Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Jordan Rodgers Writes Open Love Letter to "Best Friend" JoJo Fletcher!

Well, after months of speculation and plenty of spoilers, we finally know the outcome of The Bachelorette Season 12.

Obviously, there are spoilers ahead, so if you didn’t catch last night’s Bachelorette season finale, go do that before you read any further. We’ll be waiting.

Alrighty, now that we’re all on the same page, let’s talk about that final decision.

It seems that either JoJo is a Green Bay Packers fan, or she just hates unexpected twists, because the 25-year-old stopped Robby Hayes from proposing in order to do what just about everyone predicted she would do.

Yes, not only did JoJo choose Jordan Rodgers, brother of famed Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers, we now know that Jordan sealed his victory by getting down on one knee.

Jordan and JoJo are engaged and planning to walk down the aisle at some point in the near future.

We’ll resist cynically pointing out how not-so-well that’s worked out that’s worked out for most couples in the franchise’s history.

Instead, let’s enjoy this lovely Instagram ode to JoJo that Jordan posted last night.

Along with the photo above, Jordan wrote: 

When you look back at your life it’s those little moments when one decision completely changes the course of your life. A few months ago I took a leap of faith that took me on a journey that lead me to the love of my life.

“@joelle_fletcher I love you more than anything! You are the most amazing woman on this planet, you are my best friend, and my rock. You are the best thing I wake up to in the morning and the last thing on my mind at night.

“Today is not the start of our love story, it’s the start of a new chapter. I have grown to love you more and more with every passing day. I loved reliving the greatest day of our life tonight.

“The day we decided to take on the world together. To be fully committed to each other for the rest of our lives. That seems like a long time, but already I know it won’t be nearly long enough.

“I never grow tired of laughing, crying, living, and loving with you, and I never will. Here’s to the next 100 years, and a 100 more after that, because no amount of time is ever long enough to spend with the love of your life.

“You are my everything, and I’m so ready to marry you and do life with you!!

Did it suddenly get dusty in here, or is it just us?

We’ll have all the details on JoJo and Jordan’s wedding plans as they become available.

In the meantime, congrats, you crazy kids!

You’re a lucky man, Jordan!