Showing posts with label Dispenser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dispenser. Show all posts

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Rebecca Burger, French Fashion Blogger, Killed by Whipped Cream Dispenser

Rebecca Burger, a French fashion blogger with a large following on Instagram, was killed this week after a whipped cream container exploded and struck her in the chest.

She was 33 years old.

We know this sounds like an example of fake news, or some kind of Internet hoax.

But it is a true and sad story.

In a pair of messages posted Wednesday on Burger’s Instagram page, which currently has more than 165,000 followers, the Internet star’s family warned her fans about the dangers of pressurized capsules.

Burger’s loved ones even uploaded a picture of a can similar to the one that hit Burger and ended her life, writing as a caption to the image:

Here’s an example of the whip cream canister that exploded and struck Rebecca’s chest, resulting in her death. Let us be precise: the siphon that cause her death was sealed.

Do not use this type of device in your home! Tens of thousands of these defective appliances are still in circulation

whipped cream dispenser

The family also confirmed Burger’s passing, stating online that Rebecca died from an “accident in the home” on June 18.

The Associated Press reports that prosecutors are looking into the siphon that was used to create the dispenser in order to determine whether or not it was defective.

According to a French newspaper, Burger went into cardiac arrest following the incident, but emergency technicians on the scene were able to revive her heartbeat.

She remained unconscious and was transported to a local hospital… where she died the following day.

The 33-year old amassed an impressive viral following as she chronicled her life on social media over the years.

On June 10, she posted her first (and, sadly, last) travel vlog about a recent trip to Bali.

But Burger was mostly known for sharing workout tips, videos and photos on her Instagram page.

Ard’time, the manufacturer of this product, said the specific item Burger used had been pulled from the market and destroyed after an accident in February 2013.

It added that efforts had been made ever since to inform customers of potential safety hazards.

“Unfortunately, there are still lots of siphons of all brands that remain potentially dangerous as time passes,” the company said in a statement after Burger’s death.

According to BBC, one person who was hurt by an exploding whipped cream container told RTL radio in 2013:

“I had six broken ribs, and my sternum was broken. At the hospital, I was told that if the shock and blast had been facing the heart, I would be dead now.”

Meanwhile, a 2014 press release by the French economy ministry warned individuals about the potential dangers of whipped cream dispensers.

“Since 2010, several models of kitchen syphons, also called cream syphons, have turned out to be dangerous and have led to domestic accidents,” it read, adding:

“The explosions cause a high speed burst that can cause serious injuries to the hands or face.”

This story has received global attention due to the unusual nature of Burger’s death.

But that doesn’t make her passing any less tragic.

We send our condolences to the loved ones of Rebecca Burger and we hope she is resting in peace.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Chewbacca Toilet Paper Dispenser: Something That Sort of Exists!

How many times has this happened to you:

You are sitting in a public restroom. You have finished your business and it"s time for some clean up. You reach for the toilet paper and you are greeted by that scary sound.

It"s the screech of a very old apparatus that you know has been used by countless people who have popped a squat in the past. It"s sort of a gross sound and feeling.

But what if someone took advantage of this opportunity to create the ultimate (okay, the only) Chewbacca toilet paper dispenser?!?

That"s what a genius has done here. Watch the video to see what we mean.

Chewbacca toilet paper dispenser is something that sort of exist