Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wendy Williams to Megyn Kelly: You"re Just a Ratings Whore!

Following a random and very rude rant against Jane Fonda, Megyn Kelly is getting dragged through the angry mud on social media.

And also on television.

By a fellow daytime talk show host, in fact.

On Tuesday’s edition of her self-gratifying program, Wendy Williams focused her ire on the former Fox News anchor, whose move to NBC last year has not exactly gone according to plan.

Kelly has had trouble finding an audience for her hour of TODAY, which may explain why she went hard after Fonda on Monday.

Because Fonda did not appreciate Kelly asking her about her past plastic surgery procedures during an appearance last year, Kelly blasted the actress yesterday as a hypocrite and a troublemaker.

She even went all the way back in time and brought up Fonda’s protests against the Vietnam War as proof of… something, we guess.

That Fonda likes to stir up trouble? It’s unclear.

The speech absolutely reeked of desperation, as noted by many social media users who could not believe what they were witnessing.

To wit:

Because it’s the only thing she knows how to do on air, Williams offered up her two cents regarding the Kelly vs. Fonda feud during her Hot Topics segment today.

“Why are you fighting with her, Megyn Kelly? Is your show still on?” Williams taunted, adding that Kelly was clearly “fishing for ratings” via this stunt.

The thing is, of course, Williams is right.

We despise writing those words, but they ring true.

Still… should Wendy Williams call anyone out for any sort of ratings ploy?

This is the same woman who, just a couple weeks ago, said Kylie Jenner’s baby would be ugly and who slammed Oprah as fat.

Those were just the latest examples of Wendy fishing so hard for ratings and attention that she might as well have filmed the episodes from the Deadliest Catch boat.

In this case, Williams went on to say that Kelly was far too new to the daytime talk show “genre” to bring up the topic of plastic surgery with Fonda.

She seems to think such a personal line of questioning must be earned.

“Here’s my thought, Jane does look great, she’s 80 years-old,” said Williams, adding:

“Stevie Wonder could see that’s not a natural 80, but my thought with that is, Megyn is brand new to this one-hour talk format thing and she’s trying to warm up and do some of the stuff that I do…

“She’s trying to be entertaining and light hearted, and they gave her a boat load of money to do it… It’s just not working out.

“As a conversationalist with a show, I can tell you, one of the things you don’t do when you first meet somebody is zoom in with questions like that.”


Can both women please be wrong in this scenario?

We don’t need to actually choose a side, do we?

Kelly can be a polarizing, conservative ex-Fox News anchor who is failing miserably in her attempt to go mainstream…

… While Williams can be a cruel, opinionated blowhard whose only “skill” is tossing out uninformed hot takes on a daily basis.


Please tell us this is right. We can’t actually pick a winner in this dumb feud.
