Showing posts with label Heal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heal. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Derek Jeter Talks School Schooting, Marlins Will Help Florida Heal

Derek Jeter is vowing to use his experience playing after the 9/11 attacks to help Florida fans cope with the massacre that left 17 people dead in the Parkland school shooting.  Jeter was in Ft. Lauderdale at a Chamber of Commerce meeting when…


Monday, January 16, 2017

Cole Beasley Has Baby Boy ... "Only Thing That Could Heal Me Has Arrived" (PHOTO)

Talk about a crazy reversal of emotions … hours after the Cowboys’ devastating lost to the Packers, Dallas’ stud wideout Cole Beasley had a baby!!  We’re told Beasley’s wife, Krystin, gave birth to a bouncing baby boy in the wee hours of…


Friday, December 9, 2016

Will Smith -- New Movie Can Flop For All I Care ... It Helped Me Heal (VIDEO)

Will Smith doesn’t give a damn how his new movie does at the box office or how many awards it might grab … because it helped him cope with his dad’s death, and to him, that’s all that matters.  Smith did a Q&A on Facebook Live from the…


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Amber Portwood: Plastic Surgery Will Heal My Depression!

Last month, Amber Portwood went and got herself a "mommy makeover."

She"s talked about it quite a bit, but for all the words she"s said about it, she"s never really explained what it is.

She"s said that a mommy makeover is a series of plastic surgery procedures that usually includes a tummy tuck and a breast lift, but that she chose to wait on the tummy tuck, since she wants more kids.

Amber did say that all she had done was "contouring and lifting," but she"s being weirdly vague about the whole thing, which makes us feel sad and confused.

And in this new sneak peek for next week"s episode of Teen Mom OG … well, she doesn"t clarify the plastic surgery procedures she had done, but she did give her reasoning behind wanting the makeover.

And boy, if we thought we were sad before …

Amber explains that her body and all the changes it"s gone through is "a big part of my depression and stuff."

Aww, girl.

In the clip, Amber cries about how bad her mental illness has gotten, and how her medications have affected her.

It"s actually pretty heartbreaking to see.

Check out Amber opening up about plastic surgery and depression right here in this very upsetting video:

Amber portwood plastic surgery will heal my depression

Monday, July 11, 2016

Chewbacca Mom is Trying to "Heal the World"

There is no right or wrong way to respond to a tragedy.

Last week, five police officers were shot to death by a sniper in Dallas, as this unstable and misguided individual took innocent lives in protest of the recent string of African-American deaths at the hands of white cops.

Specifically, he was responding to the killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

In response, Drake has penned an open letter to his followers…

… Beyonce has called on members of the community to step up…

… and even Tyga has expressed shock, sadness and outrage on Instagram.

Now, it"s time for Chewbacca Mom to speak out.

Actually, it"s time for Chewbacca Mom to sing out.

Also known by her real name of Candace Payne, Chewbacca Mom rose to viral fame last month after she purchased a Chewbacca mask at Target and got REALLY excited over it in the car.

Here. See for yourself:

A Texas resident, Payne says the following to open her latest Facebook video:

“I’m actually not that far away from Dallas. I’m about 30 minutes from where the shootings happened the other night.”

She continued:

"I’m thousands of miles, hundreds of miles away from really identifying with every single ounce of pain that I know is being felt by the whole world right now. Literally the whole world.

"I really don’t know what else to say other than I’ve been spreading joy and I’ve been hoping to do that, but I found myself that last couple of days being silent because I’ve been so sad and so hurt by what’s going on and I wanted to just share with you my own arrangement of a song that I came across that has really meant something amazing to me."

From there, Payne did her best impression of Michael Jackson.

She covered the MJ classic "Heal the World."

And she did a pretty great job with it!

Look and listen for yourself now:

Chewbacca mom responds to dallas shootings covers michael jackso

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Josh & Anna Duggar: Seeing Marriage Counselor to "Heal" After Sex Scandals

If anyone’s marriage has been put to the test, it’s Josh and Anna Duggar’s.

In the past year, we’ve discovered the dark side of Josh, who admitted to molesting several young children, including his sisters, plus was caught on the Ashley Madison website seeking out extramarital affairs.

And if that wasn’t enough, Josh was also accused of physically and mentally abusing a porn star with whom he paid to have sex.

And if THAT wasn’t enough (I know, right?), all this went down while Anna was pregnant with their fourth child.

While Josh completed a months-long stint in a faith-based rehab for addiction to sex and pornography, that was only one part of recovery for the couple.

Yesterday, Josh and Anna released a statement on the Duggar Family blog, announcing that they were in couples therapy in order to “heal” their relationship.

A section of the post reads:

“Since the residential treatment program ended, we have been working with a professional marriage and family counselor to take important steps toward healing.

“It isn’t easy and some days are very difficult. It is a long road to rebuild trust and a truly healthy relationship.

“We are very thankful for God’s forgiveness, grace and help, as it is our strength and guide to rebuilding our lives.”

They also say they are taking it “one day at a time” and are grateful for fans’ prayers.

While many women would’ve kicked Josh’s buttocks to the curb upon hearing just one of his incredible misdeeds, Anna remains trapped in committed to their marriage because of her faith

A rumor surfaced earlier this week that the couple were expecting their fifth child, but we’ve yet to hear a confirmation from the family.

We have heard, though, that Josh is still behaving like an arrogant POS, so let’s hope marriage counseling is more effective than rehab.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Khloe Kardashian to Lamar: Let"s Heal You, Then Get Divorced

Lamar Odom needs a dose of equal parts tough love and top-shelf care.

The former NBA star is reportedly living with estranged wife Khloe Kardashian while we recovers from an October 2015 overdose at a Nevada Brothel.

It was very touch-and-go following the accident.  Odom reportedly suffered several strokes while in the hospital, and had no mobility for awhile.

Fortunately, he’s made improvements, and was transferred from Nevada to LA’s Cedars-Sinai Medical Center so that Kardashian could be by his side more often.  She even spent Thanksgiving with him after eating dinner with her own family.

Now, Kardashian is making sure that Odom is adhering to her rules, so long as he’s under her roof.

A source told Hollywood Life that Kardashian is “doing everything in her power to keep a close eye on Lamar.

“Khloe definitely does not want him to go back to any brothel and so she is keeping him on a tight leash. She’s in control of his entire life as long as they are technically still married.

While Kardashian fulfills work commitments, like taping her new FYI series, Kocktails With Khloe, she’s made sure that a team of health professionals is taking care of Odom at home.

“During the day Lamar is surrounded by several nurses, assistants, a driver, and goes to 3-4 hours of physical, outpatient rehab daily,” a source told the site.

The goal is for Odom to recover and move out on his own, since Kardashian still plans on moving forward with the divorce, which she delayed after his accident in order to care for him.

“Khloe loves Lamar with all her heart but she knows she needs to move on at some point.

“As soon as she feels good about where he is mentally, physically and emotionally she will move to re-file for divorce.”

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Yolanda Foster: Divorce From David Helped Her Heal

It’s a continuous battle, but one that has recently become easier to fight.

After Yolanda and David Foster announced their separation on December 1st,  story upon story about the cause of their split has plagued the former couple.  

From jealousy over careers, to Foster’s search for a cure for Lyme disease, the couple of four years struggled to make their marriage work.

Sources tell TMZ that Yolanda was convinced that problems with David only made her Lyme disease worse.

“Yolanda constantly leaned on David during their marriage, but toward the end he was traveling a lot and she couldn’t handle the change and got really sick as a result,” the source said.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star has “no expectation of David being around,” which has allegedly done wonders for her recovery.

“Yolanda’s still struggling with Lyme disease, but she’s mobile again and feels she’s on the mend.”

Yolanda, for her part, touched briefly on the matter on her BravoTV blog.

“I can say that the sale of our Malibu home, financial matters, nor infidelity played a role in our decision,” she wrote, making no mention of her disease.

Lisa Rinna spoke about the split on Heather Dubrow’s podcast, mentioning that the announcement was made the same day as RHOBH’s season six premiere.

“I think it’s a real interesting choice, to be honest, that you would announce this on the day we premiere,” Rinna said. “I was really thrown for a loop [last Tuesday], as I’m sure everyone was.”
