Friday, April 13, 2018

Catelynn Lowell SLAMMED for Going Back to Rehab: Does She Deserve the Hate?

So something funny happened after the season finale of Teen Mom OG aired this week …

Believe it or not, against all odds, Catelynn Lowell became the most hated cast member on the whole entire show.

Or, OK, maybe not the most hated, but if you follow online conversations about Teen Mom, you"ll see that Cate has been getting a whole, whole lot of backlash for what happened during this week"s show.

Does she deserve the criticism for returning to rehab shortly after checking out?

Let"s investigate!

1. Treatment

Catelynn lowell instagram selfie

As we saw this season, Catelynn checked into rehab back in November after she began feeling suicidal. She had a miscarriage and it was very hard for her to handle, so she flew out to Arizona for approximately six weeks of treatment.

2. Doing Well?

Catelynn lowell purple hair

We didn’t see any actual treatment, but we did see Tyler and Nova visit her, along with other family members. As time went on, she seemed happier and happier, and everyone had high hopes that she was doing well there.

3. Not So Fast

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

But then she came home during the season finale. And we quickly saw that she wasn’t doing as well as it seemed.

4. Sad, Sad, Sad

Tyler baltierra catelynn lowell novalee hike pic

She appeared to be disinterested in everything, which, you know, depression. But this time around, fans of the show weren’t as forgiving with her behavior.

5. Poor Everyone

Catelynn lowell tyler baltierra on instagram

We saw her snap at Nova as she was putting her down for a nap, and we saw Tyler bite his tongue about it — he obviously wasn’t comfortable with what was happening.

6. Exhausted

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

Then when they went to go check out the renovations on the house they’d bought, she sat in the corner while Tyler did business. He bit his tongue again when she explained that she was exhausted, because he watched her sleep all night as he continued to deal with insomnia.

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