Showing posts with label Fiance's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fiance's. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: I Threw My Fiance"s Phone in the Ocean as a JOKE, You Guys!

In interviews from the time when people actually cared to interview her, Lindsay Lohan said she planned to win an Oscar and be married by the time she turned 30.

Well, Lohan celebrated her 30th birthday last week, and you may be shocked to hear this, but she has yet to take home an Academy Award.

She is, however, soon to be married.

Or, we should say, she’s planning on getting married, but the wedding will likely never come to pass unless she can learn to suppress her urge to, well … act like Lindsay Lohan.

Lindsay is engaged to a Russian real estate agent Egor Tarabasov, who – though not a billionaire, as he’s allegedly claimed – is quite rich.

Therefore, she gets to live the life of a successful movie star despite not having been one in over a decade.

Lindsay spent her birthday partying with Egor in Mykonos, and at what point she allegedlt grabbed his phone and tossed it in the Aegean Sea.

It’s not the kind of behavior one expects when one is financing a high-end vacation in the Greek Islands, but that’s LiLo for you.

Her M.O. has remained unchanged for years:

She does some outrageous sh-t and then lies her ass off when asked about it.

Like we said, the press isn’t exactly clamoring for LiLo interviews these days, but the occasional tabloid takes a passing interest in her shenanigans, so Page Six asked her about the incident.

To the surprise of no one, Lindsay brushed it off as total BS designed to compromise her enviable career:

“It had to do with my friend throwing his phone case in the water as a joke because [guests] were making fun of it,” Lohan said.

“People said I personally threw [the] phone, but it’s all not true. It’s a total fabricated lie!” 

Well, at least all this lying is giving her some valuable acting experience.

That Oscar’s not gonna win itself!