Showing posts with label Chewbacca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chewbacca. Show all posts

Sunday, July 9, 2017

"Star Wars" Han Solo Film Set Photos Show Woody Harrelson Meeting Young Han and Chewbacca

The upcoming “Star Wars” Han Solo installment has gone through some changes, but one thing we know for sure … Woody Harrelson will hang with Han and Chewbacca in the movie at some point. In new pics from the set, obtained by TMZ, Harrelson’s…


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Woman Gives Birth in Chewbacca Mask, Apocalypse Nears

In May of 2016, a woman named Candace Payne went viral when she filmed herself reacting to a Chewbacca Mask she had just purchased at Target.

And we mean it: she… went… VIRAL.

Within two days, footage of Payne was "Chewbacca Mom" had been viewed over 114 million times, making it the most-watched Facebook Live video of all-time.

She appeared with James Corden on The Late Late Show and she earned serious money through her 15-Plus Minutes of Fame.

So we get it. We get why someone might try to emulate Payne.

We just wish Katie Stricker Curtis had gone about it in a different way.

The Detroit native shared her own Facebook video this week, posting a clip online of herself in a Chewbacca mask.

And also in a hospital bed. Because she was in labor and about to give birth.

Why did she make public a clip of herself screaming with contractions in Chewie"s native language of Shyriiwook?

"Just because I"m about to be a mom doesn"t mean I have to grow up," she wrote along with the video, which has been viewed over 265,000 times.

Just how far does she go while preparing to give birth?

Click PLAY and find out below… if you dare!

Woman gives birth in chewbacca mask apocalypse inches ever close

Monday, July 11, 2016

Chewbacca Mom is Trying to "Heal the World"

There is no right or wrong way to respond to a tragedy.

Last week, five police officers were shot to death by a sniper in Dallas, as this unstable and misguided individual took innocent lives in protest of the recent string of African-American deaths at the hands of white cops.

Specifically, he was responding to the killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

In response, Drake has penned an open letter to his followers…

… Beyonce has called on members of the community to step up…

… and even Tyga has expressed shock, sadness and outrage on Instagram.

Now, it"s time for Chewbacca Mom to speak out.

Actually, it"s time for Chewbacca Mom to sing out.

Also known by her real name of Candace Payne, Chewbacca Mom rose to viral fame last month after she purchased a Chewbacca mask at Target and got REALLY excited over it in the car.

Here. See for yourself:

A Texas resident, Payne says the following to open her latest Facebook video:

“I’m actually not that far away from Dallas. I’m about 30 minutes from where the shootings happened the other night.”

She continued:

"I’m thousands of miles, hundreds of miles away from really identifying with every single ounce of pain that I know is being felt by the whole world right now. Literally the whole world.

"I really don’t know what else to say other than I’ve been spreading joy and I’ve been hoping to do that, but I found myself that last couple of days being silent because I’ve been so sad and so hurt by what’s going on and I wanted to just share with you my own arrangement of a song that I came across that has really meant something amazing to me."

From there, Payne did her best impression of Michael Jackson.

She covered the MJ classic "Heal the World."

And she did a pretty great job with it!

Look and listen for yourself now:

Chewbacca mom responds to dallas shootings covers michael jackso

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Chewbacca Mom Has Made HOW MUCH Off Being Chewbacca Mom?

While Candace Payne’s 15 Minutes of Fame may run out, a new study reveals that the viral sensation’s bank account won’t be doing the same any time soon.

Appropriately enough, the woman now known as Chewbacca Mom is making some serious Star Wars money.

Back in late May, Payne took a shopping trip to Kohl’s.

And she was so excited by what she purchased at the store that she could scarcely wait to try it out.

As soon as Payne got into her car, she set up her video camera and recorded herself trying on a Chewbacca masked that actually made the same sounds as this beloved big screen character.

The footage didn’t merely blow up.

It turned Payne into the most popular Facebook Live star of all-time.

Since the video surfaced online, Payne has appeared on The Late Late Show with James Corden (below) and also stopped by Good Morning America; she even took a trip to Disney World.

Moreover, according to a new report, Chewbacca Mom has been making a financial killing due to her newfound fame.

Thanks to a breakdown by Money Magazine, we now know that Payne has made the following amount of money for the following reasons:

$ 3,000 from Kohl’s, including dozens of toys… $ 2,500 in gift cards… and a Chewbacca mask for everyone in her family.

$ 7,500 in flights, hotels, VIP tours and various gifts while she traveled the country for appearances.

$ 7,500 for an all-expenses paid trip to Disney World.

$ 2,000 for a family trip to the Fan Expo Dallas convention, where Payne met the actor who plays Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew).

$ 400,000 in full college scholarships provided to her and her family from Southeastern University, “a Christ-centered institution of higher learning” in central Florida.

What prompted this gesture?

“Candace has inspired us and others with her joy, and we want her and her family to experience some of that same joy through this gift,” Dr. Kent Ingle, president of the college, said.


We agree. Candace’s personality is inspiring.

We’re not sure if we’d pay her $ 400,000 for it, but hey.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Chewbacca Mom Becomes Biggest Viral Facebook Star EVER

Note to Kim Kardashian

THIS is how you break the Internet.

A Texas woman named Candace Payne has risen to historic viral fame just days after sharing a video of herself in a Chewbacca mask.

It wasn’t the mere wearing of the Chewbacca mask, of course, that has made Payne famous on the Internet.

It was the excited way in which she told the camera about buying it and then the adorable, non-stop laughter that resulted from her wearing it.

Here. Relive the video for yourself below:

Trending as #chewbaccamasklady, Payne made those in Star Wars universe stand up and cheer after she purchased her mask at a local Kohl’s,

The unique footage has now been viewed over 114 million times (yes, over 114 MILLION times!), making it the most-watched Facebook Live video in history.

By a very wide margin.

In response to the record, Payne took to the social media platform to express her shock and gratitude:

“Today has been a whirlwind. I’m grateful for every kind word and comment even if I haven’t replied. Y’all. OVERWHELMED with gratitude.

“Let’s keep belly laughing again and again.

“Never imagined finding my ‘simple joy’ would land me more VIEWS on a little FB video than Mark Zuckerberg has followers. INSANE. Find your ‘simple joy’! Good Day. Now Good Night.

“It’s all love.”

It really is. There was something very sweet and simple and innocent and joyful about Payne’s video.

Not to mention the fact that it was based on a character from the most popular film franchise in Hollywood history.

Kohl’s, meanwhile, took advantage of this marketing opportunity to surprise Payne at her home with more Star Wars merchandise, as well as 10,000 Kohl’s reward points as thanks for shopping at the department store.

What a great story.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Hilarious Mom Puts on Chewbacca Mask, Internet Falls in Love

Chewbacca doesn"t do much talking in the Star Wars films, but somehow, viewers always know what"s on his mind.

Similarly, bubbly mother of two Candace Payne only needs her infectious laugh and some well-placed sound effects to communicate that she really, really loves her new Chewie mask.

As she tells her "friends on the Internet webs" in the clip below, Mrs. Payne stopped by Kohl"s this week in order to drop off come clothes that were the wrong size.

(They were too big, thank you very much!)

In turns out that the Force was very much with her on this otherwise uneventful day, as it was there that Candace discovered the mask that has made her a viral sensation.

If you"ve had a hard week, we recommend you immediately stop whatever it is that you"re doing and bask in the rays of Candace"s pure childlike joy.

As one Reddit user put it, "I"ve never enjoyed anything as much as this woman loves this mask."

Unless you"re an 8-year-old who"s currently at Disney World, there"s no way your joy level is anywhere near Candace"s.

This is every bit as amusing as the Chewbacca toilet paper dispenser that entertained us more than we care to admit last year.

While Candace makes it clear that the mask is very much hers, she says she will allow her kids to play with it. 

However, we doubt they"ll get as big of a kick out of it as she does, so hands off, Duncan and Cadence!

“I’m such a happy Chewbacca,” Payne tells the camera at one point.

We can see that, Candace. We can see that.

Hilarious mom puts on chewbacca mask internet falls in love

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Chewbacca Toilet Paper Dispenser: Something That Sort of Exists!

How many times has this happened to you:

You are sitting in a public restroom. You have finished your business and it"s time for some clean up. You reach for the toilet paper and you are greeted by that scary sound.

It"s the screech of a very old apparatus that you know has been used by countless people who have popped a squat in the past. It"s sort of a gross sound and feeling.

But what if someone took advantage of this opportunity to create the ultimate (okay, the only) Chewbacca toilet paper dispenser?!?

That"s what a genius has done here. Watch the video to see what we mean.

Chewbacca toilet paper dispenser is something that sort of exist