Showing posts with label guys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guys. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2016

Kailyn Lowry on Dating Preferences: No White Guys For Me!

Last week, we learned that Javi Marroquin is dating someone new just months after separating from wife Kailyn Lowry.

Today, we learned the identity of Javi’s new girlfriend, and while the split between Lowry and Marroquin seems to have been mostly amicable, it can’t be easy to have to see your ex-dude’s new boo all over the Internet.

Maybe that’s why Kail is talking about her love life these days.

Lowry is popular on Snapchat, where she often posts doodles that feature a stick-figure character she calls “bae.”

One of her recent snaps led to this question from a fan on Twitter (social media is so confusing these days):

“Why is bae black?!”

Kail responded:

“What do you mean why? Lmao im only down with the brown girl.”

For many fans the comment brought to mind Farrah Abraham’s recent remark that she only dates white guys.

The whole situation raises the question:

Can two people say the exact opposite thing and both be offensive?

Apparently so, as folks on social media got pissed at both women.

Here’s the thing:

Everyone’s free to date whomever they want for whatever reason they want, and like it or not, you don’t have much say who you’re attracted to.

That said, it always feels a little messy anyone screams their preferences from a roof top.

Like, say you’re only attracted to people with a certain body type.

That’s fine, but maybe you don’t need to broadcast that fact outside of say, a dating site, or some other context in which that information might be of use to strangers.

Otherwise, you run the risk of making people feel unattractive simply because they don’t conform to your personal standards.

We’re not judging, it’s just one of those troubling quandaries brought about by the Information Age.

We’re all reaching more people on a daily basis than ever before, and as such, we might have to adapt and consider the things we say from angles we wouldn’t have had to previously.

Did we just spend way too much time thinking about a tweet from a Teen Mom 2 star?

You bet! Feel free to tear us a new one in the comments!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Farrah Abraham: I"ll Leave Dating Black Guys to the Kardashians

Farrah Abraham is a nightmare.

That may sound harsh, but those are actually her words, and they come from her recent interview with Theo Vonn, aka the gossip gift that keeps on giving.

For those who don’t know, Vonn is the host of the Allegedly podcast, and his recent sit-down with Farrah has proven to be the motherlode that grizzled Teen Mom drama prospectors have been promising for years.

Saying Farrah said a lot of dumb stuff in an interview is like saying Trump acted somewhat less than presidential at a campaign event, but this one was really something special. 

In fact, this is the one you may have heard about, in which Farrah calmly reassures fans that she’s not addicted to plastic surgery anymore.

She went on to talk about her daughter Sophia’s future porn career.

Sophia is 7 years old, by the way.

But believe it or not, there’s more.

Yes, with Farrah, the stupid well never runs dry – a fact she proved with aplomb when asked about her dating preferences:

“I don’t have a dream guy,” she told Vonn.

“I’m always more attracted to white men. I’m not really into black guys – I think that’s more of a Kardashian thing.”

Look, obviously Farrah can date whoever she wants, and we’re sure other races aren’t too upset by the fact that she’ll be sticking with her own kind (by which we mean dumbasses, of course), but her insistence on talking about her preference for white men all the time is weird and gross.

Also weird and gross, Farrah’s claims that “celebrities” are constantly offering her money for sex:

“I’ve shunned a lot of that,” insists Farrah, “because I’ve always had boyfriends.”

“It’s not like regular-degular sh-t. Sometimes I’m, like, f–king bored! I wrote an erotic trilogy. Of course I entertain sex, love, money – it all. Sometimes I’m in the grocery store and I think of crazy-ass fantasies. That’s just part of me.” 

Yes, we’re sure it has everything to do with her “erotic trilogy” that no one read, and nothing to do with her Farrah’s porn.

Anyway, after reminding us that the “majority” of men who offer her cash for sex are totes famous, Farrah offered this puzzling comment:

“God bless me if I like shake it up a bit! ‘I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway!’”

“Sometimes I do that, but that’s just normal. I know everyone does that and sometimes you guys just don’t act upon it – so I did for you!”

Uh…so she is an escort?

Man, we’re really hoping this interview will have a part two.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: I Threw My Fiance"s Phone in the Ocean as a JOKE, You Guys!

In interviews from the time when people actually cared to interview her, Lindsay Lohan said she planned to win an Oscar and be married by the time she turned 30.

Well, Lohan celebrated her 30th birthday last week, and you may be shocked to hear this, but she has yet to take home an Academy Award.

She is, however, soon to be married.

Or, we should say, she’s planning on getting married, but the wedding will likely never come to pass unless she can learn to suppress her urge to, well … act like Lindsay Lohan.

Lindsay is engaged to a Russian real estate agent Egor Tarabasov, who – though not a billionaire, as he’s allegedly claimed – is quite rich.

Therefore, she gets to live the life of a successful movie star despite not having been one in over a decade.

Lindsay spent her birthday partying with Egor in Mykonos, and at what point she allegedlt grabbed his phone and tossed it in the Aegean Sea.

It’s not the kind of behavior one expects when one is financing a high-end vacation in the Greek Islands, but that’s LiLo for you.

Her M.O. has remained unchanged for years:

She does some outrageous sh-t and then lies her ass off when asked about it.

Like we said, the press isn’t exactly clamoring for LiLo interviews these days, but the occasional tabloid takes a passing interest in her shenanigans, so Page Six asked her about the incident.

To the surprise of no one, Lindsay brushed it off as total BS designed to compromise her enviable career:

“It had to do with my friend throwing his phone case in the water as a joke because [guests] were making fun of it,” Lohan said.

“People said I personally threw [the] phone, but it’s all not true. It’s a total fabricated lie!” 

Well, at least all this lying is giving her some valuable acting experience.

That Oscar’s not gonna win itself!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Brandi Glanville: I Recycle Guys!

Brandi Glanville wants the world to know that she recycles guys. 

The reality TV star is currently appearing on Famously Single and it’s clear that she had a clause in her contract to bring the drama. 

She’s had heated arguments with practically every woman in the house and we’re only two episodes in!

In the next episode of the E! reality series, Glanville opens up about her booty calls. 

Glanville opened up to Dr. Darcy Sterling about why she doesn’t mind having several guys waiting for her if she’s single. 

“I’m a little older than the girls here, so I have needs,” Glanville says. “So I have guys that I have sex with, but we know it’s going to be good sex, and we’re not going to be a couple, and it is what it is.”

“It’s not casual because I know them, and we’re friends, but we know it’s going to be good, and [we] have needs too.”

Sterling was obviously a little taken aback by this reveal, but then asked Glanville whether being a celebrity makes it easier to go back to guys she’s already been with. 

“Most of the guys that I fool around with — like I say, I recycle,” the former model says.

“I dated them at some point.”

It sure seems like she’s using them as a comfort blanket to avoid meeting new guys. Right?

It’s not uncommon for celebrities to do this. They need to know that the person they are about to share their life with is in it for the right reasons. 

Sterling also pushed to find out if the men Brandi dials up for a booty call are single. 

“When they’re not, we completely respect each other. I don’t even talk to them. And the same with me — when I get a boyfriend, I’m like, ‘Sorry, guys."”

Is this a dig at the LeAnn Rimes?

It sure could be, but these two seem to have settled their beef in recent months.

Famously Single continues on Tuesday night and there’s a good chance that Brandi might get it on with Calum Best.

Brandi Glanville: I Recycle Guys!

Brandi Glanville wants the world to know that she recycles guys. 

The reality TV star is currently appearing on Famously Single and it’s clear that she had a clause in her contract to bring the drama. 

She’s had heated arguments with practically every woman in the house and we’re only two episodes in!

In the next episode of the E! reality series, Glanville opens up about her booty calls. 

Glanville opened up to Dr. Darcy Sterling about why she doesn’t mind having several guys waiting for her if she’s single. 

“I’m a little older than the girls here, so I have needs,” Glanville says. “So I have guys that I have sex with, but we know it’s going to be good sex, and we’re not going to be a couple, and it is what it is.”

“It’s not casual because I know them, and we’re friends, but we know it’s going to be good, and [we] have needs too.”

Sterling was obviously a little taken aback by this reveal, but then asked Glanville whether being a celebrity makes it easier to go back to guys she’s already been with. 

“Most of the guys that I fool around with — like I say, I recycle,” the former model says.

“I dated them at some point.”

It sure seems like she’s using them as a comfort blanket to avoid meeting new guys. Right?

It’s not uncommon for celebrities to do this. They need to know that the person they are about to share their life with is in it for the right reasons. 

Sterling also pushed to find out if the men Brandi dials up for a booty call are single. 

“When they’re not, we completely respect each other. I don’t even talk to them. And the same with me — when I get a boyfriend, I’m like, ‘Sorry, guys."”

Is this a dig at the LeAnn Rimes?

It sure could be, but these two seem to have settled their beef in recent months.

Famously Single continues on Tuesday night and there’s a good chance that Brandi might get it on with Calum Best.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

JoJo Fletcher: I Fell For Multiple Guys on The Bachelorette!

JoJo Fletcher has only had one real kiss on The Bachelorette so far, but it’s only been one week, and she promises plenty more to come.

NOTE: The Bachelorette spoilers will shed light on at least four guys who get to experience that … and possibly more in some cases.

Fletcher tells People that she racked up quite the smooch list: “I definitely kissed more guys in a few weeks than I had in my entire life!”

Not that she’s proud of it, per se … it’s just the nature of the show.

“You can’t really censor yourself,” explains the 25-year-old.

“I have such a short amount of time.”

As for what she’s looking for in a guy, the Dallas-based star says “I want someone honest and genuine and someone who can make me laugh.”

“And I like to think I have a pretty good read on people,” she says of the selection process, “and that my gut steers me in the right way.”

Is that true of Jordan Rodgers, controversy brother of NFL star Aaron Rodgers, and this season’s anticipated bad boy Chad Johnson? 

“[Jordan and I] had an immediate connection,” Fletcher says. 

“It was like we were boyfriend and girlfriend on night one.” 

Of Chad, Fletcher says she was drawn to him in part because he was “mysterious … I knew I was going to have to keep my eye on him.

Host Chris Harrison apparently needed to do the same … and put the dude in time-out (seriously, check out the explosive trailer below).

As for who JoJo picks, good luck getting that out of her.

“There were twists and turns and things I wasn’t expecting. But I’m stronger. I’ve grown even more. And I’m happy,” the beauty says.

She also says that she is “more confident” now that she’s been through this and that “throughout this process I had to rely just on myself.”

“I had to be really comfortable in my decision making. And through it all I stayed positive, and optimistic that I would find that true love.”

“I fell for more than one guy. And that was surprising! It’s very painful. If I only had feelings for one guy, it would have been smooth sailing.”

“But each relationship was so important to me,” she adds.

“When you get to the end, it can get really confusing.”

Indeed it can. We see it every season – or at least what the editors want us to think is genuine conflict and confusion – like clockwork.

Do you think JoJo’s on the right track so far? And which of these aspiring trophy husbands do you think would be the best fit for her?

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sugar Bear Comes Out: I"ve Experimented With Guys!

As you may have heard – and possibly blocked out of your memory with the help of dozens of expensive therapy sessions – Mama June Shannon and Sugar Bear are currently starring on Marriage Boot Camp and providing intimate details about their sex life.

Fortunately, the biggest surprise so far has nothing to do with anyone willingly having sex with Mama June, which – like the size of our ever-expanding universe – is something that no human being can fully comprehend.

Last week"s episode contained the bombshell revelation that June believes Sugar Bear is gay.

This week, SB basically said, "Yep," and then spit some tabacky into a nearby Folger"s tin.

"Don"t bring this up with nobody else "cause I don"t want this out there: I have experimented with guys," he tells June in the clip below.

"Oh my god," she responds, before adding in a confessional, "He tells me that he’s went to "the other side.""

"That’s not my cup of tea," Sugar Bear clarifies.

"It"s just something I was curious about, experimented with it, and it"s over with and done with, and that"s it, won"t ever happen again."

Don"t worry, Suge gets far more specific in the clip. 

We wouldn"t want to spoil it for you, but let"s just say he may have finally found a hobby where his lack of teeth might come in handy.

Watch Marriage Boot Camp online for more revelations from reality TV"s most WTF? couple.

Sugar bear comes out ive experimented with guys

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Drake -- Don"t Worry Guys ... Meek"s Already Dead!!! (VIDEO)


breaking news

Drake told a huge crowd at his concert Saturday night there’s no need to show him support in his feud with Meek Mill, because, “He’s already dead.”

Drake was performing at the Landmark Music Festival in D.C. when the crowd began to chant, “F*** Meek Mill.”

Truth be told … Drake really did kill him.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: You Guys Are So Famous!

Keeping Up with the Kardashians returned last night, and on this first new installment in months, the reality stars returned to their ancestral homeland.

No, not Ray J’s bed. Although we would pay to see that.

Armenia was the destination for Kim and Khloe, who set off to fulfill their late father’s dream of visiting that nation and getting back to their roots.

The Kardashians’ Armenian cousins, Kourtni and Kara (seriously), joined them for the journey and summed it up thusly: “You guys are so famous.”

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online or read gossip sites with any regularity, that is obvious. But still, this took it to another level.

The attention and excitement the Kardashians, along with Kanye and North West, received throughout Armenia was unlike anything they’ve seen.

“We’re used to big crowds, but it’s like complete pandemonium outside our hotel room. They’re all chanting Kim’s name,” Khloe said of the bedlam.

Just imagine if the crowds of admirers knew the bombshell Khloe was about to have dropped on her: Kim Kardashian is pregnant with baby #2!

Give the sisters credit for doing all they could to immerse themselves in the Armenian culture and its people, even though they’re larger than life.

We’re not being smart-asses, they actually did.

Hard to believe this family founded Gyumri’s first cheese factory, or that they are still remembered by the residents, and not for reality TV fame.

Keeping Up also got serious as Khloe and Kim talked about wanting to bring visibility to the 1915 Armenian genocide, in which 1.5 million died.

“It is unbelievable to think it’s been 100 years of people denying [that this happened],” Kim said. “And I’m proud to bring awareness to this issue.”

What else went down on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 10 Episode 14? A whole lot else. There are like 30 Kardashians/Jenners, after all.

Kris Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian, Kylie and Kendall Jenner were home working on their own issues … chief among them, Caitlyn Jenner.

Caitlyn’s transition and the fallout, that is. Not necessarily in a negative way, but in very significant ways just the same. Case in point: Kylie Jenner.

She’s been distant from her mom and sisters, but only because she’s been spending a lot of time bonding with Cait, and didn’t want to hurt Kris.

That led to her being evasive and keeping things under wraps, in typical teenage fashion. She meant well, but Kris didn’t take it well. It’s complicated.

Luckily, Kim told Kris she’s pregnant via FaceTime, instantly lifting the matriarch’s spirits as the thought of another grandchild sank in.

“That’s the best thing I’ve heard in so long,” Kris gushed.

That kind of genuine emotion can’t be scripted, even by the woman who gave new meaning to the term Momager or the gurus over at E!

Still to come this season in Kardashian Land on Keeping Up: North West getting baptized, Scott Disick melting down and a much more.