Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wendy Williams: Travis Scott Totally Dumped Pregnant Kylie Jenner!

Wendy Williams is once again enjoying one of her favorite pastimes: bullying Kylie Jenner.

See, Wendy has a theory. She thinks that Kylie’s radio silence about her pregnancy isn’t because of body image or shyness or a desire to keep this one part of her life private.

She believes that it’s because Travis Scott left her.

Nobody’s really sure of how Travis Scott fits into this. Is he delighted to have hit the lottery by impregnating a massively wealthy then-19-year-old after only one month of dating?

Or is he horrified to have his young and carefree days behind him as he suddenly becomes a father?

Rumor has it that Travis has cheated on a very pregnant Kylie. If true, that seems unfair to Kylie, even though he probably never asked to be in this situation.

Of course, it’s also been reported that perhaps Travis dumped Kylie on Christmas. The two of them had struggled to agree about how to spend the holidays in the first place, and some wondered if they decided to just call it quits.

This is all speculation, which is tricky because Kylie refuses to make much of anything public.

But Wendy Williams thinks that Kylie’s silence is because she and Travis broke up.

“But Kylie remains silent. Well, why do you think? I guessed right away: because she’s not with Travis Scott anymore.”

She describes what she believes happened with Kylie and Travis.

“Please, that was a split and run, in my mind.”

She explains what that means.

“Like, the condom split, she took the test and was probably like, ‘Oh my god, what do I do now? Travis!"”

Wendy then proposes what she imagines Travis would have said in response:

“He’s like, ‘No, I’m a rock star. You got plenty of money on your own, figure it out … I’ll pay child support from afar."”

if that exchange took place, it probably would have had to have been recent.

After all, Kylie and Travis were spotted together in Houston just before Halloween.

And then they Kylie and Travis were spotted together in late December.

But what Wendy proposes — that Kylie is hiding because she’s embarrassed about Travis having abandoned her after knocking her up — isn’t the wildest celebrity conspiracy theory we’ve heard lately.

“She’s only 20, you know what I mean. Remember when you were 20, you didn’t want anything to do with a baby.”

We don’t often admit to having the same thought at Wendy, but what she said next might as well have been plucked from our own minds:

“But, you know, her 20 is like 35.”

Various people have remarked that Kylie seems old for her age. Not mature, just old. Even when Kylie was just 17, her makeup and attitude made her seem more like Kendall’s young, hot stepmom than like her younger sister.

“She grew up on TV in front of us. She’s got the [mid-life crisis] makeover already.”

This is when Wendy essentially told Kylie to enjoy her ugly baby.

“Just saying.”

Ultimately, Wendy Williams hopes for the best. First of all for the baby itself.

“But 20, with a baby. And then we’re going to be judging her parenting skills.”

Some 20-year-old moms are amazing parents. It’s rare, but it happens. Kylie has resources, a support network, and some clear caretaking instincts that she’s displayed with her dogs. Maybe she’ll beat the odds.

“Is she out with the baby? Does she have a whole bunch of help? Is Travis part of the baby’s life?”

Wendy, believe it or not, also has well wishes for Kylie herself.

“Good luck Kylie.”

And it sounds like Wendy hopes that she’s wrong about Travis.

“And Travis, please do right by this girl!”
