Showing posts with label Ignorant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ignorant. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Announces "Pothead" Haircare Line, Gets Shamed By Ignorant Trolls

Of all the stars in the Teen Mom galaxy, perhaps no one is more adept at launching a successful side hustle than Kailyn Lowry.

In addition to starring in one of the most successful reality shows on television, Kail hosts a popular podcast and has written several bestsellers.

Earlier this week, Lowry announced the release of her signature line of haircare products.

Some might argue that she"ll have a tough road ahead of her in such a crowded market — but Kail"s company is offering products with an unexpected secret ingredient.

Take a look:

1. Kail on Her Grind

Kailyn lowry for good american

For several weeks, Kail has been teasing her hair care line on social media. Yesterday, she finally unveiled her signature products.

2. The Big Reveal

Kail cbd 6

Kail announced the release of Pothead Hair Care with a tweet that immediately caught fans’ attention.

3. Kail Explains

Kail cbd 7

Now, the name Pothead is intentionally provocative, but Kail has been quick to point out that her products contain CBD — a product derived from the hemp plant that’s been shown to have a number of medicinal properties — and not THC.

4. Reefer Madness

Kailyn lowry looks happy

In other words, the Pothead line can’t get you high and presents no more of a health hazard than whatever products you already use.

5. The Discourse

Kail lowry on instagram

Thankfully, everyone who had doubts read Kail’s science-backed explanation and calmly conceded that they had rushed to judgment.

6. lol jk

Kailyn lowry wearing all black photo

Ha! Just kidding. This is the internet in 2018, which means everyone rushed to form an opinion, then dug in their heels and refused to be swayed in spite of compelling evidence to the contrary.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Dr. Phil Says Kanye"s Comments are Irresponsible, Ignorant and Empowering Hate Groups

Dr. Phil believes Kanye West saying whatever he thinks and feels is either an attention grab or a serious impulse control problem, but either way … it needs to stop because he’s fueling hate. Dr. Phil gave us his take on the rapper’s…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Claps Back at Rehab-Shamers: You"re Ignorant!!

In the wake of being slammed for going back to rehab, Teen Mom OG star Catelynn Lowell is clapping back at her haters.

She’s being mom-shamed, wife-shamed, and plain ol’ shamed for “abandoning” her family. And she’s clapping back.

Take a look at her strong words — and at the hate to which she was responding.

Following the episode in which she explained the reason she was returning to rehab, Catelynn Lowell took to Twitter to put the haters on blast.

“All you ignorant people are the reason why mental health still has this huge stigma around it!”

The stigma surrounding mental health is devastating, though things are getting better as more and more people use social media to share what was once a private struggle.

She shares some hashtags that encourage people to learn more about mental health.

#GetEducated #KeepTalkingMH”

She wishes that people wouldn’t condemn her for going to rehab when they clearly do not know what they’re talking about.

“You have NO clue unless you have been through it yourself.”

In many ways, Catelynn feels exhasperated.

“Some of you people disgust me.”

She continues to correct the people who think that she was abandoning her family by going to rehab.

“I wasn’t ‘running away’ from my problems I was FIXING them!”

Yep. Seeking medical help when you need it is the right thing to do.

“Working HARD & getting on the right medication.”

Sometimes, that requires inpatient treatment.

“I wouldn’t wish this crap on my worst enemy!”

Mental illness is a terrible burden. The only good thing about it is that more people are speaking openly about their struggles.

“But I guess I’ll have haters no matter what! Just glad I got myself better and if ppl r mad then be mad I guess #KeepTalkingMH”

Having haters — and ideally learning to accept them — goes with the territory of being a reality star, unfortunately.

Catelynn retweeted a few supportive tweets, including one that reads:

“I’ve done outpatient & inpatient treatment and sometimes outpatient just isn’t enough at that certain time! That’s nothing to be ashamed of. dont listen to the hate! I’ll never understand how you guys deal with so much bullshit from random people! You’re so strong!”

She also clapped back at a hater, who wrote:

“Us people? Smh”

Catelynn’s own tweet responded:

“Yes the ones that are uneducated on mental illness. That’s what ignorance is. People with uneducated opinions.”

She’s not wrong.

If you want to see what sorts of hate she’s fighting back again, take a look at this small sampling of social media vitriol that fills her mentions:

“Lots of wives and mothers have to do this while still raising a family. Not everyone has the luxury of dumping their family and hopping on a plane to a rehab center to ‘get their meds right’. They do that between raising a family and working a full time job.”


“If she got a job, joined a gym & ate the right food that be half the battle for her! She’s too much time to sit around eating smoking and thinking. Get a life and live it! Get healthy for one that’s a start.”


“You’re not the only parent struggling with mental health issues. I am a single parent with mental health issues BUT, I still have to provide for my family and be there when my children need me. You are putting Nova in the same position your parents put you in, think about that.”


“Wasn’t she instructed to stay away from social media? She’s a non-compliant patient which makes one wonder in what other areas of her life is she not following the process? Does she even *want* to get better?”


“You complain too much!!! Get over it. People have been through worst s–t then you and youre dragging s–t out thats 10+ yrs old. Woman up. Can’t even cook for your man”

These haters may be eager to slam Catelynn for making what was clearly a responsible choice for herself and for her loved ones.

But Tyler Baltierra is standing by his wife.

In response to her on-camera confession that she needed to return to rehab in order to truly recover, he said:

“I’m not ever leaving, I’m not going anywhere. Don’t think like that.”

He reiterated that message on social media, writing:

“I love you more Babe! True love is boundless, limitless, & unconditional!”


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Chris Brown Makes It Clear, "No Ignorant S**t" in Horseplay Party Pics

Chris Brown wants to reiterate — just in case you have any questions — he was playing around with women he considers “homies” when he put his hands on one of their necks. Chris reacted to the photos TMZ posted of him partying in Miami during Ultra…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Danielle Bregoli Blasts Chanel West Coast for Calling Her "Ignorant Fool"

Danielle Bregoli might not be America’s sweetheart (okay, definitely not), but she’s still way more relevant and famous than Chanel West Coast … according to Danielle. We got the infamous “Cash Me Outside” girl in West L.A. on the heels of Chanel…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hillary Clinton Slammed After "Ignorant" Tweets Following Las Vegas Shooting

Criticizing Hillary Clinton has been a regular pastime for a large swathe of America for the past two or three decades, and that doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon.

Not even following the horrific Mandalay Bay massacre in Las Vegas that killed 58 and injured more than 500.

Critics claim that Hillary’s tweet following the massacre was overly political and displayed “ignorance” of firearms. Did it?

Those who were still up on Sunday night and those waking up to terrible news on Monday morning expressed their reactions to the absolute horror of the shooting in Las Vegas.

Everyone on Twitter, from big-name celebrities to friends to coworkers to that one guest star you thirst-followed three years ago, was speaking out.

Those who couldn’t find the words themselves retweeted those who could.

Hillary Clinton, the 2016 candidate preferred by the majority of American voters and regarded by many as America’s monarch-in-exile, tweeted appropriately.

“Las Vegas, we are grieving with you — the victims, those who lost loved ones, the responders, & all affected by this cold-blooded massacre.”

We all saw the horrifying videos and heard the unmistakable sounds of gunfire. Hillary did, too, and followed up her tweet with this:

“The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.”

We’ll talk about that bill, don’t you worry.

“Our grief isn’t enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again.”

Obviously, this was the cue to everyone who’s ever read a Cracked article to try to make themselves sound like an expert on firearms.

Hillary was referring to H.R.367, the almost absurdly named Hearing Protection Act of 2017.

Despite it’s name, it’s not a proposed law about noise pollution or public nuisances or hearing aids.

It’s an NRA-backed bill that would make it easier to get silencers for guns by removing restrictions on silencers so that they are regulated just like regular ol’ guns.

As you may have guessed, Hillary’s critics mocked her by pointing out that silencers don’t actually make guns silent; they just muffle the noise somewhat.

An NRA spokeswoman tweeted:

“Suppressors only reduce by a few decibels, still same decibel level as a jack hammer.”

A radio host tweeted:

“Appallingly stupid, and entirely irrelevant, Mrs Clinton She knows nothing about firearms, and even worse, she doesn’t care.”

Though Hillary’s tweet doesn’t immediately convey whether or not she’s aware that silencers do not make guns literally silent, let’s remember two things:

One, Hillary Clinton is an almost frighteningly intelligent person. That’s based on basically every interaction that she’s ever had.

Two, if gunshots are quieter, even just a little bit, that means that fewer people will be aware of them.

Have you ever been to a concert? There are absolutely concerts at which “a few decibels” could make the difference between a gunshot being audible and it going unnoticed save to those who get shot.

Countless public voices have called out for the US to actually, for once, do something to prevent future mass shootings.

Ariana Grande called for gun control, and she is obviously no stranger to terrorist attacks at concerts.

Politicians who rely upon NRA endorsements and funding continue to turn a blind eye to common-sense solutions that have been proven to work in other countries — most notably in Australia.

There are those who characterize the NRA as the greatest ally of domestic terrorists. At this point, that is getting harder and harder to dispute.

But it’s much easier for the pro-gun lobby to criticize people calling for common sense gun regulations than it is for them to explain why, exactly, massacres in which hundreds and hundreds of people are hospitalized are becoming a staple of American existence.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Farrah Abraham to Nicki Minaj: Focus on Your RAPIST Brother, You Ignorant Minion!

As you may have heard, Nicki Minaj went OFF on Farrah Abraham on Twitter over the weekend, referring to the Teen Mom trainwreck as a c–t, accusing her of mistreating her mother, and even correcting her grammar.

It was a fairly one-sided war of tweets, with Farrah clearly outmatched by a woman who takes down her opponents with words for a living.

But now that the dust has settled and Farrah has had some time to collect her thoughts, she’s coming at Nicki with everything she’s got.

We suggest you get your popcorn ready, because it looks like this feud won’t be settled any time soon.

In a statement to TMZ issued this morning, Farrah accused Nicki of being a negative influence on young girls, and stated that her daughter is no longer allowed to listen to the rapper, because Nicki “has little girls asking for butt injections and wanting to color their hair crazy.”

Pretty low blow (literally), but it gets much worse from there:

Asked for a final comment, Farrah reportedly replied, “[Nicki] is dead to me…that mess.” She then encouraged Ms. Minaj to “focus on her rapist brother.”

Yes, she really went there.

Last month, Nicki’s brother was arrested for allegedly raping a 12-year-old girl – and Farrah has spent much of the last 24 hours happily reminding the world about the charges.

In addition to her statement, Farrah has retweeted several fans who attacked Nicki for bailing her brother out.

Moments ago, Farrah posted a photo of the words “Wake. Pray. Slay,” along with the following tweet:

“I slay I have no time for rerun watching ignorant minions like @NICKIMINAJ worry about your family #Watchandlearn”

Nicki has yet to respond, but something tells us she won’t remain quiet on this issue for much longer.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Yolanda Foster: Taylor Armstrong is IGNORANT!!!

We knew that last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was going to be a doozy, but this one especially stunk of OC‘s cancer storyline.

In other words, it was a little disgusting.

For some reason, Vanderpump invited Taylor Armstrong to Ken’s 70th birthday.  There, Taylor decided that half a cocktail was enough liquid courage to allow her to speak about Yolanda’s “happy selfie, sickie selfie” Instagrams.

Oh, gurl.  

“Happy selfie, sick selfie…that’s exactly right,” Yolanda wrote on her Bravo blog.  “Every day is different, and I will not use my social media to convey anything but my truth.

“Bad days do exist in Beverly Hills, even though no one seems to dare share.”

Yolanda has to sit and watch these women cast doubt on her health, making the search for a cure that much harder. 

It’s all well and good to say “ignore the haters,” but negativity affects one’s health more than any of us realize.

What I saw on the show tonight was just that: IGNORANCE,” Yolanda continued.

“Maybe it should anger me, but instead it makes me want to fight harder and speak louder for those whose voices can’t be heard. Those of you who have experienced chronic illness, you know what I’m talking about.

“What defines suffering? You will never hear someone who’s walked in my shoes speak the way Taylor spoke on tonight’s episode. I truly hope she never has to experience the journey she questions me for sharing.”

Taylor defended herself after the fact.

“It’s normal when you are catching up with friends to ask how other friends are doing, especially when someone has been ill,” Taylor told Bravo.

“I was surprised to learn that she wasn’t feeling better after all this time and all the intensive treatments she has gone through.

“When I started asking about her health, the ladies acted as if it was taboo to talk about it, which I found odd considering Yolanda has been very public about her health issues. 

“Learning that she was still suffering badly made me think again that perhaps she should get another opinion. I was asking if she had done so or if she was only focused on the Lyme disease path.

“I know that she is ill. I was not questioning that, and I wasn’t questioning Yolanda. I was merely suggesting that since all the Lyme disease treatments were not helping her, maybe she and her doctors should consider other possibilities.”

And there you have it.  Another country heard from.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Olivia Munn Slams ESPN, Ignorant Packers Fans

If you’re a football fan, you’re probably aware that Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has been struggling in recent weeks.

Rodgers has been dating Olivia Munn for 18 months, and everything appears to be going well in their relationship, but for some reason, dumbass social media trolls and professional sports journalists alike have taken to blaming Munn for Rodgers’ difficulties on the field.

The worst culprit is ESPN’s Rob Demovsky who for some reason thought this would be a reasonable thing to write an article assessing Rodgers’ recent performance:

“A longtime NFL agent told me recently that when he sees one of his top-performing clients play differently, as Rodgers has of late, the first thing he wonders is if something is going on in his personal life.

Thankfully, Munn wasn’t having it:

“Playing it fast & loose w/the journalism @RobDemovsky,” Munn tweeted. “Your professional skills are lacking… you must be having personal problems at home.”

Munn has particularly taken issue with media outlets that quoted a Twitter user who blamed “Munn and Rodgers spouting off on TV about their sex life” for the fact that “God has taken his hand of blessing off of Packers players.”

Munn pointed out that a quick scroll through the user’s previous tweets reveals that he’s an unstable bigot who probably shouldn’t be used as a source of information for mainstream news stories.

Sounds like Demovsky and company need to learn to discount double-check their sources. (Sorry.)

Of course, the bigger issue is the fact that grownup sports journalists are looking to blame a slump on the athlete’s girlfriend.

We’ve been hearing divorce rumors about Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady for months, and the Patriots are freakin’ 9-0!

Sure, Brady is clearly not a human being, but a handsome football-laying cyborg who’s circuitry was personally designed by Bill Belichick, but that’s beside the point.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Kylie Jenner: Still Waist Training, Still Ignorant

If you’re one of the 40 million people who follows her on Instagram, you know that Kylie Jenner loves waist training.

Kylie doesn’t seem concerned by the mountains of evidence that regularly pulling a Scarlett O’Hara on your midsection is not an effective means of losing weight and may actually be dangerous. Or maybe she is, but she really enjoys cashing those endorsement deal checks.

Either way, Kylie is the latest to jump on the Kardashian-Jenner waist training bandwagon, and she clearly wants all of her young fans to do the same:

“Just took my dogs on a walk wearing only da best @premadonna87 @waistgangsociety,” Kylie captioned the above pic. “Nothing wrong with a little extra help. They also got some new stuff in I wanna try. Gets yours at and tell them I sent you.”

Maybe it’s the fact that she gives the company who makes these things a tagged shoutout every time she posts one of these dumb selfies, but something tells us Kylie is getting paid to peddle this BS.

Thus far, Kendall is the only Kard clan sister to not get paid for endorsing waist training, and we hope she sticks to her guns.

The jury is still out on the question of whether such products are harmful in the long term, but at the very least, they’ve proven to be useless when it comes to fitness and “shaping.”

Most of your fans don’t have your kind of money, Kylie. Stop encouraging them to waste it.