Friday, August 12, 2016

Farrah Abraham: I"ll Leave Dating Black Guys to the Kardashians

Farrah Abraham is a nightmare.

That may sound harsh, but those are actually her words, and they come from her recent interview with Theo Vonn, aka the gossip gift that keeps on giving.

For those who don’t know, Vonn is the host of the Allegedly podcast, and his recent sit-down with Farrah has proven to be the motherlode that grizzled Teen Mom drama prospectors have been promising for years.

Saying Farrah said a lot of dumb stuff in an interview is like saying Trump acted somewhat less than presidential at a campaign event, but this one was really something special. 

In fact, this is the one you may have heard about, in which Farrah calmly reassures fans that she’s not addicted to plastic surgery anymore.

She went on to talk about her daughter Sophia’s future porn career.

Sophia is 7 years old, by the way.

But believe it or not, there’s more.

Yes, with Farrah, the stupid well never runs dry – a fact she proved with aplomb when asked about her dating preferences:

“I don’t have a dream guy,” she told Vonn.

“I’m always more attracted to white men. I’m not really into black guys – I think that’s more of a Kardashian thing.”

Look, obviously Farrah can date whoever she wants, and we’re sure other races aren’t too upset by the fact that she’ll be sticking with her own kind (by which we mean dumbasses, of course), but her insistence on talking about her preference for white men all the time is weird and gross.

Also weird and gross, Farrah’s claims that “celebrities” are constantly offering her money for sex:

“I’ve shunned a lot of that,” insists Farrah, “because I’ve always had boyfriends.”

“It’s not like regular-degular sh-t. Sometimes I’m, like, f–king bored! I wrote an erotic trilogy. Of course I entertain sex, love, money – it all. Sometimes I’m in the grocery store and I think of crazy-ass fantasies. That’s just part of me.” 

Yes, we’re sure it has everything to do with her “erotic trilogy” that no one read, and nothing to do with her Farrah’s porn.

Anyway, after reminding us that the “majority” of men who offer her cash for sex are totes famous, Farrah offered this puzzling comment:

“God bless me if I like shake it up a bit! ‘I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway!’”

“Sometimes I do that, but that’s just normal. I know everyone does that and sometimes you guys just don’t act upon it – so I did for you!”

Uh…so she is an escort?

Man, we’re really hoping this interview will have a part two.