the doctors that have taken care of me these last four days! #ontheroadtorecovery #butIstillgottagetthesewisdomteethout”

Douglas’ teammates – Aly Raisman, Simone Biles, Madison Kocian and Laurie Hernandez – missed their girl, but knew it was best for her to stay home (and good thing, too, since she had to be hospitalized again).

Gabby Douglas Bedridden

“I think she’s feeling a little better, but she’s staying home as a precaution,” Biles told People on the red carpet Sunday night.

“We’re sad she couldn’t be here to enjoy this with us. We miss her!”

Hernandez told Entertainment Tonight that though the growth needed to be closely watched, Douglas is going to pull through.

“It’s a little bit swollen, but we hope she can get better soon because we wish she could be here with us,” she said.

Get well soon, Gabby!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Kylie Jenner Updates Fans on Bed-Ridden Khloe: "I Can"t See Her Yet"

Before she presented alongside Gigi Hadid at last night’s American Music Awards, Kylie Jenner Instagram’d a throwback in honor of Khloe Kardashian.

Kardashian is battling a staph infection, which she likely contracted from being in the hospital so often to look after Lamar Odom.

“Staph infection is no joke,” Kardashian tweeted on November 21st.  

“Mine was exacerbated by stress which is not a great combo. I’m under great medical care&receiving tons of love!”

Jenner sent her older sister some love with a photo of the two at the 2014 AMAs.

“Last year at the AMAs with khlo who is still on bed rest & I can’t even see her yet :(,” Jenner wrote.  

“I’ll miss you today. Can’t wait to present.”

Kardashian was forced to cancel her book tour after coming down with the infection last week, but has kept her fans updated ever since.

The author of Strong Looks Better Naked even vented her frustration to fans after being hounded by the paparazzi.

“What scum paps are!!! I am on my way to an infectious disease doctor and they cut me off while driving, run red lights, tailing me for pictures. they make it even more difficult for me to drive when I’m already as weak as it is.

“How fucking disgusting.”

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Alanis Morissette Updates "Ironic" Lyrics, Nails it

Back when some of you were just learning to hold a bottle, the rest of us were enjoying the bittersweet sounds of Alanis Morissette.  

Morissette"s CD, Jagged Little Pill, was released in June 1995, and since the interweb wasn"t advanced enough to master the whole "online shopping" thing,  we the people had to haul ass to Tower Records if we wanted play "You Oughtta Know" on repeat.

One of my favorite singles from the album is "Ironic," ah delightfully catchy tune about life"s WTF everything is the worst "aww hell" moments.

Morissette performed her song live on The Late Late Show last night with host James Corden, and even updated the lyrics to reflect these trying times of "Swiping left on your soul mate," "It"s like Netflix, but you own DVDs," and the worst offender, "It"s like you"re first class…on a Southwest plane, then you realize that every seat is the same."

It was like being back in a coffee house, listening to some chick wearing a beanie and long, hippie hair sing about the lemons life hands her.


Alanis morissette updates ironic lyrics