Monday, July 30, 2018

Demi Lovato BFF Dani Vitale Begs Fans to Stop Sending Death Threats

In the aftermath of Demi Lovato’s overdose and hospitalization, her backup dancer and bff Dani Vitale received death threats from Demi’s own fans.

See, fans think that, because Demi was partying after celebrating Dani’s birthday, that Dani and other friends are somehow to blame for her relapse and overdose.

Dani has finally broken her silence and is imploring Demi’s fans to stop sending death threats to the ones who love Demi the most.

Demi Lovato’s guitarist thinks that Demi’s friends are to blame for her relapse and overdose. Dani Vitale says that no, they all love and care about Demi.

“I care about Demi just like all of you do,” Dani writes on Instagram.

It’s worth noting that she turned off comments on the post. We can only imagine the sort of vitriol that she might otherwise receive under her words.

“I have not said anything about this situation until now,” Dani acknowledges.

Just because you don’t write about it on social media doesn’t mean that you don’t care. Obviously.

Dani explains that her silence is “because her recovery has been of the most importance.”

Dani Vitale message to Demi Lovato fans

“I was not with Demi when the incident happened,” Dani clarifies.

She shouldn’t have to defend herself, of course, but perhaps that explanation will put people’s minds at ease.

“I am with her now,” Dani writes. “And will continue to be because she means the world to me just as she does to all of you.”

Danie emphasizes: “There is no need for any negativity towards the ones who care about Demi at this time.”

“There is too much of it in this world as it is,” she explains. She’s right about that.

Dani’s heart goes out to Demi’s fans, many of whom are young and have never dealt with such a sudden health crisis in a pop star.

“I know you’re all feeling lost without her at this moment in time,” Dani writes.

“Remember,” Dani implores them. “That you have always been a community of Lovatics who LOVE.”

Sometimes, a lot of people forget right and wrong when they’re looking at a screen instead of a person’s face.

Writing a message on social media is not the same as screaming into a void.

Dani asks: “Please remember that when you take out your phones and start typing.”

That’s good advice for anyone, not just for Lovatics.

“Remember that we all love her more than we can ever put into words,” Dani reminds the world.

“Please,” Dani concludes. “Continue to send her love during her recovery.”

Of course.

The sad truth of the matter is that there are cases in which friends are at least partly to blame for an overdose.

Factors like peer pressure aside, if someone provides the wrong dosage or the wrong drug, or if they simply fail to check on a person, that person has not been a good friend and may even bear some responsibility for an overdose.

When people who know very few of the facts of an overdose decide that they know exactly what happened, that’s a problem.

To make matters worse, well, they really should not be sending death threats. To anyone. They should not be bombarding Demi’s loved ones with hate now or at any other time.

And, again, Dani literally wasn’t even there for the overdose.
