Friday, October 9, 2015

Rob Kardashian: Crash Dieting, Putting Health at Risk, Source Claims

Last year, Rob Kardashian disappeared from the public eye, in large part because of the amount of weight that he gained in a relatively short period of time.

Insiders say Rob reached 350 pounds at his heaviest, and because he can’t leave the house without being photographed, a humiliated Rob simply holed up inside his sister Khloe’s home.

But after several months in seclusion, encouraging news about Rob began to emerge.

Reps excitedly reported that Rob had lost 15 pounds. There were even rumors that the 28-year-old former reality star had undergone gastric bypass surgery.

Now, however, Radar Online is reporting that Rob’s dieting has gone too far, and friends and family are concerned that his interest in fad diets is putting his health at risk. 

“Rob’s been yo-yo dieting for years, but the constant stopping and starting of it all is taking a real toll on his health,” says one source.

“He’s dehydrated all the time, gets palpitations and it’s putting a lot of stress on his heart while his body goes into starvation mode. He should be taking the same time to lose this weight as he did to put it on, but now that he’s seeing results, you just can’t stop him.”

The insider says that Rob’s road to recovery began with “very intense” therapy sessions arranged by his sister Kim.

Unfortunately, now that Rob is applying that same intensity to his diet and workout routines, his family members are reportedly afraid that they’ve created a monster.