Showing posts with label Spider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spider. Show all posts

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Enormous Spider Stalks Couple, Scares Bejeebus Out of Internet

A couple in Queensland, Australia is here to frighten us all.

The man and woman have shared a number of photos on Facebook of a huntsman spider and how it recently tried to make its way inside their home.

This type of animal will bite if agitated, so the man and woman were careful in their attempts to shoo it away.

But you need to this thing. It"s huge. It"s enormous. We"re trembling just writing about it.

Scroll down (if you dare!) and learn more about this scary story below…

1. Why, Hello There!

Why hello there

The man and woman were making dinner when they looked out their glass door and saw THIS.

2. Got Room for One More?

Got room for one more

Sorry, but: NOOOOO!

3. Humans vs. Spider

Humans vs spider

Lauren Ansell and her boyfriend told followers they were locked in a vicious stand-off with the frightening creature.

4. This is a Photo of Aragog

This is a photo of aragog

“We nicknamed the spider ‘Aragog’ from Harry Potter,” said Lauren. You can see why above.

5. Scariest. Close. Up. EVER.

Scariest close up ever

Yes, we were trembling when we posted this picture.

6. Scariest. Close. GIF. EVER.

Scariest close gif ever

And now we’re trembling even more.

View Slideshow

Monday, April 17, 2017

Meghan Linsey Updates Fans on Gruesome Spider Bite


The following photos are graphic in nature.

They’re all pretty incredible, to be honest.

Two months after being bitten by a venomous spider, former The Voice standout Meghan Linsey has updated fans about her condition.

She’s shared a number of pictures on Instagram of the bite mark and its fallout, including with these images a few captions that make it clear just how fortunate this singer is to be alive.

“These pics are hard to share, but I think it’s important for me to be open with you guys,” Linsey posted last week on her social media account, detailed how she was bitten by a brown recluse spider, one of the most poisonous spiders in the country.

“I am still dealing with the wound on my face, but I finally found the right meds to control the nerve pain.

“I know I’m not out of the woods on this yet, but I am so incredibly grateful for my health and I will never take it for granted again.”

This message was written along with the following montage.

Pretty insane, huh?

Linsey went on to explain what happened on February 12:

I woke up to a stinging sensation on my face. I looked and in my right hand was a dead spider. Somehow while I was sleeping, a spider had bit me and I had killed it.

This scenario is literally on the top of my nightmare list. The stinging was awful and I knew it had to be poisonous. I put the spider in a bag and headed to urgent care.

Over the course of the last 9 days, I have experienced the most insane symptoms. From excruciating nerve pain in my face, muscle spasms, full body rash, extreme swelling… etc. It has really been rough.

I know I’m not out of the woods on this yet, but I am so incredibly grateful for my health and I will never take it for granted again. Your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated.

The 31-year-old country star continued to keep followers apprised of her status after this initial post, even somehow managing to smile in her next photo.

“I cannot believe the outpouring of love and support I have received from all of you,” the artist captioned this snapshot, adding:

“I’m finally feeling somewhat normal again. It has been 11 days since I was bit by a brown recluse spider. I saw the Toxicologist at Vanderbilt yesterday and she said she thinks my wound is going to heal just fine on it’s own.

“She doesn’t think I will need surgery, which is a huge relief! I am so grateful for all of your prayers, well wishes and positive energy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Linsey says she went through numerous hyperbaric chamber treatments and that the black, dead tissue went away after about a month.

“Thank you everyone for all the love and support you’ve shown me during these difficult months,” Megan wrote to fans on Friday, along with the picture below.

As you can see, the former The Voice favorite really is doing better.

But she still has a long way to go:

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need to go look online for some sort of sleeping mask that we can wear in order to avoid this same, awful fate.

Thank goodness Linsey is going to be okay!


Friday, September 25, 2015

Stephanie Pratt -- Rushed to Hospital for Serious Spider Bite


Exclusive Details

0925-sub-stephanie-pratt-instagram-01Stephanie Pratt had a medical emergency on Thursday — a spider bite that was so bad, she couldn’t feel part of her face … and not in that fun Weeknd kinda way.  

The former ‘Hills‘ star tells us she woke up in London — where she now lives — with a nasty bite under her eye, and her face was so swollen it looked like she had a tumor. She immediately went to a hospital to get antibiotics for the swelling, and to drain the puss.

She says doctors determined it was a spider bite, and they believe it could have been a black widow. Stephanie says she was temporarily blinded in her left eye, and lost feeling in her face.

Everything is back to normal now and she is at home resting.