Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Yolanda Foster: Taylor Armstrong is IGNORANT!!!

We knew that last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was going to be a doozy, but this one especially stunk of OC‘s cancer storyline.

In other words, it was a little disgusting.

For some reason, Vanderpump invited Taylor Armstrong to Ken’s 70th birthday.  There, Taylor decided that half a cocktail was enough liquid courage to allow her to speak about Yolanda’s “happy selfie, sickie selfie” Instagrams.

Oh, gurl.  

“Happy selfie, sick selfie…that’s exactly right,” Yolanda wrote on her Bravo blog.  “Every day is different, and I will not use my social media to convey anything but my truth.

“Bad days do exist in Beverly Hills, even though no one seems to dare share.”

Yolanda has to sit and watch these women cast doubt on her health, making the search for a cure that much harder. 

It’s all well and good to say “ignore the haters,” but negativity affects one’s health more than any of us realize.

What I saw on the show tonight was just that: IGNORANCE,” Yolanda continued.

“Maybe it should anger me, but instead it makes me want to fight harder and speak louder for those whose voices can’t be heard. Those of you who have experienced chronic illness, you know what I’m talking about.

“What defines suffering? You will never hear someone who’s walked in my shoes speak the way Taylor spoke on tonight’s episode. I truly hope she never has to experience the journey she questions me for sharing.”

Taylor defended herself after the fact.

“It’s normal when you are catching up with friends to ask how other friends are doing, especially when someone has been ill,” Taylor told Bravo.

“I was surprised to learn that she wasn’t feeling better after all this time and all the intensive treatments she has gone through.

“When I started asking about her health, the ladies acted as if it was taboo to talk about it, which I found odd considering Yolanda has been very public about her health issues. 

“Learning that she was still suffering badly made me think again that perhaps she should get another opinion. I was asking if she had done so or if she was only focused on the Lyme disease path.

“I know that she is ill. I was not questioning that, and I wasn’t questioning Yolanda. I was merely suggesting that since all the Lyme disease treatments were not helping her, maybe she and her doctors should consider other possibilities.”

And there you have it.  Another country heard from.