Showing posts with label Bejeebus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bejeebus. Show all posts

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Enormous Spider Stalks Couple, Scares Bejeebus Out of Internet

A couple in Queensland, Australia is here to frighten us all.

The man and woman have shared a number of photos on Facebook of a huntsman spider and how it recently tried to make its way inside their home.

This type of animal will bite if agitated, so the man and woman were careful in their attempts to shoo it away.

But you need to this thing. It"s huge. It"s enormous. We"re trembling just writing about it.

Scroll down (if you dare!) and learn more about this scary story below…

1. Why, Hello There!

Why hello there

The man and woman were making dinner when they looked out their glass door and saw THIS.

2. Got Room for One More?

Got room for one more

Sorry, but: NOOOOO!

3. Humans vs. Spider

Humans vs spider

Lauren Ansell and her boyfriend told followers they were locked in a vicious stand-off with the frightening creature.

4. This is a Photo of Aragog

This is a photo of aragog

“We nicknamed the spider ‘Aragog’ from Harry Potter,” said Lauren. You can see why above.

5. Scariest. Close. Up. EVER.

Scariest close up ever

Yes, we were trembling when we posted this picture.

6. Scariest. Close. GIF. EVER.

Scariest close gif ever

And now we’re trembling even more.

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