Showing posts with label Preferences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preferences. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2016

Kailyn Lowry on Dating Preferences: No White Guys For Me!

Last week, we learned that Javi Marroquin is dating someone new just months after separating from wife Kailyn Lowry.

Today, we learned the identity of Javi’s new girlfriend, and while the split between Lowry and Marroquin seems to have been mostly amicable, it can’t be easy to have to see your ex-dude’s new boo all over the Internet.

Maybe that’s why Kail is talking about her love life these days.

Lowry is popular on Snapchat, where she often posts doodles that feature a stick-figure character she calls “bae.”

One of her recent snaps led to this question from a fan on Twitter (social media is so confusing these days):

“Why is bae black?!”

Kail responded:

“What do you mean why? Lmao im only down with the brown girl.”

For many fans the comment brought to mind Farrah Abraham’s recent remark that she only dates white guys.

The whole situation raises the question:

Can two people say the exact opposite thing and both be offensive?

Apparently so, as folks on social media got pissed at both women.

Here’s the thing:

Everyone’s free to date whomever they want for whatever reason they want, and like it or not, you don’t have much say who you’re attracted to.

That said, it always feels a little messy anyone screams their preferences from a roof top.

Like, say you’re only attracted to people with a certain body type.

That’s fine, but maybe you don’t need to broadcast that fact outside of say, a dating site, or some other context in which that information might be of use to strangers.

Otherwise, you run the risk of making people feel unattractive simply because they don’t conform to your personal standards.

We’re not judging, it’s just one of those troubling quandaries brought about by the Information Age.

We’re all reaching more people on a daily basis than ever before, and as such, we might have to adapt and consider the things we say from angles we wouldn’t have had to previously.

Did we just spend way too much time thinking about a tweet from a Teen Mom 2 star?

You bet! Feel free to tear us a new one in the comments!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Leah Messer Opens Up About Pregnancy Rumors, Birth Control Preferences

Leah Messer has never been shy about sharing the details of her personal life, but her most recent social media posts are surprisingly candid, even by the standards of a woman whose two divorces and prescription pill addiction played out on national TV.

It seems Leah was surprised yesterday when fans began discussing rumors that she’s pregnant with a fourth child in the comments on her Instagram page.

“Wait what? Pregnant!?? lol,” she replied. “Where do these rumors even come from?”

Leah stopped just short of confirming that she’s broken up with T.R. Dues, but she did go into great detail about her thoughts on having another kid, as well as her methods for preventing surprise pregnancies: 

“I have the IUD and even tho for some it may cause complications its the perfect birth control for me. It will stay that way for a long time.”

Yes, relationship or no relationship, Leah is clearly not planning to bring any more young ones into the world, at least for the time being:

“I’m perfectly content with the 3 kids I have and they need all my time and attention right now,” she writes.

“Another baby is more than likely not ever gonna happen!”

Surprisingly decisive words for a 23-year-old who’s described motherhood as the best part of her life.

We wouldn’t be surprised to see Leah add a fourth to her brood some day, but for now, it’s good that she’s not even entertaining the possibility.

Leah recently regained custody of her twin daughters following a protracted legal battle, and she seems to have plenty on her plate these days.