Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Chelsea Houska Updates Fans on Boobs, New Baby

It’s not hard to see why Chelsea Houska is so beloved by Teen Mom 2 fans.

While the rest of the girls’ lives often serve as cautionary tales, Chelsea offers a sort of fairytale-caliber wish fulfillment.

After years of grappling with Adam Lind, arguably the douchiest of the show’s many douchey baby daddies, Chelsea has reached a level of happiness that would have seemed impossible just a few short years ago.

Back in October, Chelsea married Cole DeBoer.

Earlier this month, Chelsea and Cole welcomed their first child together, and now she’s updating fans on her blissfully happy new life.

Chelsea posted several pics of little Watson Cole DeBoer.

Naturally, the photos drew an enthusiastic response from fans.

And it’s not hard to see why …

Look at that little guy!

Not only is he adorable, he’s living proof that happy endings are possible for the ladies of the 16 and Pregnant/Teen Mom/Teen Mom: OG universe.

Of course, it’s not just Chelsea’s ability to produce photogenic offspring that endears her to viewers.

The Housk’s sense of humor is one of the things fans love about her, and she definitely hasn’t lost a step since welcoming Watson into the world.

In addition to sharing pics on Instagram, Chelsea has been offering humorous insights into the #MomLife on Twitter:

“Watson fell asleep while I was feeding him & wakes up if I try to move or get up. So I’ve been stuck on the couch with 1 boob out for an hour,” she tweeted earlier this week.

Someone get this woman a sitcom deal!

Seriously though, ever since giving birth to her second child, Chelsea has been demonstrating daily why she’s the anti-Jenelle Evans.

Where Jenelle rants, raves, and brings the drama, Chelsea proves that likable, relatable, stable reality stars can also deliver ratings and rack up the online followers.

It’s a refreshing reminder at a time when it seems more and more like unhinged people are running the world.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Chelsea’s idyllic life.

The girl is definitely doing something right.
