Monday, July 11, 2016

Chewbacca Mom is Trying to "Heal the World"

There is no right or wrong way to respond to a tragedy.

Last week, five police officers were shot to death by a sniper in Dallas, as this unstable and misguided individual took innocent lives in protest of the recent string of African-American deaths at the hands of white cops.

Specifically, he was responding to the killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

In response, Drake has penned an open letter to his followers…

… Beyonce has called on members of the community to step up…

… and even Tyga has expressed shock, sadness and outrage on Instagram.

Now, it"s time for Chewbacca Mom to speak out.

Actually, it"s time for Chewbacca Mom to sing out.

Also known by her real name of Candace Payne, Chewbacca Mom rose to viral fame last month after she purchased a Chewbacca mask at Target and got REALLY excited over it in the car.

Here. See for yourself:

A Texas resident, Payne says the following to open her latest Facebook video:

“I’m actually not that far away from Dallas. I’m about 30 minutes from where the shootings happened the other night.”

She continued:

"I’m thousands of miles, hundreds of miles away from really identifying with every single ounce of pain that I know is being felt by the whole world right now. Literally the whole world.

"I really don’t know what else to say other than I’ve been spreading joy and I’ve been hoping to do that, but I found myself that last couple of days being silent because I’ve been so sad and so hurt by what’s going on and I wanted to just share with you my own arrangement of a song that I came across that has really meant something amazing to me."

From there, Payne did her best impression of Michael Jackson.

She covered the MJ classic "Heal the World."

And she did a pretty great job with it!

Look and listen for yourself now:

Chewbacca mom responds to dallas shootings covers michael jackso