Showing posts with label Woody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woody. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Woody Allen: I Should Be the Posterboy for Me Too! I"m Great With Women!

Woody Allen thinks that it’s totally unfair that he’s getting compared to people like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey. Those guys are accused of being sexual predators, after all.

Allen says that he himself has been a perfect gentleman and should be upheld as a role model in Hollywood. Dylan Farrow might disagree.

In fact … Allen says that he should be the “posterboy” for the #MeToo movement. Let that sink in for a moment.

Woody Allen made an appearance on the Argentinian news program called Periodismo Para Todos. His words on the program were reported by The Quartz.

He discussd the #MeToo movement, and made some surprising comments.

“I feel when they find people who harass innocent women and men, it’s a good thing that they’re exposing them.”

We certainly feel the same way, which is not normally what a person expects to say when Woody Allen is talking about allegations of sex crimes.

Then he says something that raises quite a few eyebrows.

“But you know I, I should be the poster boy for the Me Too movement.”

Woody Allen should be what now?

Allen attempts to explain:

“Because I have worked in movies for 50 years. I’ve worked with hundreds of actresses.”

He has. A number of faves have disappointed their fans by working with Woody Allen.

The beautiful Blake Lively and, even more recently, Selena Gomez come to mind. Fans have lamented that these stars should have known better.

“And not a single one — big ones, famous ones, ones starting out — have ever, ever suggested any kind of impropriety at all.”

As we mentioned, many of these actresses rave about how much they enjoyed working on his films.

“I’ve always had a wonderful record with them.”

That’s not really a surprise. None of the accusations levied against him would portray him as a menace towards any adult women.

Allen says that he doesn’t care to be associated with such allegedly vile persons as Harvey Weinstein and Brett Ratner.

“What bothers me is that I get linked with them.”


“People who have been accused by 20 women, 50 women, 100 women of abuse and abuse and abuse.”

He’s not wrong about that. Some men in Hollywood appear to have been at this for a long time, and have wracked up a lengthy list.

Director James Toback has been accused of horrifyingly creepy behavior under the guise of the casting process — and his accusers number at nearly four hundred.

So, yes, there are a lot of creepy men in Hollywood.

Allen explains why he thinks that this is just so unfair to him.

“And I, who was only accused by one woman in a child custody case which was looked at and proven to be untrue.”

The line about it being proven to be untrue may be a bit of a stretch, as a judge determined that the clinic that allegedly reached that conclusion lacked sufficient credibility.

Some would point out that since he married the sister of his children — a woman whom many consider to have been his daughter — that he’s understating things.

“I get lumped in with these people.”

Woody Allen does not appreciate being included on lists of alleged sexual predators in Hollywood.

Woody Allen’s accusations of sexually abusing Dylan when she was a small child surfaced back in 1992.

Many were not fully aware of those accusations until Dylan published those accusations, in detail, as an adult in 2014.

Allen has continued to enjoy his career despite the accusations against him, and continued to claim that they were disproven when a judge did not seem to agree.

(We should note that it was prosecutors who dropped the case, which usually means that they are not sufficiently confident that they can win — which is sometimes very different from a belief about someone’s innocence or guilt)

Woody Allen isn’t believed to be a persistent danger to the adults with whom he works on his films. But should that exempt him from being mentioned in #MeToo discussions?

Well … he thinks so.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Dylan Farrow Describes Woody Allen"s Alleged Molestation

Dylan Farrow broke down in tears as, for the first time on camera, she described Woody Allen’s alleged molestation of her when she was 7. Dylan sat down with CBS’s Gayle King and claimed her adoptive father, Allen, took her to the attic of…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Dylan Farrow: I Want to Take Down Woody Allen!

Years ago, Dylan Farrow spoke out against Woody Allen, accusing him of sexual abuse. He continues to churn out his creepy movies about old men and young women.

We don"t know if the #MeToo momentum is enough to spell Time"s Up for Woody Allen, but Dylan Farrow is speaking out again, on CBS This Morning.

In the teaser video for the interview below, Dylan Farrow responds to questions of why she wants to bring down Woody Allen … and why you should believe her.

Nearly four years ago, in a haunting essay, Dylan Farrow accused Woody Allen of molesting her as a child.

I still remember reading it. The grim details of her experience as a 7-year-old isn"t something that you easily forget. But you might want to.

We"re sure that she wishes that she could forget.

Woody Allen was her adoptive father. He has always denied the allegations, calling them "disgraceful" and "untrue," to no one"s surprise.

Child abuse on its own sort of maxes out any awfulness scale, but if it were possible for it to get worse, it would be child abuse committed by a parent.

From the moment that the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment story broke at the beginning of October 2017, many women realized that there had been just enough of a cultural shift for them to name the sex monsters who walked among them.

All of these women have faced backlash in one form or another, but now the world knows the names of dozens of men with whom no one should ever have to be alone on an elevator.

But all along, people listening to these stories have wondered — when will Woody Allen"s time finally be up?

He hasn"t been named by one of 2017 or 2018"s #MeToo stories. Dylan Farrow called him out in 2014. it"s not a secret.

And yet not only has he faced zero legal consequences, but he"s still free. He has a career. He wins awards. Actresses who should know better, like Selena Gomez, still work with Woody Allen

Woody Allen gets trashed by people like Ellen Pompeo, but he also gets defended by celebs like Alec Baldwin.

But Dylan Farrow isn"t remaining silent, and she went on CBS This Morning to speak about Woody Allen.

Gayle King mentions that people have suggested that Dylan is simply out to get or bring down Woody Allen.

Dylan replies:

"Why shouldn"t I want to bring him down? Why shouldn"t I be angry? Why shouldn"t I be hurt?"

That"s such a good reply. Our culture has a toxic craving for people who forgive the people who ruined their lives. It"s not healthy.

Forgive somebody who took your car, not your childhood.

"Why shouldn"t I feel some sort of outrage that, after all of these years of being ignored and disbelieved and tossed aside. …"

Gayle King then asks why people should believe her, since so much time has passed.

"I suppose [whether people believe me is] on them."

She"s right. Dylan has spoken 

"But all I can do is speak my truth and hope."

(The my/your truth line is a pet peeve of mine, but many people feel like it"s less confrontational than saying the truth)

"Hope that somebody will believe me instead of just hearing me."

It"s difficult to think of a conceivable motive to make Dylan Farrow lie about this.

Speaking out has earned her her hate from diehard Woody Allen fans and stigma from people who believe that her childhood trauma makes her "damaged goods."

False accusations of sexual assault do happen, to be clear. I believe that the statistic is somewhere around 0.04% of the time?

We are very interested in what Dylan Farrow has to say about how her father continues to be accepted and defended in Hollywood, despite her allegations.

Here is the teaser video of her interview:

Dylan farrow i want to take down woody allen

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Selena Gomez: Thrown Under the Bus by Mom Over Woody Allen Role

Sometimes, your fave does something problematic. Defending them can get tiring. You start to question whether they’re still a problematic fave or if you’ve stopped being a fan.

But as draining as that can be for fans, it has to be exhausting for friends and family. And it sure seems like Mandy Teefey is tired of going to bat for her daughter, Selena Gomez.

When fans asked Mandy on instagram about Selena’s controversial involvement with acused child-molester Woody Allen, Mandy … threw Selena under the bus.

Despite efforts by Selena and her mom to quash feud rumors, it’s clear that there’s been tension between the singer and her mother.

One major factor, of course, and probably the reason that we’re all talking about this, is Justin Bieber.

See, Justin’s not just content to ruin his body — he and Selena are now back together. And her mother is … not taking it well. Based on what a poorly behaved little trash boy Justin used to be, we get it.

While some of the rumors about their disagreements have been absurd, Mandy Teefey did wind up at the hospital because she got so upset about Jelena’s revival.

They also have older conflicts. Reportedly, when Selena dropped her mom as her manager back in 2014, it created a serious rift, though Mandy denies that it’s an issue.

Until now, though, we didn’t realize that yet another point of disagreement between mother and daughter was over Woody Allen.

Recently, Ellen Pompeo ruthlessly slammed Woody Allen and the stars who work with him.

It’s not difficult to figure out why.

Several years ago, Ronan Farrow revealed that Woody Allen had molested her as a child.

She describes a harrowing incident when she was 7 years old. Woody Allen has always denied the accusations, but they’re pretty well-known.

Also he married a much younger woman whom he also raised for years. Many feel that he effectively married his daughter.

Despite that, inexcusably, multiple actors who should know better have worked with Woody Allen.

And, recently, Selena Gomez stuck a dagger in the collective hearts of her fans by becoming one of them.

Several fans wrote comments under Mandy Teefey’s Instagram, imploring her to “make” Selena apologize for working with Woody Allen and/or sever all ties with the accused child-molester.

With these requests came a confession that a number of selenators are fatigued from having to defend Selena for something that they don’t consider very defensible.

Sure, some assumed that maybe Selena wasn’t fully aware of Woody Allen’s reputation (celebrities exist in a bubble, after all)

A couple of fans wrote similar messages (managing to misspell Woody Allen’s name in different ways, but frankly, that’s the least of what he deserves).

And Mandy Teefey decided to reply.

Selena Gomez’s mom wrote back:

“Sorry, No one can make Selena do anything she doesn’t want to.”

In another context, that might have been intended as a compliment. In this case … it was not.

“I had a long talk with her about not working with him and it didn’t click.”

She also wanted to shut down accusations that Selena’s PR team doesn’t do her any good.

“Her team are amazing people. There is no fall person here.”

One of the downsides of always being in charge is that the blame for your choices falls at your feet.

Mandy Teefey continues:

“No one controls her. She makes all her own decisions.”

That’s one of the pitfalls of being an adult. You make your own decisions — and your own mistakes.

“No matter how hard you try to advise. It falls on deaf ears.”

That is … truly disappointing. You always want to believe that someone had just been misinformed.

Based upon this, it sounds like Selena cares more about her film career than she does about right and wrong.

A lot of selenators are crushed by this, but … it’s good to know.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Ellen Pompeo Slams "Fool" Woody Allen on Twitter!

You know how some celebrities always look the same in photos? Woody Allen’s one of those. He tends to look bewildered.

And bewildered is how many feel every time that they see Woody Allen out and about instead of, you know, rotting in a jail cell. 

Ellen Pompeo is courageously speaking out and slamming Woody Allen. Honestly? “Fool” is, relatively speaking, one of the nicest thing’s Allen’s ever been called.

Ellen Pompeo quoted a HelloGiggles (love that site) tweet that read:

“A journalist went through Woody Allen’s personal journals and found he was obsessed with teenage girls.”

Pompeo quoted that tweet with, well, what we were all thinking:

“I haven’t gone through his personal journals and I knew that… shocked the people that work with this man #ambition is [blind].”

And that was only the beginning of what she had to say.

When someone in a now-deleted tweet apparently tried to suggest that Woody Allen had “made mistakes” in the past (that’s what we infer that they said,” Pompeo replied:

“I don’t call it a mistake… he married his daughter…people see what they want to see or don’t…Kind of hard not to see who this fool is.”

Like we said — “fool” is pretty much the nicest word for Woody Allen, considering the damning accusations that he molested Dylan Farrow as a child. Also he married his daughter, Soon-Yi.

But Ellen Pompeo was just getting started

Ellen Pompeo continued by targeting Woody Allen’s alleged racism, tweeting:

“And while we’re on the subject & I’m fired up has this fool ever put one poc in any of his movies ever?” and “What about Hispanic or Asian actors? Or are asians only for him to molest? You know me when I get started.”

Woody Allen’s casting tends to be about as white as snow on a golf course, but one follower pointed out that Penelope Cruz won an Oscar for her role in one of his films.

Pompeo acknowledged this, but notes that she genuinely doesn’t know about who’s in his films, because:

“I wouldn’t know because I don’t watch that bougie s–t.”

Honestly, it’s always nice to see Ellen Pompeo go off.

One tweeter mentioned to Ellen Pompeo that some people try to “separate the professional from the person.” 

You know, like going to Chick-fil-A despite their politics, or seeing a Johnny Depp film despite the abuse allegations, or seeing a film by Brett Ratner or Roman Polanski or Brian Singer or … well, there are way too many names.

Ellen replied: “You know what I call that?? Ducking predators and chasing trophies…it’s WEAK AF.”

Ellen went on to talk about how, too often, black women’s voices are ignored when they accuse a man of sexual predation. 

She cites the many accusations against Bill Cosby, the first of which were ignored for years and years and years before soem famous white women spoke out.

And, in the mean time, famous actresses who should know better — actresses whom I admire, like Selena Gomez and Blake Lively — continue to work with Woody Allen.

It takes people like Ellen Pompeo using their platforms to keep momentum going.

Woody Allen has not had his Weinstein moment yet. While many people eagerly await the day that Woody Allen is no longer among the living, it’s their hope that he’ll die in prison rather in the comfort of his home. 

He’s 82-years-old and those who want to see him brought to justice and publicly disgraced know that the clock is ticking.

Now is the perfect time to talk about this. Even the Golden Globes, with Oprah’s epic speech and Debra Messing taking a stand for pay equality, had its flaws.

James Franco, accused of having an inappropriate interest in underage teen girls, won for The Disaster Artist last night. And accused wife-beater Gary Oldman won Best Actor.

Society has a long, long way to go.

But even among other controversial and despised figures who still roam free, Woody Allen continues to stick out like a sore thumb.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Woody Allen Feels "Sad" for Harvey Weinstein, Hopes Against a Witch Hunt

Woody Allen says he feels “sad” for Harvey Weinstein after being accused of sexual harassment and assault — but he also hopes no witch hunts come out of this. Woody told the BBC Sunday that he felt for everyone involved in the Weinstein scandal –…


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Selena Gomez Goes to Work Kissing On Woody Allen"s Set

Selena Gomez planted one on a dude that wasn’t her bf, The Weeknd, in NYC … but she ain’t two timin’ … it’s just another day at the office. The guy’s name is Timothee Chalamet. You might recognize him from the TV show “Homeland” or the film…


Friday, July 14, 2017

Woody Harrelson Opens Up About Foursomes, Police Brutality & Quitting Pot

Woody Harrelson is an esteemed actor who has appeared on some of the biggest hits around. From TV shows to movies, he’s had success at many things. 

One thing he was not successful at, however, was having a foursome while he was in London. The 55-year-old opened up about several key moments in his life during an interview with THR. 

“I went to this bar in London, and afterward these girls came up to me, these two girls, and asked me, ‘So you want to take a walk on the wild side?’ So I said, ‘I guess I do.’ And then I hopped in the car, and another girl I didn’t even know hopped in,” he revealed.  

“We went to my place, and one of the girls was a razzi [paparazzi] or worked for them, worked for the rags. And she got a photographer to come out. That one girl manipulated the other two.”

Having a member of the paparazzi involved was a sure-fire way to cause some controversy for the star, and he was not impressed. 

“I was bummed when they all left together ‘cause I knew it was going to happen [an article]. News of the World, it was. I never read it ‘cause I didn’t want to read it.”

Who would want to read an article about themselves apparently getting jiggy with three women? At the time, Woody was in a very serious relationship with a woman who later became his wife. 

“I’m not sure how [his now-wife] Laura found out, but she did. I was kind of hoping she wouldn’t see it. I can’t remember the details; I’ve doubtless repressed it.”

What Woody needs to know is that nothing is ever kept on the down low in the celebrity world, so there was no chance he was going to avoid the news becoming common knowledge. 

“She never saw the thing. But someone told her. Laura — this really gives you a sense of the depth of her compassion — what she said to me after finding out was, ‘That must be really hard for you, to have this shit exposed.’ She just said that. Now that doesn’t mean she wasn’t upset.”

“How did I apologize? You know, just your standard Texan grovel. But she forgave me, and we’re still together.”

We’re sure Woody promised to never do it again, and stuff. That’s the standard response when you’re caught in a situation of that caliber. 

Foursomes aside, the actor even opened up about his first time being arrested and all of the drama that ensued from that incident. 

“My first arrest, the police were really brutal,” he began.

“I was 20 or 21, and I was jaywalking, me and a friend, and this cop flags us over, asks to see our ID. My friend showed his ID, but I said, ‘I don’t have my ID,’ which I did, of course,” confirming suspicions that Woody was a cheeky youngster. 

“And he says, ‘Have you been out to some of these bars? Then you had to have an ID to get in.’ I go, ‘Oh, good point.’ So I pull it out, and as I pull it out, he goes, “Don’t lie to me again, punk!”

The officer did not take too kindly to being lied to and reacted in violence to the whole situation, and that’s when the ordeal took a rather dark turn. 

“And then he grabbed me, smashed me against the wall a couple of times.”

“I knocked his hands off, pushed him away and started running. And that was the beginning of a real dire episode. He put out an officer-in-distress signal, and soon I’m just surrounded by blue, and they had me down on the ground, knee in my throat.”

Harrelson felt like the whole ordeal was crazy, and did not like the way he was being handled. 

“It was so brutal, the way they were handling me. A bunch of students gathered around and were complaining to the cops, and the cops were vicious to them, too.”

“Then they threw me in a paddy wagon, and I’m handcuffed behind my back, and I asked one of the cops, “Why are you treating me like this?” And he slammed my head against the van.”

However, there was a glimmer of hope when the van made a stop for someone else. 

“They stopped to pick up this other poor bastard peeing on the sidewalk, and when they opened those back doors, I just shot out of there.”

“They maced the f*ck out of me. And when they mace you, you’re done, that’s the end of the story. So yeah, I went to jail, they rough you up a little more, and before it was over, they had six counts against me.”

Yes, this is a cautionary tale about being snarky with officers of the law. Don’t do it. 

Woody also opened up about his decision to kick pot out of his life for good. He was candid about the reasons surrounding the decision. 

“I stopped smoking pot [14 months ago]. I had some weird reaction, which I looked up later, and it was adrenal exhaustion. I still drink, but I try just to drink on weekends.”

“I mostly just drink wine now, but a few years ago I got into cognac for a while — you know, I’d do shots. I’m a happy drunk, but sometimes I drink to the point where I’m not really thinking very clearly.”

Changing your lifestyle is a difficult task, but Woody knew he needed to change some things up. 

“And one of the bad things about celebrity — there’s a lot of positives, but one of the bad things is everybody wants to have a shot with you.”

“It’s dangerous to go into a regular bar because I can end up doing a lot of shots, depending on the charity of the [other people].”  

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Sunday, July 9, 2017

"Star Wars" Han Solo Film Set Photos Show Woody Harrelson Meeting Young Han and Chewbacca

The upcoming “Star Wars” Han Solo installment has gone through some changes, but one thing we know for sure … Woody Harrelson will hang with Han and Chewbacca in the movie at some point. In new pics from the set, obtained by TMZ, Harrelson’s…


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Justin Timberlake Joins Woody Allen Film, Fans Are PISSED

Justin Timberlake has agreed to co-star in Woody Allen’s next film, and his fans are not pleased.

Upset that the once universally-loved singer would support an alleged child molester, citizens are expressing their condemnation on Twitter.

“You dead to me JT,” wrote one disappointed fan.

Another elaborated by calling Timberlake a hypocrite, as the musician has spoken out against injustice in the past.

“Justin Timberlake & his fake selective outrage are going to be in a Woody Allen film, another walking problem protected by white privilege,” scolded the user.

Timberlake recently praised Jesse Williams’ impassioned BET Awards speech on racism, but unfortunately met with criticism from those who thought the singer guilty of cultural appropriation.

It sounds like JT’s popularity is beginning to dwindle – fast.

Also joining Allen’s cast is Kate Winslet, Jim Belushi and Juno Temple.

“Hope they don’t bring their children to the set,” another fan tweeted in derisive response.

It was once a coup to land a role in a Woody Allen film, as the director has been lauded as a brilliant auteur whose work has earned him – and the actors he works with – a number of awards.

But now, an association with Allen is a source of shame, and many have called for a boycott on his films.

Allen’s adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow accused her father of molesting her as a child, although no formal charges have been brought against him.

Since then, Farrow has blasted a variety of celebrities for continuing to work with Allen despite the claims.

“What if it had been your child, Cate Blanchett? Louis CK? Alec Baldwin? What if it had been you, Emma Stone? Or you, Scarlett Johansson?” Farrow wrote in an open letter published in The New York Times.

“You knew me when I was a little girl, Diane Keaton. Have you forgotten me?” she continued. “Woody Allen is a living testament to the way our society fails the survivors of sexual assault and abuse.”

About a week ago, Blake Lively, who stars in the Allen film Cafe Society, commended the director on his work and what a pleasure it was to work with him.

It appears as though in Hollywood, if you make Oscar-winning movies, even the most unspeakable of crimes can be overlooked.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Blake Lively Gushes About Woody Allen, Makes Us Cringe

For reasons unknown, many celebrities still treat accused child molester Woody Allen as some kind of demi-god.

Actually, the reasons are fairly well-assumed, having something to do with the notion that actors in his movies tend to win awards.

Blake Lively, who stars in Allen’s upcoming film Cafe Society, is the latest celeb to overlook Allen’s alleged crimes, possibly for a chance at a prestigious awards nomination.

“[Woody] creates a very pleasant set where everybody’s just happy to be there and happy to be making a movie, and happy to be a part of film history,” Lively told Hamptons magazine.

“For him to have that confidence in you almost give you the confidence in yourself to just go with the flow.

“And those are the moments he really likes, the found moments, the moments that aren’t written but just happen.”

The film, which also stars Steve Carell, Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg, may be Lively’s first shot at her peers regarding her as a serious actor.

“It’s really cool to work with a director who’s done so much, because he knows exactly what he wants,” she continued.

“The fact that he does one shot for an entire scene — [and] this could be a scene with eight people and one to two takes — it give you a level of confidence because when he’s got it, he knows it.”

In 1992, Dylan Farrow, Allen’s adoptive daughter with Mia Farrow, accused the director of sexually abusing her.

While Allen has denied the accusations and was never charged, Mia, Dylan and brother Rowan have insisted they are accurate.

Dylan and Rowan have called out celebrities who continue to work with Allen despite the disturbing claims, including Alec Baldwin, Louis CK and Scarlett Johansson.

But it sounds like Lively and the rest feel that the chance to work with the Oscar-winning director trumps the possibility that he may be a pedophile.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Miley Cyrus to Star in New Woody Allen Series

Woody Allen is about to get involved with another very young lady.

Professionally, at least, this time.

The legendary director, writer and actor has signed Miley Cyrus to co-star in the new series he’s set to bring to Amazon some time in 2016.

Cyrus will anchor the untitled program alongside Elaine May and Allen himself, as the show is scheduled to air six half-hour episode series and be set in the 1960s.

That’s all the information Allen has released thus far about the wildly anticipated project.

The role will mark Miley’s first major television role since Hannah Montana and the show will mark Allen’s first-ever foray into television.

“I don’t know how I got into this. I have no ideas and I’m not sure where to begin,” Allen said when the series was announced a year ago. “My guess is that Roy Price will regret this.”

Price, the Vice President of Amazon Studios, believes otherwise, however.

“Woody Allen is a visionary creator who has made some of the greatest films of all-time, and it’s an honor to be working with him on his first television series,” he said in a statement.

“From Annie Hall to Blue Jasmine, Woody has been at the creative forefront of American cinema and we couldn’t be more excited to premiere his first TV series exclusively on Prime Instant Video next year.”