Showing posts with label Shaun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shaun. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Ben Stiller Says He Apologized for "Simple Jack," Supports Shaun White

How does Ben Stiller feel about Shaun White getting heat for an offensive Halloween costume based off his “Tropic Thunder” movie?  He’s sorry. Still.  TMZ Sports broke the story … White dressed up as Simple Jack — a mentally disabled…


Shaun White Apologizes for "Insensitive" Halloween Costume

Shaun White can pull off a Double McTwist 1260 better than maybe anyone who has ever lived.

But the world famous snowboarder still needs help in the Halloween costume department.

On Monday evening, the athlete expressed regret and issued a mea culpa after dressing up this week as Simple Jack, Ben Stiller’s disabled character in the 2008 comedy Tropic Thunder.

The three-time Olympic gold medalist shared his outfit (below) on Instagram prior to making his statementm drawing a harsh rebuke from The Special Olympics in the process.

“We are truly disappointed that Shaun White, an acclaimed Olympian, would choose this costume which is so offensive and causes so much pain,” one of the organization’s cofounders, Soeren Palumbo, said.

Speaking to The Huffington Post, he added:

“Disability is not a joke nor should it be a punchline.

“We hope that Shaun White and others learn that this just continues stigma, stereotypes and discrimination.”

The image has since been deleted and White has now said the following in response to the backlash:

I owe everyone in the Special Olympics community an apology for my poor choice of Halloween costume the other night.

It was a last minute decision. It was the wrong one.

The Special Olympics were right to call me out on it. They do great work supporting so many athletes and I am sorry for being insensitive.

Lesson learned.

Upon its release, once the depiction of Still’s controversial character was viewed by the public, Tropic Thunder was widely criticized and even boycotted by disability advocacy groups.

The movie repeatedly and excessively used the R-word to describe Stiller’s character.

In a statement to The New York Times in 2008, a spokesperson for DreamWorks Pictures said the film “satirizes Hollywood and its excesses and makes its point by featuring inappropriate and over-the-top characters in ridiculous situations.”

The company added that it did not intend to “disparage or harm the image of individuals with disabilities.”

This is a photo of Stiller in the role:

In this case, however, it looks like White’s scandal will be short-lived.

He acknowledged the mistake he made in dressing as Simple Jack and the Special Olympics then replied in appreciation.

“Thank you @shaunwhite for listening to our community.

“You always have an invitation to shred with our athletes at #XGames Aspen!” the organization wrote on Twitter.

Do you think White should have apologized in the first place?


Monday, October 29, 2018

Shaun White"s "Simple Jack" Halloween Costume Slammed By Special Olympics

Shaun White is under fire from special needs parents AND the Special Olympics over his Halloween costume — “Simple Jack” from “Tropic Thunder.”  Remember, when the movie came out back in 2008, several disabilities groups blasted Ben Stiller…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

"Mighty Ducks" Goalie Shaun Weiss Checks Into Rehab After Drunken Bust

Give Shaun Weiss this — he’s got a helluva sense of humor. Check out how the guy who played Goldberg in “The Mighty Ducks” announced checking into rehab. Shaun posted an emotional but also hilarious message Tuesday on Facebook announcing…


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

"The Mighty Ducks" Goalie Shaun Weiss Stuck in Downward Spiral

Shaun Weiss — who played Goldberg in “The Mighty Ducks” — has been in a downward spiral for years, according to a longtime friend who is worried about the former child star’s fate. The friend, Marni Gairhan, has known Shaun for more than 13…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Shaun Weiss, Ex-Mighty Ducks Star, Arrested for Bizarre Behavior

How the Mighty have fallen.

Literally and depressingly so.

Shaun Weiss, the child actor who portrayed goalie Greg Goldberg in The Mighty Duck film franchise, was arrested over the weekend for public intoxication. 

According to TMZ, People Magazine and other outlets, Weiss was allegedly high on drugs and acting very strangely with a flashlight at the time he was taken into custody.

He was picked up by police officers who discovered Weiss and a trio of othermen outside of a closed business complex in Oroville, California.

After speaking with the others in his contigent, authorities determined that Weiss had to have been on some kind of controlled substance.

The ex-actor was held behind bars for a few hours until he sobered up and was then released without charges.

Reports indicate that Weiss was “witty” while in custody and no blood sample has been ordered.

It sounds like Weiss caught a break and will not face any legal repercussion for his bizarre and possibly dangerous actions.

weiss as goalie

The star was also arrested last year possession of meth.

That incident came just five days after he had been sentenced to 150 days in jail for stealing $ 151 worth of stuff from an electronics store.

He spent just 12 days at the time behind bars due to overcrowding, with his manager saying the stint would serve as a wake-up call for the actor.

Sadly, though, this appears to not have been the case.

In a Facebook post, the Oroville Police Department said Weiss was arrested on suspicion of “intoxication only” and “no further criminal proceedings are desired at this time.”

Still, it’s his depressed and disheveled mug shot that has fans concerned.


“Of all the depressing mugshots in all the world, this one hit me the hardest,” one social media user wrote in response to the photo above.

Added another:

“Seeing pictures of Shaun Weiss are really sad. I grew up loving The Mighty Ducks and even to this day my friends and I make Goldberg references. I hope he gets the support and help he needs.”

And another:

“Damn, this is really sad. #ShaunWeiss was such a talented actor in his day. I knew of Weiss from his hilarious role in Heavyweights before I saw him in Mighty Ducks and Freaks and Geeks. I hope he finds #recovery soon.”

We strongly agree.

In addition to the Mighty Ducks franchise, which featured three popular installments, Weiss also has had roles in Heavyweights, Freaks and Geeks, The King of Queens and The Tony Danza Show.


Monday, August 6, 2018

"The Mighty Ducks" Goalie Shaun Weiss Arrested for Public Intoxication

Shaun Weiss – who played Goldberg in “The Mighty Ducks” — got arrested in Northern California, and based on his mug shot … the former child star is in dire straits.  Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the 39-year-old was busted for…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Shaun White Crushes Kelly Slater"s Epic Surf Wave Machine

Kelly Slater invited some huge stars over to his cutting edge surf park in Lemoore, CA — where Shaun White murdered a wave session … and it’s all on video.  Slater’s wave park has become famous — it’s located 100 miles from the ocean ……


Shaun White Crushes Kelly Slater"s Epic Surf Wave Machine

Kelly Slater invited some huge stars over to his cutting edge surf park in Lemoore, CA — where Shaun White murdered a wave session … and it’s all on video.  Slater’s wave park has become famous — it’s located 100 miles from the ocean ……


Monday, May 7, 2018

Shaun White Hits the Beach with Hot Rocker GF Sarah Barthel

Olympic snowboarding legend Shaun White got all romantic with his girlfriend, Sarah Barthel, over the weekend … taking a stroll on a beach in Los Angeles.  White and Barthel have been together for about 5 years after meeting behind the…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Miley Cyrus Proudly Wears Shaun White"s Gold Medal

Miley Cyrus elevated Shaun White to Almighty status (holy hell … check out that candle!!!). Just some of the perks of winning a gold medal. Miley hung out with the Flying Tomato a week after he brought home gold for crushing the…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Shaun White Slammed by Sexual Harassment Accuser, Lena Zawaideh: My Case Isn"t Gossip

Shaun White’s sexual harassment accuser — his former bandmate Lena Zawaideh — is furious he referred to the case as “gossip” … and she’s carefully unloading on him, through her attorney, in a way to avoid violating the terms of her settlement.…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Shaun White: What About His Penis Pics?

Throughout the #MeToo movement, one group of alleged sex monsters have managed to totally avoid facing any consequences: men who had already been accused long before Weinstein’s downfall.

Right now, Shaun White is at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, cementing his legacy.

But, as we look at the allegations, fans of winter sports should ask themselves: does Shaun White really deserve their support?

Before we talk about the allegations against Shaun White, let’s talk about his better-known public misbehavior.

Several years ago — back in 2012, when people thought that the world was going to end but didn’t realize that it would be long, drawn out, and presided over by a malevolent orange — Shaun White was arrested for vandalism and public intoxication.

Allegedly reeking of alcohol, Shaun White pulled a fire alarm in his hotel, prompting the building’s evacuation.

He then apparently grappled a bit with someone who tried to stop him from fleeing the scene, and ended up being arrested.

Hey, we’re not judging anybody for drinking — but pulling a fire alarm can be dangerous or even lethal (if there’s a panic or if resources are diverted from a real fire). And, obviously, belligerence and alleged violence aren’t okay, either.

Unfortunately, there are more serious accusations against Shaun White.

In August of 2016, Lena Zawaideh — the drummer in Shaun White’s band, Bad Things, alleged in court documents that Shaun White had sexually harassed her.

Among the complaints was the allegation that Shaun had sent graphic images of a sexually explicit nature to her.

Shaun would later admit to having sent the messages.

In Feburary of 2017, Shaun’s team asked the court to compel Lena Zawaideh to undergo a psychological evaluation — we can’t speak to his team’s motives, but such orders are sometimes used as fishing expeditions or as an intimidation tactic.

Three months after the demand for an evaluation, however, Shaun White and his team agreed to pay Lena Dawaideh an undisclosed settlement.

The accusations include White sending her photos of erect penises, forcing her to watch sexually disturbing videos (including one which apparently sexualized human excrement!!), and making explicit comments about her relationship with her boyfriend.

She also describes Shaun White sticking his hand down his pants and walking over to her and pressing his hand into her face in an attempt to force her to smell his genitals by proxy.

Furthermore, she alleges that he used his position as the band’s “money guy” to make her change her look, including wearing her hair how he wanted it, not wearing red lipstick, and dressing in more revealing and provocative outfits.

They were in a band, but a lot of this sounds like workplace sexual harassment.

On Wednesday afternoon, Shaun White was interviewed at an Olympic Committee news conference.

Not only were no female reporters called on to ask questions, but when asked about the allegations against him, Shaun replied:

“Honestly, I’m here to talk about the Olympics, not gossip.”

That’s … incredibly dismissive.

“I am who I am, and I’m proud of who I am and my friends love me and vouch for me and I think that stands on its own.”

Now, at least, Shaun White has apologized. Well, he’s apologized for being dismissive.

Speaking to Today’s Savannah Guthrie, Shaun White said:

“I’m truly sorry that I chose the word gossip. It was a poor choice of words to describe such a sensitive subject in the world today. I’m just truly sorry. I was so overwhelmed with just wanting to talk about how amazing today was and share my experience.”

He added that he’s proud of who he is today.

Some wonder if Shaun White is accustomed to being able to dismiss and charm his way out of questions like that, and if the cultural impact of #MeToo is making serious allegations of bad behavior harder for people to ignore.

Of course, Shaun White was also excoriated by Twitter for dragging an American flag on the ground. For an Olympic champion, he’s having a relatively bad day.


Shaun White Apologizes for Calling Sexual Harassment Case "Gossip"

Shaun White says he’s “truly sorry” for referring to his sexual harassment case as “gossip” — saying, “It was a poor choice of words to describe such a sensitive subject in the world today.” The snowboarding legend appeared on the the “Today” show…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Shaun Alexander on Seahawks Struggles: Teams Age, Life Happens

Shaun Alexander doesn’t seem too worried about his former squad after the Seahawks missed the playoffs for the first time in 6 seasons … telling TMZ Sports, “It just happens with age. Life happens.” Alexander would know … he crushed it for the…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Shaun White and Steve Aoki Do Crazy Roof Jumps Into Aoki"s Vegas Pool

Everyone knows Shaun White can get some serious air, but Steve Aoki proved he’s no slouch when it comes to aerial stunts either … by doing sick jumps into his pool. “The Flying Tomato” and the famous DJ took flight off the roof of Aoki’s pad in…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Shaun Alexander Says Cortez Kennedy Was His Mentor

Cortez Kennedy took a young Shaun Alexander under his wing … schooling him on life skills that he used during his All-Pro career … the star running back tells TMZ Sports. We talked to Alexander about the passing of his former teammate and…


Shaun Alexander Says Cortez Kennedy Was His Mentor

Cortez Kennedy took a young Shaun Alexander under his wing … schooling him on life skills that he used during his All-Pro career … the star running back tells TMZ Sports. We talked to Alexander about the passing of his former teammate and…


Friday, November 4, 2016

Ex-NFL"s Shaun Phillips -- NFL Should Provide Free Weed ... Instead of Free Rx Pills (VIDEO)

Ex-NFL defensive stud Shaun Phillips says the NFL is giving out the wrong drugs — saying the league should be handing out marijuana to players … and just saying NO to prescription pills.  Phillips played 11 seasons in the league — killing…
