Showing posts with label Self. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

Briana DeJesus Gifts Self a Ring, Trashes Javi Marroquin

Briana DeJesus has a new ring on her finger.

Because she"s found true love and is engaged? Heck no.

It"s because she has made a promise to herself, at the expense of ex-boyfriend Javi Marroquin, and she wants a piece of jewelry to mark the occasion.

Meaning what, exactly? That"s a fair question.

Scroll down for the answer…

1. A Ring Was Once The Thing

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

As a quick refresher, remember: Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus dated for a few months, toward the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. He even asked her to marry him!

2. He Did?

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus on instagram

Yes, according to a Teen Mom 2 episode that aired this summer. The installment alleged that DeJesus was going to be deployed by the Air Force and wanted to lock Briana down before leaving.

3. Look! We Told You He Got Her a Ring!

Javi ring

Marroquin has made it sound like a proposal never took place, but he hasn’t denied that the photo above is of a ring he purchased for DeJesus.

4. Here. Just Take It!

Javi marroquin and brittany dejesus

DeJesus has said Javi just shoved the ring in her face that never even popped the question, really. “It wasn’t my ideal proposal, and I wasn’t going to accept the ring,” DeJesus explained very simply to a friend.

5. What Was the Problem?

Briana and javi make it official

“He wants to marry me, he wants me to have his children, he wants me to move in with him, there’s a lot of things that he wants,” Briana said to her sister. “I told him, ‘We have some time to think about it, we don’t have to rush."” In other words: The two just wanted different things.

6. Okay. So Why is Briana Shading Marroquin Now?

Briana dejesus a selfie

We have a theory (keep scrolling!), but first a rundown of the shade: On Snapchat, Briana posted a photo of a different ring on her finger.

View Slideshow

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Mac Miller"s New Song "Self Care" Is Not About Ariana Grande

Mac Miller’s new song is seemingly about relationship troubles, but it has nothing to do with his split with Ariana Grande … TMZ has learned.  Mac dropped “Self Care” Friday … a single with lyrics that include, “Well, didn’t know what I was…


Mac Miller"s New Song "Self Care" Is Not About Ariana Grande

Mac Miller’s new song is seemingly about relationship troubles, but it has nothing to do with his split with Ariana Grande … TMZ has learned.  Mac dropped “Self Care” Friday … a single with lyrics that include, “Well, didn’t know what I was…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Donald Trump"s Advice to 25-Year-Old Self: "Don"t Run for President"

Donald Trump definitely has big regrets about being President, based on the advice he says he’d give his much younger self. Trump was either joking — or echoing the thoughts of at least half of the country — during an interview Thursday at…


Friday, August 11, 2017

Kesha Writes Heartbreaking Letter to Her Younger Self

At this point, it’s probably literally impossible to not love Kesha, right?

From the amazing strength she’s shown throughout her recent legal battles to her sincerely wonderful new music, what’s not to love?

She’s just such an inspiration for so many reasons, and it’s so good that so many people are realizing it.

And if you find yourself to be doubting her greatness — or even if you’re well aware of her greatness and would just like to revel in it — you need to check out this letter she wrote to her 18-year-old self.

These days, Kesha is 30 years old, and we know she’s done a whole lot of living in the past 12 years.

But the letter … hold on tight, because it will almost surely tear you up.

“Dear Kesha,” she began the letter, which she read on yesterday’s episode of CBS This Morning.

“At this very moment you may be wondering whether it was really a good idea to drop out of high school. I moved to L.A. with nothing but your grandpa’s Lincoln Town Car and a demo tape.”

“I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news, and I know you’re a tad impatient, so I’ll start with the good news: you made it!”, she continued.

“And thank god because the best plan B we ever came up with was waitressing, and as you will soon find out, that was not really our forte.”

But the bad news, she explained, “is you nearly killed yourself on the road to success, fueled by fear of failure, crippling anxiety, and insecurity.”

“You will become severely bulimic and anorexic — and the worse your disease gets the more praise you will get from some people in your industry, and this will really, really mess with your head.”

“But,” she added, “when you are trying to live up to an unrealistic expectation, it’s never gonna be good enough no matter what you do.”

From there, present-day Kesha gave some advice to her younger self — solid little tips like “don’t read comments on the internet.”

“Don’t let people scare and shame you into changing the things about yourself that make you unique and interesting,” she wrote. “Those are the qualities that will make your life so magical.”

“That bad girl, ‘I don’t give a sh-t’ attitude, that’ll work for a while and you will get a dollar sign tattooed on yourself that will last forever, probably.”

“But the truth is, you don’t need to put on an act. You can just be Kesha Rose Sebert. And guess what? Apparently that’s good enough.”

It’s enough to bring a tear to your eye, isn’t it?

“You must be strong because over time you will gain confidence and people will learn that words and art do matter,” Kesha continued.

She told little Kesha that she’d grow up to write a song called “Rainbow,” and “you’re gonna be really proud of it because there is light and beauty after the storm no matter how hard things get.”

“You’re gonna write this song to remember to make it through and you’re gonna remind yourself to love yourself and if you have truth in your heart there will always be a rainbow at the end of the storm,” she finished.

It’s a lovely letter, and it’s proof of just how far Kesha has come.

So proud of you, girl!


Sunday, June 25, 2017

DJ Self Denies He Set Safaree Up to Get a Meek Mill Beatdown

DJ Self is denying the buzz that he set Safaree Samuels up when Safaree was attacked Friday by Meek Mill’s crew. DJ now says he’s speaking out to protect his rep, saying, “I rock with both of them and do not like to get in between people’s beef.”…


Friday, June 16, 2017

Jacob Stockdale: Wife Swap Star Murders Mother, Brother; Turns Gun on Self

Tragic news out of Ohio today, as TMZ is reporting that 25-year-old Jacob Stockdale has murdered his mother and brother at the family’s home in Stark County.

Stockdale then turned the gun on himself, but reportedly survived the blast.

The renowned fiddler, who appeared in a memorable episode of the ABC reality series Wife Swap, is currently in critical condition.

A police spokesperson says Jacob shot himself in an apparent suicide attempt just as deputies arrived on the scene.

There is no official word on what led to the murders.

Jacob’s 54-year-old mother, Katherine, and his 21-year-old brother James were pronounced dead on the scene.

Jacob was trasported to a nearby hospital via helicopter and is expected to survive.

The Stockdales made their living traveling throughout the Midwest, performing as a family bluegrass band.

When they were at home, however, they pursued a lifestyle of rural isolation and self-sufficiency, homeschooling their children on a secluded farm where television, Internet, and other modern conveniences were banned for religious reasons.

Stockdale Family Photo

Jacob Stockdale was found at the door of the home, where he had apparently been on the lookout for police.

Stark County Sheriff George T. Maier declined to comment on where the other bodies were found.

Stockdale also did not comment on whether or not the remaining members of the Stockdale family – a father and two sons – were at home at the time of the murders.

The father, Tim Stockdale, issued a statement about his late wife moments ago:

“Kathy has been my beloved wife of 32 years and a wonderful mother to our four sons,” he told local media outlets.

“She loved nothing more than being a mother and grandmother. She had a strong love of learning and was passionate about her Christian faith, natural health, and organic farming.”

Since 2004, the Stockdales had been traveling and performing as a band that, according to their website, “prides itself on sharing bluegrass north of the Mason-Dixon line.”

They performed as recently as Tuesday, and had concerts scheduled throughout the summer.

Friends of the family say Jacob never gave any indication of having any hostility toward his parents or a tendency toward violence.

We will have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Demi Lovato Shills For Weight Loss Tea as Self Love, Fans Go Ham

Demi Lovato has become a body-positivity “champion” in recent years, and for good reason. The 24-year-old is a strong role model.

Since announcing her struggles with eating disorders and mental health issues, she’s been renowned for her candor and message.

So what’s the issue?

Lovato is a spokeswoman for the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), and as a noted ED survivor herself, she fits the bill.

Fans were shocked, however, after the singer posted a photo promoting “detox tea” and a vexing message on her vaunted Instagram.

“This year is all about #selflove truly taking care of myself and exercising has changed everything for me,” she captioned the picture.

“@teamiblends has #sponsored my 30 day detox challenge to help get rid of toxins and my bloating for summer,” adds Demi.

“I’m on Day 7 right now and it’s so easy!”

“I just drink their tea every single day in my favorite purple tumbler. I love taking it to shoots and the studio with me.”

“If you are ready to be your best YOU this summer, use my Code: DEMI for 20% off your detox program when you check out!”

“I want all of you to do the challenge!”

The issue, if it wasn’t abundantly clear, is that “detox teas” are 1. fairly unhealthy and 2. usually touted as weight-loss products.

In fairness, Lovato didn’t outright promote the tea for weight loss purposes, but the implication is such that fans were unhappy.

Many believe that even such teas can be triggers for people with eating disorders, as they are often misused as laxatives or purgers.

Moreover, the health community is divided on such drinks in general as it is believed that they can cause a myriad of problems.

Heidi R

Needless to say, Lovato was quickly taken to task for irresponsible promotion by many of her 57 million Instagram followers.

“How has detox tea something to do with self love and eating disorerrecovery?” @heidirecovering wrote in the comments. 

“Self love is about accepting oneself, not detoxing. I used to look up to you, but this is the lowest point ever.”

Fans called her out for pushing such a thing on people who view her as a role model thanks to her own struggles with bulimia.

@thebalanced.babe wrote, “I love you Demi, but please.”

Balanced B

“Ask yourself why would you advertise something so damaging to people struggling with EDs, disordered eating, and more.”

“Impressionable young people to look up to you.”

Others were less harsh, but still un-enthralled.

“Please take this post down Demi, a laxative will NOT make me the best me,” urged another Lovatic, @selenamyqueef.

The guise of “self-love” was what really left her army of followers steamed, and @chooselifewarrior, for one, took her to TASK on Snapchat:


Look, obviously Demi is a very well-meaning girl.

She’s built up a lot of credibility at this point, being open and honest about her body image issues and self-esteem struggles for years.

Those Demi Lovato swimsuit pics she’s been flaunting lately are jaw-dropping, as is the incredible confidence level she’s shown.

There isn’t anything wrong with wanting to change one’s body, or sharing your experiences with others who follow you on social media.

Using questionable products to do so, however?

Especially products potentially harmful for people with eating disorders – many of whom look up to Demi for exactly that reason?

The star and NEDA have yet to comment, but we expect some kind of response soon, given the current backlash against this plug.


Monday, February 13, 2017

Donald Trump Humilates Self with Inauguration Portrait

We should probably amend the headline above, we know.

After all, one must be capable of feeling shame in order to be humiliated.

And, of all the qualities Donald Trump has exhibited ever since become a candidate for President of the United States, one likely stands out among all the rest:

Complete and utter shamelessness.

So that’s our mistake, we’ll readily admit.

But it’s nothing compared to the mistake Trump and his team just made in releasing the Commander-in-Chief’s official inauguration portrait.

The portrait features Trump, his very awkward smile and the following words:

No dream is too big, no challenge is to great. Nothing we want for the future is beyond our reach. 

Sounds great, right? Sounds like a nice and inspiring message, one that folks across both aisles can agree on?

Sure. Except Trump included a misspelling in the message.

It’s a common typo (mistaking one form of “too” for the another form of “to”) for anyone just learning to master the English language, but it’s not the sort of typo that should be made by the leader of the free world.

Or a fifth grader, really, for that matter.

Here. We’ve highlighted the snafu below:

oops in portrait

The photograph went on sale by the Library of Congress shop for $ 16.95, with a sales plug that said this portrait “captures the essence of Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency of the United States.”

That’s pretty much accurate, isn’t it?

Over the last year or so, Trump has written the following words on Twitter:

“Payed,” big “shoker,” “loose” instead of lose, “big honer” and “leightweight choker.”

Earlier this month, his administration also released a list of terrorist attacks that it claimed the media has not paid proper attention to over the years.

On this rundown, the word “attacker” was repeatedly misspelled as “attaker.”

But nothing, of course, will ever top the time that Trump Tweeted about a diplomatic crisis, claiming that China committed an “unpresidented act.”

trump typo

Along these forehead-slapping lines, Trump nominated Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education and Congress confirmed the wholly unqualified candidate last week.

On Sunday, the Department of Education Tweeted about civil rights activist “W.E.B. DeBois,” which anyone with an actual education knows by his real name, W.E.B. Du Bois.

The department realized its mistake and went on to offer its deepest apologies… but it also misspelled this Mea Culpa as “our deepest apologizes.”

This all really happened.

We’d say it was some kind of strategy to make Trump and his loose grip on spelling look a bit better, except THESE PEOPLE ARE TOTALLY AND COMPLETE F-CKING MORONS AND THEY HAVE NO STRATEGY.

We’re all screwed.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Dog Sacrifices Self to Save Baby in House Fire

There’s a reason why John Stamos got so emotional when saying goodbye to his best friend recently.

There’s also a reason why the entire country stopped and paid tribute to a very special dog back in June.

And the story below helps encapsulate these reasons…

Earlier this month in Baltimore, a woman named Erika Poremski ran to her car to quickly grab an item.

She was scarcely gone for more than a few minutes, but that was enough time for her home to become engulfed by flames.

Poremski was tragically alerted to this fact when she heard the screams of her six-month old daughter, Viviana.

In response, Erika and her neighbors desperately tried to climb the stairs to reach the child and also her six-year old dog, Polo.

But the fire was too powerful. She had to turn around after suffering burns to her hands and face.

“[My daughter] was up the stairs, but the fire [and] smoke was so heavy I couldn’t get past it,” Poremski told a local news outlet.

“I kept running back out and back in, trying to get up there. Then, the door curling started falling and I couldn’t get back in…[I didn’t even] see all the skin was off my hand from grabbing the rail and it melted off.”

Poremski called after Polo to escape the flames, but the dog did not response.

We later learned why.

Fire department

According to firefighters who eventually arrived on the scene and rescued Viviana, they found Polo’s body inside the child’s room, draped over the baby.

“That way nothing got to her. She only had burns on her side because of it,” Poremski said of her dog’s actions.

“He stayed with her the whole time in the bedroom and wouldn’t even come downstairs to get out the door.”

Viviana has burns on about 19% of her body as a result of the fire, but at least she’s alive.

The same, sadly, cannot be said of Polo.

“He was my first baby before Viv. He was like my child,” said Erika of Polo. “He followed us everywhere.”

Poremski is obviously beyond grateful that her child is alive.

But her beloved dog is dead and Viviana still needs a great deal of medical attention.

“He was everything to me along with my daughter,” she says of Polo.

“I’m losing everything I love in the blink of an eye. I feel like I’m drowning and can’t get out.”

A relative has set up a GoFundMe account for Viviana’s medical expenses. You can click on the preceding link to donate to it.

Dog Sacrifices Self to Save Baby in House Fire

There’s a reason why John Stamos got so emotional when saying goodbye to his best friend recently.

There’s also a reason why the entire country stopped and paid tribute to a very special dog back in June.

And the story below helps encapsulate these reasons…

Earlier this month in Baltimore, a woman named Erika Poremski ran to her car to quickly grab an item.

She was scarcely gone for more than a few minutes, but that was enough time for her home to become engulfed by flames.

Poremski was tragically alerted to this fact when she heard the screams of her six-month old daughter, Viviana.

In response, Erika and her neighbors desperately tried to climb the stairs to reach the child and also her six-year old dog, Polo.

But the fire was too powerful. She had to turn around after suffering burns to her hands and face.

“[My daughter] was up the stairs, but the fire [and] smoke was so heavy I couldn’t get past it,” Poremski told a local news outlet.

“I kept running back out and back in, trying to get up there. Then, the door curling started falling and I couldn’t get back in…[I didn’t even] see all the skin was off my hand from grabbing the rail and it melted off.”

Poremski called after Polo to escape the flames, but the dog did not response.

We later learned why.

Fire department

According to firefighters who eventually arrived on the scene and rescued Viviana, they found Polo’s body inside the child’s room, draped over the baby.

“That way nothing got to her. She only had burns on her side because of it,” Poremski said of her dog’s actions.

“He stayed with her the whole time in the bedroom and wouldn’t even come downstairs to get out the door.”

Viviana has burns on about 19% of her body as a result of the fire, but at least she’s alive.

The same, sadly, cannot be said of Polo.

“He was my first baby before Viv. He was like my child,” said Erika of Polo. “He followed us everywhere.”

Poremski is obviously beyond grateful that her child is alive.

But her beloved dog is dead and Viviana still needs a great deal of medical attention.

“He was everything to me along with my daughter,” she says of Polo.

“I’m losing everything I love in the blink of an eye. I feel like I’m drowning and can’t get out.”

A relative has set up a GoFundMe account for Viviana’s medical expenses. You can click on the preceding link to donate to it.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Jennifer Aniston Breaks Down, Admits to Self Doubt

Jennifer Aniston is sick of pretending at this point.

Does it bother her that tabloids constantly run cover stories that purport to display her baby bump?

That she is faced with questions over an alleged pregnancy every other week?

Yes, it sure does. 

And Aniston finally went off on the celebrity gossip culture earlier this week, especially the way it treats and depicts women.

She was roundly praised for her essay on the subject in The Huffington Post.

Then, over the weekend, Aniston was brought to tears by a young jury member at the 46th Annual Giffoni Film Festival, which took part on Italy’s Amalfi Coast.

The girl was among a group of young folks from around the globe brought to judge the annual youth festival.

She asked the former Friends star if she ever woke up in the morning and questioned who she was, which prompted tears to well up in Aniston’s eyes and for her to answer as follows.

“Yes, that moment has happened to me. There’s not enough fingers and toes in this entire room to count how many times that moment has happened.”

Pretty honest, us?

Stars. We guess they really are just like us, after all.

Added Aniston in response to the juror’s profound question:

“We’re all human beings at the end of the day, whether we’re a waitress or we’re a baker or we’re a student – whatever we are, at the end of the day, you can kind of hit walls and think:

‘I can’t go any farther’ or ‘This is too much, my heart can’t take it’ or ‘The pain is too great’ or ‘Am I good enough?’ or, ‘Will I survive?’

“And you just have to sort of, somehow, miraculously overcome. You just go, ‘I can.’ Yes, you can.”

Aniston was honored at the event with the film festival’s lifetime achievement award.

She took questions from the large group of children that touched on such topics as being a woman in Hollywood and what life is like for an actress of her stature.

“Know that your actors, your idols, your icons – whatever you call them – have all had that experience or that moment in their lives, many many times,” she said in reference to personal insecurities.

This is the case even for those with an awesome husband and support system.

“There’s nothing that separates us from you because we all started at the same place,” she said. “We all came out of nowhere… don’t punish yourself, if you feel that.”

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Duggar Drama: Business Owner Distances Self From Controversial Family

Yesterday, a photo of the several members of the Duggar family at a frozen yogurt shop ignited a mini-controversy.

The owners of Sweet Loring Frozen Yogurt in Laredo, Texas (home of Jinger Duggar’s new boyfriend, Jeremy Vuolo) decided to post the pic on their social media pages.

Anyone who thought the controversy surrounding the former 19 Kids and Counting clan had died down need only read the comments on Sweet Loring’s post to see that many Facebook and Twitter users have no intention of allowing the Josh Duggar sex scandals to be swept back under the rug. 

“@SweetLoring Obviously your business is anti gay, woman and transgender. No thank you,” wrote one commenter.

Another noted that several businesses have already cut ties with the Duggars by pulling their advertising dollars from Jill & Jessa: Counting On, writing:

“@SweetLoring Having TLC’s Duggar family promote your place is not a good thing. Over 1,000 advertisers have dropped this family.”

On every major social media platform, the photo was bombarded with similar comments, with many calling for a boycott of Sweet Loring.

Needless to say, the proprietors quickly learned a lesson that so many politicians and former TLC advertisers already knew: 

These days, the Duggars don’t make good business partners.

The post was quickly deleted, and the shop issued the following apology:

“On behalf of Sweet Loring we apologize for all the distress our post has caused; We do not support the views of the Duggar family, that was not our intention.

“We respect our community however we do not condone negative comments of any sort on our page therefore we will be removing the post. And again we welcome Everyone to our Shop.”

Hopefully the folks in Laredo and the online community will be accepting of the apology.

Using the Duggars to promote your business isn’t the brightest idea, but folks who work in the FroYo biz in Texas bordertowns probably don’t see many celebs.

Let’s chalk the pic up to the owner being momentarily star struck and move along, mmm-kay?

Monday, May 23, 2016

Britney Spears Did Her 2000 VMAs Self Proud at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards


Last night, Britney Spears performed a medley of her greatest hits at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards.

Wearing little more than fishnets and a few strands of sparkly red fabric, Brit KILLED IT on stage and reminded us of how unique the Brit of Yore once was.

She even made us LOLz a bit.

“After tonight… All I really want is a cheeseburger,” Spears posted to Instagram with a photo of her ridiculous body.

The show took place in Las Vegas, where Spears has a residency at Planet Hollywood. Last September, Spears announced that she’ll be staying on for two more years.

For those of you old enough to remember when the MTV Video Music Awards were awesome, I invite you to reminisce about Spears’ performance of “Oops!…I Did It Again” (with a “Satisfaction” intro that no one will ever forget) in 2000.

Sometimes when I think about trying to diet (again), I play the video and watch the late 90s/early naughts princess of pop essentially ruin it for everyone who planned to come after her.

Many have attempted to top it, no has succeeded.

Heidi Montag thought she may have nailed it when she dressed up like Spears at the 2009 Miss Universe Pageant and lip synced her way through “Body Language,” but she failed on so many accounts.  FAILED!

True, Spears is notorious for lip syncing, but she’s better at dancing.  

Christina Aguilera is better at singing, and we never expected her to do anything beyond making genie moves with her hands.  

For either woman to try and top the other would upset the balance of nature.

It almost makes you forget what happened at the 2007 MTV VMAs; the then-troubled singer phoned in her performance of “Gimme More.”

It was horrific.  You could almost see the cloudy haze of sedatives swirling around Spears’ head.

“The production people at MTV were freaking out. Nobody can tell Britney what to do anymore. No one can control her. She is a mess,” a source told the New York Post afterwards.

Prior to getting on stage, Spears got her buzz on.

 “She went to her hotel and ordered a bunch of food and some margaritas,” the source said.

“She came down an hour later with a frozen margarita in her hand.”

The past is in the past.  Let’s relive last night’s performance!

Britney Spears Did Her 2000 VMAs Self Proud at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards


Last night, Britney Spears performed a medley of her greatest hits at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards.

Wearing little more than fishnets and a few strands of sparkly red fabric, Brit KILLED IT on stage and reminded us of how unique the Brit of Yore once was.

She even made us LOLz a bit.

“After tonight… All I really want is a cheeseburger,” Spears posted to Instagram with a photo of her ridiculous body.

The show took place in Las Vegas, where Spears has a residency at Planet Hollywood. Last September, Spears announced that she’ll be staying on for two more years.

For those of you old enough to remember when the MTV Video Music Awards were awesome, I invite you to reminisce about Spears’ performance of “Oops!…I Did It Again” (with a “Satisfaction” intro that no one will ever forget) in 2000.

Sometimes when I think about trying to diet (again), I play the video and watch the late 90s/early naughts princess of pop essentially ruin it for everyone who planned to come after her.

Many have attempted to top it, no has succeeded.

Heidi Montag thought she may have nailed it when she dressed up like Spears at the 2009 Miss Universe Pageant and lip synced her way through “Body Language,” but she failed on so many accounts.  FAILED!

True, Spears is notorious for lip syncing, but she’s better at dancing.  

Christina Aguilera is better at singing, and we never expected her to do anything beyond making genie moves with her hands.  

For either woman to try and top the other would upset the balance of nature.

It almost makes you forget what happened at the 2007 MTV VMAs; the then-troubled singer phoned in her performance of “Gimme More.”

It was horrific.  You could almost see the cloudy haze of sedatives swirling around Spears’ head.

“The production people at MTV were freaking out. Nobody can tell Britney what to do anymore. No one can control her. She is a mess,” a source told the New York Post afterwards.

Prior to getting on stage, Spears got her buzz on.

 “She went to her hotel and ordered a bunch of food and some margaritas,” the source said.

“She came down an hour later with a frozen margarita in her hand.”

The past is in the past.  Let’s relive last night’s performance!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Leah Messer Defends Self in Iconic, Inspirational Twitter Essay: I"m Not a Nun, I"m a Classy Mom!

This year has been a difficult one for Leah Messer, as you know all too well if you watch Teen Mom 2 online or read celebrity gossip.

Yet all of the criticism and life challenges she’s faced – and overcome – have made her stronger, Messer writes in an epic Twitter essay.

The 24-year-old mom of three is embroiled in an ongoing custody battle with one ex-husband, while going through a divorce with another.

Her issues with Corey Simms and Jeremy Calvert are well documented, along with her daughter Ali’s weight loss and health problems.

Every single Teen Mom 2 episode (and day in the celebrity news world) seems to feature a new example of Leah being a bad mom.

Whether it’s getting the kids to school late, texting and/or smoking and driving, or letting Adalynn eat from a can of icing, she can do no right.

And yet, Messer insists she is in a “beautiful place” now, thanks in large part to a stronger relationship with God … and her life coach.

She wrote all about it in this epic Twitter essay urging her legion of followers to “Pay My Grammar NO MIND – Just simply give me time.”

Messer added that she is #‎GettingBETTEReveryday and that we all should have #Patience or at least strive to do so as our life’s mission.

The reality star went on to describe the meaning of her tattoos, where she draws inspiration from and how she plans to improve spiritually.

Here is the full text of what Leah said (as documented by Starcasm) beginning with this “I’m not a nun, I’m a mom” pic that she also shared: 

“This is actually the first time I’ve said much about me or my life because you see me on TV or hear BS Teen Mom/Small Town Gossipers.”

“But you will realize how I proudly choose to be above all the BS w/ any of it. Mainly because I know God has a greater plan for myself!”

“What everyone automatically wants to pass judgement, lie, and/or assume about myself or Journey really doesn’t even matter.”

“As long as God knows my [heart]. At the end of the day, HIS judgement is what truly matters!Any how, back to the picture quote I reposted.”

“It is so true! I prefer to be a classy mom! (: I loveee loveeeeee my tattoos. Matter of fact, Each one has a special meaning behind them.”

“Example: My daughters names. They are all professionally done. I also like being able to cover them during interviews, public speakings, etc.”

“The point in posting this is …. Drum rolls. Haha…. We as “MOMS” don’t have to live by someone else’s criteria. We should live up to our own criteria.”

“Who and what we wanna be and achieve! You have to …. Live up to your own standard!!! We have to create our own journey.”

“Be DIFFERENT and EMBRACE whatever we go through. I’ve learned so many things in the past year that has turned my life completely around for the best!”

Inspiring words to be sure. Messer then went on to describe to fans the “3 things that I have learned that I plan helping others learn.”

What kind of things is she talking about – and could she resist taking a shot at MTV for what she claims is unfair editing of her existence?

We know Messer is fed up and threatening to quit Teen Mom 2, but she sounds resigned to the fact that this is the only life she knows …

“1. How to maintain and grow a magnificent relationship with God. I’ve found a different growth in my relationships with him like NEVER before. It’s truly inspirational and amazing! I’m in love.”

“2. Taking time to just LIVE IN EACH AND EVERY MOMENT/DAY/SECOND of my life with my beautiful little girls. That are of course the best things that’s ever happened to me!”

“#‎ExtremelyBlessed #‎AAA #‎HOPE #‎GRACE #‎FAITH! I only THOUGHT my relationship with my daughters was quite remarkable before.”

“The relationship I have with my girls now is quite magical and amazing to feel!”

“3. I’ve learned How to take care of myself: MENTALLY PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY & by having a Life coach like Lindsay Rielly.”

“Through the @liveyourstandard program, this has been the best experience of my life and has completely changed my life.”

“God KNEW what he was doing when he brought YOU into my life, and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for our future!”

“You’re more than my manager, and Friend!”

“You have already taught me so much and how to love myself, be the best of myself, be a better mother, and most importantly that everything you have taught me is teaching me to be a Beautiful, Classy, successful, and empowering woman.”

“In return I will teach my daughters as well as others! You with the help of God have opened my eyes to what I want, need, and where one day I will be.”

“As a child I was never taught this and when my mom was a child she was never taught this.”

“My personal experience was totally opposite. I put everyone and everything before myself.”

“This is also why in some ways I am GRATEFUL for MTV through all of their BS, and I’ve never said that its ALL bs.”

“MTV does get real sh!t, and then they have to twist sh!t or whatever they do. We all know it happens and it’s going to happen.”

“I know it will get better, and I can’t wait for everyone that does follow my story and can see through whatever editing is done to see what a beautiful place I am in now, and that God walked me through some pretty difficult times for a very good reason!”

“So I do have a somewhat Bitter/Sweet relationship with some of them. It would actually be kinda hard living any other life now.”

In closing, she thanked her “team” of close friends and associates who have played such an important roll [sic] to her success:

“I appreciate you guys! I also just want to THANK everyone that DID support me and rooted for me! We need more people just like you in this world!”

“#‎BeYourBest #‎LoveYourself #‎LiveYourStandard”

“#‎LetsChangeTheWorld #‎LetsMakeADifference”

Here’s hoping Leah backs these words up with actions and becomes every bit the woman she aspires to be in this moving masterpiece.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Kylie Jenner So Enraptured With Self in Mirror, Completely Ignores Rob

We"ve known for a long time that Kylie Jenner was morphing into Kim Kardashian, but this is absolute proof.

Kylie was hanging out with her sister Kendall Jenner and brother Rob Kardashian at the home of her dad, Caitlyn Jenner.

That"s the good news.

The bad news is, Kylie seems to prefer the company of her reflection.

Rob catches his half-sister admiring herself, and probably Snapchatting a selfie, in the bathroom mirror.

He tries to get her attention by calling out to her.

"Hey. Hey! YO!" he says in a video on his own Snapchat.

But Kylie is so mesmerized by her own reflection that all outside noise has gone nil.

That, or she just can"t be bothered.

Mind you, Rob is standing in the doorway about three feet away from her, so if she can"t hear him, she"s deaf.

After Rob"s efforts have failed, Caitlyn shouts, "KYLIE!" and she finally turns around, looking like a deer in the headlights.

Who, me?

Sorry, I"m just trying to get the perfect angle here. I"m not used to Dad"s lighting scheme. 

There"s no shortage of self-love in the house that narcissism built.


Kylie jenner so enraptured with self in mirror completely ignore

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Courtney Stodden Posts Makeup-Free Selfie, Praises Self for Bravery

Courtney Stodden is putting her hard-earned image as porn star Barbie aside to commit a truly commendable act of courage.

WOW, what did she do, you ask?

Run into a burning building to save a stray kitten? Well… no.

Stand up against rebel fighters threatening to silence women’s rights activists? Um, not exactly.

What, then? What exquisite gesture was proffered by the underage bride that is garnering such applause?

She posted a photo of herself to Instagram without ANY MAKEUP on.

“NO MAKEUP … NO HAIRSPRAY… NO FANCY CLOTHES… NO FILTER ‼️ just me. #BeingBrave,” she wrote in the caption.

While it’s true that we normally see Courtney with a fully painted face, we can’t help but feel chagrined at the reminder that sexism is not only alive but kicking when the world thinks a #NoMakeup selfie constitutes an act of bravery for women.

But then again, who’s actually looking at her face in the pic above? Egads, it’s like she’s got three heads.

Courtney and her mom Krista Keller have emerged as the breakout trainwreck team on The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition this season – which is saying a lot given that Heidi Montag and Kim Richards also star in the show.

First, Courtney accused Krista of trying to steal her husband Doug Hutchison, the 55-year-old actor the young blonde married when she was just 16.

Then Krista defended herself by turning the tables and revealing that it was Doug who made the moves by coming to her for emotional support and expressing fantasies of a mother/daughter threesome with the pair.

It’s not tough to see why Courtney’s values may just be a teensy bit out of whack.

We think Courtney looks great without the glam, but can’t wait for the day when makeup isn’t regarded as a basic requirement for women – even moderately famous ones.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Justin Bieber Throws Self Early Birthday Bash: Who Was Invited?

It’s about to be Justin Bieber’s birthday…

… and he’ll invite all the ex-lovers he wants to.

The artist, who turns 22 years old on March 1, threw himself a wild and crazy party a couple days early this past Saturday.

It was held at a mansion in Bel-Air and it included a couple of guests who have allegedly both seen Justin Bieber naked.

According to various sources, per Us Weekly, both Kourtney Kardashian and Hailey Baldwin stopped by the shindig.

Kourtney, of course, was linked romantically to Bieber toward the end of 2015, with multiple outlets reporting that Kardashian was hooking up with Justin.

But Bieber then kicked off 2016 by taking a vacation with Baldwin, a young model who has pretty much confirmed that she’s having sex with Bieber.

Others in attendance at this early birthday party included Scooter Braun, Joe Jonas and Sean “Diddy” Combs.

The music mogul gifted The Biebs with a Bad Boy letterman jacket that Bieber tried on in front of guests at one point.

“Had to give lil bro that official #BadBoy Jacket for his Birthday,” the rapper captioned an Instagram post that referenced the event over the weekend.

Kardashian, meanwhile, posed in a photo booth with some of Bieber’s closest friends, most notably good call Alfredo Flores, who posted the image on Instagram:

Then there was Braun who is also the singer’s longtime manager and who Instgrammed another photo, writing as a caption:

“All grown up. Happy bday @justinbieber. Love yah buddy.”

Finally, as a present in honor of Bieber’s birthday, we present the following Justin Bieber shirtless photos to our readers. You’er welcome!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Miley Cyrus Paints Self Pink, Eats Pizza in "Fairy Garden"

Miley Cyrus has put away her pacifier and picked up some pizza.

The singer, who literally acts like a big baby in her latest music video, is posing here for photographer Vijat Mohindra on behalf of Paper Magazine.

And, in case you aren’t sure what’s going on, the artist is very glad to explain… as only Miley Cyrus can.

“I was so sober, I painted myself pink to enjoy a slice in my fairy garden,” Cyrus says, adding:

“I’ve never tried any psychedelics, but I’m not against it. LOL.”

The 23-year old, of course, has always been very open about her love of marijuana, but seems to claim here that she’s never done truly hardcore drugs.

Miley is donning a shower cap (and not much else) for the picture, noting that you may not even notice what else is featured in the image.

“The very small people you see in the bottom right frame are actually just shrunken reflections of my inner self.”

Well, yes. Right. Come on. We knew that, Miley!

As you can see above, Miley shed most of her clothing for a previous spread in Paper Magazine, so we guess this snapshot is actually conservative in nature by comparison.

In her the aforementioned video for “BB Talk,” the singer belts out lyrics while going from her crib to a bubble bath, saying at one point:

“I don’t know what the f-ck I want.”

But that’s clearly not true. Miley wants to eat pizza while covered in pink paint.

We mean, d’uh!