Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Alanis Morissette Updates "Ironic" Lyrics, Nails it

Back when some of you were just learning to hold a bottle, the rest of us were enjoying the bittersweet sounds of Alanis Morissette.  

Morissette"s CD, Jagged Little Pill, was released in June 1995, and since the interweb wasn"t advanced enough to master the whole "online shopping" thing,  we the people had to haul ass to Tower Records if we wanted play "You Oughtta Know" on repeat.

One of my favorite singles from the album is "Ironic," ah delightfully catchy tune about life"s WTF everything is the worst "aww hell" moments.

Morissette performed her song live on The Late Late Show last night with host James Corden, and even updated the lyrics to reflect these trying times of "Swiping left on your soul mate," "It"s like Netflix, but you own DVDs," and the worst offender, "It"s like you"re first class…on a Southwest plane, then you realize that every seat is the same."

It was like being back in a coffee house, listening to some chick wearing a beanie and long, hippie hair sing about the lemons life hands her.


Alanis morissette updates ironic lyrics