Showing posts with label Essay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essay. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Rob Delaney Pens Powerful Essay on Late Son"s Cancer Battle

Early this year, Rob Delaney’s young son tragically died. His 2-year-old son fought and lost a battle against a fatal brain tumor.

Now, eight months later, the still-grieving comedian has released the first excerpts of his book, which he had been writing when it looked like his son was going to make it.

This is heavy, powerful stuff, and very much worth reading.

On Medium, Rob Delaney shares pieces of the book that he has written about his late son.

“I may wish Henry wasn’t in the hospital and it may make me f–king sick that my kids haven’t lived under the same roof for over a year,” Delaney writes in one excerpt.

“But I’m always, always happy to enter the hospital every morning and see him,” Delaney says. “It’s exciting every day to walk into his room and see him and see him see me.”

“The surgery to remove his tumor left him with Bell’s palsy on the left side of his face, so it’s slack and droops,” he describes. “His left eye is turned inward too, due to nerve damage.”

“But the right side of his face is incredibly expressive, and that side brightens right up when I walk into the room,” he writes.

“There’s no doubt about what kind of mood he’s in, ever,” Denaley continues.

“It’s particularly precious when he’s angry because seeing the contrast between a toddler’s naked rage in one half of his face and an utterly placid chubby chipmunk cheek and wandering eye in the other,” Delaney explains.

He goes on to say that it “is shocking in a way that makes me and my wife and whatever combination of nurses and/or doctors are in the room laugh every time.”

“And when he smiles, forget about it,” Delaney beams. “A regular baby’s smile is wonderful enough.”

In contrast, he writes: “When a sick baby with partial facial paralysis smiles, it’s golden. Especially if it’s my baby.”

Delaney also speaks of the earliest signs of his son’s illness, which began normally enough — with Henry vomiting in 2016. Babies do that sometimes.

What made it worse was that he continued to do so.

“Henry was losing weight,” Delaney writes. “Every time he vomited I would freak out. I would feed him so gently, so slowly, and assume I’d done something wrong when he vomited.”

Delaney blamed himself over the medical mystery. “Why, if I’d been able to feed Henry’s ravenous, feral older brothers, couldn’t I feed him?”

“My baby was getting smaller,” Delaney writes. “And that is a f–ked up thing to see.”

“I would often start crying whenever he threw up,” Delaney admits. “I would try not to cry in front of his older brothers and fail.”

“And they’d ask why,” Delaney continues. “And I would say it was because I was scared.”

It was only after a friend suggesting seeing his child’s pediatrician that Henry, still a baby, was given an MRI.

The doctor already suspected that a mass might be forcing Henry to vomit uncontrollably, but did not say the word “tumor” until Rob Delaney said it first.

Henry ended up having drastic brain surgery — the one that resulted in his aforementioned lazy eye and partial facial paralysis. But it was not enough.

Delaney shares that he wrote about these experiences before his family got the worst news of their lives.

“The above was part of a book proposal I put together before Henry’s tumor came back and we learned that he would die,” Delaney explains.

Understandably, “I stopped writing when we saw the new, bad MRI.”

“My wife and his brothers and I just wanted to be with him around the clock and make sure his final months were happy,” Delaney writes. “And they were.”

He adds that he’s putting his writings out there for his intended audience — other parents of very sick children.


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Alyson Stoner Pens Emotional Essay About Her Sexuality, Moves Readers to Tears

Alyson Stoner, a former Disney Channel and movie star, has penned a very personal and extremely powerful essay for Teen Vogue.

Titled “How I Embraced My Sexual Identity,” the piece chronicles Stoner’s journey to bisexuality, although we should note that Stoner never used this term.

In the essay, the 24-year old never puts any sort of label or definition on this path or on her conclusion, simply writing that she realizes she’s now attracted to men and women.

The revelation of her preferences started when Stoner found herself “mesmerized and intimidated” upon attending a dance workshop and meeting her female instructor.

“After I dizzied myself from doing knee spins, she walked toward me to correct my form,” Stoner writes for Teen Vogue, adding:

“My heart raced wildly and my body grew hot. Was I nervous to fail in front of an expert? Was I breathing heavily from being out of shape?

“Her smile was the most electrifying thing I’d ever seen.”

Following this class, Stoner texted her mom, to whom she is very close. This is what the text read at the time:

“I met a woman today, I’m not sure who she is or what I’m feeling, but I think she’s going to be in my life for a very long time.”

Stoner has appeared in movies such as Step Up and Cheaper by the Dozen, along with Disney shows like The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

As actress-turned-singer got to know the dance instructor better, she struggled with her feelings that weren’t “quite sisterly or platonic.”

She was confused.

“I realized I had never fantasized about a guy this way, nor really ever felt comfortable dating guys,” she explains, elaborating as follows:

“Come to think of it, I stared at women’s bodies more than anything. But wasn’t that just societal conditioning or the unattainable beauty standards that fuel comparison and objectification?

“I refused to entertain other possibilities.”

Still, despite not being sure what was going on, Stoner and this other woman began spending a great deal of time together.

One evening, the pair made dinner and watched Orange is the New Black together and…

“We vented and supported each other. Then cuddled. Then kissed and kissed some more.”

This is when Stoner realized:

“OK, we were in a relationship. I fell in love with a woman.”

It’s unclear at what age this happened, but Stoner admits to attending therapy for years in order to figure herself out.

‘In its purest sense, I felt awakened, more compassionate and like my truest self,” she writes.

“She strengthened and inspired me, creating a space for me to discover myself without judgment. We were an example of true love.”

in camp rock

Stoner had “misconceptions” about the LGBT community, she says, adding that she wondered how this personal revelation would affect her job.

‘Some people in the industry warned me that I’d ruin my career, miss out on possible jobs, and potentially put my life in danger if I ever came out.

‘My dream and all I’d worked tirelessly for since the age of 6 was suddenly at risk by my being . . . true to myself.”

She prayed on it. She battled internally.

But, in the end, she could no longer deny how she felt and what she believes.

“I, Alyson, am attracted to men, women, and people who identify in other ways,” she concludes.

“I can love people of every gender identity and expression. It is the soul that captivates me.

“It is the love we can build and the goodness we can contribute to the world by supporting each other’s best journeys.”

So well said all around.

We salute you, Alyson Stoner.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Lena Dunham Reveals She Had a Hysterectomy in Heartbreaking Essay

A lot of people don’t really care for Lena Dunham, and they don’t care for her for a number of reasons.

Those reasons are all very valid, but one admirable thing about Lena is that she’s always been ready and willing to talk about her endometriosis.

Endometriosis is no joke — it can cause debilitating pain and it affects millions of women — but it’s still pretty misunderstood, and there’s not as much research happening on it as there should be.

Women who have the disease are often brushed off by being told that they’re simply being dramatic about their periods when really it’s so much more than that.

As Lena revealed in an essay she just wrote for Vogue, it can actually change your entire life.

If you’re serious about your celebrity gossip, there’s a good chance that you’ve heard about Lena’s endometriosis before.

She’s had multiple surgeries to try to combat the symptoms — which for her have mostly seem to be lots and lots of pain — and last spring, she had to leave the Met Gala to be hospitalized for complications.

In this new essay, she explains that a few months ago, she had yet another surgery: a hysterectomy.

“In August, the pain becomes unbearable,” she writes. “I am delirious with it, and the doctors can’t really explain. The ultrasound shows no cysts, no free fluid, and certainly no baby.”

She says that from then until November she tried to “manage this new level of pain,” and that she tried several different kinds of therapy, as well as acupuncture and yoga, to try to find some relief.

“Finally I ask my doctor if my uterus needs to come out,” she recalls. “She says, ‘Let’s wait and see."”

After two days of waiting and seeing, Lena says that she checked herself into a hospital and told doctors that she either wanted a hysterectomy or a solution to her pain.

As you could imagine, it took a while for her to convince the hospital staff that she actually did want her uterus removed, and that she understood everything that entailed.

She even wrote an essay on the topic for the doctors, in which she at one point referred to herself as “someone who hurts too much to express themselves, who can’t help but be a nuisance at best and a terror at worst.”

After having her therapist write her doctors a letter, and after having a few sessions with a therapist selected by her doctors, she underwent a different surgical procedure — and when that didn’t work, she says that her request for a hysterectomy was finally taken seriously.

After the surgery was completed, she writes “I wake up surrounded by family and doctors eager to tell me I was right. My uterus is worse than anyone could have imagined. It’s the Chinatown Chanel purse of nightmares, full of both subtle and glaring flaws.”

“In addition to endometrial disease, an odd humplike protrusion, and a septum running down the middle, I have had retrograde bleeding, a.k.a. my period running in reverse, so that my stomach is full of blood.”

She also says that her ovary was positioned on nerves in her back, and “let’s please not even talk about my uterine lining.”

Now, a few months after her hysterectomy, she says that she’s healing nicely, though she does have a bit of a limp.

“My mind, my spirit, are another story,” she says. “Because I had to work so hard to have my pain acknowledged, there was no time to feel fear or grief. To say goodbye.”

Because of course to make the choice to have a hysterectomy was to make the choice never experience pregnancy and childbirth — something she says she’s wanted her entire life.

Instead, Lena plans on “exploring whether my ovaries, which remain someplace inside me in that vast cavern of organs and scar tissue, have eggs,” and she also says that “adoption is a thrilling truth I’ll pursue with all my might.”

“But I wanted that stomach,” she admits. “I wanted to know what nine months of complete togetherness could feel like. I was meant for the job, but I didn’t pass the interview.”

“And that’s OK. It really is. I might not believe it now, but I will soon enough. And all that will be left is my story and my scars, which are already faded enough that they’re hard to find.”

The whole essay is a tough read, and it’s hard to imagine how Lena must be feeling about all this.

Whether you love her or hate her, she definitely deserves respect for putting herself out there like she did.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Admits to Postpartum Depression: Read Her Essay

Those who follow Chrissy Teigen on social media likely think of the model as a generally funny and upbeat individual.

She has no problem getting drunk and Tweeting a photo of her stretch marks, for instance.

Or grabbing her boobs for all to see while on board one of the most famous amusement park rides on the planet.

But Teigen opens way up in the new issue of Glamour, admitting that she has suffered from an illness that afflicts millions of women every year… even if you’d never know by looking at her.

“I’ll just say it: I have post partum depression,” Teigen wrote on Instagram as a preview of this cover story, adding:

“So much love to @glamourmag for letting me share something that was eating me up inside for months and months.

“One of the most amazing things about social media is the ability to interact candidly with friends and fans and it felt so weird knowing what I was going through but not really feeling like it was the right place to speak on it.

“I’ve always felt genuinely close to all of you and I’m insanely relieved you now know something that has been such a huge part of me for so long.”

Teigen then linked to the Glamour article itself.

At the outset of the piece, the wife of John Legend explains how she felt an unexpected sadness soon after giving birth to daughter Luna last year.

She initially chalked this feeling up to her living situation; she, Legend and their child were residing in a hotel while their home was under construction.

“But I was different than before,” she wrote.

“Getting out of bed to get to set on time was painful. My lower back throbbed; my shoulders – even my wrists – hurt. I didn’t have an appetite.

“I would go two days without a bite of food, and you know how big of a deal food is for me. One thing that really got me was just how short I was with people.”

Typically a nice person and an outgoing person, “I couldn’t figure out why I was so unhappy,” Teigen shares.

She went on to detail her experience as follows:

I blamed it on being tired and possibly growing out of the role: ‘Maybe I’m just not a goofy person anymore. Maybe I’m just supposed to be a mom.’

John would sleep on the couch with me, sometimes four nights in a row. I started keeping robes and comfy clothes in the pantry so I wouldn’t have to go upstairs when John went to work.

There was a lot of spontaneous crying.

Teigen couldn’t figure out why she was in so much physical pain, either.

“John sat next to me. I looked at my doctor, and my eyes welled up because I was so tired of being in pain. Of sleeping on the couch. Of waking up throughout the night. Of throwing up. Of taking things out on the wrong people. Of not enjoying life. Of not seeing my friends.

“Of not having the energy to take my baby for a stroll.”

Because this subject matter is so personal, we’re just going to keep quoting Teige word for word.

“My doctor pulled out a book and started listing symptoms. And I was like, ‘Yep, yep, yep.’ I got my diagnosis: postpartum depression and anxiety. (The anxiety explains some of my physical symptoms.)”.

Finally diagnosed, Teigen started to take an antidepressant and to be honest with people when asked what was the matter.

“I felt like everyone deserved an explanation, and I didn’t know how else to say it other than the only way I know: just saying it.

“It got easier and easier to say it aloud every time. (I still don’t really like to say, ‘I have postpartum depression,’ because the word depression scares a lot of people. I often just call it ‘postpartum.’ Maybe I should say it, though. Maybe it will lessen the stigma a bit.).”

Concluded the model, hoping to send a positive message to other new mothers:

“I just didn’t think it could happen to me. I have a great life. I have all the help I could need: John, my mother (who lives with us), a nanny. But postpartum does not discriminate. I couldn’t control it.

“And that’s part of the reason it took me so long to speak up: I felt selfish, icky, and weird saying aloud that I’m struggling. Sometimes I still do…

“I know I might sound like a whiny, entitled girl. Plenty of people around the world in my situation have no help, no family, no access to medical care. I can’t imagine not being able to go to the doctors that I need…

“I look around every day and I don’t know how people do it. I’ve never had more respect for mothers, especially mothers with postpartum depression.”

In the end, Teigen says she still goes some days without leaving the house.

She knows she’s lucky. She knows she’s well off and living in somewhat of a Hollywood bubble.

But she’s just like millions of other women when it comes to this deeply personal health issue.

“Physically, I still don’t have energy for a lot of things, but a lot of new moms deal with this,” she writes.

“Just crawling around with Luna can be hard. My back pain has gotten better, but my hands and wrists still hurt. And it can still be tough for me to stomach food some days.

“But I’m dealing.”

We admire Chrissy Teigen for being so open and honest and we wish her the best.


Friday, March 3, 2017

Terminally Ill Children"s Author Seeks New Wife for Husband in Heartbreaking Essay

Hope you’re ready for a good, long cry, because it’s coming your way fast.

Amy Krouse Rosenthal, if you’re not familiar with her work, is a bestselling author. She’s written several children’s books, but she’s also written a couple of memoirs.

But her latest work could very possibly be her last work, and that’s because Amy has ovarian cancer and isn’t expected to live very much longer.

The work in question is an essay written for the New York Times titled “You May Want to Marry My Husband.”

Because this woman has been married for over two decades, and she is such an unbelievable gem that she’s spending some of her last moments looking out for her husband.

See what we mean about the crying?

“I have been trying to write this for a while,” she begins, “but the morphine and lack of juicy cheeseburgers (what has it been now, five weeks without real food?) have drained my energy and interfered with whatever prose prowess remains.”

“Still,” she writes, “I have to stick with it, because I’m facing a deadline, in this case, a pressing one. I need to say this (and say it right) while I have a) your attention, and b) a pulse.”

Amy says that she’s married to “the most extraordinary man,” and while they’ve been married for 26 years, “I was planning on at least another 26 together.”

She then explains that on the same day their third and youngest child left for college, she and her husband went to the emergency room for what they thought was appendicitis but what turned out to be ovarian cancer.

“So many plans instantly went poof,” she writes — no international adventures with her husband or her parents, no writers’ residencies.

“This is when we entered what I came to think of as Plan ‘Be,"” she continues, “existing only in the present. As for the future, allow me to introduce you to the gentleman of this article, Jason Brian Rosenthal.”

Yep, so let’s kick the heartache up a notch.

Amy writes that her husband Jason is “an easy man to fall in love with,” and she knows because she did it in one day — on a blind date when they were 24 years old.

Though she’s never been on any dating sites, she takes a stab at creating a dating profile for Jason — she calls him a “sharp dresser” with “a flair for fabulous socks,” she says that he’s “uncannily handy” and “man, can he cook.”

She says he’s a wonderful father to their three children, and that “he showed up at our first pregnancy ultrasound with flowers.”

She then goes into a story about how she had a contest in which her fans could submit ideas to her for matching tattoos, and whichever submission she picked, she would get that tattoo with that person.

In the end, she chose a simple tattoo: the word more. Her reader picked it because she’d once written it was the first word she ever said as a child, but now it has deeper meaning.

“I want more time with Jason,” she says. “I want more time with my children. I want more time sipping martinis at the Green Mill Jazz Club on Thursday nights.”

“But that is not going to happen. I probably have only a few days left being a person on this planet. So why am I doing this?”

She explains “I am wrapping this up on Valentine’s Day, and the most genuine, none-vase-oriented gift I can hope for is that the right person reads this, finds Jason, and another love story begins.”

“I’ll leave this intentional space below as a way of giving you two the fresh start you deserve.”

After that blank space, she closed her essay by writing “With all my love, Amy.”

What a woman. What a wife. What an incredibly thoughtful, selfless human being.

And now for those tears …


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Boyfriend Pens Essay in Support of Girlfriend Giving Him a BJ

We"re just going to come right out and say it:

EARMUFFS, children!

Okay, now we"re going to come right out and get to the point:

Men will do anything for a blowjob.

We don"t mean to generalize or stereotype here, but… yeah. It"s true. Men will do anything for a blowjob.

Just ask Hannah, a young woman who has been dating her boyfriend for about a year and who apparently is yet to provide him with any oral sex.

After he started pushing for her mouth to be wrapped around his penis, Hannah replied by asking for a lengthy essay in support of this request.

And the boyfriend took this assignment more seriously than anything since his SATs! Heck, who are we kidding: he took it far more seriously than he took his SATs!

Follow along with this hilarious story below… 

1. Persuade Me!

Persuade me

Hannah means business. She’s looking for far more than “Ummm… because it will feel really good?” And just you wait, her boyfriend is about to deliver!

2. What is MLA Format?

What is mla format

For those who require a better understanding of what is being asked for here.

3. … And He’s Off!

And hes off

Seriously, do you think anyone has ever typed more furiously in the history of the Internet?

4. Let Me Start By Saying…

Let me start by saying

… To blow or not to blow? This is a parody of the well-echoed Shakespearean proverb that gauges the pros and cons and consequential successes and failures (the latter of which is indisputably improbable) of giving me a blowjob.

5. Do It for Diversity!

Do it for diversity

In bed, but still. Diversity nonetheless.

6. Look at This Research!

Look at this research

We’re not down with the term “sucky fucky.” But we’re blown (get it?!?) away from the research.

View Slideshow

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Shares Heartbreaking Essay... All About Lamar??

Khloe Kardashian is waxing poetic on Instagram again in what can only be described as an essay on relationships directed at Lamar Odom.

Since his near-fatal overdose in a Nevada brothel last year, Khloe and Lamar’s relationship has been filled with highs and lows, but the reality star finally filed for divorce from Lamar less than a month ago.

Then, earlier this week, we learned that she cut Lamar off financially after he relapsed and began using heavy drugs again.

In the now-deleted post, Khloe shared an image of a quote that read, “They start missing you when they fail at replacing you.”

Oh, honey. Don’t we all know that.

In the caption, she let it all hang out in a seven paragraph half-diatribe, half-advicey piece on one of her favorite topics of late: love and loss.

“You don’t know what you got till it’s gone,” she started. “I say, you knew what you had, you just never thought it could slip away.”

“We often take for granted the very things that deserve our gratitude the most,” she continued.

You hear that, Lamar? YOU HEAR THAT?!

“Don’t lose something you have for something you think you want,” she went on. “What you have now was once everything you prayed you wanted.”

“Think of how lucky you are to have someone you can be completely comfortable around, that is a true gift and one that should be cherished at all times.”

You can read her full rhetoric below if you’ve got time:

Khloe Kardashian Essay on Lamar Odom

Although the note certainly rings of her tribulations with Lamar, Khloe later expressed the frustration she feels when fans assume she’s speaking about one particular person.

“Interesting… When you post too many selfies then you are narcissistic and vain,” she tweeted after removing the Instagram post.

“When you post insightful thoughts they automatically make it about someone and take away the meaning of creative writing. They turn it negative,” she continued.

“I’m here to uplift and hopefully help someone as I’ve been helped by encouraging words,” she finished.

Khloe makes a habit of sharing cryptic quotes and thoughts that sound eerily like she’s referencing personal events in her life – namely, Lamar.

In April, she shared another lengthy manifesto about letting go of loving a “broken” person. Who could that be?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Leah Messer Defends Self in Iconic, Inspirational Twitter Essay: I"m Not a Nun, I"m a Classy Mom!

This year has been a difficult one for Leah Messer, as you know all too well if you watch Teen Mom 2 online or read celebrity gossip.

Yet all of the criticism and life challenges she’s faced – and overcome – have made her stronger, Messer writes in an epic Twitter essay.

The 24-year-old mom of three is embroiled in an ongoing custody battle with one ex-husband, while going through a divorce with another.

Her issues with Corey Simms and Jeremy Calvert are well documented, along with her daughter Ali’s weight loss and health problems.

Every single Teen Mom 2 episode (and day in the celebrity news world) seems to feature a new example of Leah being a bad mom.

Whether it’s getting the kids to school late, texting and/or smoking and driving, or letting Adalynn eat from a can of icing, she can do no right.

And yet, Messer insists she is in a “beautiful place” now, thanks in large part to a stronger relationship with God … and her life coach.

She wrote all about it in this epic Twitter essay urging her legion of followers to “Pay My Grammar NO MIND – Just simply give me time.”

Messer added that she is #‎GettingBETTEReveryday and that we all should have #Patience or at least strive to do so as our life’s mission.

The reality star went on to describe the meaning of her tattoos, where she draws inspiration from and how she plans to improve spiritually.

Here is the full text of what Leah said (as documented by Starcasm) beginning with this “I’m not a nun, I’m a mom” pic that she also shared: 

“This is actually the first time I’ve said much about me or my life because you see me on TV or hear BS Teen Mom/Small Town Gossipers.”

“But you will realize how I proudly choose to be above all the BS w/ any of it. Mainly because I know God has a greater plan for myself!”

“What everyone automatically wants to pass judgement, lie, and/or assume about myself or Journey really doesn’t even matter.”

“As long as God knows my [heart]. At the end of the day, HIS judgement is what truly matters!Any how, back to the picture quote I reposted.”

“It is so true! I prefer to be a classy mom! (: I loveee loveeeeee my tattoos. Matter of fact, Each one has a special meaning behind them.”

“Example: My daughters names. They are all professionally done. I also like being able to cover them during interviews, public speakings, etc.”

“The point in posting this is …. Drum rolls. Haha…. We as “MOMS” don’t have to live by someone else’s criteria. We should live up to our own criteria.”

“Who and what we wanna be and achieve! You have to …. Live up to your own standard!!! We have to create our own journey.”

“Be DIFFERENT and EMBRACE whatever we go through. I’ve learned so many things in the past year that has turned my life completely around for the best!”

Inspiring words to be sure. Messer then went on to describe to fans the “3 things that I have learned that I plan helping others learn.”

What kind of things is she talking about – and could she resist taking a shot at MTV for what she claims is unfair editing of her existence?

We know Messer is fed up and threatening to quit Teen Mom 2, but she sounds resigned to the fact that this is the only life she knows …

“1. How to maintain and grow a magnificent relationship with God. I’ve found a different growth in my relationships with him like NEVER before. It’s truly inspirational and amazing! I’m in love.”

“2. Taking time to just LIVE IN EACH AND EVERY MOMENT/DAY/SECOND of my life with my beautiful little girls. That are of course the best things that’s ever happened to me!”

“#‎ExtremelyBlessed #‎AAA #‎HOPE #‎GRACE #‎FAITH! I only THOUGHT my relationship with my daughters was quite remarkable before.”

“The relationship I have with my girls now is quite magical and amazing to feel!”

“3. I’ve learned How to take care of myself: MENTALLY PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY & by having a Life coach like Lindsay Rielly.”

“Through the @liveyourstandard program, this has been the best experience of my life and has completely changed my life.”

“God KNEW what he was doing when he brought YOU into my life, and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for our future!”

“You’re more than my manager, and Friend!”

“You have already taught me so much and how to love myself, be the best of myself, be a better mother, and most importantly that everything you have taught me is teaching me to be a Beautiful, Classy, successful, and empowering woman.”

“In return I will teach my daughters as well as others! You with the help of God have opened my eyes to what I want, need, and where one day I will be.”

“As a child I was never taught this and when my mom was a child she was never taught this.”

“My personal experience was totally opposite. I put everyone and everything before myself.”

“This is also why in some ways I am GRATEFUL for MTV through all of their BS, and I’ve never said that its ALL bs.”

“MTV does get real sh!t, and then they have to twist sh!t or whatever they do. We all know it happens and it’s going to happen.”

“I know it will get better, and I can’t wait for everyone that does follow my story and can see through whatever editing is done to see what a beautiful place I am in now, and that God walked me through some pretty difficult times for a very good reason!”

“So I do have a somewhat Bitter/Sweet relationship with some of them. It would actually be kinda hard living any other life now.”

In closing, she thanked her “team” of close friends and associates who have played such an important roll [sic] to her success:

“I appreciate you guys! I also just want to THANK everyone that DID support me and rooted for me! We need more people just like you in this world!”

“#‎BeYourBest #‎LoveYourself #‎LiveYourStandard”

“#‎LetsChangeTheWorld #‎LetsMakeADifference”

Here’s hoping Leah backs these words up with actions and becomes every bit the woman she aspires to be in this moving masterpiece.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Patton Oswalt Remembers Michelle McNamara in Moving Essay

Ever since his wife, Michelle McNamara, died in her sleep at the age of 46 last month, Patton Oswalt has been uncharacteristically quiet.

The beloved comedian and actor tweeted a loving tribute to McNamara one week after her death, writing:

“She wrote lines that stung & hummed. 13 years in her presence was happily humbling. #RIPMichelleMcNamara.”

He included a link to make donations to in McNamara’s honor to 826LA, an organization that assists students with their writing skills.

Fans of Oswalt’s know that he and his McNamara – a writer who operated the website True Crime Diary – shared a common love of words.

The comic is as well-known for his eloquence as for his cunning wit, so it was no surprise when he paid more long-form tribute to his beloved wife of 11 years in a way that honored both her work and her devotion to her husband and daughter.

He accomplished that today, in an essay for Time magazine that is both moving and full of surprising revelations about a life well-lived:

After recounting her tireless work for the website that made hers a familiar name in certain online circles, Oswalt recalls McNamara’s earlier days and lesser-known achievements:

“Those are facts but not her entire story,” he writes.

“Her life also involved social work in Belfast and Oakland, and screenwriting in Los Angeles, and teaching creative writing at Minnesota State, and motherhood and marriage and glorious, lost years on the outskirts of the early 90s Chicago music scene, where she also worked for a young Michelle Obama.

“One day Michelle Obama’s husband came into the office to speak to the staff. He was impressive and funny. Another encounter, another memory in a life spent fascinated with people and relationships and the unknown.

“The reaction to her passing, the people who are shocked at her senseless absence, is a testament to how she steered her life with joyous, wicked curiosity. Cops and comedians call—speechless or sending curt regards.

“Her family is devastated but can’t help remember all of the times she made them laugh or comforted them, and they smile and laugh themselves. She hasn’t left a void. She’s left a blast crater.”

You can read Oswalt’s entire tribute to McNamara at Time magazine’s website now.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Emily Ratajkowski Takes Down Slut Shamers in Inspiring New Essay

If you’re a beautiful woman with large breasts, society often thinks that’s all you are. You’re advised to cover up or be branded a slut, and if you don’t, well you deserve what’s coming to you.

No one knows this better than Emily Ratajkowski, a beautiful woman with large breasts who gained worldwide attention as the model who appeared topless in Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” video.

The model and actress describes her body-shaming experiences in an essay she wrote for Lenny, a newsletter produced by Lena Dunham.

In the essay, she writes about how she developed early and family members and friends were worried about the kinds of reactions she would receive from men.  

“You need to hide out, a girl like you, keep a low profile,” she was told.

Although she knew they were well-meaning, she contemplates what kind of damage we’re doing to women by telling them they must be defined by the way men see them – as sexual objects first and human beings second.

Last week, Emily publicly endorsed presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, then afterwards received a slew of attacks on social media, such as:

  • “I find it funny how we care about the opinion of someone who is famous for being naked in a music video,”

  • “Maybe if you put your tits away I could hear your voice,” and the contrary,

  • “Shut up and show us your tits.”

Basically, if you are pretty, and choose not to hide it, you must be stupid.

She said she hears voices in her head daily, reminding her “not to send the wrong message.”

“The implication is that to be sexual is to be trashy because being sexy means playing into men’s desires,” she explains.

“To me, ‘sexy’ is a kind of beauty, a kind of self-expression, one that is to be celebrated, one that is wonderfully female. Why does the implication have to be that sex is a thing men get to take from women and women give up?”

The message she is trying to convey is essentially the same as the sentiment held by anti-slut shamers everywhere:

“Don’t tell me how to dress, tell them not to rape” – or judge, or insult, or assume, or tell me my opinions don’t matter.

She sums it up beautifully, with some inspirational words of wisdom for girls and women:

“I refuse to live in this world of shame and silent apologies. Life cannot be dictated by the perceptions of others, and I wish the world had made it clear to me that people’s reactions to my sexuality were not my problems, they were theirs.” 

Bravo, Emily.